Domineering Female State Advisor



0The anxious crowd could do nothing about it, "Why don't we run? With the green mountains here, there's no need to be afraid of nothing. If they send people to the City Lord's Mansion to find out that no one is around, then they will naturally move to the City Lord's Mansion.    


"They're in the light while we're in the dark. This way, we can easily accomplish our tasks. Don't tell me that we have to fight them to the death today?"    


"That's right, Night Lord, didn't Young Master Ye say that we should avoid him first? That Imperial Advisor is strange, why didn't you listen?"    


"I can't accept this!" "It looks like things are about to happen. What's more, run, where can we run to? Back then, I was personally sealed by the emperor, but now, this is a great crime to kill off all nine clans …"    


"It's you guys! It's you guys who said that the Acting City Lord transformed into the City Lord. It's you who harmed me!"    


"It's all your fault for being impatient and killing all the officials who oppose you. Although the people don't know, are you sure that all the people that the Emperor left behind in the Heaven's End City are loyal to you? This matter was not considered well, I think that it was like what the old man said today."    


Ji Quan spread a message on the street early in the morning, which basically meant that the people of Heaven's End City were originally fine, united and advanced … Now that things had turned into a mess, there must be people playing tricks in the dark. Perhaps even the officials were used as pawns. They wanted these people to think carefully about whether they should die or live.    


"Listening to you say that?"    


"Impossible, how could Young Master Ye use me as a pawn? I am him …"    


"You are him what? In Heaven's End City, what we eat is not better than what we eat outside. What should we do now? Tell us what we need to do.    


"Now that our Ann Nation is powerful and invincible, we are seeking our own death. The only thing that will benefit us are outsiders and our enemies!"    


When a person had doubts about their master, all sorts of speculations would automatically appear. In the end, someone raised a question:    


"Think about it, why did Young Master Ye tell us to retreat for now? We should just" hide away from our crimes "instead of stepping in front of them, the imperial court would not drag it onto him. It was him who made Dongfang Qi the host, it was only a game when we lost to him, we …" "It really became a chess piece in his hands."    


"If you say it like that, this old man will also feel that something is off. Now, instead of coming out to protect us, he actually wants us to run away. Is that even logical? If we run away, the court will only send people to apprehend us."    


"He won't be captured at all, and we won't be able to guess that he's the mastermind. He doesn't care about whether we live or die, he might even have other plans …"    


The 40 or 50 officials were silent. They knew clearly what use they had in the city, some of them even got inserted. But whoever was willing to risk their lives, Ji Quan's army would let them know who was the true mastermind of this world!    


When the sun was about to rise, everyone made the most correct decision. They all wore their official uniforms and walked over to the Qin Manor to request an audience with Ji Quan.    


"Everyone, I feel that going against the imperial court is no different from hitting a stone with an egg. I cannot afford to bear the responsibility of killing off the nine clans. "Let go of our family and those brothers."    


"I'll go too!"    


"I'll go too!"    




"Night Lord?"    


Ye Yun looked out of the window and muttered:    


"We can't leave, we're surrounded …"    


As expected, black clothed men had been standing outside the whole time, and the light from the saber shone with a cold light under the weak light of the lamp in the yard.    


"How dare you! Who let you in here!"    


"Are you qualified to order us? We should be killed as soon as we escaped and we even want to report us. We have thousands of people participating in this riot, so aren't you thinking for our sake? We won't be guilty until we kill you!"    


"Let's not talk about it anymore. They want to silence us by killing us. We've truly been blinded by our wealth and committed a grave mistake!"    


"Brothers, don't leave a single one alive!"    


black clothed men planned to send these people to heaven forever before dawn.    


"Who dares to move!"    


Yan Wuzhan descended from the sky and stood firmly in the middle of the yard. At this moment, his purple robe looked just like black.    


"Who are you?"    


"Those who want your lives, tell them who is the mastermind and who can live!"    


"Don't tremble! Let's kill together!"    


Yan Wuzhan waved his hand and the strong inner force suppressed them. No one could step forward.    


Everyone was shocked.    


"Who the hell are you?"    


"All of you are not worthy of knowing this. All of you, kneel down! "Otherwise, with the next palm strike, you will definitely die without a complete corpse!"    


"No matter who you are, come and die with them. Use explosives, brothers!"    


"Playing with any hidden weapons in front of me will only result in death!"    


Although Yan Wuzhan said it calmly, he was afraid of such things. However, he could still hit back what he threw at him.    


"Haha, how ignorant. Back then, those magical beasts were blown up until their flesh was lacerated and they emitted the fragrance of meat. You probably don't know about this, but you should be wise and leave quickly!"    


It wasn't that they wanted to stall for time, it was just that the purple-clothed man was too powerful. His aura was so powerful that it made people's hands and feet go limp.    


"Don't rebel if you don't have the guts. If you had my previous temper, all of you would have been dead long ago!"    


The cold voice sent chills down one's spine. Just where did this god of death come from?    


"Bypass him and kill the people in the room. We won't rest until we're dead!"    


In the end, the leader still didn't dare to throw out the explosives. If he was able to hit them back, then his group would be done for.    


It was just that in this short period of time, everyone in the room had long since run away. They ran towards the Qin family through the back door with their lives on the line.    


"Lord Ji, save us! Someone is trying to silence us ~"    


"Save me!"    



Heaven's End City heard terrifying cries for help early in the morning, breaking the peace of the morning. Hearing that someone was being hunted, the citizens shut the door even tighter, not daring to peek their heads out.    


Yesterday, when the great army arrived in the capital, there were still people chasing after them in the streets. Was the world going to fall into chaos?    


"Stop running, what happened!" The guards who were patrolling the street flew out from the shadows and stopped everyone.    


"Save me, we want to see Lord Ji. Wu …" Send us to Qin Manor, I'm from Heaven's End City … "Sinful servant!"    


He didn't even dare to take the position of an official. At this point of time, even if he died in the hands of a Da Ann Nation soldier, he had to protect his family or else everything would really be over.    


After the guard heard the place they were talking about, he waved his hand and four large teams immediately rushed to that courtyard.    


When this group of people saw this formation, they ran towards the Qin Residence with even more fear. If they were to die, they could do so, but they could not implicate their family.    


After running for another quarter of an hour, they finally reached the vicinity of the Qin family. The people who were out of breath collapsed to the ground, and then they crawled up and knelt far away:    


"The sinners are here to seek an audience with Mayor Ji!"    


"The sinners are here to seek an audience with Mayor Ji!"    




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