Bloody Doomsday: I Became A Tyrannosaurus Rex

C95 Berserk Beast Hall

C95 Berserk Beast Hall

0With so many Evolution Values, he would definitely be able to reach the Complete Body Middle Period!    


Zhang Dapai was even happier, because he could evolve to the Early Complete Body!    


Chen Chu immediately jumped into the pool.    


Evolution Value: 251034 / 1200000    


"Zhang Dapai, I'll give you the small pool over there!"    


"Thank you, Father!"    


Zhang Dapai fell from Chen Chu's neck and slowly moved into the pool.    


On one of the mountain peaks of Dahang Mountain, three animals were gathered together.    


The leader was an Early Complete Body Special Breed: Griffin!    


After he reached the Complete Body, he had evolved into a huge Griffin.    


His body length had reached ten meters!    


"What a big movement in Fengdu City!"    


A black figure standing beside him was already an old friend of Chen Chu. He was Chortai.    


"Captain, it seems like our plan will be easier to succeed!"    


A group of insects flew towards Fengdu City from behind.    


Large field rats came out one after another.    


They were all tied with C4 bombs.    


Griffin sneered, "A tiny Fengdu City dares to reject the invitation of Mad Beast Hall! Do you really think you have the right to speak just because you have a super weapon?"    


Chortai said, "Captain, Fengdu City has been attacked by a group of fierce beasts. There seems to be some powerful animals there. Don't you need to get some Evolution Value?"    


The Griffin spread its huge wings. "Those insects and rats still need some time to find the super weapon in Fengdu City. It just so happens that I'll be able to get some Evolution Value! "    


As soon as he finished speaking, he flew straight into the sky.    


"Brother Dog, aren't you going?" The third animal was the rabbit on Chortai's back: Liu Mengran!    


Chortai bared his teeth, "That idiot won't be able to come back."    




Chortai said, saying, "You have evolved with my help. Can't you move your ears?"    


Liu Mengran raised her long ears.    


With Chortai's help, she had evolved to Mature Body Middle Period.    


Her ears had grown a lot longer than before.    


Liu Mengran was so scared that her whole body trembled when she heard the sound of biting.    


"Brother Dog, did you already know?"    


Chortai smiled sinisterly, "Yes! I had long smelled the scent of that dinosaur! Hall Master wanted us to destroy the super weapon of Fengdu City, but he actually came before us to destroy Fengdu City!"    


"I think he has already become a Totem of some region, and has begun to plunder everything."    


"It's not important!" Chortai narrowed his eyes. "After the battle in Anlan City, Explosive Bear Billy died! Hall Master actually did not give me a captain position!"    


Liu Mengran knew that Chortai already had the intention to kill her.    


"I really have to thank Hall Master! Otherwise, we really wouldn't be able to touch this dinosaur!"    


After the Heaven Earth Great Disaster, the power was divided.    


The Mad Beast Hall's forces were strong, but they were afraid of the super weapons in the hands of humans!    


Thus, a plan to destroy the super weapons appeared!    


As long as the forces that controlled the super weapons were unwilling to submit to the Mad Beast Hall, they could only destroy it!    


The Fengdu City, which was ranked in the top 20 of the central city, became the first target.    


"All of you, go to hell!" Chortai stood on the mountaintop and laughed wildly.    


The Griffin had already flown to the sky above Fengdu City.    


He looked down and was really shocked!    


He saw the group of Barbarian who were crazily killing to obtain the Evolution Value!    


"Just which side is this powerful?    


A cry interrupted the Griffin's train of thought.    


Goshawk King had already flown over, his eyes filled with hostility.    


"Wild Goshawk King! So big! Hahaha, I'll start with you first!"    


Both sides instantly engaged in a great battle in the air.    


In the air, feathers flew everywhere.    


The Griffin swung its tail, and its long tail whipped one of Goshawk King's wings.    



A large number of feathers were sent flying, and there was even a bloody wound on it.    


Seeing this, the birds that were resting flew into the sky, wanting to help Goshawk King.    


After the number increased, the Griffin became excited!    


"Not bad! The number of Evolution Values is increasing!"    


The Six-arm White Bone Ape killed Six-armed Devil Ape. He ripped off an arm and threw it into the air.    


This blocked the Griffin's attack on Goshawk King.    


The Griffin dodged and the arm flew into the air.    


What kind of beast was that?    


While he was still in a daze, Goshawk King threw himself at him.    


The Griffin's four claws scratched Goshawk King's body crazily.    


Fresh blood and feathers kept falling down.    


Goshawk King let out a cry and grabbed the Griffin and rushed down.    


That direction happened to be the swimming pool where Chen Chu was evolving!    


After they landed, they smashed the wall of the other floor of the swimming pool.    


Smoke and dust rose in all directions.    


Chen Chu and Zhang Dapai were both shocked.    


The smoke and dust gradually dispersed.    


Goshawk King looked up at the sky. His wings drooped weakly on both sides. His chest was full of scratches, and blood was dripping from it.    


The Griffin was standing on his chest. One of his claws was aimed at his neck.    


"Are you courting death?" A thunderous voice suddenly sounded.    


Only then did the Griffin raise its head and look ahead.    


Its pupils suddenly shrank.    


Could this be the Tyrannosaurus that defeated Explosive Bear Billy's team in the Anlan City?    


When he opened his mouth, it was the Overlord Roar.    


A huge sound wave attack instantly appeared.    


The Griffin used its wings to block in front of it, but it was still sent flying a few meters away.    


"Tyrannosaurus, you are on the Mad Beast Hall's must-kill list! Chortai, come and help me!"    


His voice echoed throughout the Fengdu City.    


When Chortai heard this, he sneered and said, "You better not die together with me."    


When Chen Chu heard this, his entire body began to turn red again!    


That dog was also there!    


"From today onwards, all the animals in the Mad Beast Hall will be on my must-kill list!"    


He spread his wings, and countless dead fish flew along with the dark red pool water.    


The Griffin immediately flew into the sky.    


"I knew you were a flying Tyrannosaurus! But, can you catch up to me with your speed? I am invincible in aerial combat! "    


The Griffin flapped its wings crazily, causing the surrounding wind to become chaotic.    


"Innate talent, Wind Blow!"    


A strong wind rushed down like a sharp wind blade!    


Chen Chu opened his mouth and unleashed the Overlord Roar.    


His sound wave directly shattered the wind blade.    


Chen Chu raised his leg and said, "You are very honored to be my first sacrifice after my evolution!"    


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