Domineering Female State Advisor



0"Fellow villagers, I, Royal Father, have already handed the Imperial Jade Seal to the Emperor of Ann Nation. In the future, we are also people of Ann Nation, not only us, but also West Ridge Nation.    


While sighing, Hai Gu did not forget his mission. He looked at everyone with tears in his eyes and told them his most important purpose.    




"Then there will be no more wars!"    


"Aiyo, this is a good thing!"    


"That's great! Your majesty is so strong, why should we worry about not having a good life?"    


Everyone remembers that on the night of the new year, I heard that there was a demon that was going to eat the, but unexpectedly, a divine dragon suddenly appeared in the sky and ate the demon instead. So this matter was actually true!    


After hearing Hai Gu's words, the people on the street were no longer interested in the fight in the sky and started to discuss the good life they would have in the future.    


As for the Sea Nation Palace, of course Chun’er wouldn't sit still and wait for Sea Breeze to return. The moment Sea Breeze left the room, she had already brought the people from Anning Pavilion with her and headed towards the Sky Prison.    


While in the air above the Sea Nation, Sea Breeze was still constantly changing all kinds of devil arts skills. He only wanted to take down Yan Wuzhan, who was disguised as a burly man. Yan Wuzhan was like a different world from him, and no matter what he did, he couldn't touch Yan Wuzhan at all …    


Sea Breeze was unconvinced. He had trained in demonic techniques for more than 20 years and had never met an opponent before. He forgot who he was and kept attacking Yan Wuzhan again and again.    


Two hours later, Yan Wuzhan finally opened his mouth:    


"Give up. The immortal spirit doesn't even dare to show itself in front of me, not to mention you. Evil cannot be righteous. The crimes you committed are too great. I'll use you to apologize to the people of the world and leave you with some face, Hai Clan!"    


"Just who are you? I don't believe, I don't believe that there is anyone in this world who can be my opponent!"    


"My name is Yan Wuzhan"    


"Yan Wuzhan!"    


Sea Breeze didn't expect that the person he had always treated as his only opponent was standing right in front of him, and had even fooled him into such a state!    


He was no match for him. Just now, he had used all of his knowledge, so he couldn't even touch a single hair on his head.    


Seeing that Chun’er was rushing over with the Emperor of Sea Nation, Yan Wuzhan did not give any more chances for Sea Breeze. His expression changed, and he made dozens of gestures with his hands to remove his barrier, then the scenery in front of Sea Breeze immediately returned to normal.    


He was in the middle of a showdown with Yan Wuzhan, and the ground was filled with spectators. These people came out of nowhere and filled the entire street. They all looked up at him … He was in a sorry state.    


"You ~"    


In his rage, he threw a palm attack towards the crowd. He didn't believe that his power was useless in front of Yan Wuzhan, and the moment this palm attack was released, a large black cloud came crashing down on the crowd.    


"Ah, incredible! Run!"    


The citizens were thrown into chaos, "The monsters are out! Everyone run ~" Yan Wuzhan only waved his hands slightly and a gentle breeze blew towards the overbearing black cloud. The cloud immediately disappeared without a trace.    


The commoners were relieved by the black and white air currents. This kind of feeling was too scary. Some people even knelt down on the ground with weak legs:    


"Please remove this demon, Sea Breeze, and save the world, Your Majesty!"    


"Please remove this demon, Sea Breeze, and save the world, Your Majesty!"    


Once there was someone that started it, a large group of people would immediately kneel down as well, just in time to see the Sea Nation Emperor arrive.    


"Emperor of the Ann Nation, my Sea Nation is willing to submit to you. Please eliminate that monster, he even wants to harm this old man!"    


"My fellow villagers, Sea Nation shall henceforth belong to Ann Nation!"    


"It belongs to the Ann Nation, it belongs to the Ann Nation!"    


"It belongs to the Ann Nation!"    


Yan Wuzhan was holding the immobile Sea Breeze in his hand and floating in the air for a long time like a god. What Ning'er had taught him was to create momentum and let everyone know his ability.    


As for the old Emperor of Sea Nation, he faced the common people and verified the fact that his Sea Nation had submitted to them.    


"This world no longer has Sea Nation. We can only be Seahold. We share this sky with the Emperor. We are both citizens of the Emperor …"    


After everyone understood what was going on, they all kneeled down and begged Yan Wuzhan to accept them. This kind of large event was extremely difficult to write and write. This was something unprecedented in history.    


After a long while, I finally spoke:    


"All of you should rise. In the future, the original emperor of Sea Nation will be conferred the title of Ocean King and will act as the patrolling officer for this land known as Sea Nation."    


When he said this, everyone cheered and bowed their heads even lower as they cried out:    


"Greetings, your Majesty. Long live the Emperor! Long live the Emperor!"    


"Paying respects to Your Majesty, our Emperor …"    


Everyone on every street had knelt down. They were willing to submit and be led by such a person.    


The moment they all knelt down, Yan Wuzhan wiped the disguise off his face and changed into a set of moon-white clothes. After tidying up his hair, he asked everyone to stand up again.    


"Everyone, rise. Raise your heads and look at me, I have something to say!"    


The commoners raised their heads to look. There was no longer that bearded brawny man. In the air was clearly a handsome man as if he was a god. His jade-like appearance and elegant demeanor made people feel respect.    


"It really is the Son of Heaven!"    


"I've opened my eyes today …"    


"Don't speak, listen quietly to what our emperor has to say!"    


Yan Wuzhan Jing waited for everyone to quieten down. He used a wave of spiritual energy to bind Sea Breeze and then picked up a guard from the ground.    


"Do you see this guard? He's not a human but a dead man, a demon soldier raised by the dead. They can't eat, so they have a name, 'Ogre'.    


Three months ago, Imperial Advisor had already spread the cultivation method to the rest of the world.    



"And what I used against the person from Devil Clan just now was precisely Spiritual Energy!"    


"So that's how it is!"    


"No wonder that traitor Sea Breeze told us not to cultivate. He said that this was the calamity that the Ann Nation and Imperial Advisor had tried to seduce the masses …"    


"You're such a fool. I've secretly cultivated, and I can hear voices two li away!"    




The discussion below was very intense. Yan Wuzhan continued, "Now that the demons are in charge, these devils will be eating the blood of living things. If you find anyone who was sucked to death, you must report this to the government and have those who have cultivated their spiritual energy to follow the traces of the devils …"    


"It is not easy for a kind-hearted person to fall into the Path of Demon, thus, from today onwards, anyone who has done bad things or has a bad heart will have to come to the government office to cultivate in seclusion. No one will come, behead!"    


He talked a lot before turning to Sea King:    


"Sea King, you will return to the palace to rest for two days after being released from prison. A hundred officials will be declared to the imperial court three days later. We want the imperial court to conduct an examination. Those who fail will be dismissed at least, and those who fail will be beheaded at most!"    




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