Sick Man Turns Out to be a General



0The afternoon sunlight shone through the gaps between the leaves and sprinkled beside his feet, and countless dust flew around in the sunlight. Shen Jingli held a teacup in his hands, and looked at the little kid who was sleeping, but the quiet time caused him to be brimming with energy and spirit.    


Zhao Wenrui sat beside Xiao Bao, watched as Xiao Bao hummed, turned over and steadily pressed down on An An's body. He couldn't help but laugh, although Xiao Bao was usually angry at An Xin for bullying him and didn't want to play with him, the two of them had a good relationship, once they turned around, they hugged each other again.    


"From the looks of it, your son is going to be married into our family." Shen Jingli had purposely teased him, but who knew, right after he finished speaking, An An An stretched out her arms to hug Xiao Bao, she turned her body over a little, her legs steadily pressing on Xiao Bao's body. Xiao Bao uncomfortably groaned twice, but did not wake up.    


"If your son has the ability to kidnap my son, then marry him. In any case, if you marry him to your family, you won't suffer any losses." Zhao Wenrui said. He pursued his marriage for more than ten years, and he was determined to marry Xu Yanlin. In the end, he also succeeded.    


"If you say it like this now, then in the future, don't go back on your word." Shen Jingli laughed, seeing that he had already woken up, he reached out and picked him up, letting him sit on his lap, yawning blurrily. He turned his head and rubbed Shen Jingli's back, "You came here today not just to visit, right?"    


Zhao Wenrui put down the teacup in his hand, stood up, and said to Chun Hua who was following beside him as a female worker: "Go and call him in."    


"Who is it?" Shen Jingli asked, bowing his head and coaxing him, he woke up and looked at Shen Jingli, neither crying nor making a fuss, but Shen Jingli knew that he was hungry and told Nian Hua to go to the kitchen to cook some lotus root powder soup.    


"The guard I got for you is a person who knows martial arts. If you go out in the future, you can have him follow you and avoid some conflicts." Zhao Wenrui said, "The capital has not been peaceful recently, and Wei Zuo is not in the mansion, so you can't let the other guards protect you, so I got a double guard for you."    


Shen Jingli looked at him, "Mu Shisi told you to look for him, right?"    


After Shen Jingli finished speaking, he took the lotus root soup from the middle-aged man and saw the smile on Zhao Wenrui's lips.    


Zhao Wenrui's smile was very beautiful, like a spring breeze, causing others who saw it to get infected by the warmth of spring.    


"I can't hide anything from you. Zi An knows that the emperor has summoned you into the palace, so he's a little worried for your safety. Let me find you a few smart and good martial arts pairs to take care of.    


After a while, Chun Hua brought everyone in. It was a tall pair, with a height of around 1.8 meters, it was unknown whether it was because they were practicing martial arts or because of a natural born physique, causing them to have a strong and sturdy body, stronger than Zhao Wenrui. They were all handsome, but there was a burn scar on the right side of their face.    


"Greetings, madams."    


He acted very politely, but his voice was low and it made one feel drowsy.    


He's Lin Qing, he had a fire in the past, his face was injured and there was a scar on it, he was afraid of scarring people, he had been wearing a mask all this while, but the first time we met, I let him take off his mask. Zhao Wenrui said.    


Shen Jingli shook his head. The scar on Lin Qing's face was below the corner of her eyes, and it was about the size of an egg. It was bumpy and bumpy, probably because she had been smashed by something with a pattern on it.    


Although Shen Jingli had said that, Lin Qing was worried that the child would be scared, so she put on the mask. He did not say much, so she greeted him and stood behind them, and as for his situation, it was Zhao Wenrui who told him about it.    


Lin Qing was a person recommended by Xu Yanlin. She was twenty-three years old, born into a martial family, married at the age of fifteen, yet her husband died in a war of attrition.    


After Lin Qing had retreated from the martial arts world, she had gone to the village to find him and help him. When his martial uncle became ill, Wei Zuo and the others all left the village, he had stayed behind by himself in the village to inherit his position as Lin Qing's martial uncle. If it wasn't for Xu Yanlin who went to look for him, he would have stayed there for the rest of his life.    


"Not only does Lin Qing have good martial arts, he also has medical skills. With such a person by your side, Zi An will feel a lot more at ease." After Lin Qing came to the capital, he stayed there for a period of time. He took the opportunity to observe him and knew that although Lin Qing did not like to talk, he did things with caution and even liked children. He had seen it before, when he was alone with Little Treasure, he would make small movements to make Little Treasure happy.    


I heard that he and his husband had a good relationship. After his husband died, he didn't leave any children for him. He had always lived alone, but he was actually looking forward to the excitement of his family.    


After they ate and drank their fill, they climbed down from Shen Jingli's legs and sat on the quilt, holding onto the comic book to look at a one year old child. He could not understand the comic book at all, but he was enjoying it, and had stopped to think from time to time.    


Seeing that he liked it, Shen Jingli did not stop him. On the other hand, Nanny Jin felt that Man Man's actions were a little slow, and was worried that there might be a problem with it. She forced Shen Jingli to find a doctor, and it wasn't until all five doctors said that the child was fine that she could relax.    


"Fourteen isn't the type to be unprepared." Before he left the capital, he had already made all the necessary preparations. He had warned all the shopkeepers and stewards, greeted Xu Yanlin, and released the powerful hidden guards in the dark … His safety was guaranteed, otherwise, Mu Chen would not be so content to fight in the front lines.    


"Indeed. If he doesn't make proper preparations, he will definitely be worried about going to the front lines. However, the people he has arranged are all in the shadows and it's not convenient for them to show their faces sometimes. So, you should keep Lin Qing here." Zhao Wenrui said as he carried Xiao Bao, "I'll be going back to my residence first. If there's anything you need, call Da Ji over."    


After Zhao Wenrui left, Shen Jingli hurried back and drew a few more diagrams, allowing Da Lee to send them to Yang Ningxiu's Embroidery Workshop.    


Out of the secret guards that Mu Chen had arranged, two of them were injured. If not for Lin Qing, Shen Jingli would have already been taken away.    


However, although Shen Jingli was not taken away, his arm had a slight fracture. After the imperial physician visited him, he was told to rest for a few days, not do any heavy work.    


Because of such an accident, the Nanny Jin was so scared that they did not allow Shen Jingli to go out again. If there was anything important to report, the managers would report it to the Palace and then let Shen Jingli make the decision.    


After experiencing this matter, no matter how slow Shen Jingli was, he had realized that someone was going to make a move against him. As for the reason, it was very likely that it was to threaten Mu Chen.    


He was a little worried, so he told Da Lee to find Zhao Wenrui next door and ask him the real reason why he had Lin Qing by his side. However, Zhao Wenrui was very stubborn and refused to tell him anything, he only said that this matter had already been handed over to the authorities, and he only needed to rest.    


Since he could not get any useful information from Zhao Wenrui, Shen Jingli went to ask Lin Qing directly, but he was even more silent than him. After asking for a long time, Shen Jingli could only ask him one sentence, "I'll go to see if Young Master is awake."    


After resting for two days, he suddenly thought of Mu Jin and cooked a lot of delicious food, bringing it to the academy to see Mu Jin. In the end, he found out that Mu Jin had spent a lot of time learning calligraphy and planning, riding in the afternoon, talking about the future with his comrades at night, and made many very powerful friends.    


Other than that, Shen Jingli discovered that Mu Chen had also arranged for him to do a lot of things, and even intentionally for him to walk the path of a official.    


Knowing that his life was not in danger, Shen Jingli was relieved. He handed the things over to him, reminded him to be careful of his safety, returned to the manor, arranged for the guards to patrol again, and strengthened the guards of the manor. After that, he didn't go out anymore, but stayed at home to draw the map, accompany the child, and wait for Mu Chen's letter.    




At the end of November, due to the Great Qi Army Masters' willful actions, the Great Qi Army was defeated once again. The Military Advisor and Princess Golden Flower were killed on the battlefield, the Grand Marshal was heavily injured, and the Great Qi Army was thrown into chaos.    


The Emperor of Great Qi had no choice but to send emissaries. After pondering for a while, he agreed to negotiate with the Emperor, but he had to pay tribute to the Great Yan every year and agree to the trade between the two countries.    


After the two nations reached an agreement, Great Qi withdrew their armies, and Yanmen Pass returned to normal. Mu Chen led his soldiers to process the corpses of the dead soldiers, intending to burn their bodies and bring the ashes back to their families.    


After dealing with the dead soldiers, he then led the soldiers to help the people in the city build damaged houses.    


"Young Master, the order to return to the capital has not come yet?" Cold Wind walked into the study room and said when he saw that Mu Chen was reading the letter.    


The two nations had already reached an agreement, the Great Qi would never go back on their word, and when they were unprepared, they would come again. Yanmen Pass was safe, and King Jing and Mu Chen could also go back to the capital, but the Emperor did not let them return.    


"There's more." Mu Chen kept the letter. After the war, he wrote a cultivation letter and sent it back to the capital, so he reckoned that Shen Jingli had already received it. Thinking of his wife and children waiting for him to return, Mu Chen felt warm in his heart.    


However, her smile was as warm as the afternoon sun. The cold wind blew in his heart, yet at the same time, he was pleased and shocked. To be able to make his young master smile like that, young mistress was truly a formidable person.    


"Let's go. Accompany me to the city."    


Because of this war, many parts of the city were destroyed. After the war ended, he sent a part of his soldiers to help the civilians build their homes.    


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