Farm Girl: General, Please Accept

C287 A Family Feud Cannot be Forgotten

C287 A Family Feud Cannot be Forgotten

0Princess Changle's voice was calm, as if she was talking about an ordinary thing.    


Zhou Qu stared at her with a gaze that made Aa Tia immediately step forward and stand in front of Princess Changle.    


However, Zhou Qu remained unchanged. He only looked at Princess Changle, "What did you mean by that sentence just now?"    


"She's crazy. Shangguan Jinghua gave her medicine and she became like this." Princess Changle pulled Aa Tia away and said, "General Zhou, I know you also feel bad for Aa Ning, right? "So, if I tell you to get the antidote back for Aa Ning, would you be willing?"    


Princess Changle stared fixedly at the person in front of her.    


Zhou Qu was stunned for a moment and said without thinking, "Of course! Where is he?! "    


With that, Zhou Qu clenched his hands. It was as if if if Shangguan Jinghua was in front of him right now, he would definitely tear him to shreds!    


Princess Changle looked ahead, "He is still at Chang Nan Mountain, but General Zhou, you can't go alone."    


"Princess, you mean …"    


"I'll go with you!"    


Hearing Princess Changle's words, everyone's expression changed. Aa Tia even directly said, "Princess, if you want to go, I'll go with you!"    


Princess Changle shook her head. "No need, just let General Zhou go with me. General Zhou's kung fu is good, he can protect me!"    


"But the princess …"    


"Alright, don't say anymore. I've already decided on this matter. It's settled then."    


Princess Changle's eyes were filled with determination. She looked at Zhou Qu and asked, "General Zhou should be fine, right?"    


Zhou Qu glanced at Lee Wanning and nodded without a second thought, "Of course!"    


When Princess Changle returned to her own bedroom, Aa Tia kneeled down and said, "Princess, if you really want to go, you have to bring me along!"    


Aa Tia's eyes were filled with determination. Although he knew that Zhou Qu would not do anything to Princess Changle here, but in times of crisis, Zhou Qu would definitely not be like him and think of a princess first!    


So this time, he must go with the princess!    


Princess Changle glanced at him, obviously taking his thoughts into consideration.    


She said, "Aa Tia, I know what you're thinking. Perhaps you're right, Zhou Qu won't be very loyal to me. But at this moment, I'm even more unsure of one thing."    


"Princess, are you worried about Little Prince?"    


Zhu Er finally said this.    


Princess Changle glanced at her and nodded slightly.    


She slowly looked at the child in Zhu Er's hand and said, "It's impossible for me to bring him with me, so I can only leave him here in the palace. Aa Tia, Zhu Er, you are the two people I trust the most.    


Princess Changle's eyes were filled with determination as she looked straight ahead. Her eyes had already sunk.    


Aa Tia didn't know how to refute Princess Changle's words.    


Princess Changle looked at him and said with a smile, "Well, Aa Tia, don't worry, I have made up my mind about this. Zhou Qu is very nervous about Aa Ning, so this time, it's the best choice for the two of us!"    


"Princess, Shangguan Jinghua did this so that you could go see him. If he wants to do something …"    


"I know." Princess Changle slightly narrowed her eyes and said, "Don't worry, I will protect myself well. Moreover, if Shangguan Jinghua wants my life, it will depend on whether he has the ability to do so!"    


Princess Changle's eyes finally turned vicious.    


Before this, Princess Changle also had some fantasies about Shangguan Jinghua.    


She thought, even if it wasn't some loving couple, but between them, they could always sit down and have a good chat.    


But now, Princess Changle had long since realized that she was wrong!    


Absolutely wrong!    


While she kept thinking that he was the father of the child, Shangguan Jinghua just treated her as an enemy!    


He wished he could tear himself into a thousand pieces!    


Since that was the case, no matter how many thoughts she had in mind, Princess Changle could only stop.    


Shangguan Jinghua, this is all because of you... He was forced to do it step by step!    


The next day, Princess Changle left with Zhou Qu.    


Zhu Er hugged Little Prince, "Princess, don't worry. I will definitely take good care of Little Prince!"    


"Yes, princess. We will wait here for you!"    


Aa Tia said slowly.    


Princess Changle looked at them and smiled. "That's good. Only when you're here will I feel at ease!"    


Aa Tia and Zhu Er both smiled.    


Princess Changle didn't look at him any longer. After saying goodbye to the baby in her cradle, she turned around and left.    


Zhou Qu followed behind her.    


This time, Princess Changle did not plan to bring many soldiers and horses. In total, they numbered five thousand.    


If Shangguan Jinghua really wanted him to die there, that was fine too.    


However, Princess Changle thought that no matter how despicable Shangguan Jinghua was, he wouldn't be able to do such a thing.    


Princess Changle didn't want to ride on the carriage, as it would be much slower if she did so.    


So she rode like everyone else.    


Zhou Qu was beside her.    


From Princess Changle's direction, he could see Zhou Qu's resolute profile.    


Princess Changle couldn't help but say, "General Zhou, if you hadn't lost your memory at that time, you and Aa Ning might be living a good life in that village."    


Zhou Qu had thought of this before.    


After finally calming down with great difficulty, he was still unable to think of her no matter what.    


That was why she had left. That was why she had encountered such a situation!    


It was all him!    


Thinking of this, Zhou Qu couldn't help but feel a little angry in his heart.    


However, he quickly calmed down and said softly, "This can only be called fate. There are too many ifs."    


Princess Changle's eyes looked in front of her as she said, "Your life …" Yes, this is all fate. "    


The first night they rested in an inn.    


Princess Changle was naturally in her own room.    


Zhou Qu's room was right next to hers. He had good hearing, so as long as there was any movement, he would be able to tell immediately.    


Princess Changle, on the other hand, was not sleepy at all.    


She suddenly thought of the last time she went to the military camp, despite the objections of the crowd.    


Shangguan Jinghua also didn't disappoint the others and let her off.    


He then threw her into the cage.    


Finally, she branded her face forever.    


The look on his face... The traces of shame.    


Princess Changle opened the door.    


When he opened it, Zhou Qu, who was in the other room, also stood up.    


After the two of them exchanged a glance, Princess Changle chuckled softly and said, "General Zhou, your hearing is really good."    


"Protect the princess, that is how it should be." Zhou Qu looked at her and said calmly.    


Princess Changle only smiled. Then, she turned her gaze towards the main hall. "It's just that suddenly, I want to have a drink."    


Zhou Qu followed her down like this.    


Princess Changle was sitting in the lobby. It was already late at night, and they were the only two people in the lobby.    


Princess Changle's eyes looked at her glass of wine and said softly, "Actually, there are times when I really envy Aa Ning."    


Zhou Qu was stunned and looked at Princess Changle.    


She laughed softly and said, "I envy her for being able to meet you among all the people here, and you can also meet her. Even if there are many troubles between you two, in any case, your hearts have always been together."    


Before Zhou Qu replied, Princess Changle had already stood up and was looking out the window.    


"Before, someone asked me, are you lonely?"    


"How can I not be lonely? "No matter what I have, no matter how much flattery I have, I am still only one person."    


Princess Changle raised her head and looked out the window, "Earlier, I actually wanted to hide behind someone else and be a little girl, teaching a normal life as a couple. But... However, even the heavens will not allow such a simple request. "    


Princess Changle's eyes turned around and looked at the person in front of her with a smile, "Zhou Qu, what do you think?"    


"Actually, Princess, you have a lot of people with you." Finally, Zhou Qu said this.    


Princess Changle chuckled. Then, she said slowly, "Yes, General Tie and Zhu Er are loyal to me. I should be satisfied with that."    


Princess Changle finished the wine in her cup in one gulp and walked past Zhou Qu. "I should be satisfied. General Zhou, it's getting late. You should get some rest!"    


However, Zhou Qu did not move.    


His eyes were out the window.    


He suddenly recalled that Lee Wanning had once stood on a high ground.    


Once upon a time, there was a time where there was no one in the world.    


The next day, Princess Changle acted as if nothing had happened and continued her journey.    


Her face was still icy cold and resolute.    


However, Zhou Qu knew that her heart wasn't as she showed it.    


Just like she said.    


She was also a woman. If she could be taught by her husband, she could live a dull life. She was more willing than anyone else.    


That night, they arrived at Chang Nan Mountain.    


Shangguan Jinghua had already been informed.    


When he heard that Princess Changle had personally come, Shangguan Jinghua was also a bit surprised, but he quickly broke out into a smile. So Lee Wanning was actually this important to her!    



Princess Changle was wearing a simple and convenient short skirt. Her hair was tied up and her face was covered with a veil.    


At first glance, her devastatingly beautiful appearance reminded him of the past.    


After a moment of absent-mindedness, Shangguan Jinghua came forward with a smile, "Princess Changle's arrival is truly my, Chang Nanshan's, honor!"    


Princess Changle's eyes looked behind him and finally landed on his body slowly.    


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