Marry You Again

C46 Return to China

C46 Return to China

0As soon as he arrived at the domestic airport, the first thing Han Yuanjun did when he got off the plane was to call Mo Yawen. He wanted to tell her that he was back and would never leave again. But why didn't she answer the phone after such a long time? Han Yuanjun frowned. No one answered the call. He suddenly had a bad feeling.    


"Let's go to Ye family. " Han Yuanjun immediately got into the car and ordered the driver. He needed to see Mo Yawen safe and sound before he could feel relieved.    


Ye Shaoting did not rest for the whole night and did not go to work either. Until now, there was still no news of Yawen at all. He had already used all the forces of Ye family to search for her. He could only blame the kidnapper for doing such a good job. There were no loopholes. Who was it? What did they have to do with him? Don't attack his woman! Ye Shaoting punched the tea table.    


The doorbell rang. Ye Shaoting didn't open it when he heard it. He kept staring at the door. Yawen had returned! He had a trace of anticipation in his heart, but when Mrs Zhou opened the door, all his expectations were shattered.    


Hsu Qianqian came in and saw that there was only a small amount of smoke in the living room. It was too suffocating and she used her hand to hit the surrounding smoke. She immediately rushed over when she heard that something happened to Mo Yawen. Why was Ye Shaoting's enemy so big? They kidnapped Yawen again. How many times could she go through? That was why she never liked Yawen being with Ye Shaoting. Another reason was that it was not safe.    


"Where is Yawen? Do you have any news about her?" Hsu Qianqian sat over and looked at Ye Shaoting. She was somewhat anxious in her heart. Yawen was still pregnant. She had been missing for a day. How was she now?    


"No. " Ye Shaoting was annoyed. He would rather suffer for Mo Yawen. But after a day, she did not receive any news. How was he going to find her?    


Both of them sat on the sofa in silence. When Han Yuanjun arrived at the Ye family, he found that the door was not closed. He walked straight in. He saw Hsu Qianqian and Ye Shaoting sitting on the sofa. There were a lot of cigarette butts on the tea table, and Ye Shaoting's hair was messy. Obviously, He was up all night. What happened? Han Yuanjun's premonition was getting worse and worse. He couldn't help but cover his chest. Hopefully it was not what he thought.    


"Qianqian, what's wrong? Where's Yawen?" Han Yuanjun slowly walked over and ignored the man who was smoking and asked Hsu Qianqian directly. But he was also afraid of knowing the result.    


"Where did you go? Why did you leave without saying anything?" Hsu Qianqian was also a little unhappy. Perhaps if Han Yuanjun had not left, so many things would not have happened. What was the use of him coming back now?    


"I'll explain it to you in the future. Tell me first, where is Yawen?" Han Yuanjun comforted Hsu Qianqian's mentality and asked anxiously. He was not in the mood to say anything now. It seemed that something must have happened to Yawen. His heart tightened for no reason and his heart ached for a moment.    


"Yawen has gone missing. " Ye Shaoting raised his eyes. He thought they were too noisy, so he told Han Yuanjun the truth.    


"What? How did you take care of Yawen?" Han Yuanjun excitedly grabbed the clothes on Ye Shaoting's chest and threw a punch to vent the anger in his heart. If he could not take good care of Yawen, he would not fight over Yawen with him. He asked him to take care of him. Now it was better. He did not know how Yawen was doing.    


Hsu Qianqian pulled the fight at the side and did not let Han Yuanjun fight again. If Yawen knew about this matter, she definitely would not want to see it like this, right? "All of you calm down first. We will think of a way to find Yawen. We'll talk about other things in the future, OK?" Only after ensuring that they did not fight did Hsu Qianqian dare to let go.    


Ye Shaoting fell back dejectedly. "I've looked for everything that I should. She still did not have any news. Where do you think those criminals hid Yawen? Why did they always make her suffer so much? If possible, I would rather suffer for her. "    


Hsu Qianqian looked at Ye Shaoting's appearance and felt a little heartache for him at this moment. Perhaps this could not be blamed on him. The development of the matter was not something he could control. Now, everything had to wait until Yawen was found first.    


"There is no news at all? Did you lock down all the entrances in the city? Don't let the criminals escape? As long as they are in City A, it will be easy to find them. " Han Yuanjun clenched his fists and forced himself to calm down. He planned to settle the score with Ye Shaoting in the future.    


"I have searched all the places that I need to find. I have done all that I need to do. But there's no news at all. " Ye Shaoting sneered. Did he think it was as simple as he thought? He did everything he could think of.    


"Is there no other way?" Hsu Qianqian did not give up. Since it was them who kidnapped her, there must be an ulterior motive. They couldn't possibly tear up the votes just like that. She fell into deep thought.    


"Ye Shaoting, I will use all the forces of Han family to find Mo Yawen. Although I hate you, But now is not the time to fight with you. We will unite all the forces of the two families to find Yawen. We will first find Yawen. We will talk about everything in the future. " Han Yuanjun thought it through. Han's Group and Ye's Group were the two biggest organizations in City A. If they joined forces, They would be very strong. He didn't believe that he wouldn't be able to find them even if he did.    


"Alright. " Ye Shaoting also sat up and started to be serious. A glimmer of hope lit up in his heart. This was the only way. He couldn't find it with his own strength.    


Mo Yawen looked at the closed window and the locked door. She could not escape. She did not know what to do. It had been a day. Why hadn't Ye Shaoting found her yet? She was extremely anxious.    


The door rang again. Mo Yawen was not as scared as she was at the beginning. She knew in her heart that they would not hurt her. It was just that they could still use her. So she wasn't afraid anymore.    


The mastermind had two women following him, and a man who looked like a doctor. Mo Yawen's heart was a little nervous. What did they want to do to her? She tightly protected the baby in her stomach and retreated.    


"Madam, don't be afraid. I told you we wouldn't do anything to you. I only asked the doctor to come over and check if the fetus is healthy. I didn't mean anything else. " The mastermind comforted him. He gave the doctor a look and asked him to go over.    


Mo Yawen was skeptical. She felt that it was not that simple. But she could not beat the four of them by herself. The two women helped her lie on the bed but Mo Yawen still did not relax.    


The doctor held the stethoscope to listen to her in her stomach and did not do anything to her. Mo Yawen let out a sigh of relief. He helped her check the fetus just in time. It had been a while since she went for the fetus examination. The doctor then asked her to put her hand on the pillow and Mo Yawen obediently did as he said. The two women immediately pressed her down. They made her unable to move.    


"What are you doing? Let go of me. " Mo Yawen began to panic. It was her fault for relaxing just now. She was afraid that they would do something to the baby. She struggled with all her might, but how could a person's strength be compared to two people's?    


Mo Yawen tilted her head and saw that the doctor was adjusting the medicine. She was even more afraid. She had an ominous premonition in her heart. She did not understand what they were going to do. She struggled with all her might.    


"What are you trying to do to me? I beg you, don't touch my baby. You can do anything to me. " Tears began to appear in Mo Yawen's eyes. She was willing to suffer for the baby. She could do whatever she wanted.    


"Madam, don't be afraid. We don't want to do anything to your baby. We just want to give you some medicine so that you and your baby can meet sooner. " The mastermind comforted her. He used his eyes to signal the doctor to give her an injection. This baby could achieve his goal even more when it was born.    


Mo Yawen struggled with all her might. She protected her child out of instinct. The two women pressed down with great difficulty. They did not expect her strength to be so great. They couldn't control her any longer. The doctor slowly aimed at the acupuncture point and inserted a needle into it. He slowly injected the medicine into Mo Yawen's body. The world seemed to have quieted down. Mo Yawen fainted. There were still tears in the corners of her eyes. If there was anything wrong with the baby, She would never forgive herself for the rest of her life.    


The mastermind brought the doctor out. The two women covered Mo Yawen with blankets and locked the door tightly. Mo Yawen was still unconscious and did not have any consciousness in her mind.    


"How is it? When will the child be born?" After closing the door, the mastermind asked the doctor. He desperately wanted the child to be born soon so that his plan could be fulfilled.    


"If nothing unexpected happens, the child will be born tomorrow morning. " The doctor reported. If Mo Yawen's delivery was successful, he would get a large sum of money. This way, he would not have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of his life. He was very willing to do this. As long as he did not let him kill, he was willing to do it.    


"Very good. You must successfully deliver the child, no accidents must happen" The mastermind ordered. If the child had any accidents, the plan he had planned for so long would fail. Furthermore, the Ye family and Han family would never let him go. They would definitely capture him at the ends of the earth. Therefore, he would not take such a huge risk.    


"What about the money?" The doctor couldn't help but ask. He had not mentioned his salary even after talking for so long. He was naturally a little anxious.    


"Don't worry, your reward will be yours. Just do your job well. " The mastermind turned around and gave him a sideways glance before leaving with his hands behind his back. This was another greedy person. However, it was best to use this kind of person. He sneered. Only then did the doctor feel relieved and left with the medical box. He did not feel that as a doctor, he should not do such crazy things.    


Han Yuanjun sent out all the forces of Han family, but there was still no news. He had also sent out all the dark forces in the City A, but they still couldn't find any news. Who was the one who kidnapped Yawen? How could there be no mistake? It seemed like this was planned beforehand. Han Yuanjun threw a punch on the coffee table. He did not feel any pain in his hand.    


Ye Shaoting was about to go crazy from anxiety. It had been two days, but there was no news from her at all. His heart, which had always been calm, was burning with anger. He must not let him know who it was. If anything happened to Yawen and the child in her womb, he must let the entire family of the criminals be buried with her. Ye Shaoting took a deep breath.    


Mo Yawen lay on the bed, unable to move and still unconscious. She did not know what kind of medicine those criminals had planted in her body. Her mind was blank, and it was pitch black. She wanted to open her eyes, but she couldn't. She slowly lost consciousness again.    


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