Sick Man Turns Out to be a General

C228 Military Advisor Nanyun

C228 Military Advisor Nanyun

0After sending off the Doctor Qin, Mu Chen sat in the study room for a while before returning to his room.    


Shen Jingli was already lying down, upon hearing him push open the door, he stood up, and upon seeing this, Mu Chen quickly spoke out to stop him, "Sleep well, I don't need your help."    


Hearing this, Shen Jingli nodded his head, but he did not listen to him and properly lied down to sleep. Instead, he propped up a pillow against the headboard and looked at Mu Chen.    


"Who is that old doctor?"    


After Mu Chen took down a letter from Mo Yu, he sat on the ground of the study for an entire hour before instructing the guards to look for the Doctor Qin.    


There weren't many veterinarians in the capital, but Doctor Qin wasn't the only one. Why did they have to look for him? Shen Jingli guessed that the letter definitely mentioned the Doctor Qin, if not, Mu Chen would not have spent so much effort to invite him over.    


Mu Chen wiped his face and hands off the cold water from the copper basin. Hearing Shen Jingli's words, he turned to look at him before continuing to take off his clothes.    


Seeing him like this, Shen Jingli thought that he did not want to say it, so he did not pursue the matter any further. Instead, he pulled out the pillow that he had placed on his back, and the moment he lay down, he heard Mu Chen's voice, "He might know where the cold wind is."    


With the injuries on Mo Yu's body and the contents of the letter, he guessed that the cold wind might have been injured and was hiding somewhere to recuperate.    


"Why did he come to the capital?"    


This was not the first time Shen Jingli had heard of Han Feng's great name. He knew that he was once the adopted child of Mu Chen's grandfather, who had served beside Mu Chen since childhood, and after that, was brought to the army camp by the old man.    


According to the rules of the Great Yan Dynasty, generals who lead troops outside the capital cannot enter the capital without being summoned. Otherwise, those who enter the capital alone will be stripped of their duties and investigated, while those who bring troops into the capital will be exterminated.    


Even though the cold wind was risking being dismissed, he still wanted to enter the capital. He was afraid that something big had happened in the northwest.    


Shen Jingli could not help but worry, and sighed in his heart. That was why he said he did not like the life in the capital.    


Mu Chen changed into a new set of clothes and laid beside Shen Jingli. He held his hands: "Don't worry, it will be fine."    


Mu Chen's voice was deep and filled with magnetism. Listening to it made him feel extremely safe, and Shen Jingli's heart that was about to leap out of his throat slowly fell back to its original position. He leaned on Mu Chen's shoulder, and said a few words in a low voice before falling asleep.    


— —    


Early the next morning, Mu Chen went to the Three Mile Manor outside the city to find him as Doctor Qin had told him.    


A few families' cattle were sick, and the Doctor Qin was treating them.    


Seeing that he was busy, Mu Chen did not disturb him. Instead, he helped him on the side and passed him something.    


After finishing the diagnosis with great difficulty, Doctor Qin sat on the side resting like an old grandpa and even commanded Mu Chen to pour him a cup of water.    


Mu Chen poured water for him, but he was still not satisfied. He stared at Mu Chen for a long while, then drank his water and said: "Come with me."    


Mu Chen did not speak, he only perked his ears to be vigilant of his surroundings.    


Seeing him like that, the Doctor Qin became even angrier. She carried her medical kit and left, not stopping to wait for Mu Chen.    


Mu Chen knew that his temper was only at this level and did not bother with him anymore. After confirming that there was no danger in the surroundings, he followed him.    


Doctor Qin brought him to the top of the mountain and arrived at a farmhouse that was hidden halfway up the mountain.    


Inside were three rooms and a kitchen. There were a few hens in the small yard, and a young man, who was drying herbs in the yard, turned his head when he saw the commotion.    


"Doctor Qin, you have finally come. The young master has always been looking forward to you." The young man happily opened the door, and when he saw Mu Chen, he was startled: "Doctor Qin, this is?"    


The meaning of his words was unclear, making Doctor Qin extremely unhappy. Hearing him ask Mu Chen questions, Doctor Qin did not pay attention to him, but instead walked straight into the house.    


Seeing him like that, Mu Chen could not help but laugh. That old man's temper was pretty bad.    


"My surname is Mu. I'm here to see the young master." Mu Chen said politely.    


"Hello, Young Master Mu." The young man quickly returned the greeting, then laughed simple-mindedly, "I'm called Dazhu, you can just call me Dazhu."    


"Greetings Brother Dazhu."    


Hearing Mu Chen calling him Brother Dazhu, Dazhu's face turned red from embarrassment and hurriedly invited Mu Chen in.    


Mu Chen thought that the one hiding here was the cold wind, but upon entering, he realized that he had thought wrong.    


"General Mu, how have you been?" The gentle and refined voice carried a trace of coldness and ridicule. How could it be a cold wind?    


Looking at the pale person lying on the bed, Mu Chen felt a bit absent-minded. How could it be a Qilin?    


"Surprised?" Nan Jiyun laughed lightly as he spoke, his tone expressing undisguised ridicule.    


Nan Jiyun had long ago gotten used to Nan Jiyun's attitude towards him.    


"What about the cold wind?"    


"He went after Soong Wei."    


Just as Mu Chen sat down, Dazhu brought water and a few pancakes in, "There are no tea leaves at home, I can only let you guys drink some warm water."    


He poured each of them a cup of warm water and then placed the cake on the table beside them. "This is the cake I made myself. It's still warm. You guys can eat it."    


"Thank you." Mu Chen politely thanked him and drank some water before picking up the pancake. The pancake was made with rice flour mixed with sweet potatoes, it had a sweet taste, but it was not as good as the one Shen Jingli cooked.    


Nan Jiyun watched as Mu Chen ate a biscuit. He frowned as he said in disdain, "You can even eat this kind of coarse biscuit?"    


As the young master of the Yun Family, he had been pampered ever since he was a child, so he looked down on this kind of civilian's food the most.    


"Northwest cakes are rougher than this." Mu Chen clapped his hands and drank a cup of warm water. Then, he asked Doctor Qin about Yun Qing's situation.    


Nan Jiyun was injured by a sword, it was in his abdomen, luckily it was not deep, after a period of recuperation, he was able to walk on the ground.    


"Then can I take him home?" It's not safe outside.    


The Doctor Qin nodded, "That's fine, but his injuries are still not completely healed. You have to watch over him, don't let him run out casually."    


Hearing that, Nan Jiyun snorted, this old man was truly vengeful. Didn't he sneak around a few times when he wasn't paying attention, did he need to remind him again and again?    



Mu Chen turned around and glanced at Nan Jiyun. He was still the same as before.    


"I'll pay attention." Mu Chen said.    


Doctor Qin looked at Mu Chen and nodded, then said to Nan Jiyun: "Little gongzi, just follow him back, it will be safer if you stay in his residence."    


He could trust Mu Chen's character, and he could be at ease about handing Nan Jiyun over to him.    


"Alright." Nan Jiyun said.    


Seeing that he agreed, the Doctor Qin turned around and ordered Da Zhu to leave with Mu Chen and the rest.    


— —    


In the middle of the night, Mu Chen took advantage of the darkness to bring Nan Jiyun and Dazhu back to the County Prince's Mansion.    


Shen Jingli had been waiting at home ever since he left in the morning. When he heard the servant report that Master had returned, he put on his cloak and went out to welcome him.    


"What's going on?"    


Shen Jingli was shocked when he saw Mu Chen rushing in with a person in his arms. He thought they had met with some sort of danger.    


"It's nothing, he's got a little wound on his abdomen, but he's almost recovered." Mu Chen explained, "Get someone to clean up a room for him."    


Knowing that Mu Chen was fine, Shen Jingli's complexion looked much better. He hurriedly said: "I have prepared everything, in the east wing."    


Mu Chen arranged for Nan Jiyun to stay in the east wing room and told him to rest well.    


Nan Jiyun was indeed tired. Knowing that this place was safe, he let his guard down and fell into a deep sleep.    


Mu Chen came out from the side room, and saw Shen Jingli standing at the corridor, waiting for him. Hearing his footsteps, he immediately turned his head, and asked, "How is he?"    


"Just slept." Mu Chen strode forward and pulled Shen Jingli into his embrace, "Go back to your room, I'll explain in detail when we get back."    


Shen Jingli nodded and followed Mu Chen back to his room.    


"What happened in the Northwest?" Shen Jingli sat on the side of the bed as he soaked his feet in water, watching Mu Chen rummage through the books, he could not help but ask.    


"Soong Wei's secret relationship with another enemy was discovered by the cold wind. He escaped from the Northwest Army Camp, and the cold wind and the Qilin chased him all the way here."    


"That person is called Qilin?" Shen Jingli thought of that weak, delicate and pretty man. As he read the name, he felt that it didn't fit his temperament.    


"Mn, Qilin is his nickname. His original name was Nan Jiyun, he is the Young Noble of the loyal duke."    


Shen Jingli did not know the loyal duke, but he knew that the loyal lady was a very candid woman. Her voice was loud and her speech was heroic.    


"He's the strategist of the Northwest Army Camp. Don't just look at him being gentle and gentle, he's fiercer than anyone on the battlefield." When many people first met Nan Jiyun, they would have been deceived by his outer appearance and thought that he was a weak scholar. But in reality, he was just a gorgeous poisonous snake.    


You really can't judge a book by its cover! Shen Jingli lamented in his heart.    


Mu Chen rummaged through for a long time before finally finding a concise letter. After shaking it, he placed it on the candle flame and roasted it.    


This was the secret letter from the rumors? Shen Jingli looked at the words that were slowly appearing under the candle flame. He felt that it was very magical, he had always thought that the TV show was a lie, he never thought that there would actually be such a method to hide the words.    


"I thought it was from you." The simple letter to report his safety was very fitting with Mu Chen's personality.    


"Yes." Mu Chen read the letter seriously. Seeing him like that, Shen Jingli did not disturb him, he dried his feet and poured some water out before going to bed.    


When the cold wind passed by Jinling City, it bumped into Mu Jin in the street market.    


The letter stated the process of him finding out Soong Wei was an enemy of his, as well as Soong Wei's background.    


The reason why Soong Wei had snuck into the Northwest Army Camp was to seize the power of the Northwest Army from the inside. Furthermore, they had planted spies in the Imperial Palace, and when Soong Wei had complete control of the Northwest Army, he would raise his troops to rebel, collude with the rest of the troops in the Great Lee army, and in one go, seize the Great Yan.    


After reading the letter, Mu Chen's mood became extremely heavy.    


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