Domineering Female State Advisor



0Faang Tianhu was even more expressionless as he grabbed Faang Tianzheng's hand and dragged him inside the house. He didn't care whether Faang Tianzheng was hurt or not. It could be seen how disappointed this man was by what they had done.    


Faang Tianzheng felt like all the bones in his body were about to break apart. He didn't even dare to make a sound. He already knew that what happened today wasn't something that he, his big brother, could decide just because he said.    


After dragging Faang Tianzheng, Ol 'Three came back and dragged Madam Yang away again, just like how it was with a dead pig.    


"Aiyo, I'm going to die, his third uncle ~"    


"Softer, softer ~ Ouch! I'm going to die, I'm going to die... Yang E groaned as she was dragged into the room. Her fat body was roughly thrown to the ground.    


Faang Tianzheng, who had stopped bleeding, was lying on the ground beside her. Fang Niuwa, who was sensible, and Wu Jingtou were sitting quietly at the table.    


"Third Uncle, soak this medicine in water and apply it to their wounds." Dongfang Ning took out a packet of medicinal powder and handed it to Faang Tianhu, then she walked towards the kitchen.    


Not only did the medicine have a miraculous effect on stopping bleeding, it also had a special effect on treating external injuries. At most, those two people would recover 90% of their injuries in an hour. This was also why she didn't stop Faang Tianhu from hitting people, and only stopped when the fight was about to end.    


The wicked should be taught a lesson. Anyway, it's broken.    


She had never been particular about food, but she was afraid that her Third Uncle's food was really bad.    


The meat in the kitchen had been cut and the dishes washed.    


She had bought the ingredients herself and had everything she wanted to eat, so she decided to make her own dishes.    


However, the scene before her eyes had left her dumbfounded. This wok was too big? There was oil in the pot that was fried but not filled with bottles. Also, this fire was not an electromagnetic stove or anything modern …    


Dongfang Ning wanted to drop the spatula and go to town or further away.    


After staring blankly for a while, he finally decided to find a helper, "Third Uncle, please help me."    


Yang E, you're in trouble. I want you to make food for me everyday!    


Someone boiled the fire and poured water. Soon, she cooked a few dishes. The fragrance of the dishes attracted the attention of Niuwa, who was a greedy kid. Tears were still hanging on his face. It was obvious that he had been crying.    


At this moment, she had a smile on her face, "It smells so good, Sis. My saliva is about to come out."    


He stopped eating the pastries in his hand and started drooling over the big bowls of vegetables.    


"You really are a little glutton!" Dongfang Ning suddenly said. She didn't even realize that she was teasing him.    


"Haha, big sister is so good! I ate so much today, and I still have osmanthus cake. I'll send it to her when mother wakes up!"    


"This is the ginseng, it will be with the bone! Ao Cheng Tang for mother to eat later!"    




A table full of dishes was something the Fang family had never seen before. Even during New Year's, they had never seen such a sumptuous meal.    


The couple had already washed their faces clean. Faang Tianzheng sat on the right side of the table with a swollen face. Yang E and he sat on the same bench. They had already swallowed their saliva who knew how many times.    


The two of them had the same thought in their minds: Dongfang Ning's medicine was too powerful. She was beaten up so badly that after applying the medicine, she could actually sit and wait for the meal.    


Thinking about how they had been starved for a day, how they came back and got beaten up, how they became lively again very quickly after applying the medicine, and how nothing had changed except for the pain from their wounds. This was not a miracle medicine, but they thought to themselves, we have to hug Dongfang Ning's big tree from now on.    


The two of them were now well-behaved. They did not dare to argue over what they wanted to eat, nor did they dare to eat in advance.    


Third Brother Faang Tianhu was glaring at their every move, and both of them were trembling with fear. Third Uncle was too terrifying today! So this was the feeling of being bullied …    


"Alright, let's eat!" Dongfang Ning finally finished cooking and placed the soup into the pot before returning to the table. There was actually no one sitting at the main seat, so she didn't think about the main seat at all and just sat down.    


A cold voice called for food.    


"Is that a place you can sit!?" Yang E seemed to be born unable to control her mouth. Only the head of the family could sit in that position, as normally, only the people of the highest seniority could sit.    


Where even she, the head of the family, did not dare to sit, this damned girl directly sat on it. She thought like this and just blurted out a few words, completely forgetting her original intention of hugging someone.    


"You don't want to live anymore!" Before Faang Tianhu's anger could subside, he immediately grabbed the stick that was always at the side.    


"Save me, stop it!" Yang E stood up in fright. She looked like she wanted to run but wasn't willing to leave the table. It was too funny.    




Even Dongfang Ning almost burst out laughing. This was truly a bad person who was afraid of someone even more evil than himself. The next two seats were for the old man and Niuwa, and Faang Tianhu was sitting across from Faang Tianzheng, his eyes scary.    


She then opened her mouth once again, "Eat, eat! Let's discuss how we should spend our days together!"    


Faang Tianhu glared at the two again, then put down the stick and picked up the bowl to eat. This was his habit, eating a few bites well, not only did he eat like this, but the whole family was like this, as if they were afraid that the food on the table would be eaten up.    


"Delicious, it's too delicious!"    


"..." "Elder sister, when did you learn to cook …" Niuwa covered his mouth with food, while his mouth was filled with food.    


Dongfang Ning shook her head inwardly. "Eat slowly, it's not enough!" She had to slowly correct this vile habit. Although she didn't look like she ate well, she definitely wasn't fighting over it.    


After dinner, the family sat around the table and waited for Dongfang Ning to "talk business". Dongfang Ning took the boiled soup and congee, bringing Niuwa along to feed Madam Wang, then returned to the main house after explaining the matter of Niuwa feeding congee and medicine.    


The boss and his wife were still being stared at by Faang Tianhu like criminals. They sat obediently and didn't dare to say a word.    


If this was any other time, Madam Yang would have already scolded her thousands of times, even daring to make her wait with a money loser.    


However, now that her family had changed, she could sense that in the future, the Fang Clan would no longer be the family she controlled.    


"The first thing I want to say today is that I have a lot of silver."    


At this point, she stopped for everyone to digest before continuing:    


"The second thing is that you don't have to ask me where the silver came from. In short, from now on, I will have a lot of silver, and I'll never spend all of it!"    




"Do you understand?" She went straight to the point. She really didn't like to deal with these kinds of things, but the environment couldn't tolerate her not saying these boring things.    







The four people present were shocked. They didn't expect that this girl wasn't trying her luck, but had said that she would have something, that she would definitely have that kind of aura.    


Ol 'Three didn't have much to think about since he had already decided to listen to his niece. He would do whatever he was told to do if he wanted him to kill Yang E immediately.    


The old couple were overjoyed, but more than that, they were shocked. If she was rich, would she let them go … Thinking about what they had done to her family, both of them felt uneasy.    


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