System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C371 They Were Plotting in Secret(1)

C371 They Were Plotting in Secret(1)

0The wedding was finally over. Those who were drunk were carried back home in twos and threes. In the end, there were only ten tables left with leftover food and wine scattered all over the place. The courtyard was empty. It was completely different from the lively scene just now.    


The groom Xu Wei clearly drank too much. If he didn't drink as much as he drank, then Fann Binn estimated that he could be compared to a deity.    


The bride took care of the drunk groom. This new house was to build a love nest for the two of them. The idlers naturally wouldn't stay overnight here. After all the villagers had returned home, Xu Dazhu brought the others back to the old house on the other side of the river. Fann Binn said goodbye to them. One of them thought about taking a walk by the river. He thought about it.    


He walked along the small river called Tan He. Although it was winter, but listening to the gurgling of the river water, one could still feel the aura of life quietly being born. Fresh air was still a little cold when inhaled and exhaled, but for Fann Binn who was currently experiencing a lively scene and a verbal battle, without a doubt, it was the best cold medicine.    


Judging from the reaction of Boss Shan at the table just now, there must be something wrong with Hsu Rann's second uncle's disappearance for no reason. What Fann Binn needed to think about now was how he could grab hold of Boss Shan's weakness and threaten Tan Shitong. And make him leave the stage completely. Only if he left the stage and the Tan father and son fell from the altar would Hsu Rann's family be truly safe. It would also make the people of Tan Fang less under dictatorship and more freedom.    


"What are you thinking about?" Just as Fann Binn was thinking about how to get Tan Shitong off the stage, a familiar female voice suddenly sounded behind him. He did not even need to turn around to know that the voice came from Hsu Rann.    


"Nothing. I am admiring the scenery by the river." Fann Binn smiled and turned to look at Hsu Rann who was under the night sky. Today, Hsu Rann was wearing a red wool coat and her black hair was loose. The delicate facial features on her fair oval face were still as beautiful as before. She looked very happy. Of course, when her big brother got married, he would definitely wear something more festive.    


Hsu Rann curled her lips. Clearly, she was not very satisfied with Fann Binn's answer. "I see that you seem to have something on your mind? Why? Is there something that has troubled you in Xu Fang Village?"    


"Of course there is. Your father's wine is a very troublesome matter." Fann Binn shrugged his shoulders helplessly. "I want to escape when I smell the wine."    


"Who asked you to have such poor alcohol tolerance." Hsu Rann rolled her eyes at him and pouted. "Our north is colder than the south, especially in the countryside. Therefore, every household is used to making wine to resist the cold. It is fine as long as they drink often. You are a southerner. It is normal for you to not drink well, but there are also people in the south who can drink very well. You should really practice drinking. Didn't you say that you were going to open your own company in the future? If you have social gatherings and can't drink well, you'll always get drunk. It's not that you always need someone to take care of you... "    


" Er... Alright, I'll practice more in the future." Fann Binn heard Hsu Rann's voice getting softer and softer and nodded in agreement. " I agree with what you said. Actually, I also feel that my alcohol tolerance is indeed a little poor. It's alright to drink with girls, but when it comes to men... I'm definitely the one lying at the bottom of the table. "    


Hsu Rann looked at Fann Binn, walked to the riverside and took a deep breath. With a slightly resentful tone, she softly muttered, "Actually, it's not a big deal even if you don't need to practice drinking. Anyway, there is a woman who takes care of you..."    


"What did you say?" Hsu Rann's voice was not loud, and the sound of the river flowing beside her was a little loud, so Fann Binn did not hear it clearly.    


"Nothing. I just said it casually." Hsu Rann shook her head and continued, "Fann Binn, what did you say to Tan Shitong and Boss Shan at the table today? Do you think there is something wrong with Tan Shitong and Boss Shan?"    


"You can tell?" Fann Binn looked at Hsu Rann and smiled. "You are smarter... That's right. I think there is a problem with this Boss Shan. "    


" Oh? Do you think that they are either cheating or trying to please us?" Hsu Rann's words immediately caused Fann Binn to be surprised. He really did not expect Hsu Rann to be so smart. She even knew what he was thinking in front of her.    


Hsu Rann looked at Fann Binn's surprised expression and felt a little proud. " Don't look down on me too much. After all, I am a graduate student. I've studied psychology and analytics before, but I also found it very strange. It's impossible for Mayor Tan and my father to be so familiar with each other that they would make such an appearance for my family, and even ask Boss Shan to pay for it. There must be a reason behind this. After hearing your casual words, I started to doubt you. Is the disappearance of my second uncle related to this Boss Shan? "    


"I think the problem might be with this Boss Shan." Fann Binn frowned and said, "Opening up a private coal mine is strictly prohibited by the country, and as an outsider, he wants to secretly open up a private coal mine here. Then he must get Tan Shitong's support. They are obviously together. "    


"As for why he came here today to pay for the damages, I think it's mainly because he wants to numb the will of your father and the other relatives of the Xu family. As long as you get the money, if your second uncle really goes missing, you won't be able to find him. I'm afraid that your father and other relatives will give up. At least your second uncle's son and wife will have a chance to live. And what they did was exactly what they did. There was no silver in this place, and it was alright to lie to honest and honest people. If you want to lie to me and you, you will be exposed."    


"But... how can I prove that my second uncle's disappearance is related to the mine owner of the Xifeng Mountain mine? But... how can I prove that my second uncle's disappearance is related to the mine owner of the Xifeng Mountain mine?" Hsu Rann was a little worried and said, "Could it be that my second uncle... really had an accident in the mine?"    


"I think it is very likely this situation." Fann Binn sighed lightly, "If nothing happened to the coal mine, which privately owned company would be so generous as to give 100,000 yuan as compensation and want to spend money to solve the disaster?"    


Hsu Rann heard this and felt a little sad. "My second uncle is so honest and quiet. This son just became sensible and he..."    


"My condolences, there are always those kind people in this world. The people who should not have left disappeared. There is no other way. The only thing we can do is to punish those who enter the eye of money. Those bastards who don't value people's lives, make them pay a heavy price! " Fann Binn gently patted Hsu Rann's shoulder and comforted her. " I will definitely let Mayor Tan and the black-hearted Boss Shan go where they should go!"    


"Fann Binn... What do you want to do? I support you!" Hsu Rann wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and bit her pink lips firmly and furiously. "I must make those bad guys who destroy my Second Uncle's happy family get the retribution they deserve!"    


"I plan to follow that mountain road where your Second Uncle often leaves work tomorrow. I will sneak into the Western Wind Mountain coal mine to see if there is any suspicious or advantageous evidence." Fann Binn looked at Hsu Rann and said, "Do you understand that you can be my guide and promise not to tell anyone?"    


"I can! Fann Binn, I have walked that path before and know how to go. I will lead the way for you! "Hsu Rann nodded firmly." You must investigate Second Uncle's disappearance and find out the truth! "    


"Dad, did you notice what Fann Binn said in front of Xufang Village? It clearly means that he knows something." Sitting in the car heading to Tan Fang Town, Tan You Lin, who was sitting in the backseat, spoke angrily. " This kid must have understood what's going on. This time, we're here for nothing! "    


"Shut up, what do you know!" Tan Shitong, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, turned his head and glared at his son. He said in a deep voice, "Xu Dazhu has reported the missing case to the police. It is getting more and more serious. If the families of the missing family are really gathered, they will definitely find something suspicious. If that is the case, it will be hard to deal with it! "    


"We will send the money out separately, even if that Xu Dazhu knows something. I'm afraid the others will give up too. Who doesn't wish to have money in their hands? To these poor farmers, 100,000 yuan was a huge amount of wealth! Just treat it as spending money to get rid of the disaster."    


"Mayor Tan, I also feel that something might happen to that Fann Binn. What he said just now has made it very likely that he already knew about the coal mine." Immortal Mountain, who was driving the car, turned his head and looked at Town Marshal Tan. He furrowed his brows and said coldly. " Should we... get rid of him to get rid of future troubles? "    


"Yes! I think we should get rid of him!" Tan You Lin clearly supported the Immortal Mountain's suggestion. He slapped his thigh and excitedly said. "Dad, even though this brat has a great background, as long as we kill him without anyone knowing, there's nothing the others can say, right? "    


Tan Shitong clearly revealed a trace of surprise, but he randomly and profoundly planned something on his face. No one knew what he was thinking. However, soon after, he lit a cigarette and said, "Immortal Mountain, are you confident?"    


"This..." Immortal Mountain was stunned. It was a bit difficult to say. "I only want to get rid of this type of dangerous fellow, but to knock him out without anyone noticing is truly a bit difficult."    


"Hmph, if we don't get rid of this fellow, he will forever be a source of trouble for us!" Tan You Lin gritted his teeth and revealed a sinister expression. "If he is a human, he will always reveal his flaws. I don't believe that we won't have the chance to get rid of him even if we wait for him!"    


Tan Shitong took a drag of his cigarette and sighed deeply. "Son, you have to think carefully. Once we get rid of this Fann Binn, there will definitely be a storm waiting for us..."    


"But if we don't get rid of him, what if he finds out what happened in the Western Wind Mountain coal mine? Isn't it the same storm? At that time, not only will the Immortal Mountain be imprisoned, I'm afraid the two of us will have to accompany them as well. " Tan Youlin bewitchingly sneered," Taking a step back, Fann Binn only needs to find out that this Western Wind Mountain coal mine is a private mine. As long as he gets the evidence, the Immortal Mountain will be in deep trouble, right? "    


When Immortal Mountain heard this, his face turned deathly pale. He nodded and said, "It would be fine if this fellow was a bit more honest, but if he really likes to meddle in other people's business, it wouldn't be too difficult to investigate these matters..."    


"Hmph, I told you to be careful a long time ago. If anything happens, I'll wipe your ass for you!" Tan Shitong glared at the Immortal Mountain unhappily." Who would die for no good reason? Xu Dazhu's family had to die! Dammit! That Fann Binn's background is too strong. I'm afraid that if I touch him, the consequences will be unimaginable! "    


"What's there to be afraid of, father? The emperor of a mountain is far away. He's in Tan Fang. If other foreigners dare to come here and act arrogantly, he will only have to suffer! I don't believe that. If Fann Binn mysteriously disappeared here, would the higher-ups really send someone to blame him? Even if they really did blame him, it would at most be a demotion of duty. It would be better than going to jail, right? Father, if Fann Binn were to reveal everything about you... It's not as simple as sitting in jail for a few years... "    


Tan You Lin's figure was tall as he spoke, describing the pros and cons one by one. "It's obvious that Fann Binn wants to interfere in this matter. The reason you guys gave him money was to make him suspicious. It's not too late to make a decision now. If we cross this village... There will be no more shops like this! It'll be too late to regret it! "    


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