Marry You Again

C23 Make a Move When You're Not Paying Attention.

C23 Make a Move When You're Not Paying Attention.

0"Ji Qingyi should have learned her lesson. She will not dare to do it again. Ji Qingyi actually dared to plagiarize Yawen's work!" Jason took a large piece of snack and stuffed it into his mouth. His words were somewhat incoherent. He was a typical foodie.    


"You can't even recognize Yawen's work. Luckily Yawen saw it herself. " Hsu Qianqian glanced at Jason. Hsu Qianqian could not help but despise Jason even more.    


Han Yuanjun looked at Hsu Qianqian and Jason who were arguing again and felt that it was funny. He said, "Anyway, it is good that Yawen's power is preserved now. Let's toast. " Everyone raised their glasses and drank. Mo Yawen could only substitute tea for wine because she was pregnant.    


"No matter what, thank you all. " If it was not for Hsu Qianqian, Jason, and Han Yuanjun's help, Mo Yawen really did not know what to do. It was really good to have some sincere friends by her side.    


Don't be polite with us. " Hsu Qianqian hugged Mo Yawen's shoulder and Hsu Qianqian patted Mo Yawen. Hsu Qianqian felt that Mo Yawen was a little sad.    


Mo Yawen was indeed a little sad and Mo Yawen also did not know why she was sad. Mo Yawen shook her head and did not think much about it. Mo Yawen was talking to Hsu Qianqian, Jason and Han Yuanjun. These kinds of days must be cherished.    


The bar was very noisy, but Ji Qingyi used this method to numb herself. Her phone rang countless times but she did not hear it. Ji Qingyi swung her body vigorously on the dance floor. Ji Qingyi's movements were exaggerated as if this was the only way to calm Ji Qingyi's heart and make her stop thinking about other things.    


Ji Qingyi was tired from dancing so she sat in a corner and drank with all her might. Ji Qingyi was not afraid of being taken advantage of when she was drunk. In any case, Ji Qingyi was already used to it. Ji Qingyi was no longer the pure little girl that was with Ye Shaoting back then.    


Ji Qingyi laughed at herself self-deprecatingly. Ji Qingyi drank another glass of wine fiercely. Ji Qingyi lay on the sofa and closed her eyes. The things that happened these few days were still in her heart that she could not digest.    


"Ji Qingyi. " The man seemed to recognize Ji Qingyi lying on the sofa. That man also sat down. His wretched gaze moved back and forth on Ji Qingyi. That man said, "Your figure is really getting better and prettier and prettier. You should have had sex with many men. "    


The man's vulgar words made Ji Qingyi want to vomit. Ji Qingyi opened her eyes and saw Director Wang, who kept her a few years ago. Ji Qingyi did not care about him anymore. Ji Qingyi sneered and said, "What do you want from me?"    


"You are really straightforward. You must have seen the world. You are not as shy as before. " Director Wang looked at Ji Qingyi with praise. Ji Qingyi had changed a lot in these few years. Director Wang said, "You did not forget what you promised me at the exhibition last time, did you? I just want to remind you today. "    


Ji Qingyi suddenly sat up and frowned. She did not forget that matter. Ji Qingyi just did not want to hurt Ye Shaoting. Ji Qingyi had already hurt Ye Shaoting once four years ago. This time Ji Qingyi did not want to hurt Ye Shaoting anymore. After all, Ji Qingyi still liked Ye Shaoting. She said, "I did not forget. Go back and wait for my news. " Ji Qingyi finished all the wine in the cup to hide her nervousness. Ji Qingyi could only stall for time like this.    


"Last time you also asked me to go back and wait for news. How long do you want me to wait? Don't forget that you still have something on me. If you don't want Ye Shaoting to see your mother's face, do as I say. " Director Wang fiercely pulled Ji Qingyi's hair. Director Wang knew all of Ji Qingyi's little tricks.    


Ji Qingyi took a deep breath. She seemed to not feel pain because she had become numb. During the time Ji Qingyi was kept by Director Wang, as long as Ji Qingyi made Director Wang unhappy, Director Wang would beat and scold her.    


"Why don't you say something? Are you going to steal or not?" Director Wang could not hear Ji Qingyi's voice, so he pulled Ji Qingyi's hair even harder.    


"Let go! I'll steal it. " Ji Qingyi's tears fell. Ji Qingyi looked so pitiful at the moment and Ji Qingyi really had no other choice. Director Wang let go and Ji Qingyi picked up the wine glass on the table and drank another mouthful. Tears slid down Ji Qingyi's face.    


"Someone seems to be here. I will give you three days. If you don't give me what I want, don't blame me when the time comes. " After saying that, Director Wang immediately turned around and left. He saw someone coming towards him. If someone else saw Director Wang, all the plans that Director Wang had planned for so long would fail.    


Ji Qingyi wiped the tears from her face. Her head started to feel dizzy. Ji Qingyi looked up and saw Ye Shaoting. Ji Qingyi said, "Why are you here?" How did Ye Shaoting know Ji Qingyi was in such a place?    


"Why are you drinking here? I just went to your company and heard that you were fired. I couldn't get through to your phone either, so I found the bar that you often came to. I know that you're in a bad mood right now, so you'll definitely hide and find a place to drink. "    


Ye Shaoting sat down and looked at Ji Qingyi, who was covered in tears, and his heart ached. Ye Shaoting helped Ji Qingyi wipe her tears. Ye Shaoting said, "Don't cry. You can come to work here tomorrow and be my assistant. "    


Ji Qingyi was amused by Ye Shaoting's words. Ji Qingyi sniffed and stopped crying. Ji Qingyi's heart was filled with gratitude. Every time Ji Qingyi was at her most helpless moment, it was Ye Shaoting's appearance that made Ji Qingyi feel touched. She was not alone. Ji Qingyi said, "Really?"    


"Yes, come and be my assistant tomorrow. " Ye Shaoting looked at Ji Qingyi, who broke her tears into a smile. Ye Shaoting pinched Ji Qingyi's nose and said dotingly. Ji Qingyi still loved to cry. What should he do without Ye Shaoting by Ji Qingyi's side in the future? Ye Shaoting said, "Get up quickly. I'll send you home. Don't drink anymore. It's dangerous for a woman like you to get drunk. "    


Ye Shaoting took off his coat and put it on Ji Qingyi. Ye Shaoting supported Ji Qingyi and walked towards the door. Ye Shaoting was happy to go to the door of Ji Qingyi's company today to pick her up from work. Then Ye Shaoting heard Ji Qingyi's colleagues talking about Ji Qingyi. After listening for a long time, Ye Shaoting found out that Ji Qingyi was fired. Ye Shaoting also could not get through to Ji Qingyi's phone. Ye Shaoting was a little worried about Ji Qingyi, so he came here. Ye Shaoting did not expect Ji Qingyi to really be here.    


Ji Qingyi was thinking that if Ji Qingyi went to Ye Shaoting's company to work, Ji Qingyi would be able to steal Ye Shaoting's confidential documents. Ji Qingyi absolutely could not let those disgusting photos from back then be published in the world. At that time, everyone in the world would see those disgusting photos from back then and would laugh at Ji Qingyi. In this way, Ji Qingyi might as well die. Poor Ye Shaoting, he still did not know that he had been schemed against by Ji Qingyi.    


Ye Shaoting sent Ji Qingyi downstairs. Ji Qingyi was not willing to go upstairs. Ji Qingyi said, "Shaoting, can you not leave? You accompany me. I am so scared. " Ji Qingyi tightened her tight clothes. Ji Qingyi looked like a helpless child who needed someone to protect her. Ye Shaoting's heart softened.    


Ye Shaoting thought about Mo Yawen, who was still sulking with him. Ye Shaoting did not want to go back, so he agreed immediately. Ye Shaoting got off the car and opened the passenger seat. Ye Shaoting helped Ji Qingyi down.    


Ji Qingyi felt warm in her heart. Ji Qingyi thought, " Mo Yawen, how does it feel to see your husband not return for the whole night? Just wait and see, who is the final winner. "However, Ye Shaoting had no idea what happened today.    


The sound of water made Ye Shaoting a little irritated. He took a bottle of cocktail from the fridge, turned on the TV, and drank alone. Ji Qingyi finished showering and wore low-collar pajamas. Her chest was half exposed. She leaned towards Ye Shaoting, who was sitting on the sofa and watching TV.    


"Shaoting, don't watch TV anymore. Let's do something meaningful. " Ji Qingyi walked over and put her thighs on Ye Shaoting's legs. Ji Qingyi helped Ye Shaoting unbutton the buttons on his chest and Ji Qingyi's hands moved around Ye Shaoting's body.    


Ye Shaoting looked at Ji Qingyi's half-exposed chest and swallowed his saliva. Ye Shaoting almost couldn't control himself. Ye Shaoting suddenly used his hands to pull Ji Qingyi's thighs up and carried her to Ji Qingyi's bedroom. Ji Qingyi thought that she successfully seduced Ye Shaoting. Ji Qingyi wrapped her arms around Ye Shaoting and pressed her face against Ye Shaoting's chest.    


Ye Shaoting put Ji Qingyi on the bed in the bedroom. Ye Shaoting covered Ji Qingyi with the blanket and kissed Ji Qingyi's forehead. Ye Shaoting said, "You should sleep early. You have been tired all day. You still have to work tomorrow. "    


"Don't go, Shaoting. " Just as Ye Shaoting was about to leave, Ji Qingyi suddenly held Ye Shaoting's hand. Ji Qingyi did not expect Ye Shaoting to be more and more calm. Ji Qingyi could even control Ye Shaoting like this. Ji Qingyi was like a little child begging Ye Shaoting not to leave.    


"Okay, I am not leaving. You should sleep well. I will leave after you fall asleep. " Ye Shaoting tucked Ji Qingyi under the blanket.    


The effects of the alcohol made Ji Qingyi a little tired. Ji Qingyi closed her eyes and quickly fell asleep. Ye Shaoting saw Ji Qingyi sleeping soundly. Ye Shaoting took out a cigarette and lit it. Ye Shaoting went out to the living room to smoke for a long time before he went to the guest room next door to lie down and rest. Ye Shaoting was also tired for the whole day.    


Ye Shaoting did not know why Ji Qingyi seduced Ye Shaoting just now, but Ye Shaoting was not interested. On the contrary, Mo Yawen's face appeared in Ye Shaoting's mind. He did not know what Mo Yawen was doing at home. Mo Yawen was also a woman who did not know how to take care of him. Ye Shaoting shook his head forcefully and did not think about why.    


Mo Yawen was half lying on the bed reading a book. She waited for Ye Shaoting to come back. Mo Yawen thought about how she had an argument with Ye Shaoting last night. When Ye Shaoting came back tonight, would Mo Yawen want to coax Ye Shaoting?    


"Shaoting, I was wrong. I shouldn't have let Han Yuanjun eat at home last night. "    


"Shaoting, you are still angry with me. I was wrong. "    


"Shaoting, I will not cook for other men in the future. "    


Mo Yawen practiced what she wanted to say to Ye Shaoting. Mo Yawen felt that she should admit her mistake. After all, it was Mo Yawen's fault last night. Mo Yawen waited on the bed for a long time and did not see Ye Shaoting come back. It was already 12 o'clock and Mo Yawen kept yawning. Mo Yawen forcefully endured her sleepiness. Then Mo Yawen slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep. Her book fell to the ground.    


The bedside lamp was on Mo Yawen's face and Mo Yawen had a smile on her face. The smile could not hide Mo Yawen's fatigue from the day. Everything seemed so peaceful and beautiful.    


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