CEO Loves Contract Wife Limitlessly

C188 Su Qiyang Was Sick

C188 Su Qiyang Was Sick

0After thinking about it for a while, Yu Xiaowen changed her mind in anger. He wasn't like Big Yellow, he was cute and obedient, he wouldn't mess around outside!    


Her nose was sensitive under the strong smell of alcohol. She could smell the perfume that only women would use!    


Yu Xiaowen did not want to bother with him. She pushed open the door and was about to go in. She wanted to lock him outside the door again and sleep for another night. Anyway, she would not feel any heartache!    


But before she took two steps, she was hugged by the strong smell of alcohol and perfume. When she was so close, the scent of the perfume was especially clear.    


Yu Xiaowen furrowed her brows and struggled, "Su Qiyang, quickly let go of me, let go, don't get drunk here!"    


Su Qiyang buried his head in her shoulder, greedily smelling the smell on her body, and softly denied it. "I did not go crazy from drinking!"    


The words of drunk people could not be trusted at all.    


Yu Xiaowen could not break free from his restraints and could only live and die with him. She convinced herself again and again in her heart that he was drunk. If it was anyone else, she would not leave him behind and not care.    


After doing this two or three times, she took a deep breath and tried to discuss, "Su Qiyang, let go of me first. What do you want to say? Let's talk it out, okay?"    


She waited for a while, but she did not hear his reply.    


"Su Qiyang?" She called again. After a while, there was still no response.    


What was going on?    


Yu Xiaowen's head was full of question marks. She thought to herself, Could it be that he did not sleep well yesterday, and now that he was in bed, did he fall asleep?    


But very quickly, Su Qiyang's babbling directly denied her guess.    


His voice was too soft. At the beginning, Yu Xiaowen didn't hear him at all. Because she was curious, she listened carefully for a long while before she could hear clearly. She said. . . "Xiaowen, Xiaowen, Xiaowen. . . "    


She repeated her name in such a monotonous manner. It seemed that her name was especially important to him. He had to constantly read it before he could feel at ease.    


Yu Xiaowen listened in a daze for a while before her eyes turned red.    




She cursed in her heart, but felt that she was too useless!    


He must have deliberately said that to make her soft hearted. Yu Xiaowen used her elbow to scold him and scolded, "Su Qiyang, stop pretending. Quickly let go. If you don't let go, I will call people. The neighbors here are very enthusiastic. When you are taken away by the police, don't blame me!"    


However, Su Qiyang still pressed on her like a mountain. It was so heavy that she wanted to die!    


Yu Xiaowen finally realized that something was wrong there. She stretched out her hand and used a very difficult position to touch his head.    


"It's so hot!" She exclaimed.    


This level should be at least 40 degrees!    


Yu Xiaowen panicked a little. When she was young, Yu Tong had always been sick and had a fever. After practicing, she could feel the temperature with just a look. Su Qiyang definitely had a high fever.    


"Su Qiyang, wake up. You are sick. I am going to take you to the hospital!" She quickly went to Su Qiyang's ear and shouted. There was worry in her voice that could not be hidden.    


In a daze, Su Qiyang heard her, but he was unwilling. He felt like he had returned to his childhood. He only had one memory of his mother.    


At that time, he also seemed to be sick. His mother also called him gently like this.    


He was afraid that he would never see her again when he woke up. He said in a daze, "Mom, I don't want to go to the hospital!"    


Su Qiyang actually called her mom?    


Yu Xiaowen could not believe her ears. She thought that Su Qiyang must have burned his brain, but the attachment in his voice made her doubt him.    


She did not know much about Su Qiyang's family situation. She only knew that his father and mother were gone when he was very young. She left him and his brother by his grandmother's side.    


So he was thinking about his mother?    


Yu Xiaowen hesitated for a moment. She suspected that Su Qiyang's fever might have something to do with him sleeping outside the door last night.    


Since it was like this, then it had something to do with her.    


After all, she was most likely staying in his house. She should be the one who should be locked outside the door. That's right!    


Thinking of this, she sighed. Her tone became much gentler. She imitated how she coaxed the sick Yu Tong and coaxed Su Qiyang softly. "Okay, we don't go to the hospital, but we can't stand at the door. Let's go in and lie on the sofa. Is that okay? "    


After asking, she looked at him nervously, afraid that he would throw a tantrum at this time.    


But fortunately, he did not. He only frowned and did not know what to think. After a long while, he snorted lightly. "Mmm!"    


Yu Xiaowen wiped the non-existent sweat and resigned herself to her fate. She carried Su Qiyang on her back and dragged her heavy body into the room. She then spent a lot of effort to place him on the double sofa.    


He had long arms and legs. The double sofa was a little difficult for him, but Yu Xiaowen could only do so. She saw that she did not have any extra strength to drag him into the room.    


She stood in front of the sofa and panted for a while. Then she closed the door and went into the bathroom. When she appeared again, she had two more towels and a basin of cold water in her hands.    


He was not willing to go to the hospital, so she could only observe him for a night. If she really could not do it, she could call an ambulance tomorrow. He was a big man, it was just a fever, it shouldn't be. . .    


Yu Xiaowen did not dare to think about going down. She twisted the wet towel and wiped the sweat for Su Qiyang to cool down.    


He was really pretty. He had wide eyebrows and a narrow nose. His lips were beautiful and his face was perfect as if he had been carved with a knife and axe. It was as if the creator had put extra effort into creating this person.    


He lay quietly on the sofa. There was no longer the coldness, and it seemed that it was easier to get close to him. Yu Xiaowen thought that if any female saw him like this, they would probably want to pounce on him.    


She could not help but laugh. She also did not know what she was laughing about.    


. . .    


The next day, Su Qiyang woke up from his headache and thirst.    


In an unfamiliar house. He saw the interior of the room. He frowned and thought for a long time. Only then did he remember that he had drunk at the bar last night and ran over to look for Yu Xiaowen.    


Yu Xiaowen did not want to bother with him, but she hugged him in one swift motion. After that, he did not have an image?    



Su Qiyang furrowed his brows and sat up from the sofa. He realized that he might be in Yu Xiaowen's room, but where was she?    


The room was so quiet that only his voice could be heard.    


He sat on the sofa for a long time until he felt a little better. He then got up and looked around the room. Sure enough, Yu Xiaowen was not home. Even Yu Tong's room was empty.    


It was already nine o'clock in the morning. One had probably gone to work, while the other had probably gone to school.    


When Su Qiyang returned to the living room and was about to leave, his eyes inadvertently saw a breakfast set on the dining table. It was placed in a transparent glass box, probably because he was afraid that it would get cold after a long time.    


Could it be that Yu Xiaowen specially prepared it for him?    


Su Qiyang did not even think about it and walked over. He opened the lid one by one and enjoyed it.    


Although Yu Xiaowen did not leave any note behind, he definitely prepared it for himself because only sick people or drunk people would eat light food.    


Su Qiyang was in a very good mood, especially after he finished his breakfast of love. He took out his phone and called Wu Kui. He said, "Send me some daily necessities and clothes!"    


However, he hung up the phone.    


Poor Mr Wu was stunned in his office. He could not come back to his senses for a long time. Yesterday, the CEO left him alone, causing him to walk pitifully for a long time before finding the subway station.    


Today, he made a call again and said something that had no end to it!    


He said that he should send him some things. Wherever he should send it to, he had to. Let's talk about it. He was not a god?    


While he was smart, he held an emergency meeting. An hour later, under the discussion of more than ten elite employees, they finally reduced the scope to something related to women.    


If it was related to women, Mr Wu would know that the only person Director Su cared about was the CEO's wife.    


Therefore, with the attitude of giving it a try, he brought something with him and looked for her. He did not expect that it was really the right thing to do.    


But he did not even have a firm footing before he was chased away by the CEO!    




It was so difficult to be the CEO's secretary!    


. . .    


Yu Xiaowen had been in a bad mood all day. She was somewhat worried about Su Qiyang. Although his fever in the morning had subsided, he was still awake when she left. Would he have a fever again when she left?    


She couldn't control herself from thinking about the bad things.    


The other thing was Muh Yue.    


She did not know why this girl suddenly went crazy and suddenly said that she had decided to live together with Mr Ziqian.    


Of course, she wanted the relationship between Muh Yue and her senior to develop further. However, she said it when she went to fetch Yu Tong to school in the morning. It really made people suspect that she had thought of it at the last minute.    


Although she swore that she would not believe her and called Mr Ziqian to send the message, Mr Ziqian actually called her after she came to the company to say that it was definitely not an impromptu idea.    


But Yu Xiaowen still did not believe it, because Muh Yue suddenly remembered that they were living together. It was after she complained about Su Qiyang finding her place to stay and requested to stay with her for a period of time.    


She dared to bet 100 dollars. This wretched girl did not give up. She tidied up Mr Ziqian and wanted to matchmake her and Su Qiyang.    


However, it was no big deal. She could not thicken her face and continue living with Yu Tong at Muh Yue's house, watching her and Mr Ziqian kiss and kiss each other. That girl would definitely do it!    


In other words, she still had to go back at night.    


She was worried about Su Qiyang's illness and silently waited for him to wake up. She quickly left her room.    


Time passed little by little while she was deeply worried. She went to fetch Yu Tong from school with a perturbed mood and took him back to Jade Garlic's home.    


Fortunately, when she opened the door at home, she did not see Su Qiyang on the sofa.    


Her heart also fell back. It seemed that his illness had recovered. Then, she left.    


She urged the little fellow to enter the house. She glanced at the breakfast prepared on the table. The lid had been opened, and inside, the porridge that she had specially prepared for a long time had been eaten up without a single drop remaining!    




She did not say that she was preparing it for him, but she had actually finished all of it!    


Yu Xiaowen complained in her heart, but the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.    


"Ah! Mommy, quickly come and take a look!" The moment he entered the room, Yu Tong, who had run into the restroom to resolve his internal emergency, suddenly screamed.    


"What's wrong?" Yu Xiaowen quickly ran in.    


Yu Tong pointed at the extra male items on the washing table, such as a razor, and opened his mouth in surprise!    


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