Marry You Again

C168 You Finally Agreed!

C168 You Finally Agreed!

0However, because he was sleeping and his phone was muted, Ye Shaoting did not answer Mo Ziyan's call.    


Mo Ziyan sent a message to Ye Shaoting: I have already told Yawen about returning to the country. I have tried my best. The rest is up to you.    


Before Ye Shaoting put away his phone, he deleted the message. Now Ye Shaoting was observing Mo Yawen.    


Mo Yawen cleaned up the table without a sound and then washed her hands. She went to the living room and sat beside Ye Shaoting.    


Ye Shaoting looked at Mo Yawen and thought about how to talk to Mo Yawen. Mo Yawen, on the other hand, was reading the magazine that she was painting. However, her mind was not on the magazine at all. She was thinking about what Mo Ziyan had said to her in the afternoon.    


She did not know how her mother was feeling. Should I call her?    


Mo Yawen was lost in thought.    


Mo Yawen sat very close to Ye Shaoting in the living room, but she had some thoughts.    


When the lanterns were lit, Ye Shaoting looked at Mo Yawen and asked tentatively, "Yawen. "    


Mo Yawen only came back to her senses when she heard Ye Shaoting call her name. She looked at him and asked, "What is it?"    


"You, have you considered returning to the country?" Ye Shaoting hesitated and asked Mo Yawen. Although Mo Ziyan had already tested her today and talked to her, Ye Shaoting was still worried. He was worried that Mo Yawen would have a big fight with him again when she heard about returning to the country.    


Ye Shaoting did not want to fight with Mo Yawen. He thought that if Mo Yawen showed a little bit of unwillingness or did not want to talk about returning to the country, he would change the topic and not continue.    


Mo Yawen looked at Ye Shaoting and was stunned. He finally asked. Mo Yawen did not say anything and looked at Ye Shaoting in silence.    


Ye Shaoting looked at Mo Yawen and his heart was beating fast. Time passed minute by minute. Every second felt like a year.    


"Shaoting, I don't know either. " Mo Yawen looked at Ye Shaoting and finally spoke. In the past, whenever Ye Shaoting brought up the topic of returning to the country, she would choose to avoid it. But today, she planned to have a good talk with Ye Shaoting and face her own heart.    


Mo Yawen did not know why she rejected the topic of returning to the country so much. She thought that perhaps only Ye Shaoting could help her now.    


"I don't know why I reject you whenever you mention that you want to return to the country. I know that one day, I will return to China. Our child will not be able to grow up in England. But I don't know why, I just. . . "Mo Yawen saw Ye Shaoting say out his thoughts. She grabbed her hair in frustration, not knowing what she was going to do.    


She understood what Mo Ziyan said to her.    


Ye Shaoting looked at Mo Yawen and gently held her hand that was holding her hair. He took the opportunity to sit beside Mo Yawen and held her in his arms with a heartache. He gently patted Mo Yawen's back like he was comforting a child. Comforting her, he gently said to Mo Yawen, "It's alright. If you don't want to return to the country for the time being, we can go back in the future. It's alright. Qing Mo is still young. We are not in a hurry.    


"I know, you're afraid. Three years ago, those bad memories in China scared you, but you have me, I have always been there.    


"Yawen, I don't think I will let you experience that kind of pain again. I promise!" Ye Shaoting hugged Mo Yawen and said softly. Hearing Mo Yawen's words, he finally understood why Mo Yawen always avoided the topic of returning to the country. He spoke to Mo Yawen bit by bit.    


Ye Shaoting looked at Mo Yawen with a determined gaze.    


Mo Yawen looked at Ye Shaoting's eyes and could not help frowning. She hesitated and looked at Ye Shaoting's encouraging eyes. Mo Yawen did not want to disappoint Ye Shaoting. She finally gathered her courage and looked at Ye Shaoting and said, "Okay, I promise to return to the country with you. " She looked like she had made a big decision.    


Ye Shaoting heard Mo Yawen's words and did not believe it. He thought he had misheard. He looked at Mo Yawen and asked, "Yawen, what did you say just now? I will say it again. "    


"I said, I promised to go back to China with you," Mo Yawen looked at Ye Shaoting and smiled. She looked at Ye Shaoting and paused for a moment before saying, "But I still have to wait. I want to formally say goodbye to London. "    


"You can't be like last time, wanting to use an excuse to escape, right?" Ye Shaoting looked at Mo Yawen suspiciously. He remembered the last time Mo Yawen agreed to go back to the country with him. She said she would go to the studio to say goodbye to the boss, but Mo Yawen took the opportunity to run away. Ye Shaoting was a little worried.    


"It won't happen. Don't worry. " Mo Yawen looked at Ye Shaoting and smiled. She looked at him with relief. It was not the same as before. She would not find any reason to escape from Ye Shaoting's side.    


"Don't worry. Even if you chase me away now, I won't leave!" Mo Yawen looked at Ye Shaoting and lifted his chin with her hand. She playfully blinked and imitated Hsu Qianqian's frivolous manner.    


Ye Shaoting frowned and looked at Mo Yawen, who was laughing at him. He said unhappily, "Mo Yawen, were you provoking me just now?"    


"What do you think?" Mo Yawen, who was in Ye Shaoting's arms, did not fear Ye Shaoting's serious expression at all. She stuck out her tongue at Ye Shaoting and raised her eyebrows.    


After Mo Yawen finished speaking, Ye Shaoting used his strength to carry Mo Yawen onto his legs and let her face him. He wrapped his arms around Mo Yawen's slender waist and his warm hands moved around the corners of Mo Yawen's eyes for a while.    


Mo Yawen felt her waist tighten as if there was an additional lock. Ye Shaoting increased the strength of his hands that wrapped around Mo Yawen's waist, making it impossible for her to escape.    


Because of Ye Shaoting's increase in strength, Mo Yawen was forced to stick close to Ye Shaoting's body. Mo Yawen could feel that her face was starting to heat up.    


"Yawen, don't forget that your husband is a normal man. If you deliver yourself to me, I will not refuse!" Ye Shaoting gave Mo Yawen an ambiguous smile and hugged her tightly.    


Mo Yawen's face became hot and red. She was embarrassed to look at Ye Shaoting's eyes again. She lowered her head and avoided Ye Shaoting's eyes. She whispered and stuttered, "I, I didn't deliver myself to your door. "    


"What did you say to me just now? If you didn't deliver yourself to your door, what was? Hmm?" Ye Shaoting said softly. His magnetic and deep voice made Mo Yawen's mind a little chaotic when she heard it.    


"I, I did not. Let go of me. Qing Mo is still in the room. If such a small child were to see such a scene, wouldn't it be bad?" Mo Yawen struggled in Ye Shaoting's arms. Ye Shaoting seemed to have endless strength. Every time Mo Yawen struggled, the strength he used to hold Mo Yawen increased. Mo Yawen was helpless. She could only bring out Ye Qingmo.    


"So what? Children will have to experience these things sooner or later. It's just a matter of time. " Ye Shaoting did not eat oil or salt, but he refused to let go of Mo Yawen. He looked at the room and said, "And Qing Mo is drawing seriously in the room. He will not come out. "    


"Ye Shaoting, why are you so horny?"    


A sentence that should have been very imposing was now said by Mo Yawen in such a shy manner. Ye Shaoting looked at Mo Yawen's expression and was even more unwilling to let go.    


He hugged Mo Yawen and used his forehead to stick to Mo Yawen's forehead and said, "Yawen, do you know how happy I am in my heart right now?    


" You finally agreed to return to the country! You finally agreed to me! " Ye Shaoting was overjoyed.    


Mo Yawen saw Ye Shaoting's happy look and was also very happy. She gave up struggling and wrapped her arms around Ye Shaoting's neck, looking at her gently.    


Ye Shaoting looked at Mo Yawen and could not help but walk towards her.    


Slowly and gently, Ye Shaoting gently touched Mo Yawen. He did not dare to use force. He was afraid that if he used force, he would break Mo Yawen.    


Mo Yawen did not resist Ye Shaoting. She hugged Ye Shaoting and allowed him to do whatever he wanted.    


Ye Shaoting's brain could not hold it any longer. He slowly tasted Mo Yawen's lips. It was as if he was savoring his most beloved item.    


Just as Ye Shaoting was about to attack, there was an untimely knock on the door.    


There was a knock on the door behind him. It was so sudden. Mo Yawen opened her eyes and wanted to open the door. Ye Shaoting, on the other hand, was like a child who was not satisfied. It was not enough. He was unwilling to let go of Mo Yawen.    


Mo Yawen smiled and pushed Ye Shaoting away, ending this intimate contact. She got up from Ye Shaoting and went to the door to open it.    


Mo Yawen opened the door and saw Hsu Qianqian and Jason outside. The two of them had returned with a bountiful harvest and wanted Mo Yawen and Ye Shaoting to share their spoils of war.    



Hsu Qianqian looked at Mo Yawen's red and swollen lips and smelled something different. She quickly walked into the room and carefully looked around. She looked at Ye Shaoting who was sitting helplessly on the sofa and showed a naughty smile and asked, "Ye Shaoting, what are you doing in the room?"    


"As you can see, half of the bad things were done, and you ruined it. " Ye Shaoting looked at Hsu Qianqian hatefully. He blamed them in his heart. They did not come back early or late, but they came back when something happened between him and Mo Yawen!    


How detestable.    


"Oh, it's alright. I'm here to give you guys gifts. I'll leave in a while. " Hsu Qianqian tactfully gave the gift that Jason specially bought for Ye Shaoting and Mo Yawen to Jason. She did not get angry and put it on the table and was about to leave.    


Hsu Qianqian walked to the door and suddenly thought of something. She paused and turned back to look at Ye Shaoting. She pointed to their room and said, "How about I take that light bulb away. "    


Hsu Qianqian's words hit Ye Shaoting's heart. He stood up happily and pulled Hsu Qianqian into the room.    


Hsu Qianqian saw Ye Qingmo happily walk over and said, "Qing Mo, look what sister brought you. Ultraman. Oh!"    


Hsu Qianqian wanted to use a toy to move Ye Qingmo, but she did not expect Ye Qingmo to not even look at her.    


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