CEO Loves Contract Wife Limitlessly

C272 The Bait Had Been Thrown out

C272 The Bait Had Been Thrown out

0Su Qiyang held her face and waited patiently for her answer.    


He had always known that Yu Xiaowen did not have a good time these few days. She could not eat much and could not sleep well. He did not pay close attention to her. When he took a closer look today, she seemed to have lost a lot of weight. In the past, when she wore clothes of normal size on her body, there was an empty space inside. A gust of wind could blow her away.    


He did not regret it even more. Otherwise, if this continued, he would even lose Yu Xiaowen!    


"Okay, let's treat her first. " Yu Xiaowen agreed.    


Su Qiyang was overjoyed and did not dare to show it on his face. He was afraid that she would notice something. He held her hand and said, "Let's go home first and discuss the details. "    


Yu Xiaowen nodded and was led away by him.    


In the time of one phone call, The psychiatrist came very quickly.    


In the room that the butler had specially asked someone to tidy up, the psychiatrist kindly smiled at Yu Xiaowen and pointed at the empty sofa across from her. He gently said, "Madam, sit and chat. Don't be afraid. Let's just chat casually. "    


Yu Xiaowen subconsciously pulled Su Qiyang's arm. Her glaze-like beautiful eyes turned frantically. She did not know whether she could not understand or did not know what to do.    


Su Qiyang patted her hand and comforted her with his eyes, telling her not to be afraid. He had been here the whole time.    


"Did you forget what we agreed on? As long as you cooperate with the doctor and cure the disease, we can go and see Qing'an. "    


He coaxed and asked, "Do you want to see Qing'an?"    


Yu Xiaowen nodded hesitantly. The way she looked at him was as pure and harmless as a deer, making Su Qiyang feel guilty.    


He struggled to open his mouth and continue to coax, "Then. . . Should we listen to the doctor and cooperate well?"    


Yu Xiaowen bit her lips and struggled for a long time before waiting for her to sit on the sofa opposite the doctor. It could be considered a huge improvement.    


The psychiatrist was satisfied with the spot. He nodded and said to Su Qiyang, "We are going to carry out one-on-one treatment now. Mr. Su, please move to the door and wait for a moment, okay?"    


Before Su Qiyang could react, Yu Xiaowen suddenly stood up and firmly grabbed his arm. She kept shaking her head at him, not wanting him to leave.    


Her attachment to him became more and more serious. If it was in the past, he would not have been able to be happy, but now, his heart ached.    


"Wen, I'm not leaving. I'm just outside the door. " He advised, "I'll come in with just your voice, okay?"    


Yu Xiaowen still shook her head with all her might but she refused to speak. Her expression was as if she was about to cry.    


It was as if he had abandoned her when he went out.    


Su Qiyang could not persuade her, nor could he be ruthless enough to push her away. He asked the doctor, "Can I really not stay?"    


The psychiatrist looked troubled. She looked at Yu Xiaowen for a while and said, "Miss Yu, I can let Mr. Su stay today and let him accompany you. But you promise to tell him your feelings, okay? You tell me something and I will let Mr. Su stay. "    


Yu Xiaowen looked at Su Qiyang and bit him hard.    


Su Qiyang, who was watching from the side, felt his heart ache. He was afraid that she would bite him until he bled. He wanted to say what he wanted to write, but the doctor shook his head at him and made him wait patiently.    


After about ten years, he heard Yu Xiaowen's mosquito like voice, "Okay!"    


The psychiatrist smiled and nodded, praising her. "Not bad, you have improved. Then Mr. Su, you can stay. Madam Yu, please sit back down! "    


This time Yu Xiaowen was not so conflicted. She quickly sat back down on the sofa, but her hands were still firmly holding Su Qiyang's arm. Su Qiyang wanted to make her posture more comfortable, so he directly sat on the armrest of the single sofa.    


The psychiatrist took a look, but did not say anything. He only communicated with Yu Xiaowen and said: "Next, I will ask you some questions. You can answer them if you want to. If you don't want to answer, you can nod and shake your head to answer me. That's fine, but you must not be silent, okay? "    


Yu Xiaowen looked at the hand she placed on her knee as if she was in a daze. The psychiatrist had been patiently waiting. He did not urge her nor did he make a sound. He could only wait patiently. After a while, she gently nodded her head.    


The psychiatrist continued to ask the next question.    


She patiently asked every question that followed, waiting for Yu Xiaowen's answer.    


Probably because she wanted to see the child's new support, Yu Xiaowen did her best to answer the psychiatrist's question. Even if she did not want to speak anymore, she nodded and shook her head. At least her attitude was still quite positive.    


After a round of psychological treatment, it was as if she was pulled out of the water.    


After Su Qiyang comforted her, he sent the psychiatrist away. A little further away from the room, he asked, "What do you mean?"    


"Not very optimistic!" The psychiatrist answered truthfully, "I don't have any information about her sealing her mind from her mouth. At present, I don't know how to treat her. However, it's already considered a great improvement that Madam is willing to sit down and talk to me. Mr. Su doesn't need to be too anxious. Mental illnesses are like this. It can't be cured overnight. "    


Su Qiyang nodded and his dark eyes looked in that direction.    


The psychiatrist also looked over and said, "Madam is very attached to you. If Mr. Su isn't busy, he should try his best to spend more time with Madam Feng. Sometimes he doesn't need treatment. Time and company are the best methods at least. "    


. . .    


After Muh Qing secretly slipped away from Su Qiyang's house, she hid in fear for a few days. She was very afraid that Su Qiyang would suddenly appear and find her to settle the score!    


But after a week, she did not see Su Qiyang come. Her state of mind immediately changed.    


She almost lost his wife and he did not come to find her. This meant that her senior really did not take her seriously.    


Jealousy burned like a flame in her chest. She found someone to ask around. That Yu Xiaowen ran away from home and was found by Su Qiyang in less than half a day. Because of this matter, no matter where Su Qiyang went, he would always keep Yu Xiaowen by his side.    


In the past, he had kept a secret from the media about Yu Xiaowen's side. Even if he was secretly filmed, he would still spend a high price to suppress the news.    


But now, he actually personally admitted that Yu Xiaowen was his wife. Furthermore, she had been secretly married for many years and even had two children. Now, the media was spreading this relationship everywhere and it was mostly good words. For example, what kind of talented man and woman was born with this kind of old word?    


Muh Qing was so angry that she did not want to see any electronic products appear in her line of sight for a few days.    


She grew up in France and knew Cui Shaohao and Su Qiyang in the country. She did not dare to find Su Qiyang, and Cui Shaohao had his own life. She could not help but be close to Qiyun and Xiao Xuelin, who wanted to use her.    


Also, Xiao Xuelin was also jealous of the news. The two of them had been mixing together every day recently, scolding Su Qiyang for being blind and Yu Xiaowen being charming.    


On this day, the two of them were bungee jumping in the bar. After getting drunk, they hugged each other and talked. Every good thing a man said.    


Muh Qing looked at Xiao Xuelin with hazy drunk eyes and said childishly drunk words, "What do you think we should do to get a senior? How could a person like him, who has a cool breeze and a bright moon, be trapped by that slut Yu Xiaowen? I am unwilling. I don't want to. Senior belongs to me. "    


" I don't know either. If I knew, would it be so painful? " Xiao Xuelin was also quite drunk.    



The two of them looked at each other. I looked at you, then hugged my head and cried.    


After crying, the two of them started talking again.    


Muh Qing said, "Your method of suppressing the Su's, making your senior surrender, and taking the initiative to express goodwill is useless!"    


"What do you mean?" Xiao Xuelin looked at her. This was the best method she could think of at the moment. Someone born like Su Qiyang would definitely not suffer. As long as he destroyed the Su's, he would naturally know who he should be with.    


"No matter how I suppress her company, they will recover faster. It is like I am doing useless work!" After saying that, Muh Qing hiccuped. Her breath was filled with the smell of alcohol.    


Xiao Xuelin heard that she was not talking about the same thing as her and was slightly relieved. She carefully recall and make sure that she did not tell her about her plan. Muh Qing's so-called method of suppressing was probably thought up by herself. Because she was drunk, she mistakenly thought that it was her suggestion.    


She thought about it and said: "This method is indeed not possible. We must think of a method to settle this once and for all. "    


"Right, a way to solve this once and for all" Muh Qing agreed.    


Then, the two of them lied on the bar counter and drank while thinking of a way to solve the problem.    


When the time came, they drank one cup after another. Indeed, they did not think of a way out.    


"Hey, what do you think of a good method?" Muh Qing squinted her eyes to be able to see Xiao Xuelin clearly.    


Xiao Xuelin was not as drunk as she was, but her eyes were indeed exceptionally bright. Muh Qing looked and asked, "You have a good idea?"    


She nodded and said, "There is only one way to solve this problem once and for all. "    


"Then don't keep us guessing. Hurry up and say it!" Muh Qing urged.    


"Let's just directly kill Yu Xiaowen. " Xiao Xuelin said, her dark eyes revealing a trace of sinister viciousness.    


Muh Qing did not understand, "Kill, how do we do it?"    


Xiao Xuelin raised her hand and drew a line on her neck. She looked at Muh Qing and silently said two words, "Kill!"    


"What is it?!" Muh Qing cried out in shock. She was half awake from the alcohol.    


Xiao Xuelin only cast a sidelong glance at her and said fearlessly: "As long as Yu Xiaowen is gone, Su Qiyang will never be burdened by her again. Everything will be yours. "    


Muh Qing opened her mouth wide. She wanted to say something, but when she opened and closed her mouth, she only squeezed out a sentence after a long time, "Are you not afraid?"    


"What are you afraid of?" Xiao Xuelin asked back.    


"Killing is against the law!" Muh Qing stared at her with her eyes wide open. Why did she not even know this?    


"Ha!" Xiao Xuelin sneered and said, "If you can't bear to part with the child, you will not be able to trap the wolf, do you understand? Besides, what we did was more secretive. Be more clever and no one will know. "    


Muh Qing still shook her head and said, "No, I don't dare!"    


Xiao Xuelin held back her anger and expressed her disdain but she did not continue to talk about that. Anyway, she had already thrown out the bait and all she needed to do next was to patiently wait for the prey to take the bait.    


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