Super Leveling System



0"How can I upgrade my strength to the Martial Master Stage in two months?"    


"Even if I go to the mountains range to kill Demonic Beasts, it would be very difficult to achieve."    


After killing Dong Hao, Lu Zixuan returned to his residence.    


He became anxious.    


The further one cultivated, the more difficulties he would have.    




If he wanted to level up, the Genuine Qi Points he needed would also become more and more, even to a terrifying extent.    




He needed millions of Genuine Qi Points to level up.    


And he wanted to become a Martial Master.    


The amount of the Genuine Qi Points had even reached a million level!    


"Senior Brother Lu."    


"An old man was looking for you. He said that the Manager Qian of the Green Stone Street."    


Just when Lu Zixuan was worrying about how to upgrade his strength.    


Zhang Heng suddenly walked in from outside.    


"Lao Qian?"    


"Let him in!"    


Lu Zixuan's mind changed as he anxiously replied.    


"Lao Qian is the medicine store manager. He has a lot of herbs."    


"Furthermore, with the herbs obtained from Shadow Killing Sect, I might even be able to produce a few pills which could increase the Genuine Qi."    


"I can directly exchange for a recipe and refine pills!"    


Lu Zixuan's eyes lit up.    


He hastily checked the system.    


"Got it!"    


"Muddy Heaven Qi Boosting Pill!"    


"If you directly exchange for one. One requires 80,000 points of Exchange Value."    


"Dammit, let's exchange for the recipe."    


Upon seeing the Muddy Heaven Qi Boosting Pill, his eyes lit up.    


However …    


Looking at the points of Exchange Value that was needed and the whole series of zeros behind the number.    


He couldn't help but curse loudly.    






"Congratulations to host 'Lu Zixuan' for obtaining the Muddy Heaven Qi Boosting Pill’s recipe."    


Note: Muddy Heaven Qi Boosting Pill, a pill at the Fifth Grade of Yellow Level.    


Note: Can upgrade Genuine Qi.    


"There are a lot of herbs needed. I'll ask Lao Qian later if he has any."    


"Alchemists are truly incredible!"    


"Not bad."    


"As for the remaining Exchange Value, I can still manage to raise my pill-refining skills to the Fifth Grade of Yellow Level!"    


After exchanging the recipe, Lu Zixuan's mood was much better.    


He had once again experienced the perverted nature of an alchemist.    


"Young Master!"    


"The Cleansing Pill and the Origin Returning Pill that you gave me, were already placed in the auction in Azure Yang Town."    


"The auction is about to begin."    


"And this time, there is a good pill furnace."    


Manager Qian's face was full of smiles.    


As soon as he walked in, he bowed and said.    


"Pill furnace?"    


"Well done."    


"Lao Qian, do you have any jute seed, withering leaf vine, or jade blood flower?"    


Hearing that there was a good pill furnace, Lu Zixuan was overjoyed.    


A good pill furnace was way too important to an alchemist.    


However …    


Now, the thing he cared even more.    


It was the herbs used to refine the Muddy Heaven Qi Boosting Pill.    


As a pill at the Fifth Grade of Yellow Level, it required a lot of herbs.    


Furthermore, those herbs were not easy to get.    


"Young master, these herbs are all very precious."    


"There are some in the medicine store."    


"However, we are unable to find any of those herbs that are above the Second Grade of Yellow Level."    


"Unless we go to Pill Cauldron Peak."    


Manager Qian had a happy expression just now.    


However, when he finished listening, his face expression had already become very bad.    


"However, there should be some in this auction."    


"Young master can buy them at that time."    


The Manager Qian hastily said.    


He was afraid that Lu Zixuan would get angry.    


"Alright, let's go to the auction first."    


"If I can't find them all, then I will go to Pill Cauldron Peak and think of a way."    


"Qing Ye, follow me!"    


Lu Zixuan nodded.    


It was useless to be anxious about this matter.    


However …    


As long as there was a way, it was fine.    


"Yes sir!"    


"Don't worry, young master, this auction will definitely make you satisfied."    


Manager Qian flattered.    


Around the Azure Yang Sect, there were many villages and towns.    


However, Azure Yang Town was the biggest town.    


Compared to some of the cities in Lu Zixuan's previous life, it was much bigger.    


"Young master, the auction is about to begin."    


"I have arranged a private room for you."    


Azure Yang Town was not far from the Azure Yang Sect.    


After arriving, they entered a private room.    


"You have done well. Lao Qian, you can leave now."    


"Don't bother me."    


"Cough, cough!"    


Lu Zixuan was very satisfied.    


However, the presence of the Manager Qian here was a bit of killjoy.    


With a beauty like Qing Ye around, no matter what, he did not want to see a terrible old man.    




He still wanted to take the opportunity to develop their relationship.    




"These are some crystal stones."    


"Take it, young master."    


"I'll leave first."    


Manager Qian left behind a big bag of crystal stones and quickly left.    


"Qing Ye, massage my shoulders."    




Lu Zixuan crossed his legs and said to Qing Ye who was standing behind him.    


As he enjoyed himself, he waited for the auction to begin.    


"I must obtain the Nine Dragons Pill Furnace!"    


As time passed, more and more people entered the auction house.    


Someone said.    


It was Pill Cauldron Peak's Pang Wei.    


"Cough cough!"    


"Don't worry."    


"No matter what, I will help you get the Nine Dragons Pill Furnace this time."    


Beside Pang Wei, there was another Cultivator.    


The Cultivator was wrapped in a black robe.    


His appearance couldn't be seen clearly.    


When he spoke, he even coughed a few times.    


Fresh blood oozed out of his mouth.    


"That damnable Shangguan Yunchang, I never thought she was so strong."    


"Under a sneak attack, she even heavily injured me!"    


That Cultivator wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.    


He said coldly.    


"If we have the Nine Dragons Pill Furnace. The Hundred-Year-Old Blood Ganoderma will belong to Elder Feng!"    


"At that time such injury will immediately recover, won’t it?"    


"Elder Feng can also replace Elder Shangguan and become the true elder in power of Pill Cauldron Peak!"    


Pang Wei laughed.    


"Tsk tsk!"    


"Once I become the elder in power, that Bai Lingyue will be yours!"    


"Cough, cough."    


Elder Feng also chuckled.    


"The auction begins!"    


Half an hour later, the auction officially began.    


An old man in charge of auctioning walked up.    


The crowd instantly quieted down.    


"The first item to be auctioned is a martial skill at the Eighth Grade of Human Level!"    


"The starting price is three hundred crystal stones!"    


As soon as the old man appeared, the first item was auctioned.    


"A cultivation method at Human Level?"    


"Too trashy!"    


Lu Zixuan was not the least bit interested.    


"Flame at the Ninth Grade of Human Level?"    


"That’s still some kind of garbage!"    




"It's really trashy!"    


One item after another was auctioned off.    


With the shout in the auction house, the atmosphere in the auction was soaring.    


But Lu Zixuan didn't have the slightest bit of interest.    


Looking at the cultivation methods or martial skills at Human Level, his mouth was twitching.    


"Next auction items are pills!"    


"A pill at Sixth Grade of Human Level, Origin Returning Pill!"    


"If one takes the Origin Returning Pill, even those who are unable to cultivate will have the opportunity to cultivate!"    


"The starting price is 900 crystal stones!"    


At this time.    


The elder said.    


"Origin Returning Pill?"    



"I wonder how many crystal stones it will cost in the auction."    


"Qing Ye."    


"My chest feels a bit stuffy."    


"Rub it for me."    


This caused Lu Zixuan to be in high spirit.    


But he still did not forget to take advantage of Qing Ye.    


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