Marry You Again

C9 Mother Mo Is in the Hospital.

C9 Mother Mo Is in the Hospital.

0A few minutes later, the door to the resuscitation room opened. Ye Shaoting immediately stood up. "Doctor, how is she?"    


The doctor took off his mask and said to Ye Shaoting, "Fortunately, the patient was sent in time. The child was saved. However, the patient is showing signs of an abortion. You must be careful. Otherwise, she might have an abortion at any time. "    


" Thank you, doctor. " After hearing the doctor's words, Ye Shaoting felt relieved and quickly expressed his gratitude to the doctor.    


"It's fine. You better let the patient rest for a while. "    


"Okay. " Ye Shaoting looked at Ji Qingyi who was pushed out to sleep. He also planned to let her rest here. He still had to deal with it. A cold light flashed in Ye Shaoting's eyes.    


After leaving the hospital, Ye Shaoting went straight to the Mo family.    


Someone had been knocking on the door. Mo Yawen frowned and walked over to open the door.    


The moment he saw Mo Yawen, Ye Shaoting grabbed her arm with a murderous look and walked out. Mo Yawen was unprepared and fell a step. She did not expect Ye Shaoting to pull her out without saying a word.    


"Ye Shaoting! What are you doing!? Let go of me!" Mo Yawen frowned and shook Ye Shaoting's arm.    


"What's wrong?" Mo's mother heard Mo Yawen's cry and quickly walked over and saw Ye Shaoting standing at the door. She instantly smiled, "Is Shaoting here?" But soon she noticed Ye Shaoting's indifferent expression and the arm that grabbed her daughter's arm that had veins popping out. She said in surprise, "What's going on?"    


"Shaoting, be gentle. Wenwen is pregnant now. You have to be careful. " Mo's mother said and walked forward, wanting to let go of Ye Shaoting's hand. But he did not move. "Shaoting?" Mo's mother frowned and looked at Ye Shaoting, not understanding.    


Ye Shaoting kept staring at Mo Yawen. He gritted his teeth and said, "Follow me to the hospital. " He suppressed the urge to tear her apart. Obviously, he still cared about Mo's mother who was beside him. But even though Mo's mother did not know anything, she could tell that something was wrong. She frowned and asked, "Why did you take her to the hospital?"    


Mo Yawen looked indifferently at the scene in front of her. This crazy man said coldly, "I will not have an abortion. Let go of me!" She felt that what she had discussed with her brother that day must have been an illusion. It was absolutely impossible between her and Ye Shaoting!    


Since Ye Shaoting had found his home without hiding anything, Mo Yawen also did not plan to hide this matter from him.    


"What? Abortion?" Mo's mother screamed, "Who wants an abortion?"    


Ye Shaoting's gaze shifted from Mo Yawen's face to Mo's mother's face. His expression relaxed and he said to Mo's mother," Mom, this is between the two of us. You don't have to worry about it. " He turned his head and looked coldly at Mo Yawen and said, "You come with me!"    


Mo's mother's face was filled with anger as she blocked in front of Mo Yawen, "Of course I won't care about the two of you. But if anyone dares to touch my little grandson, I will definitely not agree!" Mo's mother was very sad. She put her hand on Ye Shaoting's arm, "Shaoting! Do you know what you are doing? This is your child!"    


" Child? " Ye Shaoting coldly snorted in ridicule," I don't want this child! I only want Qingyi's child! You come with me! " Ye Shaoting became irritable. He forcefully pulled Mo Yawen out. He did not care that she was still pregnant. He simply could not bear it for a moment. He absolutely would not allow such a woman to have his child!    


"Stop!" Mo's mother rushed forward and slapped him. "Ye Shaoting! What did you just say?" Mo's mother widened her eyes and was very angry. "What do you think my daughter is? Get lost! Our family does not welcome you!" Mo's mother pointed outside the door with a cold expression.    


Ye Shaoting did not move. He did not loosen his grip on Mo Yawen. Obviously, he was determined to take Mo Yawen to the hospital.    


"Okay!" Mo's mother held her chest as she panted. Clearly, she was furious.    


"Mom!" Mo Yawen saw that Mo's mother's expression was not right, "Let go of me!" She waved her hand to help Mo's mother up.    


All these years, just like how the Ye family's parents treated Mo Yawen like their own daughter, the Mo family's parents treated Ye Shaoting like their own son. Therefore, although Ye Shaoting did not like Mo Yawen, he had always respected Mo's father and Mo's mother.    


At this moment, he saw Mo's mother clutching her chest and regaining her senses. He subconsciously let go of Mo Yawen's hand and ran to the other side of Mo's mother to support her hand, "Mom, are you alright?"    


Mo's mother was unable to speak and only felt as if her chest was blocked. She did not catch her breath and fainted, "Mom!" Mo Yawen shouted and caught Mo's mother.    


Without saying anything, Ye Shaoting carried Mo's mother and ran out. "Mom! Don't scare me!" Mo Yawen held back her tears and her legs were about to soften. She stumbled and followed Ye Shaoting out.    


When they reached the hospital, Mo's mother was sent to the resuscitation room.    


The two of them stood outside the resuscitation room. Mo Yawen lowered her head and was silent. She suddenly turned around and slapped Ye Shaoting's face with her backhand. She stared at Ye Shaoting with red eyes and hatred. "Ye Shaoting! You are not human! If something happened to my mother, I will make you wish you were dead!"    


Ye Shaoting lowered his head and remained silent. His hands were hanging by his side as he clenched them into fists. He wanted to settle accounts with Mo Yawen, but he did not want to hurt Mo's mother.    


Soon, the Mo family father and son received the news and rushed over.    


Mo Ziyan, who had always been graceful and elegant, rushed over the moment he saw Ye Shaoting, "Bastard!" He punched his chin.    


Mo Yawen did not tell him clearly on the phone. But when he rushed to the hospital in a hurry and saw Ye Shaoting standing outside the resuscitation room, he immediately understood what was going on.    


Ye Shaoting had been suppressing his emotions to begin with. He mercilessly returned a punch and very quickly, the two of them began to fight.    


"Ziyan! What are you doing? Let go of Shaoting!" Mo's father quickly stepped forward and pulled the two of them away.    


"Dad! Don't worry about me! I'll beat this ungrateful bastard to death today! " Mo Ziyan originally thought that this was a private matter between his sister and brother-in-law, and he didn't want to interfere too much. It was just that he didn't think that they would actually cause a ruckus to the extent that they would send his mother to the hospital. He found Ye Shaoting more and more unpleasant to the eye!    


"Brother, ignore him. " Mo Yawen frowned and pulled the impulsive Mo Ziyan back.    


"What is going on?" Mo's father did not know what was going on and frowned. He looked at Ye Shaoting, who had turned green and remained silent, and Mo Ziyan, who had turned red and was glaring at him.    


No one answered his question. Soon, Mo Ziyan calmed down. He stretched out his hand and tugged at the corner of his shirt, patted his shoulder, and looked at Ye Shaoting. "You can leave. My mom doesn't need you here. "    


However, Ye Shaoting was still standing alone on the other side of the door. Mo Ziyan sneered, "You're not leaving? If you don't leave, I don't know if the child in that woman's womb can still be saved. "    


"What did you say? What did you do to Qingyi?" Hearing this, Ye Shaoting rushed in front of Mo Ziyan and grabbed his collar, glaring at him.    


Mo Ziyan shrugged and raised his eyebrows. He ignored Ye Shaoting, who was grabbing his collar, and asked, "What can I do to her?"    


Ye Shaoting quickly put down Mo Ziyan's collar and left with a cold breath.    


"What's going on?" Mo's father could tell something was wrong just from the conversation between the two of them. "Who is Qingyi?"    


"Your beloved son-in-law is a woman outside!" Mo Ziyan snorted coldly.    


"What?" Mo's father was furious.    


Ji Qingyi and Mo's mother did not enter the same hospital. When Ye Shaoting rushed to the hospital, Ji Qingyi had already been pushed out of the operating theater. When she saw Ye Shaoting come in, her tears quickly flowed down.    


"Shaoting, our child is gone!" Ji Qingyi's heart was filled with regret. The child that she carefully protected was gone just like that. At the same time, she also felt extreme hatred in her heart. It must have been that woman!    


"What?" Ye Shaoting took a step back as if he had been struck by lightning. The child he was looking forward to was gone just like that?    


"Shaoting. " Ji Qingyi cried so miserably that her tears were misty.    


"I'm fine now. " Ye Shaoting went forward and hugged Ji Qingyi. "We will still have children in the future. "    


Half an hour later, Mo's mother came out of the resuscitation room. Mo Yawen, Mo Ziyan and Mo's father surrounded her. "Doctor, how is my mother?" "Doctor, how is my wife?"    



"Don't worry," the doctor comforted the three of them. "The patient is fine. She had lost consciousness because of the sudden stimulation. She was fine now, but she had signs of invertebral cervical spondylosis. I suggest that she stay in the hospital for a night's observation. You guys should be more careful during normal times. "    


" Okay, can we go see her? " Mo Yawen asked.    


"Yes. But you have to avoid agitating the patient again. " The doctor said a few words before he left.    


After entering the ward, Mo's mother lay on the hospital bed and had not woken up yet. Mo Yawen looked at it and felt extremely guilty in her heart. Mo Ziyan stopped her shoulder from behind.    


She was afraid that no one would be able to sleep well that night.    


The next day, Mo's mother could have been discharged from the hospital, but Mo Ziyan was worried. He asked Mo's mother to stay in the hospital for another day to observe.    


When the three of them returned home, Mo's father sat on the sofa with a cold expression, "You call Ye family!" He said to Mo Ziyan, then turned his head and said to Mo Yawen, "Come and sit down. Tell me what's going on!"    


Mo Ziyan went to call Ye family. Mo Yawen told Mo's father about it briefly.    


"Preposterous!" Mo's father slammed the tea table, "He is simply going too far!"    


"Does Ye Shaoting still care about our Mo family?" Mo's father felt sorry for his daughter, but he was even angrier about Ye Shaoting's behavior. "I must ask the Ye family to give us an explanation for this matter!"    


The three of them sat on the sofa in silence, waiting for the arrival of the Ye family.    


The people of the Ye family had arrived. Ye's mother asked as soon as she entered the room. "What's wrong? What happened? Why did you call us here in such a hurry? "    


" Wenwen, go back to your room first. " Mo's father did not want Mo Yawen to hear their conversation.    


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