Sick Man Turns Out to be a General



0This fight between children was only stopped when Mu Chen and Xu Yanlin came over.    


However, the two little fellows really hated each other. Even when his father held them in his hands, he still bared his fangs and brandished his claws at the other. He made people feel that as long as he didn't stop them, they would definitely get into another fight.    


"Let me go! Father, let me go! I must chase that fellow out of the northwest …" An Xin kept twisting her body, doing what seemed like a sprint as she glared at Xu Lingyun.    


Mu Chen's eyes turned cold as he looked behind him. An An An felt a chill and his neck shrank back, slowly raising his head, seeing Mu Chen's change in expression, he inwardly cursed. He then heard a voice from behind him, "Little brother."    


He was overjoyed, and without bothering to fight with Xu Lingyun, he turned around and looked at the person. That person was dressed in blue, and had a friendly smile on his face, like his own. He stood obediently beside Xun Er, staring at him with his watery eyes.    


"Second brother, save me!" Anthea cried out in excitement, reaching out her hand to the group.    


Xun Er, who was standing beside the group, saw his second brother, who was being grabbed by his father, excitedly crying for help towards them. He actually angered his usually calm father to such an extent?    


Xun Er walked over, and extended his hand to An An's little butt, "What kind of disaster did you cause now?"    


"I didn't cause any trouble?" An An waved her small fist, refusing to admit it.    


Xun Er glanced at him, knowing that he wouldn't be able to get anything out of him, so he asked Mu Chen directly, "Father, what kind of disaster has An An?"    


"He beat up your Uncle Xu's child."    


"No way, he hit me too." An'an resisted with dissatisfaction, revealing the bruises on her arms, indicating that she was not lying. Then she turned around and glared at Xu Lingyun. It was all this guy's fault, Daddy was actually protecting this skinny and weak guy, this was too much.    


"Uncle Xu?" It was only then that Xun Er saw Xu Yanlin and his wife, who were at the side, and his eyes widened in surprise and joy, "Uncle Xu, when did you come? Why didn't you tell me in advance that I would go to the city gate to welcome you all? Didn't I come with you this time? "    


"The moment Xun Er saw Xu Yanlin, Xun Er excitedly asked all sorts of questions. It took him a while to calm down, and then he saw Xu Lingyun, who was being held by Xu Yanlin," This must be Little Treasure.    


When I was a baby, did I have a fight with that guy?    


An An and Xu Lingyun had the same thought at the same time. So this guy really isn't pleasing to the eye.    


"That's true. Why do these two little guys look like natural enemies?" Hearing Xun Er's words, Zhao Wenrui remembered the past and couldn't help but laugh. Could it be that these two little fellows were enemies in their previous lives?    


"It might be fate." Shen Jingli reached out to stroke the wrinkles on his clothes, "You can't be even prettier than this, Big Brother Ling Yun is a guest, how can there be a master fighting with a guest? "I don't understand a single thing about politeness."    


"Little brother, no." Squadron walked over and took An An's hand.    


Hearing second brother's words, An An Xin snorted. Seeing that, Mu Chen put him down, he gave Xu Lingyun a provocative look, and was obediently pulled away.    


"Let's go have a meal." Shen Jingli opened his mouth to break the silent atmosphere.    


"What's going on? Is a tongue bad? " Walking with Shen Jingli, Zhao Wenrui kept turning his head to look at the group.    


"No, he just doesn't like to talk." In the beginning, he and Mu Chen had thought that there was something wrong with this child. He and Mu Chen had invited a few doctors over to look at him, and they all said that there was nothing wrong with his body, that there was nothing wrong with his IQ, that he had only been speaking briefly, and that it might be his personality.    


Every time he read a book, he would ask Shen Jingli or Mu Chen a lot of questions. It could be said that he had a hundred thousand questions on Mu Family, and he was very smart, liked to carve, and had a unique understanding of carvings. However, because he was young, Shen Jingli was afraid that if he used the blade, it would hurt him, so he was not allowed to learn carvings so early.    


"Same as Zi An?" Zhao Wenrui looked at the group, then looked at Mu Chen, and felt that the father and son duo were actually not alike. Although their faces were sixty percent alike, the group's expression was very gentle, but Mu Chen's expression was very solemn, could it be that the father did not like to speak?    


"…" Shen Jingli was rendered speechless by the question. From his point of view, the fact that the ball didn't like to talk had nothing to do with Mu Chen.    


The main course for the evening meal was roast lamb, braised lamb, dried chicken, live fish and a few vegetables.    


It was rare to meet them, so they didn't talk much about food. They ate huge mouthfuls of meat and drank as they talked.    


Shen Jingli made many friends in the capital, but after coming to the northwest, he almost stopped contacting them. This time, when he saw Zhao Wenrui, he was very happy, but on top of it, he also took a bottle of wine and started drinking with Zhao Wenrui.    


Zhao Wenrui knew what Shen Jingli was thinking, and without waiting for him to ask, he told him the situation of Marquis Zhen Yuan Mansion, Nanping County Prince Palace, Western Mu Mansion and Yang Mansion. Actually, recently, the country was peaceful and there were no wars, nor any big disasters.    


After dinner, Shen Jingli asked his servants to bring Zhao Wenrui and the other two to the courtyard they were living in tonight. However, he and Xu Yanlin talked about their business with regards to the medicinal herbs, the scented medicine and the jade.    


"You must have made a lot in the past few years, right?" Before this, he did not expect Xu Yanlin to be a cunning merchant.    


"Not as much as you earn." He is just about to become the richest man in the capital, that's all. Xu Yanlin smiled proudly as he picked up his tea and drank it, "You said that there are a lot of minerals in the Northwest?"    


Looking at his shiny eyes, Shen Jingli knew what he was planning. He put down the teacup and said, "There is, you shouldn't have any bad intentions. The mines in the northwest are all mine, don't even think about interfering."    


"Are you too greedy?" He actually wanted to monopolize the entire Northwest.    


"Is there?" Shen Jingli was completely unaware of this. He turned around and looked at Mu Chen, "Do you think it's so easy to let the Northwest Armies become strong and the commoners live in peace and work?"    


Now that there was no war, who knew how much money it would cost just to raise such a huge army of several hundred thousand men and raise a strong steed? It was a waste of money and resources.    


"Don't lie, out of the soldiers under fourteen, which one of them wasn't called by you to work in the fields?" This person was probably a devil, always squeezing out other people's labor.    


"That's because they want to make extra money." He paid. Why not?    


"You …" You can't outtalk him.    


"No matter how many mines there are, there will always be a day when we're done harvesting. Can't you just love this land a little more?" Earning money was not bad, but he could not force the environment in which he lived to the point of death just for earning money.    


Shen Jingli put down his teacup, "Tomorrow, I'll bring you to the mines to have a look. The quality of the jade produced by this mine is not bad, it's enough for you to earn a lot."    






On the second day, Shen Jingli and Xu Yanlin brought their husband Xu Yanlin to the mines. After mining for a long time, they had already harvested a lot of jade, but they were not done yet.    


The few of them looked around the mine, and then looked at the ore that was mined, and then looked at the medicine Shen Jingli grew.    


Looking at the large expanse of fragrant medicine, Xu Yanlin felt like he was looking at white and silver. His mood was extremely good, after leaving the medicine garden, he suggested that they go hunting together on the grassland.    


Shen Jingli stayed in the northwest for more than three years and had learnt how to ride horses. His skills weren't very good, but jogging and hunting wasn't a problem.    


It was rare for him to abandon his children and live with the two of them, so Mu Chen readily agreed to Xu Yanlin's suggestion.    


They rode their horses out of the city and arrived at the Duck Grassland outside the city. The grassland was vast, and they soon split up.    


"You did it on purpose, right?" Shen Jingli dismounted from the horse and let the horse graze freely. He walked to the side of the river, scooped up some water, washed his face and sat down.    



"What did you say?" Mu Chen pretended not to understand.    


Shen Jingli turned his head to look at him. The other party was standing behind him, standing proudly with a posture that made him look like a prince who had just walked out from a movie.    


"Deliberately separating from Wenri and the others." Do you think he can't see through me?    


Mu Chen did not admit nor deny it. He sat down beside Shen Jingli, put his arm around his shoulders and asked to rest on his body, "Jinglee, have you been well all these years?"    


Shen Jingli looked up at him in astonishment, within his beautiful eyes, there was a rare trace of wavering. He smiled, raised his head and kissed his chin.    


Mu Chen held him tightly in his arms. After knowing about Shen Jingli's background, he had heard a lot about other worlds, which he could never imagine, the advanced technology, convenient transportation, free and democratic life. He was afraid that he would miss that world and the people and things of that world.    


"When Xun Er grows up a little bit more, I'll hand Northwest over to him, and then bring you to travel around the kingdoms."    


"Xun Er doesn't seem to be interested in taking over from the Northwest." He didn't want to force the child to do something he didn't like.    


"He has no choice." That was his mission as his son.    


"Don't push him too hard. As long as I'm with you, I don't mind staying in the northwest for the rest of my life." In his previous life, he was a house of death. Since it was inconvenient to travel in this life, he was more willing to be a house of death.    


Mu Chen didn't say anything, he only kissed his forehead. He wanted to accompany him to see the beautiful scenery everywhere and create beautiful memories for him. This was probably the most romantic thought in his life.    


"Speaking of which, we haven't been so alone in a long time." After the birth of a child, the center of gravity would revolve around the child. Occasionally, they would have time alone together, but the child would quickly interrupt them.    


The light red rays of light shined like the stars on the river in front of them. With the gentle breeze blowing, and the sound of the horses grazing beside his ears, Shen Jingli comfortably leaned into Mu Chen's embrace and shook his body gently. He felt extremely happy at this moment.    


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