Marry You Again

C153 A Blind Date Meeting

C153 A Blind Date Meeting

0Every now and then, when Hsu Qianqian saw Han Yuanjun, she would mock him in a strange way.    


Every time this happened, Han Yuanjun would not get angry. He lowered his head and continued to seriously help Mo Yawen peel the apple. At this time, Jason would always look at Han Yuanjun with a hint of guilt in his eyes.    


"Jason, can you not always look at me like that in front of your wife? You have been looking at me like that for a week. If you don't feel awkward, I will twist! " Han Yuanjun carefully removed the apple core after he finished peeling the apples. He put it on the plate and placed it beside Mo Yawen.    


He did not dare to easily feed the fruit to Mo Yawen's mouth. He was worried that Mo Yawen would resist him. So he only placed the apple by Mo Yawen's side and gently told her that the apple had been cut.    


Hsu Qianqian heard Han Yuanjun's words and quickly turned around to look at Jason, but Hsu Qianqian did not notice that there was something wrong with Jason's eyes. She frowned and looked at Han Yuanjun again. Han Yuanjun did not have a good tone and said, "Hey, Han Yuanjun, what did you say just now? You said that Jason looked at you with his eyes, say it!"    


"I didn't say anything!" Han Yuanjun reached his hand out to Hsu Qianqian and said. It was said that the sixth sense of a woman was the most sensitive, but Han Yuanjun thought. Hsu Qianqian was such a careless girl. He said in a manner that deserved a beating, "Anyway, watching a show doesn't mean that the matter is too big, right?"    


"Han Yuanjun, do you believe that I will beat you to death?" Hsu Qianqian swung her thin arm and said to Han Yuanjun.    


Mo Yawen, who had been quietly watching the three of them, saw Hsu Qianqian swinging her arm and could not help but laugh. She said, "Qianqian, why do you like to beat people up so much recently?"    


Mo Yawen still remembered a few days ago Hsu Qianqian seemed to be shouting that she wanted to beat up Mo Ziyan. She looked at Jason and pointed at him. "Jason, you can't always spoil Qianqian. Look at how you spoiled Qianqian! You must teach her well!"    


"Yes, yes, yes, this little one obeys. " Jason lowered his head and pretended to humbly accept Mo Yawen's lesson.    


"Yawen, you don't have to be like this. Other people's best friends always let their husbands treat their friends better. You are the only one who asked her husband to teach her a lesson!" Hsu Qianqian walked in front of Mo Yawen with her small waist and looked at her unhappily and said, "Mo Yawen, do you know? You are really a strange flower that is slowly blooming under the sun in the history of mankind!"    


"Hsu Qianqian, I am warning you, I am a patient now!" Mo Yawen looked at Hsu Qianqian's appearance and pulled on her hospital gown to remind her.    


"I think you have almost recovered by now. I think if it wasn't for that fart brother of yours being pretentious, you would have been discharged a long time ago!" Hsu Qianqian did not mind. Mo Yawen had already stayed in the hospital for almost a month.    


"Mo Ziyan is sincerely doing this for Yawen's good. He hopes that she will be able to take care of herself in the hospital. " Han Yuanjun looked at Hsu Qianqian and said. Mo Yawen had become a lot fatter than when he first saw her when he first came to England. Her face had also become much rosier.    


"Oh, right. Why didn't I see Mo Ziyan come recently? That bastard didn't just throw Yawen to you and run away, did he?" Hsu Qianqian looked around the ward and did not see Mo Ziyan's figure. She asked curiously. Before Han Yuanjun saw Mo Yawen, Mo Ziyan had been staying by Mo Yawen's side every day. He almost treated the hospital as his home.    


"Recently, Mo Ziyan seems to have a few large-scale meetings. I heard that because Mo Ziyan hasn't been home for a long time, the two elders of Mo family have become suspicious. I think Mo Ziyan is thinking about how to calm the emotions of the Mo family's parents. " Han Yuanjun explained. Ever since he came to the hospital to take care of Mo Yawen, His relationship with Mo Ziyan had eased up a lot. Sometimes, when he came back from the hospital to see Mo Ziyan, he would always see his phone sticking to his ear. He was handling the company's matters.    


"My brother has to manage a company by himself. He has to take care of me and pacify my parents' emotions. Actually, my brother is very fortunate. " Mo Yawen heard Han Yuanjun say this and could not help feeling guilty. Thinking about Mo Ziyan's care and company for the past month, she only wanted to get out of the hospital as soon as possible. What would she do for Mo Ziyan?    


Now, no matter how busy Mo Ziyan was, he would come to the hospital every day and accompany Mo Yawen for lunch before leaving.    


It was the same on this day. Hsu Qianqian pulled Jason out to have lunch. Only Han Yuanjun and Mo Yawen were left in the ward. Just when Han Yuanjun wanted to say something to Mo Yawen, Mo Ziyan walked in with three portions of food.    


"Brother, you don't need to be so troublesome in the future. I will let Qianqian and the others bring it for me. " Mo Yawen took the lunch box from Mo Ziyan's hands and said with heartache.    


"No. Anyway, I have to come and see you every day. It is also to deliver food to you. " Actually, Mo Ziyan was worried about the food in the hospital, so he insisted on ordering food from the hotel every day before sending it over to Mo Yawen and Han Yuanjun.    


Mo Yawen was helpless. She opened the lunch box and started to eat. When she was halfway there, she looked at Mo Ziyan seriously and said, "Brother, I am discharged from the hospital. I stay in the hospital every day. I smell the smell of disinfectant. I am about to throw up!"    


"You can leave the hospital if you want. You must move into the hotel and stay with me. Your small house cannot be occupied by people. " Two days ago, Mo Ziyan thought that the house Mo Yawen and Hsu Qianqian used to live in was too small. He was thinking of finding an opportunity to get a bigger house for Mo Yawen, but he did not expect the opportunity to come.    


"Why? I think the place I live in now is pretty good. Anyway, save me from living alone in such a big house. The entire house is empty. Living alone is lonely and scary. It is better to live in a warm little house!" Mo Yawen heard that Mo Ziyan was going to change her house, so she opposed it.    


"If you don't want to change your house, that's fine too. You have to move to the hotel. Eat under my watch!" Mo Ziyan looked at Mo Yawen's elder brother's face in a domineering manner and gave Mo Yawen two choices.    


Mo Yawen stared at Mo Ziyan and helplessly chose the latter. She knew Mo Ziyan was doing it for her own good, but she was still a little unwilling.    


Very soon, the three of them finished lunch. Mo Ziyan did not stay in the ward for long. After eating his fill, he sat for a while and got up to leave. He wanted to go back to the hotel to prepare some food for Mo Yawen, then come tomorrow to pick her up and get her out of the hospital.    


Mo Yawen thought that she could get out of the hospital tomorrow and was very happy in her heart. Han Yuanjun looked at Mo Yawen's happy look and hesitated. He looked at Mo Yawen and slowly made up his mind to say what he wanted to say.    


"Yawen. " Han Yuanjun gently chewed Mo Yawen's name.    




"Yawen, so many years have passed. You still hold the same position in my heart as before. This time, I came to England to see you sick. I saw you go crazy because of Ye Shaoting. My heart aches for you. Now, Ye Shaoting is also. . . So. . . I want to take good care of you in Ye Shaoting's place. I want to take care of you for the rest of your life. " Han Yuanjun looked at Mo Yawen and said devoutly. He really hoped that Mo Yawen would agree to give him a chance this time.    


Mo Yawen was stunned. She had always known that Han Yuanjun was easy to her, but every time, she would try her best to avoid him. But this time, Mo Yawen did not want to avoid him anymore. She did not want to give Han Yuanjun hope and delay him.    


She looked at Han Yuanjun and said, "Yuanjun. No matter whether Shaoting is alive or has left, in my heart, he will always be my husband. I will never fall in love with anyone else in this life. " Mo Yawen looked at Han Yuanjun and said seriously. In just three short years, She had lost her beloved child and her beloved husband. She no longer had the ability to love anyone else.    


"So, Yuanjun, let's be friends, alright?" Mo Yawen looked at Han Yuanjun and said carefully, afraid that she would hurt Han Yuanjun if she said one wrong word.    


Han Yuanjun was stunned. He knew that Mo Yawen would still refuse him like before. He forced a smile at Mo Yawen and did not speak anymore.    


It was soon time for Mo Yawen to be discharged from the hospital. Mo Ziyan helped Mo Yawen finish the discharge procedures in advance.    


Mo Yawen left the hospital in a grandiose manner, accompanied by a group of people. She then moved into the hotel in a grandiose manner.    


Mo Ziyan took Mo Yawen to the room. Mo Yawen's room was next to his room. Mo Ziyan said, "You can tell me if there is anything you are not satisfied with in the room. We will definitely arrange the room to a place you are satisfied with. "    


"Alright, Mo President. I am not staying here often. Just make do with it. Moreover, this room is already very good. Don't make things difficult for the manager of the hotel! " Mo Yawen looked around the room and sat on the sofa, looking at Mo Ziyan.    


"What the heck!? This is not a room!" Hsu Qianqian looked at the room in surprise. She had to admit that Mo Ziyan really loved his sister. She could not help but feel a little envious.    


Not long after the tour of the room, Mo Yawen said that she was tired. Jason, Mo Ziyan, Han Yuanjun and the rest went to the restaurant of the hotel to eat, while Hsu Qianqian shamelessly stayed in Mo Yawen's room.    


These few days Hsu Qianqian saw that Mo Yawen's condition was not bad. She had been thinking about holding a blind date meeting for Mo Yawen. She thought that since Ye Shaoting was no longer around, Mo Yawen could not live a lonely life, so Hsu Qianqian wanted to find Mo Yawen a partner.    


Taking advantage of when everyone was not around, Hsu Qianqian poked Mo Yawen's shoulder to tell Mo Yawen her thoughts. Mo Yawen looked at Hsu Qianqian blankly and said, "Qianqian thank you for your good intentions. But now I only have Shaoting in my heart. I can't tolerate anyone else anymore. So you better not make trouble for me!"    


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