Marry You Again

C37 It's Good to Have You

C37 It's Good to Have You

0But Ji Qingyi betrayed him, and he would never forgive her for the rest of his life. Han Yuanjun only cared about Mo Yawen.    


He believed that Han Yuanjun would treat his son well in the future because he was also Yawen's child.    


"It's good to have you. "    


The dim light shone on Mo Yawen's face and the atmosphere was warm.    


Mo Yawen was very touched. Sometimes when she thought of these things, she wanted to cry. Because Ye Shaoting had been doing things that surprised her these few days. Of course, it was all things that made her happy.    


She could clearly feel that he had changed a lot. It was as if she had seen the light. She believed that the future would be even better.    


Only life was filled with hope, and she was happy.    


"You've already slept for a day. Have some food. " Ye Shaoting let go of her. She had slept all the way until now after she came back from the afternoon. She had only had breakfast and had not eaten until now. Even if she wasn't hungry, his son should be hungry too.    


"Our son is hungry. " Mo Yawen touched her stomach and laughed foolishly. She was embarrassed to say that she was hungry, so she followed his words and said that her son was hungry.    


"Let me see if our son is hungry or you are. " Ye Shaoting put his ear on Mo Yawen's belly as he spoke and listened to their child's voice.    


Mo Yawen took a deep breath. The baby kicked her. Their child usually stayed in her belly and did not move. It seemed like he was very sensible and was afraid of her pain, so he had always been very obedient. Until Ye Shaoting laid on her belly. It kicked her stomach a few times. Mo Yawen was in pain and happy. She was very happy now.    


"Shaoting, our child seemed to know you came and kept kicking me. " Ye Shaoting saw Mo Yawen's painful look and knew that the baby was indeed moving. He had also heard the sound just now, but he was a little unhappy. He did not want to see Mo Yawen in such pain.    


"If you dare to move again, I will teach you a lesson after you are born. " Ye Shaoting ignored Mo Yawen and said fiercely to her stomach. Mo Yawen was speechless. How could he scare it before the child was born?    


As soon as Ye Shaoting finished speaking, the child in her stomach also calmed down, as if it was really afraid of being beaten up by Ye Shaoting. Mo Yawen was amused by this scene. When the child was born, Ye Shaoting and it would definitely quarrel. She seemed to be able to see the days in the future.    


"You scared him. After our child is born, he will definitely not be close to you. " Mo Yawen scared Ye Shaoting and helped the baby fight for justice.    


Ye Shaoting lightly snorted. He did not care whether their child was close to him or not. He only wanted Mo Yawen not to hurt. He wanted to beat up anyone who made his wife hurt. He had to teach his child a lesson from a young age.    


Mo Yawen saw his expression and did not know whether to laugh or cry. She was also worried about the baby's fate in the future. The baby had to be careful in the future. If he was not careful, he would beat him up.    


The baby seemed to be able to hear their words. It kicked up restlessly in Mo Yawen's stomach again. Mo Yawen patted her stomach a few times. She and Ye Shaoting were amused.    


The next day, Ye Shaoting rushed to the company early in the morning.    


"Shaoting, what happened? Have some breakfast before you leave. " Mo Yawen held the bread in her mouth and did not understand. Ye Shaoting used to work at home before, but today he did not even eat breakfast and left. It was not good for health if he did not eat breakfast.    


"I am not eating anymore. You can eat first. I will accompany you when I come back. Be good at home. " Ye Shaoting put on his shoes and walked over with big strides. He walked over and kissed Mo Yawen's forehead before leaving. Early in the morning, the secretary called him and told him that something had happened at the company. He had to go to the company now to see what had happened.    


Mo Yawen smiled sweetly. It had been a long time since he had gone to the company. It was time to go and take a look. She did not want him to delay the company's business because he accompanied her. He left in a hurry. Something big seemed to have happened in the company. Mo Yawen also had an ominous feeling in her heart.    


"What happened?" Ye Shaoting took off his coat and Secretary Wang followed him into the office. It was as if he could solve the company's problem as soon as he came to the company. Secretary Wang was so anxious that he could not do anything about it, so he asked him to come and deal with it.    


When Ye Shaoting left, he told him not to disturb him unless it was something important, because he was at home accompanying his wife. But he really had no other choice. If he did not inform Ye Shaoting, the company would face a loss. Ye Shaoting could understand him. Secretary Wang had been his secretary for so long. He would not let him come to the company unless absolutely necessary, so when he received Secretary Wang's call, He immediately rushed over from home without hesitation.    


"President, the Han's Group is fighting over business with us right now. They are a serious threat to us. A few of our partners have been robbed by them. Previously, we had a peaceful relationship with the Han's Group, but recently, all the clients who came to invest in us have been snatched away by them. I really have no other choice. " Secretary Wang's voice became softer and softer as he spoke. In the past, they didn't have any conflicts with the Han's Group. Why would the Han's Group target the Ye's Group now? He couldn't understand it, so he could only wait for Ye Shaoting to deal with it.    


"Did you find out why they did this? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Ye Shaoting clenched his fists. Who was it that wanted to go against him? The Han's Group had taken advantage of his absence to rob so many of his clients. He would let them know the consequences of offending him!    


"At first, I thought it was a coincidence and didn't want to disturb you. Later, I realized that something was wrong. So I went to ask a few customers. The Han's Group gave them many times more benefits than us, so the customers are willing to cooperate with them. " Secretary Wang spoke very carefully. He was afraid that he would accidentally say something wrong and anger Ye Shaoting, "As for the reason, I haven't found out yet. I heard that the Han's Group has been taken over by young master. In just a few days, they have started to target the Ye's Group. "    


"What's their name?" Ye Shaoting asked Secretary Wang calmly, his eyes were dark.    


"His name is Han Yuanjun, 27 years old, the heir to the Han's Group. Five years ago, the safety of the family members of the Han family was in danger. The Han family's business was moved to another country. This is his personal information. " Secretary Wang said as he handed the document to Ye Shaoting. He had already investigated Han Yuanjun's background, but he could not find any grudges between him and the Ye's Group.    


"Han Yuanjun!" Ye Shaoting gritted his teeth and said these three words. The pen in his hand was forcefully broken. He knew why the Han's Group was targeting the Ye's Group. Because he had gotten Mo Yawen. Did Han Yuanjun want the Han's Group to die with him?    


"President, do you have any other orders?" Secretary Wang looked at the pen in his hand and swallowed his saliva. He was afraid that if he didn't leave now, his neck would be broken like the pen in his hand, "If you don't have any orders, I will go and do it. "    


"You can leave now. Keep an eye on the Han's Group. If there is any movement from them, inform me immediately. " Ye Shaoting waved his hand and asked Secretary Wang to leave. From now on, he would not go home to work. Whether it was in terms of women or career, he had to beat Han Yuanjun.    


In the huge office, Han Yuanjun looked out through the French window. The atmosphere was very strange. No one dared to come in. Han Yuanjun seemed to be in a bad mood recently, so no one dared to disturb him.    


"President, the spy we arranged in the Ye's Group said that we have found out that it was us who attacked the Ye's Group. What should we do next?" The secretary knocked on the door and came in to report truthfully. He did not know why Han Yuanjun had been so strange recently. He had always been against the Ye's Group, and they were only following orders.    


"Let's act according to the situation. " Han Yuanjun seemed to have expected this. He smiled, and no one knew what he was thinking. Ye Shaoting, I will make you pay the price.    


Yawen was the true love of his life. No one would love her more than him. However, Ye Shaoting clearly could not give Yawen happiness, but he still wanted to snatch her away from him. Yawen was deceived by him and could not tell who was sincere to her and who was fake to him. It was all Ye Shaoting's fault.    


"Yes, President. If there's nothing else, I'll go down now. " The secretary was ready to leave and not disturb Han Yuanjun anymore.    


"Wait. " Han Yuanjun suddenly called the secretary and gestured for him to go over. "Go to the flower shop and help me order 99 roses. Pack them into a big bunch. "    


Han Yuanjun smiled. He would give Yawen happiness. He would make her change her mind and fall in love with him again.    


He was confident. He also believed that the relationship between the two of them over the years was not something she could forget easily.    


"Okay" The secretary understood a little and left to do it. A woman who could be loved by Han Yuanjun was really happy.    


Yawen, I will give you happiness. Even if you don't accept me, I will silently protect you. I won't let anyone bully you, let you down, and make you cry.    


Back then, he let her down once, causing irreparable harm to her heart. He was very regretful. But back then, he had no other choice. Otherwise, he would not have left Mo Yawen no matter what. He just did not want to drag her down. If he did not become stronger, he would not be worthy of her. He would not be able to protect her well!    


Mo Yawen sneezed three times in a row at home. She tightened her open clothes. Was someone thinking about her? She shook her head and did not think too much. She continued with her work. Why hasn't Shaoting returned home yet? She always felt that her chest was stuffy. It was as if something big was going to happen.    


Mo Yawen did not dare to continue thinking about it. The happy days had not passed for long. She did not want anything to happen to ruin her happiness anymore.    


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