Marry You Again

C22 She Was Fired from the Company

C22 She Was Fired from the Company

0Han Yuanjun didn't think too much about it. He hoped that Ye Shaoting would see him and Yawen together. He wanted Ye Shaoting to give Yawen to him and continue eating.    


After Mo Yawen sent Han Yuanjun away, she went to the room. She felt a little guilty and did not dare to make a sound. She looked at Ye Shaoting, who was lying on the bed playing with his phone. Ye Shaoting had not slept yet. He seemed to have specially waited for her to admit her mistake. What was wrong with her? Didn't she just treat her friends to dinner? Didn't he also go out to eat with his lover tonight?    


"Come here. " Ye Shaoting, who was lying on the bed, saw her standing there for a long time without coming over. He beckoned at her and said, "You are still my woman. Don't seduce other men. "    


"When did I seduce other men?" Mo Yawen asked back. She ate with others because she seduced others? Then how many women did he seduce outside?    


"Why did you let him eat at home?" Ye Shaoting was a little jealous and said with a gloomy face.    


"I haven't cooked for a long time, so I let him taste the dishes I made. " Mo Yawen looked up and said very calmly. This made Ye Shaoting even angrier. What? The food she made herself? As her husband, he had never eaten the food she made before. Ye Shaoting was even more furious.    


"The food you made yourself? You guys have such a good relationship!" Ye Shaoting said these words through gritted teeth. He did not know why, but he felt very unhappy in his heart.    


"What do you mean?" Mo Yawen did not understand what he said. What did he mean by that? This made her very confused.    


"Boring. I'm going to sleep. " After he finished speaking, he covered his head with the blanket and turned his body sideways, ignoring her. At this moment, Mo Yawen really wanted to lift the blanket and ask him. But she still had things to do tomorrow, so she also had to wake up early and did not ask him again.    


The next morning, Hsu Qianqian brought Mo Yawen away early in the morning. Ye Shaoting did not know what Mo Yawen had been busy with these few days and heard from the housekeeper that Mo Yawen left very early every day. Mo Yawen was pregnant and she did not know how to take care of herself. Ye Shaoting was too lazy to care about her.    


In the car, Mo Yawen sat in the front passenger seat and took the documents from Hsu Qianqian. She flipped through the documents. Because she handed over an emergency lawsuit to the court, plus she spent a lot of money, the court session started today, "What is the odds of us winning today?"    


"Eighty percent. The lawyer said that as long as we have evidence that was released earlier than them, we will definitely win today's court case. " Hsu Qianqian concentrated on driving and answered Mo Yawen without looking away.    


"Very good. You did very well this time. " Ji Qingyi wanted to file a lawsuit with her, but Ji Qingyi was gravely mistaken. She had been taught by her parents since she was young. If others did not offend her, she would also treat others kindly. If others provoked her, she would definitely let that person know the consequences and know that she was not easy to bully.    


When they reached the door of the court, they found that Ji Qingyi had already arrived. It seemed that Ji Qingyi was prepared. Then let her wait and see the result. Mo Yawen walked in front and Hsu Qianqian followed. When Mo Yawen and Ji Qingyi brushed past each other, she did not even look at Ji Qingyi. She had the demeanor of a strong woman and her domineering aura made people not dare to approach her.    


Ji Qingyi fighting with her for her husband was also okay. Ji Qingyi was her enemy and usually went against her. She was also too lazy to bicker with Ji Qingyi. She did not think that Ji Qingyi would frame her. This time, she would make Ji Qingyi pay the price. Even if Ye Shaoting knew about this, she was not afraid.    


"Judge, this was originally the script of our plaintiff. The plaintiff had published the script on her home page a long time ago, and the defendant should have copied it on her home page. " As the lawyer spoke, he presented the evidence to the judge. This was enough.    


"I object. The defendant didn't even see the main page of the plaintiff. Perhaps they just shared the same thoughts. Why should the defendant say that the plagiarism was plagiarized?" The lawyer did not back down at all.    


"Then what evidence do you have? Hand over the evidence. " The judge said on the stage.    


Ji Qingyi and her lawyer looked at each other. Ji Qingyi was unable to produce any evidence in such a short period of time. She was plagiarized to begin with, so how could she have any evidence? The person who committed evil would not be able to escape the punishment of the law. Ji Qingyi did not expect that someone would catch her mistake on this point.    


Mo Yawen guessed that they also could not bring out any evidence. Ji Qingyi did not have any evidence and still wanted to file a lawsuit with her? Ha, Ji Qingyi really did not know her own limits. Mo Yawen used the corner of her eye to glance at Ji Qingyi and mockingly pulled the corner of her mouth.    


"Alright, I will now announce that the defendant plagiarized the plaintiff's painting and compensate the plaintiff with 10 million losses. " The judge pounded the hammer. The lawsuit was already a foregone conclusion and could not be changed.    


After the lawsuit ended, everyone left the court. When Hsu Qianqian supported Mo Yawen and was about to leave, Ji Qingyi stopped her, "Don't be happy too early. "    


"Then I will wait for the result. " Mo Yawen was not afraid at all. Her words made Ji Qingyi angry. Ji Qingyi glared at her and did not say anything else. She quickly went to deal with these matters. She was originally plagiarizing Mo Yawen's work. She could not blame anyone. She could only blame Mo Yawen for being too heartless!    


And Mo Yawen was only protecting her rights. If this incident was not stopped, there would be ten Ji Qingyi and a hundred Ji Qingyi in the future. Then she would not be able to handle it.    


"Yawen, you did too well. " Han Yuanjun got off the car and grabbed Mo Yawen's shoulders, encouraging her. She had learned to protect herself and not let him worry.    


At the door of the court, Mo Yawen looked at Han Yuanjun and Jason. "Why are you all here? Jason, didn't I say that I will settle it with Qianqian today?" She did not want to trouble others.    


" Jason told me. I was worried about you, so I asked him to bring me here. " Before Jason could explain, Han Yuanjun spoke first.    


"He ran to my studio and forced me to tell him what happened, and he forced me to bring him here. He almost put the knife on my neck. " Jason said it pitifully. It was too difficult for him to compose in peace.    


"You are useless. " Hsu Qianqian looked at him and couldn't help but despise him. He did not look manly at all.    


"Hey, what did you say?" Jason rolled up his sleeves and put his hands on his waist. The two of them started arguing again.    


"Stop arguing. Thank you for your concern. I'll treat everyone to a meal. " Mo Yawen interrupted Hsu Qianqian and Jason's argument. They had also helped her a lot and should treat them to a meal.    


The four of them got along very harmoniously. Mo Yawen sat in Han Yuanjun's car. Hsu Qianqian sat in Jason's car. They separated Mo Yawen and Hsu Qianqian.    


Ji Qingyi had made such a big mistake that the entire company's atmosphere was very gloomy. All the higher ups held an emergency meeting which made the other people in the company feel uncertain and Ji Qingyi's heart was even more uncertain.    


"Ji Qingyi, the manager wants you to enter the office. " The colleague beside reminded Ji Qingyi that she was lost in thought. The colleague carefully touched her. Now everyone was like a bomb. No one could touch them, or it would cause an argument.    


Ji Qingyi walked to the office. She did not know how the higher-ups held a meeting to deal with her. She probably did not have a good result. But she did not believe that President would treat her that way. After all, she was the one who had sex with him every night.    


"Manager, what's the matter?" Ji Qingyi stood in front of the desk like a child who had made a mistake. She did not dare to be arrogant anymore, which made the manager's heart soften for a moment. But the manager had no choice. This was the arrangement and order of the superior, so the manager could only carry it out.    


"Qingyi, pack your things. Because of your matter this time, the company has paid a huge compensation fee and is facing bankruptcy. Now no one can protect you. " The manager also had a comforting tone. After all, Ji Qingyi was a good employee.    


"No! I don't believe it. " How could she be fired? Did that man not care about their relationship at all? They had been together for so long, yet he was so heartless?    


"You should be smarter. I'm only following the orders of my superior. In half an hour, I want to see you pack everything and leave. Don't make things difficult for me. Ji Qingyi, I believe you are a smart woman. " The manager heard that Ji Qingyi was unwilling to leave. Suddenly changed the tone. If he protected her, he could also face the danger of unemployment. He patted Ji Qingyi's shoulder and threatened her.    


Ji Qingyi saw that he had already said so, so she did not have anything else to say. "With a bang, she closed the door and vented the anger in her heart. Now, she could only find one person to turn the situation around. She ran to the top floor and rushed into President's office. The secretary knew Ji Qingyi and did not stop her.    


"Director Zhou. " Ji Qingyi knocked on the door and saw the man standing in front of the French window. He seemed to be thinking about something.    


The man turned around and found there were some tears on Ji Qingyi's face. For a moment, his heart softened and he turned his head away to not look at her. "This time, I can't protect you. I can't even protect this company anymore. " Actually, he was more regretting it. It would have been better if he had withdrawn the case earlier. This way, things wouldn't have escalated to the point of lawsuits. The company wouldn't have lost so much money at once, and it wouldn't have faced bankruptcy. At that time, he trusted Ji Qingyi too much.    


"Director Zhou, do you really not care about our relationship anymore? Do you want to cut off all ties with me?" Ji Qingyi's tears were rolling in her eyes. Her current situation was all caused by Mo Yawen. She hated Mo Yawen!    


"You can leave. " The man said very firmly.    


"Okay. Very good! I will make all of you pay the price. " Ji Qingyi wiped the tears on her face and stood up. She did not plead anymore. She turned around and walked out. Every step she took, her eyes were filled with hatred. They all treated her this way. All men were the same. Mo Yawen. I will let you taste this feeling.    


Ji Qingyi tidied up her table and looked at the surrounding colleagues who were laughing at her. She remembered all the looks of these colleagues. She was now in a predicament and everyone came to bully her.    


"Isn't this Ji Qingyi? Isn't she our great designer? Hahaha, she will also have such a day. " The female colleague who used to hate Ji Qingyi took a book from Ji Qingyi and deliberately threw it on the ground and laughed.    


"Pick it up. " Ji Qingyi ordered. Even though Ji Qingyi was fired, she had the ability. She was not so easily bullied.    


"If you are so fierce, you will easily become old. Don't vent your anger on me. I accidentally dropped your book on the floor just now" The female colleague said fearfully, but she still helped Ji Qingyi pick up the book. Anyway, the female colleague had already mocked Ji Qingyi. She had long hated Ji Qingyi.    


Ji Qingyi carried the packed box and walked out of the company door. Where should she go? Where was her home? Her back looked thin, as if the wind would blow on her body and she would fall to the ground. This made people feel pain in their hearts when they saw her. But all of this was her own fault.    


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