System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C94 It's You

C94 It's You

0"Like I said, I don't know how to drink. Thank you, Director Zhang." Wu Qi's delicate and beautiful face still had a faint smile on it, but the look in her bright eyes could not hide the disgust in her heart. Subconsciously, her shoulder slid to the left. She deliberately made way for the fat man Director Zhang's dirty hands that were reaching over.    


"Sigh, it's impossible for this strong woman to not know how to drink. We, the bosses, naturally won't have fun, right?" Director Zhang did not seem to be too upset that his hand missed. Instead, he piled up his fat face and drank the red wine in the cup in one gulp with a smile. He said to the other young and handsome man beside Wu Qi, "Director Huang, your girlfriend really doesn't give face. This was the third glass of wine to her, but she did not even move the glass. What do you mean? "    


The handsome man called Director Huang raised his eyebrows slightly and said lightly to Wu Qi. " Qiqi, this is my best business partner. You have to show some goodwill no matter what. Who asked you to be my woman? " When he said this, his face revealed a trace of a smile, but his hand was placed on Wu Qi's white and beautiful legs which were wearing stockings under her short skirt.    


Wu Qi's entire body trembled slightly, and just as she was about to push her hand away, she suddenly seemed to have thought of something and nodded with a gloomy expression, "Okay, I'll drink."    


"Yes, yes, that's right. Come, come, come, I will sponsor you another cup!" After Director Zhang and Director Huang exchanged glances, the fat on Director Zhang's fat face trembled and emitted a cold smile. He took the initiative to pick up the glass and slowly poured a glass of red wine with his back facing Wu Qi. Then he turned around and handed the wine cup to Wu Qi and said, "Miss Wu, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in the entire Jiangde... Ah, no, it is also the most beautiful and beautiful woman I have ever seen. You give me face and drink this glass of wine. The debts that your company owes me. I'll make the decision, let's delay it for another three months!"    


Wu Qi's beautiful eyes moved slightly. She raised the glass of wine with a smile and lightly smiled. " Then I really have to thank Director Zhang. This glass of wine... I'll drink it." After saying that, she turned her head and looked at Director Huang, who was standing beside her. With a cold expression, she said, "Huang Jie, I hope that you can fulfill your promise to me. Otherwise, what happened between you and me will never happen! "    


"Don't worry. Love Jiang Shan more than beauties. Since you have become my girlfriend... Then some misunderstandings and troubles can be removed. What are the two families talking about? " The handsome man called Huang Jie revealed a charming smile and said lightly. " Drink it quickly."    


Wu Qi looked at the heated gazes of the two, as well as the gazes of the other chiefs who were looking at her. She lightly shook the red wine in the wine glass in her hand and sighed slightly. She closed her eyes and drank it into her pink lips in one gulp.    


"Good! As expected of a strong woman! How forthright!" The men in the booth looked at him like he was a pervert as they applauded. The applause immediately rang out. No one cared about Wu Qi's delicate cough caused by the strong red wine. No one cared about the tears that were contained in Wu Qi's unwillingness. What they cared about was... It was just that her beautiful and moving face and perfect sexy figure... That was all.    


One. Director Zhang's wine was the beginning. With Wu Qi's experience in the business world, how could she not know? As long as you drink the first cup, you will never stop. Very quickly, CEO Wang, CEO Zhou, CEO Xin... One by one, they toasted to each other, and each cup was poured into their stomachs.    


In next to no time, her face flushed red, and her eyes seemed to be in a trance because of alcohol. Wu Qi, who was drunk, looked less reserved and steady and became even more alluring and enticing. Her head gradually became drowsy. This was clearly a sign that she was about to get drunk.    


However, Wu Qi did not expect that on the other side of the table, there was a boy staring at her. He clenched his fists but did not make a sound...    


"Come, Qiqi. This glass of wine is for you." Finally, after everyone had toasted, Huang Jie, who was sitting beside Wu Qi, got up and poured a cup of wine. He smiled and said, "I wish that the two of us can be together forever and be inseparable from each other. Cheers."    


Wu Qi did not say anything and drank the wine in the cup in one gulp.    


Fann Binn looked at Wu Qi's lovely red face and already knew that she drank too much. He did not know why these people drank Wu Qi's wine like this, but he had a vague bad premonition. After hesitating for a moment, he immediately texted Jiang Xue. He asked her to pay the money and return to the hotel first. He had an urgent matter to attend to and had already left.    


Jiang Xue originally did not like noisy places like bars. When she saw Fann Binn say that he had already left, without saying anything else, she replied with a text and then left. Fann Binn watched Jiang Xue leave without looking through the lights in the corridor. He helplessly smiled bitterly. He didn't expect that his first time coming to a bar to drink would end in less than half an hour. Was this considered a kind of sadness?    


Shaking his head, he threw all the things in his heart to the side. Fann Binn slowly stood up from the sofa and straightened his collar. Although he did not know why Wu Qi would flatter these old lecherous people here, the only thing he knew was... Wu Qi was not happy right now. She was very unhappy.    


Since she was unhappy, then don't do things that you don't like to do! Fann Binn clenched his fists and walked to the front of the table with a cold face. He looked at Wu Qi's bright red face and rushed in just like that!    


At first, Wu Qi felt that her head was very dizzy and her body was burning like a fever. But at this moment, in her beautiful eyes, she shockingly found a familiar figure appearing in front of her. This figure was very familiar and very quickly she woke up. She muttered in shock, "Fann Binn? Why... why is it you?"    


The men in the box looked at the boy standing in front of them in a strange and surprised manner. For a moment, they thought that this guy had walked into the wrong door. However, when Wu Qi's voice rang out, they realized that the person who came was actually acquainted with Wu Qi.    


"Kid, who are you?" Huang Jie looked coldly at Fann Binn, who had an unfriendly expression on his face. His face immediately darkened as he said, "Did you walk into the wrong door?"    


"Come with me." Fann Binn stared at Wu Qi, and spoke plainly without any emotion.    


"Fann Binn, listen to me..." Wu Qi stood up from the sofa trembling. Obviously, she knew from Fann Binn's eyes. He had just found her, and his voice was a little choked. “ You can leave. I-I still have things to do. "    


"I will say it again. Come with me!" Fann Binn glanced sideways at Huang Jie, who was sitting beside him, and said coldly, "If you still treat me as a friend, come with me."    


"Fann Binn... Don't be like this, there are some things you don't understand. I, I can't leave..." Wu Qi's eyes were filled with sadness and helplessness. She shook her head lightly and said, "This is not your business. Leave quickly."    


Fann Binn sighed and grabbed Wu Qi's arm. With some anger, he said, "I saved you from the gun barrel. I did not want you to do this to yourself! Can't you see who these people are? Can't you see that their eyes are all on you? Why are you still staying? Is this the life you like? Don't tell me you like to stay with men!!"    


Wu Qi choked and stopped talking. With her face down, she pursed her lips and let Fann Binn hold her hand. Standing there, she looked so helpless and pitiful. Fann Binn really did not expect Wu Qi to be such a strong and mature woman. I can't believe you're in the same situation as Miss Alcohol. Right now, he would rather think that Wu Qi was Zheng Lilong's lover. Being a lover was better than staying here and drinking with her!    


"Kid, you dare to pull my girlfriend's hand? Didn't you hear her tell you to get lost? I don't care who you are, if you don't leave, don't blame me for making a move! " Huang Jie naturally couldn't allow a boy to be so arrogant in front of him. He, who couldn't bear to lose face, immediately sneered. " You want Wu Qi to leave? Unless you drink up the entire bottle of red wine!"    


Fann Binn stared at the guy called Huang Jie beside Wu Qi. Without saying a word, he picked up the red bottle with his hand and said, "Let Wu Qi go after you finish drinking it, right? Okay, I'll drink it! "    


Wu Qi widened her eyes and wanted to stop him, but she realized that her waist was tightly held by Huang Jie and she was stunned. Watching Fann Binn instantly point the bottle of red wine at his mouth and pour it into his mouth, the smile on Huang Jie's face became colder and colder. He went close to Wu Qi's ear and whispered, "Miss Wu, if you really want your company... If the foundation your father passed down is destroyed by your hands, then you can follow him. I have no objections. "    


Seeing Fann Binn standing there drinking less and less of the red wine in the bottle, Wu Qi's pretty face instantly turned pale. She really wanted to leave, and she also wanted to follow Fann Binn and leave this place that she hated the most. But she couldn't leave. She left. Her company. Everything that her ancestors left behind was buried in her hands. She couldn't do this, she couldn't be so unfilial!    


"Bang!" Fann Binn smashed the empty red bottle on the glass table. After glancing around coldly, he pulled Wu Qi up and wanted to leave. But at this time, he found that Wu Qi did not move at all, and did not even take a step forward.    


"What? You are still not leaving?" Fann Binn wiped the remaining red wine from his mouth and frowned as he looked at Wu Qi, who was crying. " Why did you stay? I know you must have a reason. Were you threatened by them? "    


" Kid, you better keep your mouth clean! " Huang Jie laughed loudly and said, "Threaten? I, Huang Jie, have always wanted to threaten people with status and status. Sister Wu is merely a pitiful worm on the street. Do you need me to threaten you?"    


"Hahaha..." The moment Huang Jie's words came out, the men on the sofa inside the chartered table immediately burst into laughter.    


"Is that so?" Fann Binn slowly took a few steps forward and arrived in front of Huang Jie. "Since Miss Wu is not worthy of your threat, then you should stay away from her! I don't have your hobby. As long as it is someone who treats my friends badly, I will threaten them!"    


"Then what you mean is that you want to threaten me?" Huang Jie pointed at himself with a smile. When he saw Fann Binn nod his head, kid, you'd better find out who the boss of Jiangde is. Don't be confused!"    


"I think you're the one who doesn't know the direction, right? Don't make a big deal out of it. In my eyes, the person who can't figure out the direction is you, right? You don't even deserve to be a human! " Fann Binn smiled coldly and said, "A guy who only knows how to bully women deserves to be a man? You are worse than pigs and dogs! "    


"You dare to call me a pig?" When he heard Fann Binn's words, Huang Jie immediately kicked at Fann Binn in anger. However, he didn't expect that his kick would be dodged by Fann Binn. He kicked the glass table hard, and his facial expression changed. It hurt so much that he took a deep breath!    


"I'm scolding you, you're not a man!" Fann Binn was not a person to be trifled with. He had been a gangster for two years. Even if those hooligans were not angry, they would at least get some of it. Just because he did not explode normally did not mean that he was a sick cat! Without saying another word, this fellow picked up the empty wine bottle on the table and ruthlessly gave that fellow called Huang Jie a headbutt!    


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