Sick Man Turns Out to be a General

C258 Celebration Was Born in Beijing

C258 Celebration Was Born in Beijing

0After stopping the medicine from before and going through careful treatment from the imperial physicians, the emperor's body was much better. Not only was his face redder than before, his body was also much healthier. He could get out of bed and walk.    


Yan Chenglee was very happy. When he thought about the New Year, because the emperor had suddenly fallen ill, the palace was not lively enough. He discussed it with the empress dowager and empress and held a lively feast on Lantern Festival to celebrate.    


When the empress dowager heard that the emperor's health had improved, she was very happy. When she heard Yan Chenglee say that he would hold a banquet, it would bring some happiness to the palace.    


"You have to be careful in this matter. Otherwise, I'm afraid that those people would attack your father." She did not care about what had happened in the palace for dozens of years, and never expected that such a thing would actually happen. The empress dowager suddenly stopped spinning the buddhist beads, raised her head, and looked at the empress and Yan Chenglee. Have you investigated it clearly? "    


Although the empress dowager was old and her body wasn't healthy, and she had only taken a few steps to catch her breath, her eyes were still lively and full of spirit. Her gaze made Yan Chenglee feel extremely uncomfortable, and he nodded his head, "The person who did this has been found out, but he won't say anything. He died the night before yesterday."    


Clink! The buddhist beads in the empress dowager's hand broke and fell to the ground with a clang. The empress dowager was stunned for a moment as she bent over to pick up the buddhist beads. Seeing this, Yan Chenglee quickly picked them up as well.    


After picking up everything that had fallen before his eyes, Yan Chenglee still wanted to find one that had rolled under the table. However, the Empress Dowager waved her hand and placed the buddhist beads that she picked up on the small tea table by the beauty bed.    


These words were like an arrow piercing the empress's heart. She lowered her head and said sincerely, "It was chenqie who failed her duty to allow others to take advantage of her. Please …"    


Her Majesty waved her off. "What has this got to do with you? As the person in charge of the matter, the Emperor didn't notice anything amiss. As a woman in the harem, are you able to control the Emperor at all times? "    


She glanced at the Queen, who personally selected the Daughter-in-law. Not only did it look good, her family background was also important, the most important thing was that she was smart and had methods to help her son manage this huge harem. She was very confident about the Daughter-in-law she had chosen. Although the Daughter-in-law had abandoned the Emperor's heart for her son, she was still a mother and understood her mother's intentions. Therefore, as long as she did not harm the Emperor, she would turn a blind eye to it, regardless of all the dirty things in the harem.    


The empress had originally been worried that the empress dowager's words were an insult to her lack of control over the imperial harem, allowing people to take advantage of the situation to kill the emperor and seize the throne, so she'd hurried to take over. Hearing the empress's words, she heaved a sigh of relief.    


The empress dowager had been observing her this entire time, and seeing that her expression had changed a few times, a smile appeared on her wrinkled face. She then turned to Yan Chenglee and said, "Yongming, I'll leave the matters of the banquet to you.    


Yan Chenglee understood what the empress dowager wanted to do and nodded.    


After discussing this matter, the empress dowager told Yan Chenglee to return to the residence first and leave the empress there. The two chatted for a while longer.    


Yan Chenglee did not immediately return to his residence. Instead, he went to the Palace and told the Emperor not to divulge the news of his illness. The Emperor also asked Lee Dehai to help him organize the Spring Festival.    


There were rumors that the emperor was ill, that the medicine pills were useless, and that the empress planned to hold a party to celebrate the Spring Festival. There were also rumors that the emperor had fully recovered and would be in court in a few days, and that this was the main purpose of the banquet.    


— —    


King Kang Le Mansion    


In the study room, King Kang Le was sitting on a wooden chair. Beside him was a cold looking guard wearing black clothes embroidered with silver threads, with a long sword at his waist, and in front of him was a middle-aged man dressed in blue. The man looked at him with his eyes closed.    


The man rubbed his palms together and carefully said, "Master, I heard that the Emperor …"    


"Ugh …" King Kang Le opened his eyes slightly and looked up at the man. The man straightened his body and nervously shook his legs, then nervously rubbed his hands, forgetting about what he wanted to say.    


A hint of ridicule flashed past King Kang Le's eyes. His usual gentle, humble smile looked somewhat sinister. He extended his hand to rub his knee.    


"Go on."    


After the man heard his words, he immediately continued: "I heard that the Dog Emperor's health has improved, King Jing Lord is preparing to set up a feast to celebrate this matter."    


"Better?" King Kang Le laughed presumptuously, he did not expect that the matter of him messing with the herbs would be discovered so quickly, but he was a person who had prepared beforehand, so it was not surprising at all. As for this matter, he also did not expect it to end well.    


"Yes, the news has spread throughout the imperial court. I have entered the palace many times. Although I have not seen the dog-emperor, judging from the expressions of the people in the palace, I feel that this rumor might be true." Seeing that King Kang Le's expression was cold, as if he did not believe his words, the man nervously rubbed his hands.    


His words caused King Kang Le to frown. He extended his hand to rub his knee, and after thinking for a while, he turned to the guard beside him and asked: "Other than finding out your son, what else did they find?"    


The young nobleman was a spy they had placed in the palace, and it was also he who had disturbed the emperor's supply of tonic, causing him to not only not recover well, but also become weaker and weaker.    


"Nope." The guard shook his head. As soon as the little noble son was found out, he had killed him. There was no chance of him leaking anything. As for the others, since they hadn't made a move yet, they had no way of detecting them.    


King Kang Le nodded. He reached out to take a sip of tea and instructed: "For the time being, don't worry about the matters at the palace. Keep an eye on the Zheng Family.    


"Yes, Mistress." The two answered in unison.    


The King Kang Le smiled lightly and waved them off. The two bowed respectfully before leaving, and after meditating for a while, he stood up and walked in front of a bookshelf. He took out a book from within and took out a letter from the book.    


— —    


On the fifteenth day of the first month, an unexpected guest came to County Prince's Mansion.    


"Fourteenth Brother, sister-in-law." With his son in his arms and a backpack behind him, Mu Yifann stood at the entrance of the County Prince's Mansion with a face full of smiles, greeting Mu Chen and Shen Jingli.    


Qing Sheng carried a backpack on his back, and holding Mu Xi's hand, he smiled at Shen Jingli, "Fourteenth Brother, sister-in-law."    


"Fourteenth Uncle, Uncle Shen, where are Xun Er and Huaixin? I've come to play with them. " Mu Xi turned his head and looked inside, thinking about his little friend.    


Shen Jingli was startled for a moment, then said: "Why did you come to the capital?"    


When he said that, Shen Jingli felt that it was a little rude. The meaning behind those words, was as if he was saying that they should not have come to the capital.    


However, Qing Sheng did not notice anything amiss and thought that Shen Jingli was worried about them. He said, "Yifann is going to the Beijing college to attend the Imperial Examinations next year, and I am worried that he will be staying in the capital by himself, and that the three of us are also worried that he will be staying at home. Thus, we came together, planning to rent a house in the capital.    


Qing Sheng laughed. What he did not say was that it was because Shen Jingli was in the capital that he had the confidence to live in the capital. That was the reason he came together with Mu Yifann.    


Mu Yifann also laughed, and continued to say: "We will set off on the second day of the new year, and travel by the water route, a bit faster than by the land."    


Mu Chen looked at the people who were passing by and asked curiously: "If there's anything you want to say, go in and talk."    


Only then did Shen Jingli remember that they were tired and had to be tired. He hurriedly invited them into the house and ordered some people to tidy up a courtyard for them.    


"You have just arrived at the capital, you definitely haven't found a place to stay yet, stay at our place for today. Tomorrow, I'll ask Da Ji to bring you guys to look for Ya Zi and see if you can find a suitable house." Shen Jingli said.    


"Then, thank you, sister-in-law." Qing Sheng knew that they had come, and he would definitely help.    


Shen Jingli first brought Qing Sheng to his courtyard, while Mu Yifann followed Mu Chen to the study room to discuss the matter of entering the academy.    


Qing Sheng carried the child and followed Shen Jingli into the courtyard. The moment he sat down, he spoke out impatiently: "Sister-in-law, this capital is really bustling with activity. It's bustling with noise and excitement along the way."    


Qing Sheng told him everything he had seen and heard along the way, and was extremely emotional. Shen Jingli poured tea for him, and seeing how deeply he sighed, he laughed: "The bustle of Jinling City is not inferior to that of the capital, why are you so shocked?"    


"Sister-in-law, that's different. Jinling is bustling, but Jinling is mostly business people with the stench of copper, and the capital is different." Sister-in-law, that's different, Jinling is bustling, but Jinling is mostly business people with the stench of copper. Qing Sheng said, and from that, it could be seen that he had a good impression of the people of Beijing.    


Shen Jingli thought in his heart, that was because he did not see the Beijing people relying on their power to bully others, and did not see the dirty side of the capital, so he naturally thought that everything was good.    



Shen Jingli didn't want to tell him these things, so he looked at the little fellow in his embrace and asked: "How old is the child? Is it a boy or a girl? "    


"Born at the beginning of October, it's a man." He hurriedly took off his child's hat, allowing Shen Jingli to see his son's face, "This time, there's still some spare money in the family. After I give birth to my child, I made a good rest, so my body recovered very quickly.    


When he was having Mu Xi, because his family's condition was not good, after giving birth, he did not have a good rest, and because of that, he had not gotten pregnant for many years. Now, because his family was fine, Mu Yifann knew how to feel about him.    


"I heard that sister-in-law has given birth. Is the child well? Is it a boy or a girl?"    


"Two boys." Shen Jingli said.    


"That's great." Qing Sheng was born and bred in the ancient people, and paid particular attention to the matter of having many sons and having many blessings. When he heard that Shen Jingli had two sons, he was sincerely happy for him.    


Shen Jingli also smiled happily, and then asked about their progress, after which he had Jin Yu bring them all to rest.    


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