Marry You Again

C36 Extreme

C36 Extreme

0"What are you doing? What happened to your eyes?" Jason did not understand. He was woken up by the girl's phone call early in the morning. She said she wanted to help Han Yuanjun, and now she winked at him.    


Hsu Qianqian was speechless. Without waiting for him to speak, she dragged him away. Mo Yawen wanted to pull Hsu Qianqian away and not let her leave. After all, she was a married woman now and could not be like this. She did not want to be alone with Han Yuanjun from the bottom of her heart.    


"You go and have fun with Han Yuanjun. You are also bored at home. I will not disturb you guys. " Hsu Qianqian did not care about Mo Yawen's displeasure and quickly took Jason away. She felt that she was doing it for Mo Yawen's good. She did not want her to be with Ye Shaoting and Ji Qingyi ignored him. Now, he would be fawning over Yawen. Hsu Qianqian felt that Ye Shaoting did not care about Yawen at all.    


Han Yuanjun was different. From the past until now, he had always loved her in his heart. Yawen was the only one. Yawen would definitely be happy with him. In the future, she would know her good intentions. Then, she should forgive her.    


"Let's go. " After they left, Han Yuanjun wanted to hold Mo Yawen's hand, but Mo Yawen quickly pulled it away. Looking at his empty hand, Han Yuanjun felt a moment of loss.    


Mo Yawen also followed him without saying anything. She did not know where he was going to take her. So she should act according to the situation. After all, he would not do anything to her.    


"Yawen, this is your favorite malt candy in the past. I will go and buy it for you. " Han Yuanjun pulled her over to buy it. "Yawen, that dress is so beautiful. Try it on. " After a while, he brought her to the shopping mall. "Look. The headband you liked to wear when you were young. " Along the way, only Han Yuanjun kept talking. Unconsciously, he held Mo Yawen's hand again. But he didn't feel anything wrong. Perhaps this was his habit.    


"Han Yuanjun, enough!" At first, Mo Yawen did not speak. She wanted to see what he wanted to do, but she did not expect him to keep bringing her to choose what she liked. It turned out that he had always remembered it. Her heart was slightly aching. She couldn't hold it in anymore. "We can't possibly be together, you don't have to do these useless things"    


"Yawen, give me one more chance. . . " Han Yuanjun saw Mo Yawen break free of his hand. He tried to pull her hand again. Mo Yawen dodged. The scene was a little awkward, but he only wanted her.    


"Impossible. I already have a husband. I still have a baby with him. " Mo Yawen shook her head. Her eyes turned red. She had been keeping her memories from the past. She did not want to remember. Her chest hurt a little.    


"I don't care about these. Yawen, you don't love him, right? The one you love is me. This is enough. " Han Yuanjun was a little anxious. He was afraid that he would really lose Mo Yawen. Only then did he realize that he actually loved her so much.    


"No, I love him. I am deeply in love with him now. Without him, I will not be able to live. " Mo Yawen was a little excited. If he had said these things in the past, perhaps she would have been with him without hesitation. But now it was too late. She laughed at herself.    


When he left, she really wanted to hear these words. During that period of time, she was better off dead than alive. He did not know how deeply she loved him at that time. Now, she finally decided to forget him. Her parents married her to someone else, so she wanted to use the transfer of love to obtain happiness. She did not expect her misfortune to begin again. Finally, Ye Shaoting started to treat her well. She did not want to destroy this relationship.    


"Transfer a person's feelings to another person, and let the mistakes you made last time reflect on your dreams. . . " She deeply remembered these lyrics in her mind and in her heart. She just wanted to forget him!    


"Yawen, you won't forget me so soon. " Han Yuanjun's eyes were also red. What he feared the most had indeed happened. If it wasn't for his family, he wouldn't have left her. He didn't want to lose her. If he lost her, he might as well die.    


Mo Yawen took a few steps back and shook her head. If she couldn't do it, then she shouldn't give others a chance. She didn't want to hurt other people's hearts. She wanted Han Yuanjun to find another good girl. Then they could spend the rest of their lives together. If they were together, neither of them would be happy. Love was as fragile as glass, broken glass couldn't be restored. Not to mention a person's heart.    


"Let's be friends from now on. " Tears fell from her eyes. She would treat him as a friend. But he could only be her friend.    


Han Yuanjun shook his head, unwilling to accept this fact. He did not want to be friends with her, he really loved her. That was why he wasn't willing to be her friend. Could it be that she really forgot their past? Could it be that their happy days in the past really couldn't be returned? Impossible. As long as they open their hearts, they will definitely be able to be together again. He would definitely let her open her heart.    


"Get out of the car and help young madame in. " Ye Shaoting watched this scene from a distance in the car. He looked at the woman's tears in the distance and felt a slight pain in his heart. Why was she crying again? Women were really made of water.    


When he received her message, he felt that something was not right. Hsu Qianqian was afraid of him. But she also would not secretly take Mo Yawen away. He felt that there was something strange. So he followed her out and used the phone's GPS to locate here. When he first saw this scene, He was a little angry because she actually carried him to see her ex-boyfriend. But when he saw the tears in her eyes, he suddenly forgave her. He also felt a bit of heartache for her.    


"young madame, young master asked you to get in the car. " Mo Yawen looked at Ye Shaoting's driver with some doubt. She looked at Ye Shaoting's exclusive car not far away and understood a little. She did not want to waste any more words on Han Yuanjun. She could not be so agitated anymore. She did not want to hurt the baby in her stomach.    


"You take care of yourself. " Mo Yawen walked a few steps and suddenly stopped. She did not look back.    


She wiped the tears on her face. She did not want Ye Shaoting to see her tears, so she followed the driver into the car. She knew he was here too, but she didn't know why he knew she was here.    


"How did you know I was here?" Mo Yawen's voice was still somewhat sobbing. Mo Yawen tried her best to cover it up but was unable to. Did he see everything just now? She felt an inexplicable guilty conscience.    


"If I hadn't come, why would I have cried when I saw you?" Ye Shaoting felt a little heartache. He wiped the tears off her face. He didn't blame her. He believed that she really had nothing to do with Han Yuanjun anymore. Otherwise, she wouldn't be crying like this now. After all, they had once fallen in love.    


"Disgusting. " Mo Yawen lightly pounded his chest and leaned over. She was so tired and only wanted to find a shoulder to lean on. It was so warm and safe in his arms.    


"Go to sleep for a while. I will call you when we get home. " Ye Shaoting hugged her tightly. He had the urge to protect her for the rest of his life. "Let's go home. " He ordered the driver to drive and not park here.    


Han Yuanjun looked in the direction of the car and clenched his fists. He would make Ye Shaoting pay the price. He clearly could not give Mo Yawen happiness, so why did he still want to snatch Yawen from him? Mo Yawen was his life. Losing her was like losing his life. Ye Shaoting, he would definitely make him regret it!    


He did not allow anyone to hurt Yawen, nor did he allow anyone to toy with him. His biggest mission in his life was to protect Yawen. He could not let anyone hurt her. Otherwise, no matter who it was, he would make that person pay the price. Even if he would die, he would make that person pay the price! Han Yuanjun was a little extreme.    


"How did I sleep until now?" Mo Yawen opened her eyes and looked around. She saw that she was in her bedroom and the sky outside was gradually darkening. She did not know how she slept until now. Tears were still hanging on her eyelashes. She looked at Ye Shaoting who was sitting beside her and scolded, "Why didn't you call me?"    


"I found that you slept so deeply that I could not wake you up. " Ye Shaoting curled his lips. In fact, when he got home, he found that she was also tired. So he wanted her to sleep a little longer, so he carried her out of the car. He carried her all the way to the bed, but she didn't wake up. So he didn't call her anymore and kept guarding her by the bed.    


Mo Yawen's face turned slightly red. She did not believe that others could not wake her up.    


"You can get up now. " Ye Shaoting pinched her nose and shouted dotingly. Her current expression was extremely cute, making him have the urge to eat her up, but he could not.    


Mo Yawen didn't get up, but she hugged Ye Shaoting. "Shaoting, you won't leave me. Right, no matter what happens, You will always be by my side, right?" Although she knew that her words were a little hypocritical, she was extremely helpless right now. She was afraid that he would abandon her like Han Yuanjun did back then. She could no longer bear such a blow. She wanted to comfort herself.    


"Yes. Little fool. " Ye Shaoting hugged her and stroked her hair from behind. Why would he leave her? He only wanted to make it up to her. In the future, he would love her well and never let her suffer any grievances.    


The two of them embraced each other happily. The scene was too beautiful, and no one dared to disturb them. They thought that they would live like this forever. It would be great if time stayed at this moment. However, there were more things waiting for them in the future. They still had to face them together.    


"After the baby is born, we'll let him acknowledge Han Yuanjun as his godfather, alright?" Mo Yawen said in a low voice. She felt a little guilty. After so many years of relationship, she hoped that she would have a perfect ending in the end. Han Yuanjun really treated her very well, so she wanted her baby to acknowledge him as her godfather, but she was afraid that Ye Shaoting could not accept it.    


"I agree. " If it was in the past, Ye Shaoting would definitely refuse without hesitation, but now the person he cared about the most was Mo Yawen, so he would support any decision made by Mo Yawen.    


Although Mo Yawen wanted her son to acknowledge Han Yuanjun as her godfather in the future, he could understand. He had loved others before, so he understood these feelings.    


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