Farm Girl: General, Please Accept

C107 Like Drinking Water Cold and Warm

C107 Like Drinking Water Cold and Warm

0The emperor naturally agreed. When they arrived inside the kitchen, Consort Hua also walked in. She looked at Lee Wanning and said, "Thank you."    


Lee Wanning was stunned for a moment. When she turned around, Consort Hua was already smiling widely. She looked at herself and said, "You are a very smart child."    


Lee Wanning thought she was referring to the matter where she had just diverted the emperor's attention.    


Actually, Lee Wanning also knew, that whether passive or active, the creator of this war was the person sitting on the Dragon Throne. If the Emperor knew that Consort Hua's family had been destroyed because of him, he would definitely be unhappy.    


However, Lee Wanning had never thought that the Emperor would actually be the one to bring his troops and horses into Consort Hua's hometown.    


Later on, when she found out about it, she realized that the whirlpool of fate had pushed her forward.    


Consort Hua said that the Emperor's appetite wasn't very good recently. Furthermore, it was already past breakfast time and it was still early for lunch. Therefore, Lee Wanning only made a small cake.    


The rest were all fruits as well. When the emperor saw this cake, the expression on his face froze for a moment, then he slowly said, "I know that you were like this the other day, making this thing on General Mansion."    


That's right, but they all thought it was for watching. No one wanted to eat it. Now that the emperor was looking at the food on the plate, he felt a little interested. After taking a bite, his eyes immediately lit up.    


It was smooth and juicy in his mouth, as if he could cut it open without chewing. It had the fragrance of milk and the sweetness of fruit. When the emperor opened his eyes, he realized that he had finished all the food in front of him.    


He raised his eyes and looked at Lee Wanning, saying, "This thing of yours is quite interesting."    


Lee Wanning knelt down and said, "Many thanks to the emperor for his praise."    


The Emperor nodded and said, "Will you do anything else besides this?"    


Lee Wanning didn't want to interact with this man in front of her, but since he had asked, she could only answer truthfully, "This humble girl grew up in the village, so she's always been more concerned with cooking. She's only making small snacks that aren't on the table at all."    


The emperor, on the other hand, was very happy. He said, "Oh, then why don't you make it for me and give it a try?"    


The corner of Lee Wanning's mouth twitched. When Consort Hua saw him, she quickly said, "Your majesty, are you here to see chenqie or to eat something?"    


Consort Hua reached out her hand and said, "Look, chenqie was scalded in the kitchen just now!"    


Only then did the emperor take her hand and say, "Of course I'm here to see my beloved concubine. Didn't I just happen to find this girl very interesting and ask a few questions?"    


Consort Hua's eyes darted around before she said, "Since that's the case, Your Majesty, chenqie wants her to stay here with chenqie. chenqie has learnt her techniques, so how about you personally make her for Your Majesty to eat?"    


Hearing Consort Hua's words, Lee Wanning's face immediately changed. She was about to speak when the Emperor said, "This girl is Zhou Qu's man, letting her stay here for a long time is against the rules. This way, I will allow you to enter the palace for four hours a day to accompany Consort Dowager Hua."    


Lee Wanning could only kowtow and express her gratitude. "Many thanks, Your Majesty. I, Consort Dowager Hualong, am grateful!"    


After going back, the Emperor gave him a lot of things. Zhou Qu didn't know about Lee Wanning entering the palace, and when he saw her enter and sitting in the palanquin, his expression couldn't help but change.    


Lee Wanning didn't notice that the eunuch had helped her out of the carriage, and as she looked at the things bestowed upon her by the Emperor, she moved them into the General Mansion.    


"Aa Ning."    


Hearing the sound, Lee Wanning raised her head and saw Zhou Qu greeting the eunuch in the lead. He then walked to her side and said, "What's going on?"    


Lee Wanning could only tell him how she met Consort Hua yesterday. When she heard that Lee Wanning had to enter the palace every day from tomorrow onwards, Zhou Qu frowned even harder.    


Lee Wanning knew what he was thinking, so she smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine. It's just that I think …" "This Consort Hua seems to be …"    


Before Lee Wanning could finish her words, she saw Wang Yanran walk over. She looked at the things she was carrying home and said, "What's going on?"    


Jie Er, who had already heard the news, hurriedly told Wang Yanran. Wang Yanran was so angry that her nose almost crooked. She looked at Lee Wanning and said, "You sure are capable of this. In just two short days, even the emperor …"    


Originally, she wanted to say that even the Emperor had been seduced by her, but after thinking for a bit, she changed her words and said, "Lee Wanning, your thoughts are really deep!"    


Lee Wanning glanced at her and said, "I don't think so."    


She knew what Wang Yanran wanted to say, but she didn't feel that it was a good thing at all. Although she had only seen the Emperor twice, from his solemn expression, Lee Wanning knew that no matter how bad his health was, he was still the master of this world. If he wanted her to die, it would be as easy as pie.    


Lee Wanning thought as she looked at Zhou Qu. Obviously, he also had the same idea.    


"How about I find an excuse tomorrow and say that I am ill and unable to enter the palace?"    


Zhou Qu looked at her and shook his head. "No, the emperor will definitely get the imperial physician to come and take a look for you. If you find out that you're faking your illness, then you're committing treason and you're going to be executed!"    


Lee Wanning didn't say anything else and frowned. Zhou Qu looked at her and said, "Alright, you don't have to frown, since the emperor wants you to come to the palace to accompany Consort Dowager Hua, you just have to accompany her properly. I believe with your personality, you shouldn't cause any trouble."    


Lee Wanning nodded, remembering Consort Hua's eyes today and what she had told her. She said, "Do you know where Consort Dowager Hua came from?"    


"What do you mean?"    


"I don't know. Anyway, I always felt that she didn't just treat me like an ordinary person. After all, I walked past her at that time, but she gave me her identity card. Don't you think that's strange?"    


"You mean …"    


Lee Wanning shook her head. "I don't mean anything. I was just randomly asking."    


Just as Lee Wanning finished speaking, she saw Wang Yanran walk in. Her face was obviously flustered and exasperated as she looked at Zhou Qu, who was beside her, and said, "General, what do you mean by staying in a concubine's room all day? "And you actually dared to let me leave in front of so many people just now?"    


Wang Yanran had wanted to say something just now when they were at the door, but she didn't expect Zhou Qu to ask her to go back to her room first. This made Wang Yanran angry, if Jie Er didn't forcefully pull her away, then Wang Yanran really wanted to go up and give Zhou Qu a slap.    


Now, when she found out that Zhou Qu was still in Lee Wanning's room, she became angrier. She bit off the word 'concubine' even more clearly with a single sentence.    


As expected, Lee Wanning's expression changed.    


Zhou Qu instantly stood up. From the looks of it, Wang Yanran felt that he probably wanted to hit her.    


Thinking about this, Wang Yanran was a little scared, but she still looked straight at Zhou Qu.    


Zhou Qu said, "Isn't Miss Wang's management a bit too broad? I'm just a living person, do you want to restrict where I go and what I do? "    


Wang Yanran's eyes swept across Lee Wanning fiercely and said, "Of course! You're her husband, and you're my husband! Furthermore, I am your legal wife, so how are the people under you going to look at me? "    


Zhou Qu wanted to say something, but Lee Wanning already looked at Wang Yanran and said, "Miss Wang, why don't we have a chat?"    


Wang Yanran sneered. Lee Wanning walked to Zhou Qu's side and whispered something in his ear. Zhou Qu frowned but still walked out.    



Wang Yanran stood in front of Lee Wanning and watched her turn around to open one of her small boxes.    


Inside, there were the tea leaves that Lee Wanning had hidden.    


Lee Wanning cooked slowly. Wang Yanran frowned as she watched her cooking, then she placed a cup of tea in front of her.    


"You don't think I'm going to poison the tea, do you?"    


Wang Yanran's face was full of bewilderment and surprise. However, when she saw Lee Wanning's smiling expression, she coldly snorted and directly took the teacup in front of her and downed it in one gulp.    


Lee Wanning drank the tea slowly and said, "You have to drink the tea slowly to be able to taste the sweetness within. Lee Wanning drank the tea slowly and said," You have to drink the tea slowly before you can taste the sweetness within.    


Wang Yanran didn't understand a word Lee Wanning said. She only laughed coldly and said, "Who are you? A peasant girl who hasn't even gone to a private school yet wants to lecture me? "    


Lee Wanning really wanted to tell her that she had studied for 18 years and was probably older than her current age. However, after pausing for a moment, she slowly said, "Do you like Zhou Qu?"    


Wang Yanran did not expect her to mention this matter so suddenly. She was stunned for a moment before staring at Lee Wanning, saying, "Who are you? What right do you have to say such words to me? "    


Lee Wanning seemed to smile. Then, she slowly raised her head and said, "Can you please answer me first?"    


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