Domineering Female State Advisor



0There were also quite a lot of guards, over a thousand of them. Just now, they had already collected all of the corpses of snake corpses and beasts, and now they were listening to the order to distribute them.    


"No, it's not that no one is allowed to enter, it's just that no one is allowed to enter. This includes the prince, the crown prince, no matter who enters, we must first capture them.    


"..." "There's no need to report after taking him down. We'll put him in prison first, regardless of whether he's guilty or not, we'll deal with him afterwards!"    


"Yes sir!"    


"We have more than 1000 people left. Bring 300 people out and split these snakes into dozens of piles. Find firewood. We'll roast them when the rain stops."    


"The rest of the guards, go guard the secret entrance. There are still a lot of beasts deep inside the Beast Garden, light up your torches and save them from coming out. Today, the main force is at the city gate."    


After all these arrangements were made, Dongfang Ning led a few officials and the Emperor back to the main hall.    


"You … WeChat, go to each of the great restaurants and tell them that you've received news from the Imperial Palace that many snakes have entered the palace today. They have all been killed by the ambushing troops secretly set up by the Emperor. "Call your servants to scatter and pass on the message. Make it look mysterious, do you understand?"    


"Since the princess has entrusted me with such an important task, I shall not disappoint her!"    


"Do you think that this is the truth? Do not show any signs of fear, if others can see that we are bluffing, then it is all over, now we have to make the twenty thousand enemies in the city not dare to charge into the palace together, do you understand?"    


"This official understands the importance of this matter. Princess, please be at ease. I'll be leaving now!"    


The emperor was deep in thought. At this moment, he saw that even an Imperial Physician had been sent out to do some work. He felt very upset, but he couldn't help but admire what Dongfang Ning had done.    


"Ning'er was sick for half a year, and in her dreams she had the help of an immortal. She even taught me medical skills, and last month she said that my Shan Nation was going to meet a great calamity. That's why I came to the capital.    


"Oh, no wonder. I wonder if I can pass through this tribulation tonight …" "I am truly ashamed to face the world!"    


"Royal Uncle is moved and moved by the world. This has been the enemy's conspiracy for a long time, and it's hard to guard against. Once it's settled, we can just clean up the court. Royal Uncle doesn't need to worry too much about it."    


"Good, good. No wonder Moon King is willing to let you live in the King's Manor. He is indeed not a mortal. Whoever marries you in the future will be blessed."    


If he was an enemy and didn't know the details of the inner palace, he wouldn't dare to act rashly. Thus, at this moment, he felt more relaxed and started to joke.    




"If they can produce twenty thousand fake citizens, my Shan Nation can produce a hundred thousand fake soldiers, and mix together the fake and the real. Here, we are the lord, they are the guests, and all the plants and trees are the troops. This is the strength the main family can afford, and this is my next step!"    


"Wonderful!" "Wonderful!"    


Princess Anning is truly a good person. As a man, her future is bright and wonderful! "Wonderful!"    




When the rest of the people in the hall heard this, they couldn't help but raise their thumbs. They never thought that a small mountain woman could come up with such a meticulous plan. Even if they wanted to break their heads, they still wouldn't be able to think of such a plan.    


"Alright, I'm thirsty. Where's the tea? Quickly find me some tea!"    




When she said this, everyone felt thirsty and tired. Two hours had passed since the invasion of the snake army, and it was unknown whether or not the dinner had been cooked. The entire palace was now like a refugee camp.    


"Rest in peace, wait for me. I'll get you some tea right now!"    


"Your Majesty, please do not. Your servant will go find some tea …"    


Dongfang Ning remembered that this was ancient times and there was no such thing as a modern water dispenser. If she wanted tea, she would have to boil some fire to make some water.    


"Then let's all go together. We only have a few people left. It's safer to walk together and find something to eat in the kitchen …" Then the noblest company of the court went to the kitchen.    


She was the only one who dared to ask the Emperor to go to the kitchen. However, not only was the Emperor not angry, he even strode towards the imperial kitchens.    


"Royal Uncle, no one can be a relative. The more important a position is, the more they can't let someone close to them do it."    


"Why is that? How can the Alliance not worry about giving it to outsiders?" If he couldn't even trust his own wife, who else could he trust?    


"Then think about it, more than half of the civil and military people in the dynasty are relatives of the royal family. If they were to form a alliance, what would happen if they turned against you in a group? Who would they kill to do things …"    


'Forget it, I don't want to talk about this now. The sky is getting dark. I'll hang all the corpses of black clothed men outside the palace and have them claimed by someone … '    


It was already dark and time for action.    


"Pass down the order that there will be no curfew tonight, the city gates will not be closed, and no guests will be seen within the palace. We will roast the wild game to our heart's content!"    


— —    


"What's going on?"    


"There are three hundred corpses outside the palace. They are waiting for people to claim them, so the palace is heavily guarded and guards can be seen everywhere. Every floor of the tall building is filled with archers, roughly from twenty to thirty thousand guards …"    


"Report …"    


"I heard that someone was talking secretly and that something big had happened in the palace, killing hundreds of thousands of unknown wild beasts and poisonous snakes. They said that there was an ambush at the Shan Nation Palace and that they had already won, with the four gates of the capital open.    


"Arrogant!" This is too arrogant! "    


Crown Prince Xiao never thought that two hours would be the difference between an hour's worth of informant reporting and an hour's worth of information.    


He tightly gripped the cup in his hand. He had plotted for three years. Was he going to return empty-handed?    


"Look again!" Where did they get 30,000 people? What about Third Prince? Didn't you send him back to the palace? "    


he asked the other agent.    


"Third Prince has already returned to the palace. The palace doors are wide open, so I can't enter. I don't know what's going on inside, but there are hundreds of men patrolling inside."    


"Royal brother, is Third Prince not reliable? He must have informed the Emperor of Shan Nation, if not why didn't the many people in the palace say anything? They all want to capture us, we cannot stay here any longer, let's go! "    


"Wait, this is weird. We just reported that our army has successfully captured more than three thousand men from the western part of the city."    


Reporting ~ There are officers and soldiers searching all the villages in West City, saying that something big has happened in the palace, that there are 50,000 people outside the West City, we can capture anyone we see, and that they are not ordinary soldiers with unique skills, able to fight one against ten, just now our spies were eavesdropping from afar in the nearby villages, after five or six hundred steps, they were struck by a finger and fell to the ground …    



"What did you say?" Are there any soldiers outside the city? This time, Prince Xiao could no longer remain calm. He suddenly stood up from his seat:    


"When did they start?"    


"The villagers said that they had been searching for a whole day. All the villages are officials, and there are so many soldiers."    




"I even said that no one knew who I was. So it turns out that he's been waiting for me for a long time …" Prince Xiao went limp and sat down, muttering to himself. This attack was too heavy, and it was hard for him to accept it in a short amount of time.    


"No …." "It's impossible for them to know of this operation, much less know that there's 50 thousand people outside the city …"    


Yes, they were very careful. In the past two years, they had mostly stayed in the mountains, or even in the caves. His army had suffered too much, but the result was this: he was unwilling!    


"It was said that the palace caught the person who raised the snake, and the person who raised the snake confessed …"    


"Royal brother, don't worry about it. Now that the city gates are wide open, we have as many as 50,000 soldiers. Let's go straight in and have a good fight!" Xiao Shaofeng panicked when he heard this. This was like a bubble, how could he give up on a plan that had been going on for so many years.    




"Royal brother, we are only three kilometers away from the city gates. Just three kilometers!"    


"Do you think I don't want to fight? I've waited for this day for three years! Three years! Do you want my brother and my people to be killed when they enter the city? Even if we were to lose half of our troops and get captured, can you accept it!? "    


"Do you have no chance of winning?!" "Huh?" Prince Xiao sprung up from the table and was furious at Xiao Shaofeng.    


"Could it be that that Young Master Liu Family is lying to you? Their Patriarch clearly disagrees with forming an alliance with us, so why do you have to believe his words? They have secretly set up an ambush at the palace, and are waiting for us to deliver them to their doorstep.    




"Report ~"    




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