Marry You Again

C187 A Surprise for Mojaven

C187 A Surprise for Mojaven

0Jason looked at Hsu Qianqian helplessly. Seeing that she did not like to eat, he did not force her. He asked the question again, "What did you and Ye Shaoting do when we went out?"    


"This is a secret. I cannot tell anyone about the secret between Ye Shaoting and me!" Hsu Qianqian gestured to Jason to keep quiet and looked at him mysteriously.    


Seeing that Jason was unhappy, Ye Shaoting smiled and explained to Jason, "Don't worry. Qianqian and I did not say anything. It is about the company. Recently, a project in Ye's Group has been approved and needs a shallow father to make the final decision. I just hope that Qianqian can go back and tell her father. "    


Ye Shaoting glanced at Mo Yawen. In order not to arouse Mo Yawen's suspicion, he could only make Jason panic. At the end, he added, "Because I don't want to affect Yawen's mood of eating, I pulled Qianqian out to tell her. "    


"Is the company's matter very serious?" Hearing Ye Shaoting talk about the Ye's Group, Mo Yawen could not help but worry. Mo Yawen put down the fruit in her hand and asked Ye Shaoting.    


"It's not very serious. Don't worry, I can solve it by myself. Besides, Junhuan is helping me now. What?!" Ye Shaoting smiled at Mo Yawen. He didn't want Mo Yawen to worry about him, not to mention that Ye's Group had no problems at all. The profits were very good, and the shareholders were very satisfied with it.    


Mo Yawen nodded slightly when she heard Ye Shaoting's words. She believed in Ye Shaoting's strength.    


"Jason, I have received an invitation letter two days ago. Congratulations, you are going to hold your own art exhibition in China soon. " Mo Yawen suddenly remembered the invitation letter she had given him two days ago. He did not think that Jason would be able to hold his own art exhibition in just a few months after he came to China. She was very happy for Jason. "And I heard that your paintings have been selling very well in China recently. They were almost sold out at a high price as soon as they appeared in the world. "    


"Isn't that because you took care of your children and quit the art world? If you're still there, then. . . My painting business will definitely not be good. " Jason heard Mo Yawen praise him and said modestly with a smile. In the few months since he returned to the country, Because the studio at the beginning of his return had already helped Jason advertise well in China, it had created a bright future for him. But these two days, because of the conflict with Hsu Qianqian, Jason did not have the mood to compose anymore. Therefore, business had not been particularly good these few days.    


"Hmm, are you going to open an art exhibition? How come I didn't know about it?" Hsu Qianqian did not know that Jason was going to open an art exhibition. It was only when Mo Yawen said earlier that she knew. She looked at Jason in surprise and asked, "Why did Mo Yawen know that I did not know? Why didn't you tell me?"    


"It was decided on the day I found out that there was a birth control medicine in your drawer. I asked you to come back early that day because I wanted to tell you that I was going to open the art exhibition. And I wanted to celebrate with you, but I didn't expect to find the birth control pill in the drawer. When you came back and I asked you, your attitude was still so bad. I was so angry with you that I forgot about it. " Jason casually explained the sequence of events. At the end, he even gave Hsu Qianqian a deep look.    


Hsu Qianqian looked at Jason's eyes and smiled guiltily. She remembered. That day when Jason called her, she was on the way to Mo family. She had already gotten along with Mo Yawen that day. They brought Ye Qingmo to the bake shop to learn how to make biscuits. But Jason suddenly called and said that he had something important to tell Hsu Qianqian. Hsu Qianqian had no choice but to turn the car around and drive home. At the same time, she called Mo Yawen and told her that she had something to do and could not go.    


At that time, Hsu Qianqian thought that Jason had something important to do, but she did not expect Jason to sit there the moment she returned home. The drawer of her bedside table was open. There was a VC bottle on the table beside Jason.    


At that time, Hsu Qianqian already felt that something was wrong, but she still pretended to be stupid and walked to Jason. She smiled and asked him. "Jason, why did you suddenly call me back?"    


"Can't I call you back if there is nothing else?" Jason heard Hsu Qianqian's words and slowly raised his head. His eyes were filled with coldness that Hsu Qianqian had never seen before. He raised his hand and picked up the medicine bottle beside him. He threw it to Hsu Qianqian's feet and asked with a cold face. "I hope you can explain to me what is inside this bottle. "    


Hsu Qianqian looked at the medicine bottle that rolled to her feet and her heart skipped a beat. She did not expect Jason to flip her drawer when she was not around. Hsu Qianqian was a little angry and said to Jason, "How can you flip my drawer!"    


"I am rummaging through your drawer? If it was not for the fact that I wanted to find our wedding ring today, I would not have known that you put the pill in this bottle. In the past, I thought you were replenishing your vitamin C. " Jason looked at Hsu Qianqian's attitude and stood up angrily. He looked down at Hsu Qianqian condescendingly. It was a fury that Hsu Qianqian had never seen before.    


"Hsu Qianqian, I am really disappointed in you. "    


Hsu Qianqian remembered that after Jason said that, he left the room. After that, their relationship became extremely cold. Even Hsu's mother could tell that something was wrong between the two of them.    


"Jason, I'm sorry. " Hsu Qianqian looked at Jason and felt very sorry for him. As his wife and husband were going to open an art exhibition, she knew it from her good friend. And it was the last person to know. Thinking of this, Hsu Qianqian blamed herself more and more. She had been throwing a tantrum with Jason these past few days, so she didn't pay any attention to him. It was because she was too insensible.    


"Alright. Don't you know now? You only need to dress beautifully to attend my art exhibition. " Jason looked at Hsu Qianqian, who was seriously apologizing to him. He felt her sincerity and was no longer angry. He held Hsu Qianqian's hand and comforted her instead.    


Mo Yawen sat opposite Hsu Qianqian and Jason and looked at their current relationship. It was much better than before and she finally revealed a smile.    


Ye Shaoting, who was standing at the side, stared at Mo Yawen. Mo Yawen was the most important thing in his tears. He was thinking about how to organize Mo Yawen's angry party unknowingly. And how to propose to Mo Yawen at the party, so that this birthday party would become the most unforgettable memory in her life.    


When they sat together and chatted, Ye Shaoting was always absent-minded. Hsu Qianqian, who had seen through Ye Shaoting's thoughts, knew what Ye Shaoting was thinking, so she kept helping him out.    


Ye Qingmo sat on the sofa and played with Mo Yawen's phone for a while. He felt bored and wanted to go home again. Mo Yawen looked at Ye Qingmo and knew that he must be tired of playing, so she did not stay for long with Ye Shaoting. She said goodbye to Jason and Hsu Qianqian and left.    


The next day, before Mo Yawen got up, Ye Shaoting woke up. He quietly got up and secretly took Mo Yawen's phone. Then, he quietly left the room.    


Ye Shaoting went to the small study room and called a number of a good friend from Mo Yawen's phone. He recorded all the numbers and informed them one by one that Mo Yawen's birthday was about to be held. He hoped that he could hold a birthday party for Mo Yawen that she would never forget for the rest of her life.    


Mo Yawen's friends who received Ye Shaoting's invitation all said that they would come to Mo Yawen's birthday party on time. Ye Shaoting followed his plan step by step. He had asked Secretary Wang to help him set the venue for Mo Yawen's birthday party.    


In order to concentrate on preparing an unforgettable birthday party for Mo Yawen, Ye Shaoting stayed up all night and worked overtime for a few days. Until he finished dealing with the matters in the company that had to be handled by him and decided by him. He handed some matters that needed to be dealt with to Secretary Wang, and then Ye Shaoting took a few days off. He went to the location of the party and carefully arranged everything for Mo Yawen.    


On the day before Mo Yawen's birthday, Ye Shaoting specially came to Ye Qingmo's room and told Ye Qingmo that it was Mo Yawen's birthday tomorrow. He asked him to prepare a birthday present for Mo Yawen. Ye Qingmo, who heard that it was Mo Yawen's birthday, was extremely excited and quickly started drawing.    


Ye Shaoting looked at Ye Qingmo, who was seriously drawing. He was very pleased. He told Ye Qingmo, "Qing Mo. Tomorrow when you give the gift to Mom, don't tell Mom that I told you it was Mom's birthday. If your mother asks you how you know it's her birthday tomorrow. . . Just tell your mother that Auntie Qianqian told you. Got it?"    


"Dad, why would I lie to Mom? Mom said that children could not lie. So I can't tell Mom that it was Auntie Qianqian who told me. " Ye Qingmo, who was painting, did not know Ye Shaoting's plan. He stubbornly looked at Ye Shaoting and firmly refused to lie.    


"Silly child, father is giving mother a surprise. " Ye Shaoting looked at Ye Qingmo with a headache. He did not know why Ye Qingmo listened to Mo Yawen's words so much now. If this continued, he would not feel anything in the child's heart anymore!    


"If you don't want to lie to mom, then if mom asks you tomorrow how you know her birthday, then. . . You just tell her that this is a secret and you can't tell her. That should be fine, right? "Ye Shaoting looked at Ye Qingmo patiently. After discussing with him, Ye Shaoting regretted coming over to tell Ye Qingmo that it was Mo Yawen's birthday tomorrow. Ye Shaoting thought about what he should do if Ye Qingmo was exposed tomorrow.    


"Alright, alright. I promise you. " Ye Qingmo looked at Ye Shaoting and sighed. He felt that Master was really troublesome. No one could guess what they were trying to write. They were the ones who taught him not to lie, but he always lied.    


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