Marry You Again

C90 New Life

C90 New Life

0In the morning, the sun shone on the window to brighten the room. Mo Yawen woke up from her dream and subconsciously used her hands to block the sunlight. Last night, she cried and fell asleep, forgetting to even close the curtains. It was time for her to start her new life. She stretched lazily. The sun was just right.    


Mo Yawen laid on the bed for a while and turned her head to look at the time. It was already eight o'clock in the morning. She thought that it was eight o'clock in the morning in London time. What about China? 'What time is it now? '    


"Yawen, are you awake?" Jason's voice came from outside the door. His voice was very soft, and the strength of the knocking was also very weak. Mo Yawen knew that Jason was just testing whether he was awake or not. He lowered his voice because he was worried that if Mo Yawen did not wake up, his voice would wake Mo Yawen up.    


Mo Yawen always knew that Jason was a very careful man. She was sure that in this world, any woman who married Jason would be happy.    


"En, I have already woken up. " Mo Yawen was no longer sleepy, so she said to Jason outside the door.    


Jason heard Mo Yawen's loud voice and could not help but smile. "Oh, I was worried that I would wake you up before you woke up. " Jason's words were full of smiles.    


"It seems that I was overthinking. " Jason thought in his heart but did not say it out loud. He paused and said, "I have prepared breakfast for you. You can wash up and stay for dinner. "    


"Okay. " Mo Yawen heard that Jason specially made breakfast for her and suddenly felt a little embarrassed to get up. He, a big man, woke up so early to make breakfast, and as a woman and a wife, she slept until late in the morning. She only got up when the sun was almost up.    


She was once a wife. Mo Yawen was stunned. In an instant, she became sad again. Jason did not hear any movement in the room anymore, so he turned around and walked downstairs. Mo Yawen patted her face with her hand. After tidying up her emotions, she lifted the blanket. She bent down and quickly tidied the blanket. Then, she walked to the wardrobe and thought about what she should wear today.    


The clothes in the wardrobe were things she took out from her suitcase yesterday and stuffed into the wardrobe. At this moment, looking at the messy wardrobe, Mo Yawen had a headache. She looked out the window and saw the bright sunlight. Even the leaves were shining. Mo Yawen took one last look at the wardrobe and took out a white lace dress.    


After changing her clothes, Mo Yawen looked at the time. It had been almost half an hour since Jason had come. She did not dare to dawdle and quickly went downstairs. Downstairs, Jason heard Mo Yawen go downstairs and began to prepare the porridge.    


"Good morning, Jason. " Mo Yawen greeted Jason with a smile.    


"Good morning, Yawen. " Jason greeted Mo Yawen as he served her porridge.    


Mo Yawen walked to the table in embarrassment and looked at Jason. "I'm really sorry about today. You have already prepared breakfast. I still need you to wash the dishes and prepare the porridge. I will definitely get up early tomorrow. "    


"You have already woken up very early today. I thought you would sleep until noon. " Jason finished his work very late last night. When he went back to his room and passed Mo Yawen's room, he saw the faint light in Mo Yawen's room. He did not know why Mo Yawen was so late and did not sleep. He originally wanted to knock on the door. But after thinking about it, it was already very late and it was not appropriate to disturb Mo Yawen. So he walked back to the room.    


Originally he did not know why Mo Yawen slept so late last night, but after seeing Mo Yawen's red and swollen eyes today, he did not need to think to know that Mo Yawen must have cried last night. But Jason did not mention it. He was afraid that Mo Yawen would be embarrassed.    


Jason thoughtfully placed the porridge in front of Mo Yawen and said with a smile, "I originally wanted to prepare Western breakfast for you, but I saw that you just came to London and are not used to places, so I made you a breakfast in China today. I hope you like it. "    


There were only a few simple dishes on the table, but Mo Yawen felt that it was already very sumptuous.    


"This is already very good. In the future, you don't need to specially prepare anything for me. Just prepare it according to your taste. When I was at home before, I had western breakfast too. There was nothing I wasn't used to. " Mo Yawen picked up the hot porridge and smiled at Jason. She said," Thank you, Jason. " After she finished speaking, Mo Yawen took a sip of the porridge and smiled.    


Seeing Mo Yawen's smile, Jason heaved a sigh of relief. In his heart, he thought, As long as you like it. "The weather is so good today. Do you plan to go out for a walk?" Jason used a spoon to scoop a spoonful of corn for himself. The fragrance of the corn diffused in his mouth. He swallowed it and said, "Today, I plan to go to the orphanage to teach the children. Why don't you come with me?"    


Speaking of the child, Jason looked worriedly at Mo Yawen. He was afraid that once he mentioned the child, Mo Yawen would think of her deceased child. He was afraid that he would accidentally provoke Mo Yawen.    


"No, I want to stay at home today. " Mo Yawen refused Jason. She had already troubled Jason enough when she came to London. She did not want to delay Jason's work because of her. Mo Yawen also had her own plans.    


Jason saw that Mo Yawen was unwilling, so he did not force her. At the dining table, the two ate breakfast and discussed some London matters. Jason introduced the strategies to play in London to Mo Yawen one by one.    


After the meal, Mo Yawen rushed to wash the dishes. She said righteously, "You made breakfast this morning, so the dishes should be washed by me now. I'll eat your food and live with yours, If you don't even let me wash a bowl, I'll feel bad. " Jason felt helpless. Since Mo Yawen was willing to wash the dishes, then let her do as she pleased.    


After an hour, besides the door, Mo Yawen was the only one left in the house. She went back to her room and looked at herself in the mirror. Her double was so swollen that it was scary, so Mo Yawen decided to put on some light makeup before going out.    


Mo Yawen covered herself with a layer of powder and applied a faint blush on her cheeks. She carefully decorated her red and swollen eyes and selected a beautiful lipstick. She lightly applied a layer on her lips.    


Her complexion instantly improved a lot. Mo Yawen looked in the mirror and confirmed her makeup one last time. Then she sadly prepared a bag and went out. According to what Jason said, Mo Yawen reached the subway and came to the city.    


There were people coming and going here. In Mo Yawen's eyes, there were people with blond hair and blue eyes that looked different from her skin color. Mo Yawen carefully walked in the middle of them. Before Jason went out, he asked her what she wanted to do at home.    


She looked at Jason and did not plan to hide it from him. Ever since she came to London, she was afraid that Ye Shaoting would use the bank account records. She had never used a single cent of the card, and she did not have much cash on her, so Mo Yawen wanted to rely on herself. "I plan to go out for a walk and look for a job. "    


"It's good that you have a job. You will not be stuck in the house all day. " Jason was very happy when he heard that Mo Yawen wanted to work. He saw that Mo Yawen was developing towards a better place bit by bit and planned to tell Mo Ziyan the good news.    


Jason asked her if she needed help. Mo Yawen shook her head and said that it was not necessary. She wanted to eat by herself.    


Jason smiled. The work of the new artist Mo Yawen was very popular. A painting was auctioned off to tens of millions of dollars, which had once shocked the entire art world. Her fame spread far and wide, and even England knew that there was an amazing young female painter in China.    


As he thought of this, Jason felt that he was overthinking it. Mo Yawen's reputation in England was not any lower than his. Why would she need him to introduce her? Everyone would definitely fight for Mo Yawen's golden rice bowl.    


Jason was certain that if Mo Yawen wanted to paint, she would definitely be a new pet in the English painting industry! "Yawen, you must save me some food to eat!" Jason pretended to look distressed and teased her.    


Mo Yawen walked along until she reached an alley. The two sides of the alley were filled with parasol trees. There were very few pedestrians in the alley, and it was very quiet. The cool breeze blew on Mo Yawen's skirt. She carefully observed the environment here and seemed to have accidentally walked to the alley that Jason recommended to her. It was filled with artistic atmosphere.    


Mo Yawen looked at the cold alley and did not notice the artistic atmosphere in Jason's mouth. She thought that Jason would not lie to her, so she planned to go deeper into the alley.    


Sure enough, two to three hundred meters away, there was an antique house. Mo Yawen pushed open the door and walked in. When she saw the paintings hanging on the wall, she realized that it was a gallery. She thought that this should be the place that Jason was talking about, a place filled with artistic aura.    


"Hey, beautiful Miss China, what do you want to buy?" A white-skinned man saw Mo Yawen and walked over. He used English words to ask Mo Yawen.    


Mo Yawen smiled when she saw the man and said, "Oh, no, I'm not here to buy paintings. "    


"Then what are you here for?" The British man looked at Mo Yawen with a puzzled look.    


"I am here to draw. " Mo Yawen pointed at the painting behind her and smiled. "Let's change the way. I am here to apply for the job. " The English man's Mandarin was not bad. Mo Yawen believed that he should be able to understand what she said.    


"What's your name? Why should I hire you?" After the British man understood Mo Yawen's intention, he held his hands and asked her.    


"My name is Mo Yawen. Why did you hire me? You will know after you see my work. " Mo Yawen smiled. She took out a draft from her bag and handed it to the British man.    


"Mo Yawen? Are you the female painter in China, Mo Yawen?"    


"No, I'm not. We just have the same name. " Mo Yawen explained. She did not plan to live in England as a new artist in China. She wanted to hide her identity and start anew.    


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