Domineering Female State Advisor



0Seeing Dongfang Ning like this, even Wei Qingxian couldn't keep her cool anymore. She even changed her way of addressing her as' Princess' … This was too scary. How could a girl show her arms outside? Also, how could she take off her clothes and throw them around?    


She and Qing’er hurriedly went to pick up the clothes to put on Dongfang Ning's clothes. She didn't know how to gossip if anyone else saw this.    


Seeing the two girls so nervous, Dongfang Ning laughed and said, "Come out and play, of course you can. Don't you think that this robe is a hindrance?"    


Dongfang Ning busied herself with moving the iron frame to a suitable seat for the three of them. Without bothering about the two of them, she took out her lighter and a blue flame appeared with a 'kacha' sound.    


"Ah, what's this, I want to play too …"    


Wei Qingxian snatched it away. It was only the size of a finger. It was beautiful and had a green body. The weirdest thing was that one could see the transparent water inside. With a gentle shake, the water within was shaken … The two ladies could clearly see it with their own eyes …    


"Let me see, I want to see it too …" Zuo Qingqing also rushed over to take a closer look.    


"This is called a lighter. I'm going to use it to get the fire!" Dongfang Ning was helpless. She picked up another handful and used another set of blue flames.    


"Ah, how did you use it? No, you, are you really going to start a fire?"    


"Both of you, stop making such a big fuss over nothing. Is this princess lying?" After lighting the fire, Dongfang Ning looked at her two friends behind her with wide eyes.    


"If you don't take off your clothes and get set ablaze, I'll throw you into the lake to extinguish the fire …"    


"Ah ~" When the two girls heard this, they ignored the lighters in their hands and tightly held onto their clothes. "Fang Ning, we're not hungry over that, so we won't take off our clothes, right?"    


"That's right, that's right. You're already out of order like this, hurry up and wear it …"    


"I can't be bothered with all of you. When I think of the taste of the barbecue, I start to drool. Remember, if you want to eat, just do it yourself ~"    


The fire had already started. Dongfang Ning calmly picked up the oil grilled from the grill and first scrubbed it on the steel cage. Then she used her chopsticks to spread the meat onto the fire. When the seasoning fell onto the fire, an alluring fragrance immediately wafted out.    


"Wow, what's so fragrant?"    


The two girls had already dealt with their father early in the morning, so they didn't even have time to eat breakfast. Now that they were hungry, coupled with the strong fragrance … Never smelled it in the kitchen. It was very appetizing.    


However, due to the issue of etiquette, the two girls resolutely protected their clothes, unwilling to approach the edge of the fire.    


It's just that they can't hold on for long …    


Dongfang Ning skillfully turned the pieces of meat over and over, occasionally brushing them with a layer of roasted meat oil … The smell of meat assaulted their olfactory senses...    


Zuo Qingqing and her brother watched from the side, swallowing their saliva from time to time … It was so fragrant. He was even hungrier!    




Finally, Wei Qingxian steeled her heart and took off her gauze dress. She rolled up her sleeves a little, mimicking Dongfang Ning. Holding a pair of chopsticks, she imitated Dongfang Ning's self-sufficiency.    


Dongfang Ning was already beginning to eat, still making sounds from time to time. "Un, it smells really good. I haven't eaten for a long time …" "Right."    


"Give me a piece!"    


Wei Qingxian was busy putting food onto the steel cage as she gulped down saliva. Once it was done, she would go and snatch Dongfang Ning's roasted meat.    


"Don't be in such a hurry. Change your chopsticks and eat. Can't you see that the chopsticks are stained with raw meat? Also, brush a layer of grilling oil on your meat. Watch, this way!"    


Dongfang Ning picked up the brush and demonstrated it.    


"Do it yourself. Don't steal from me ~ Hmm, it's really delicious ~"    




Wei Qingxian swallowed a mouthful of saliva. There was nothing she could do, she didn't dare to snatch the princess's meat, so she could only imitate Dongfang Ning's actions just now and clumsily wash the oil. The piece of meat on the fire quickly turned golden, revealing a bright layer of oil.    


Soon enough, she got the fruits of her labour and ate happily. "Qing’er, I dare say you'll regret it for the rest of your life if you don't!"    


Zuo Qingqing looked around. There was no one here, not even the girls, and Xue'er was nowhere to be seen. She then looked at the two friends who had eaten so much that their faces had turned red, and the fragrance made her gulp …    


After a long while, she finally mustered up the courage to take off her jacket and follow their example, joining the barbecue.    


"It's really delicious. Qing’er, try this one …"    


"I'm only letting you taste it. How are you going to snatch it from me, roast it yourself …"    


Zuo Qingqing didn't dare to steal from the princess, but she dared to snatch from Wei Qingxian. Just like that, they roasted each other to their heart's content and ate to their heart's content.    


"I'm so full, but I still want to eat. Fang Ning, how did you think of eating like this? Also, where did the seasoning come from? It's so delicious! The meat's already been roasted to this extent, and yet it's still so tender?"    


"It's so hot, it tastes so good …" I still want to eat … "    


"Qing Xian, give me a cup of tea, you can come closer!"    


"Take it yourself. Can't you see that I'm eating?"    




"This is so satisfying! I've never eaten anything so delicious in my life before!"    


When the three of them finally put down their chopsticks, it was already the afternoon. Mei Er and all the girls had come over, but they were chased away by Dongfang Ning. She said that she would not even let them pour tea.    


So the two noble ladies had their clothes all stained? Cigarette ash, oil... His face was the same.    


"Hahahahahaha …"    


"Look at you, your mother won't even recognize you when we go back!"    


"Don't tease me, you're not much better."    


"Fang Ning, do you usually live like this?" "This is more comfortable than the days of immortals."    


"It's too hot, I can't take it anymore. Let's go swim!"    


Dongfang Ning suggested that they go somewhere to play. It would only be interesting if they had friends together.    



"That won't do … "How can a woman swim in broad daylight? Fang Ning, we can't listen to you. You have to listen to us."    


When the two of them heard this, they were so scared that their faces turned pale. This Fang Ning seemed to have thought of something to do. Although the two of them were curious, they were really afraid that Dongfang Ning would do something surprising again.    


It wasn't polite for the three of them to act like this ….    


"Fine, I won't go. I can't eat anymore. I'll find a place to rest."    


Dongfang Ning did not insist, but in her heart, she decided to find a lake one day to swim.    


"It would be cool if we went for a breeze on the water. Fang Ning, I heard that there's a Three Li Lotus Pond in this Princess Mansion …"    


Wei Qingxian obviously had some knowledge about the original Moon King Manor. The lotus pond was planted with dense weeping willows on both sides of the road. It was definitely a good place to stay on the boat in this kind of weather.    


"Alright, Xue'er will arrange it. I've never been there either!"    


On both sides of the lake, there were tall weeping willows. The willow branches were long and thin, swaying with the wind, and actually slanted downwards from left and right to the surface of the water, covering most of the water.    


Light breeze, light fragrance, blue water...    


"So comfortable …"    


In a small boat under the willow tree, three people were sitting around a table. Dongfang Ning was lazily leaning against a small bamboo chair, quietly feeling the comfort of the moment.    


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