Super Leveling System



0"Kill! Kill! Kill!"    


Lu Zixuan travelled through the forest, and the distance between him and the Mount Yuhua became further and further. As he went deeper, the wild beasts he met started to slowly disappear, and the ones that appeared were the Demonic Beasts.    




"Congratulations to host 'Lu Zixuan' for killing a Wind Wolf. You have received 39 points of Exchange Value and 20 points of Genuine Qi! Gale Slash Proficiency plus 5!"    




"Congratulations to host 'Lu Zixuan' for upgrading to a third-level Martial Apprentice!"    




"Congratulations to host 'Lu Zixuan' for killing Yellow Marten. You have received 41 points of Exchange Value and 19 points of Genuine Qi! Gale Slash Proficiency plus 2!"    


The system beeps kept appearing during Lu Zixuan's crazy slaughter. Every time it appeared, Lu Zixuan could feel himself improving, and he immersed himself in it, enjoying the thrill of power.    


"The beauties of the Martial God World, you are about to undress for me!"    


As a loser in his previous life, he didn't want to continue leading that kind of life anymore, so he wanted to realize everything that he could only dream of in his previous life.    


"The Exchange Value is already over 790 and it will soon meet the requirements of fusion with the Heart of Ice. I'll continue to kill them tomorrow."    


After killing for an entire day, Lu Zixuan was also somewhat tired. Seeing that the sky was already dark, he found a cave and fell asleep.    


"Find carefully. We can't let her escape. If she escapes back to the sect, then we will be in big trouble."    


Within the forest, the sky had completely darkened, and there was only a crescent moon that hung in the sky, scattering strands of silver light.    


An anxious voice suddenly rang out in the forest. Three silhouettes could be seen shuttling back and forth, searching for something.    


"Big brother, don't worry. She was heavily injured and even got hit by our Aroma Dispersing Fragrance. She must be nearby."    


A skinny Cultivator who looked like a monkey said casually.    


"Yes, Shou Hou is right. Zhao Jing'er will definitely not run far from here. That little beauty is normally so arrogant, and she has never given us a proper look. This time, we must let her know how powerful we are!"    


Another man said with a lewd smile.    


"Who is it!"    


Inside the cave, Lu Zixuan had killed Demonic Beasts for an entire day. Even though his strength had been constantly increasing, the moment he rested, he immediately felt his fatigue surge in like the tide, causing him to quickly fall asleep.    


In his dream, he saw a bunch of beautiful ladies in gauze and palace tunics, revealing their long legs, pouncing towards him.    


He had already taken off half of his pants when a sword was suddenly placed on his neck. The icy cold blade caused him to wake up from his fantastic dream.    


"Shut up. Don't say anything. If you keep talking, I'll kill you!"    


When Lu Zixuan woke up from his dream, he heard a voice speaking to him.    


"Oh my god, they are so big!"    


That sound was very close to him. When he opened his eyes, he saw a beautiful woman, whose clothes were tattered, faintly revealing the snow-white color of her skin. She was currently tightly leaning on his body.    


"Shut up, or I'll kill you!"    


Zhao Jing'er's beautiful eyes were filled with anger, and she said in a low voice, telling Lu Zixuan to shut up.    


She was so embarrassed that her face flushed red from Lu Zixuan's gaze. If it was not for the fact that Lu Zixuan was wearing the clothes of a disciple of the Azure Yang Sect, she would have made her move a long time ago.    


"I won’t say a word. I promise. I was just curious and wanted to take a look. I really wasn't thinking about anything."    


Lu Zixuan anxiously waved his hands, but he did not have any intention to move his gaze away, and he sighed in his heart.    


Who was a beauty? She was!    


Zhao Jing'er was so beautiful, especially when her snow-white skin was faintly discernable under her tattered clothes. She was many times prettier than Sola Aoi that Lu Zixuan saw in his previous life.    


Only idiots would waste such a good opportunity of watching such a beauty. He took a good look at her before retracting his gaze unwillingly.    


"If you keep looking at me like that, I'll really kill you!"    


Under Lu Zixuan's blazing gaze, Zhao Jing'er felt her body heating up, the pressed the sword on Lu Zixuan's neck, leaving a trail of blood.    


"Hey beauty, I didn't tear your clothes, and I didn't do anything to you. I was just sleeping here, so why do you want to hit me or kill me? Who did I offend?"    


Although it seemed that the beauty did not really want to kill him, Lu Zixuan did not dare to use his life as a joke, and he hastily explained.    


As he said that, the Genuine Qi in his body slowly entered his palm, and he planned to use the Gale Slash to escape from Zhao Jing'er's sword when she was off guard.    




But before he even moved, Zhao Jing'er's body suddenly became soft and fell towards him without any warning. Her long sword also fell to the ground with a crash.    


"Holy shit, beauty, it's not proper if you take the initiative, right? Could it be that you were intentionally putting on an act?"    


Lu Zixuan subconsciously reached out his hands, and Zhao Jing'er bumped into him.    


He was caught off guard! There was no way to dodge her!    




That feeling…    


Mm, it was very good!    


"I will kill you!"    


Zhao Jing'er's body was powerless, and the Aroma Dispersing Fragrance spread throughout her body, causing her to be unable to muster up any strength, let alone the Genuine Qi.    



She felt Lu Zixuan's embrace and she said with overflowing killing intent. She wanted to struggle out of Lu Zixuan's arms but she couldn't do anything.    


On the contrary, they was even closer.    


"Beauty, are you trying to say the opposite so as to attract my attention? Well, congratulations. You have succeeded!"    


Lu Zixuan laughed. He did not mind teasing Zhao Jing'er a little more.    


She dared to use the sword to scare him?    


How could he not tease her?    






In Zhao Jing'er's eyes, Lu Zixuan was already a pervert. Hearing his teasing, she roared furiously.    


"She's here! She's here!"    


Zhao Jing'er's angry roar seemed to have used all of her strength. A burst of laughter sounded from outside the cave.    


"Haha, Zhao Jing'er, let's see where you can run this time? Today, we'll let you know how powerful the three of us are.    


Little beauty, let us brothers love you tenderly! Although our cultivation aptitude is not as good as yours, but in that aspect, we will definitely satisfy you."    


Outside the cave, a burst of loud laughter came from afar and quickly approached, causing Zhao Jing'er in the cave to immediately pale in comparison. Her eyes became blank.    


"Kill me! Quickly kill me! I cannot fall into their hands! I beg you, kill me now!"    


As the loud laughter kept getting closer and closer, Zhao Jing'er’s body trembled and her face was full of panic.    


She suddenly looked towards Lu Zixuan, as if she had seen her lifesaver, and begged.    


Although Lu Zixuan kept on provoking her, he didn't really do anything to her.    


But, if she were to fall into the hands of those three people outside…    


Things wouldn't be so simple.    


When Zhao Jing'er thought about that horribly painful result, her hair almost stood on end, and she begged Lu Zixuan to kill her immediately.    


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