Marry You Again

C14 Saving Yawen

C14 Saving Yawen

0Jason bowed and left the stage. He was not in the mood to hold the exhibition without knowing Yawen's safety. He listened to Kevin's advice and made a perfunctory effort.    


There was a round of applause from the audience. It could be seen that everyone respected the internationally renowned photographer, Jason.    


On the other side, Ji Qingyi was looking for Ye Shaoting when she came out of the private room. She called him. "Shaoting, where are you? Why can't I find you?" Ji Qingyi sounded like she was about to cry.    


"Be good. I have something to do now. I will get someone to pick you up and send you back later. " Ye Shaoting did not reveal that he went to find Mo Yawen. He was afraid that Ji Qingyi would not be happy.    


"Okay. I know. I will wait for you to come back obediently. " Ji Qingyi only knew how to act obedient in front of Ye Shaoting. She did not expect Ye Shaoting to know about Mo Yawen's disappearance so quickly.    


Ji Qingyi hung up the phone and picked up the red wine that the waiter brought over. She fiercely drank it and no longer hid her fierce gaze. What right did Mo Yawen have to be doted on? But she could only live this kind of life. Even Shaoting was about to be snatched away by her slowly! Ji Qingyi's fingers fiercely grabbed the bottom of the goblet. At this moment, she was very angry and jealous.    


"Qingyi, why are you here? Have you suffered injustice?" The seemingly 40 year old middle aged man held Ji Qingyi's waist with his wide palm and gave a vulgar smile that made people hate him.    


Ji Qingyi looked at him. She struggled and felt some fear in her heart, so she lowered her voice, "Why are you here? Aren't you in City M?"    


"Miss Ji, your question is a bit ridiculous. Only upper class people can come to the International Photographer Exhibition. Why are you here?" The middle-aged man raised his voice on purpose and the surrounding people looked at him strangely.    


Ji Qingyi broke free of his palm and sped up her footsteps as if she was running away. She wanted to leave this place but the man did not seem to give up. He also followed her. The two of them walked to a small corner outside where there were very few people. The middle-aged man grabbed Ji Qingyi's arm. He pulled her back and slammed her against the wall. Ji Qingyi snorted lightly. This was not much pain compared to what she had experienced in the past.    


"Have you forgotten about me so quickly? You ran pretty fast just now. " The middle-aged man grabbed Ji Qingyi's hair and forced her to look up at him.    


"What exactly do you want to do? I am no longer that cowardly Ji Qingyi!" Ji Qingyi struggled, her eyes filled with disgust towards the man in front of her.    


"You are getting bolder and bolder by seducing Ye Shaoting now. You don't even recognize your old lover? I am your old lover. " The middle-aged man suddenly exerted force, making Ji Qingyi suck in a breath.    


Ji Qingyi stared at him hatefully. It was this man who kept her as his mistress. This was an indisputable fact. At that time, she was really at a dead end. She did not expect that she would fall into someone's trap.    


"Let me go. Just tell me what you want me to do. " Ji Qingyi struggled hard and the man finally let her go.    


"You are quite smart. I heard that you have hooked up with President and Ye Shaoting from the Ye's Group, one of the biggest corporations in City A. " Director Wang put Ji Qingyi against the wall and played with her face with his hand. He said it casually.    


"I will not allow you to hurt Shaoting. " Before Director Wang could continue, Ji Qingyi immediately interrupted him and expressed her position.    


"Don't worry. I want you to steal the trade secrets of Ye's Group. Leave it to me. You're the closest person to him right now. Stealing this shouldn't be difficult for you, right? " Director Wang took his hand down. He let go of Ji Qingyi. "I will be in City A all the time. Don't think about running away. If you don't do it, then. . . I will make your romantic past known to the public!"    


After Director Wang left, Ji Qingyi followed the wall and sat on the ground. If she gave him the Ye's Group's business secrets, it would be the same as destroying the Ye's Group. Shaoting would hate her. If she didn't do it, Shaoting would know her past. She couldn't let Shaoting know her past. At this moment, Ji Qingyi seemed to have gone crazy.    


"Do you think something will happen to Yawen? Why haven't we heard from her yet? It's all my fault. If I went to pick her up. Such a thing wouldn't have happened. If anything happens to her, I won't forgive me. " Hsu Qianqian held her head and blamed herself. She was really worried. Han Yuanjun had been out looking for her for so long, but there was no news of Yawen at all.    


"Yawen is very lucky. Nothing will happen to her. " Jason touched his shallow head and comforted her. But he was also very worried about Yawen. They did not have time to bicker now.    


"Do you think Han Yuanjun has found Yawen yet? I need to give him a call. I can't just wait here. I can't help at all!" Hsu Qianqian got excited and took out her phone from her pocket, ready to make a call.    


Jason's phone rang at the right time. "It's Han Yuanjun. He should have news about Yawen. " Jason comforted Qianqian.    


Hsu Qianqian went over to listen to the phone. "Jason, the police have found Yawen's exact location. I sent it to your phone. Bring someone over. "    


"Okay. Han Yuanjun, be careful by yourself. We will be there in a while. " Jason hung up the phone and asked Kevin to transfer a few more people to follow him. He did not want to bring Hsu Qianqian to such a dangerous place, but Hsu Qianqian insisted on following him. He was helpless.    


"President, we have already sent people to find your wife's whereabouts according to the surveillance video at the scene. I will send the address to your phone. " Secretary Wang immediately called Ye Shaoting as soon as he received news from Mo Yawen. This concerned Mo Yawen's safety, so he had to take it seriously. "President, do you have any other instructions?"    


"I will go and save Mo Yawen first. Send someone over immediately. Don't tell the Mo family about this beforehand. " If Mo Yawen's parents knew that he had lost Mo Yawen again, his fate this time might be even worse than the last time!    


But why was his heart beating so fast at this moment? What exactly was he nervous about? He held the steering wheel with one hand and held his chest with the other. He didn't know where this inexplicable feeling came from.    


According to the notification on the phone, Mo Yawen should be nearby. Ye Shaoting parked the car in a remote place in the suburbs and got out of the car. This place was sparsely populated and the criminals were quite smart. They knew that no one would notice if Mo Yawen was brought here. But those who dared to go against Ye Shaoting would not have a good end!    


Mo Yawen woke up in a daze. Her mouth was sealed by the tape, and her hands and feet could not move. She looked at her surroundings and tried her best to recall what happened before she fainted. Other than remembering that she was in the parking lot and that someone had covered her mouth behind her, she could not remember anything else.    


She was born in a rich family, so it was inevitable that she would be kidnapped. She did not say anything either. She knew that she had to calm down and think of a way to escape.    


The door was opened and Mo Yawen hurriedly closed her eyes to pretend that she was still unconscious. The criminal saw that Mo Yawen was not awake and took the things. He looked at her again before leaving.    


Ye Shaoting suddenly saw that there seemed to be a warehouse in front of him that had been abandoned for a long time. He felt that something was not right and quietly walked over. He saw that there was no one around, so he went in. The person lying on the ground with her hands and feet tied was Mo Yawen.    


"Mo Yawen, wake up. " Ye Shaoting tore the tape from her mouth. "Don't talk. I'll help you untie the rope first. "    


Mo Yawen heard the sound of the door opening and thought that the criminal had come in again. But when she opened her eyes, she saw that the person in front of her was her husband. Tears welled up in her eyes. She really wanted to cry. After the rope that tied her up was untied, Mo Yawen wrapped her arms around Ye Shaoting's neck and hugged him tightly. At the most dangerous moment. She did not expect him to be the first one to save her.    


Ye Shaoting patted her back. He had never seen such a weak side of her. She was as gentle as a kitten. "Let's go out first. " The two of them could not delay any longer. They had to hurry out. It would not be good if they were discovered by the criminals.    


"You want to go out? No way! Close the door. " The criminal suddenly barged in. He had just heard some noise from outside. He wanted to come in and check, but he saw the scene. He ordered another person to close the door first. "Young Master Ye. We have been waiting for you here for a long time. There are rumors that you don't love your wife, but you still live up to our expectations. You really did come to save your wife. "    


"You know me?" Ye Shaoting felt that they seemed to be coming for him. They kidnapped Mo Yawen just to attract him.    


"Young Master Ye, a year ago, the Zhou's Group was defeated by you. My family died because of this. Now, you have finally received your retribution. Your wife and children are all here. I will let you die with my family. " The criminal started to go crazy.    


Ye Shaoting frowned as he recalled the Zhou's Group going against him a year ago. That was why he tried to steal their business. He did not expect them to close down because of this! This was also something he had done unintentionally, but they had closed down because they did not manage well. "Don't mess around. If you have anything to do, come at me. "    


"Do you think that by saying that, my wife and daughter will be able to come back to life? I want all of you to be buried with them!" The criminal held a dagger in his hand and walked forward step by step.    


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