Second Young Miss, Foxy Wild Doctor

C401 Simple ink past above

C401 Simple ink past above

0The various forces did not want to stay any longer after exiting the Ringfield Secret Area. Although the appearance of Xue Yao made all of these powers change their minds, the environment here was very ordinary. Even if they had something to discuss, they would not stay here for long.    


Thus, after half a day of rest, they packed up and left.    


Although Tian Ji Kingdom and Heaven Martial Kingdom did not hold much power, they were the first to leave. Whether it was to avoid direct conflict with Mercenary Guild, or to avoid any conflicts of interest with Mercenary Guild, was unknown.    


Jian Mo was basically unable to come out of the Mercenary Guild anymore after that. The entire atmosphere of the Mercenary Guild was a little down, and after finding out about this news, he caused quite a commotion, but in the end, he had no choice but to go back first.    


At this time, other than Jian Mo and Yan Xiao who had changed their appearances, the rest who had also changed their appearances, Jin Yi and the four others who had unknowingly followed them here, were going to the place where Mei Luo had landed.    


As for Jian Huan and Lin Qi, it was not that they did not want to come, but since it was inconvenient for them to show themselves, they had to follow along now, as that would automatically arouse suspicions. If they wanted to follow along, they could only follow the large group of Mercenary Guild s back.    


This time, both Shao Zi and Hu Zi did not follow him.    


However, they rarely communicated on the road back, so Yan Xiao gave these people a short period of amnesia. With a few strangers appearing, they were still very familiar with each other, anyone with brain would be able to tell.    


Right now, their identities were being introduced by the leader. They had left behind all the people in the city, so this time they needed to return together with them.    


Everyone was a little depressed on the way, no matter what.    


It was inconvenient for Jian Mo and Yan Xiao to get close to each other now. They called each other brothers and they were usually together, but it was impossible for them to hug and kiss each other.    


Yan Xiao could not help but look at Jian Mo from time to time. Jian Mo held onto Yan Xiao's hand without leaving a trace behind: "It's not convenient right now, I'll tell you later."    


Yan Xiao nodded her head, from the moment the Mount Xue Sheng Holy Maiden appeared, he had been very abnormal. If not for Yan Xiao believing her eyes, she was sure that she would not have liked her due to infatuation, but loathing her instead, she would have suspected his love just because of Jian Mo's sudden silence.    


's face was ashen, but he did not say anything. However, the warning look in his eyes made it so that Jian Mo could not act rashly towards Yan Xiao. Jin Yi did not dare to do anything to him.    


Of course, that was only if Jian Mo himself was willing to.    


That night, the two of them sat at the table and mentioned Xue Yao.    


The two of them stood silently under the light of this oil lamp, appearing somewhat strange. Jian Mo raised his head, looked at Yan Xiao and said: "You should have already guessed that I had once taken a disciple as my master, and indeed, what I had taken as my disciple was Mount Xue Sheng, and the person I had taken as my disciple was the Sacred Master of the Mount Xue Sheng."    


Yan Xiao had indeed thought of this point. With Jian Mo's strength, which was him being rather low profile, or else there would be more people on the continent knowing that among the younger generation, there was a genius like Jian Mo. Therefore, the place where the rumors spread that the top experts of the entire continent gathered indeed fit Jian Mo as her master, but acknowledging the Holy Lord as his master, was truly beyond Yan Xiao's expectations.    


"Later on, when I tried to escape from the Mount Xue Sheng, I almost died there."    


Speaking till here, Jian Mo's Qi had changed greatly, the kind of Profound Spirit Qi that was wrapped around every part of his body, causing his heart to ache, he also reached out and gently held Jian Mo's hand.    


Jian Mo seemed to be afraid that Yan Xiao would retract his hand, and tightly held Yan Xiao's hand: "Actually, when I first entered the Mount Xue Sheng, I also started off as a Spirit Master."    


Yan Xiao was shocked, "But you ?"    


At that time, my dantian was destroyed and I rushed down the mountain. If not for the fact that I used the message jade pendant to contact Uncle Feng and the others, I would have died under the slaughter of the Mount Xue Sheng halfway. "    


Yan Xiao only needed to think about it again and she immediately recalled the situation at that time. A wave of anger surged out from within her heart: "Heh, I've always been against the Mount Xue Sheng that they blow, but I've always disapproved.    


To a Spirit Master, what did dantian represent? It was equivalent to a second heart.    


For example, if all the power of a Spirit Master were to be destroyed, it would be even weaker than a Battle Master. It would be so weak that it would be unable to withstand a single blow.    


If Jian Mo was studying in the Mount Xue Sheng, then he had to go down the mountain and take back those martial arts. Destroying the dantian would destroy all possibilities in the future, what was the difference between this and breaking a person's back.    


Alright, there's a rule in a place, Mount Xue Sheng is this strict, you have to destroy your Dantian if you want to go down the mountain, that's reasonable, but you still need to send people to chase after them, what kind of logic is that!    


Yan Xiao felt her anger churning, Jian Mo's expression was also strange, he pulled Yan Xiao and pulled him into her embrace, then Yan Xiao discovered that Jian Mo's body was trembling.    


She was startled for a moment, and then immediately turned around and pulled Jian Mo back into her embrace, wanting to use this chance to comfort him.    


Jian Mo said slowly, "When I first entered the Mount Xue Sheng, my parents were still fine. Mount Xue Sheng has always been a noble place, something that cultivators yearn for. My parents have no intention to join, as they yearn for freedom even more. When I was small, I heard about the matter regarding Mount Xue Sheng, and yearned for it in my heart. However, I didn't say much about it, but Father and Mother still found out about it. They didn't want to disappoint me, so they endured the pain later on and decided to send me to the Mount Xue Sheng. I was extremely unwilling to part with them, but I wanted to hope that I could become stronger, and I was urged to agree to it in the end. "    


As he said till here, Jian Mo's eyes revealed boundless regret.    


Yan Xiao hugged Jian Mo, her hands constantly patting Jian Mo's back to comfort him.    


Jian Mo leaned his head against Yan Xiao's shoulder, "I am now regretting my decision, but back then, I was full of hope and went there. After entering the Mount Xue Sheng, you have to forget your name, and after entering, only your code name will remain, because that means you have to start from scratch. I am very serious, because as long as you become stronger, you will still have the chance to go find your family members and meet them again in the future. "    


"I have always strived very hard. I was really greedy at that time. Even if I wanted to become stronger, I also didn't want to be separated from my parents for a long time. "I really do have talent for cultivation. In our generation, I progressed the fastest, even faster than senior brothers and sisters. I was gradually discovered by the Holy Master, and he even wanted me as his disciple."    


Jian Mo slowly described. "The life span of a Sacred Master is extremely limited, he can't possibly have more than five disciples at the very most, so how precious is this spot? At that time, he already had four disciples and I was the last one to enter. After he revealed this news, I became the target of everyone on the mountain. Every day, people would sneak attack those who wanted to kill me and challenge those who had lost me. In the end, I endured it all and officially became his fifth disciple. "    


Yan Xiao suddenly thought of the Heavenly Sin Holy Maiden, could this Holy Maiden not be considered one of them?    


Jian Mo thought: "The Holy Maiden Xue Yao, the fourth disciple of the Holy Master, is also my senior sister?"    


"Hmm? She looks very small. "    


Jian Mo laughed sarcastically. Normally, Jian Mo rarely had any expression on his face, but this expression was a bit strange: "She was ten years older than me. I used to admire her a little."    


Hearing that, Yan Xiao's face immediately sunk, Jian Mo also became stiff, but he persisted: "There aren't many female disciples with Mount Xue Sheng, and she is indeed very outstanding, at that time on the Sacred Mountain, there were also many who admired her. But then I learned that admiration was only because she was good enough and beautiful, and she usually looked kind and kind. I was only ten years old and I didn't know what true liking was. "    


Jian Mo looked deeply at Yan Xiao: "I am very clear that only until I meet you, will I truly understand what kind of person would be able to move my heart, and what would be the future where I can live together with you."    


Yan Xiao let out a sigh. Although Jian Mo had explained it to his, she still felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.    


Even if she was a woman, she had to admit that Xue Yao really did have the qualifications to make people go crazy. Not only was she of noble status, her beauty was shocking, and her strength wouldn't be low. She was an outstanding person in every aspect.    


Jian Mo was a little nervous, and immediately kissed Yan Xiao on the cheek. "Xiao'er, believe me."    


Yan Xiao covered Jian Mo's mouth with one hand: "Tell me more, I'll consider whether or not I should believe you."    


Jian Mo pursed his lips and looked at Yan Xiao a little nervously. Now he wasn't as sad as he was, and said: "Back then, she took great care of me. I've been gone for years, and I haven't had a chance to go down the mountain. When I first came up the mountain, Jian Huan was still trying to learn from his words. I was also very worried that I wouldn't be able to see Father and Mother for a few years. But later on, because of my hard work, because I was the disciple of the Sacred Master and had a different status in terms of Mount Xue Sheng, I had the chance to find out about the people outside. At that time, I suddenly found out that my parents had disappeared, and I wanted to go down the mountain.    


When Jian Mo said till here, his face was gloomy: "At that time I was extremely anxious, I thought of all sorts of methods, but none of them could enter. But that must be the rule of Mount Xue Sheng, for Father and Mother to always go out and gain experience, and something may not have truly happened. "    


"But you still went down the mountain."    


"Yes!" When Jian Mo said till here, his entire expression was filled with a strange disgust, ridicule and resentment. "The real reason why I have to leave no matter what price I have to pay, is because I saw it ?"    


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