Regret That Didn't Love You Earlier

C464 Chapter 464

C464 Chapter 464

0It can't be helped, she's not around him the whole day, and he just doesn't feel safe.    


He hung up the phone and put it in his pocket. He pushed open the door to the backyard and saw Old Lady Fu standing behind the French window with her hands on her waist.    


"Who are you calling?"    


Fu Jinchen was stunned. He pretended not to hear the old lady's words and walked straight to the front.    


The old lady snatched the phone from his pocket when he passed by.    


"Grandma? What are you doing?"    


The old lady opened Fu Jinchen's phone. Who knew there was a password lock? As for the password lock, how would she know?    


She held the phone in her hand, shook it and said, "Your phone, I want to confiscate it."    


"In order to prevent you from calling her again!"    


"Grandma, how old are you and you're still so childish?"    


"I don't care what you say, I won't give you my phone."    


Fine, I won't give it to you if I don't give it to you!    


Fu Jinchen was still afraid that he wouldn't be able to get it back tomorrow?    


In any case, he had called his wife for a long time just now, and he was satisfied!    


After Xia Xingxuan finished the phone call with Fu Jinchen, she remembered that he had reminded her. Before going to bed, remember to drink the milk powder and the vitamin film that he bought for her. She did not forget. She ran downstairs to make a cup of milk powder and ate the vitamin film. She then went back to her room to wash up and covered herself with a blanket to rest.    


There was a celebration event at Soong Zhiyu's company tonight, so Soong Zhiyu had to come back later. Xia Xingxuan was sleepy and did not wait for Soong Zhiyu to go, so she went to sleep first.    


Late at night, Xia Xingxuan, who was sleeping soundly, turned her body and smelled a burnt smell.    


She smelled that the smell was getting stronger and stronger, and there was a crackling sound. Only then did she realize what happened.    


When she got up, she saw a lot of black smoke coming in through the gap in the door of her room.    


Xia Xingxuan was shocked. She immediately got off the bed and opened the door. She saw that there was a fire downstairs and the fire was very big. The living room was surrounded by fire and there was black smoke everywhere. It covered the living room so that no corner could be seen, because the stairs upstairs were made of wood. The fire downstairs was burning very fast. It would spread to the upper floor in a while.    


Xia Xingxuan stood on the second floor and could feel the boiling temperature sweeping over...    


She did not know what was going on. Why was the house suddenly on fire for no reason? This made her feel strange!    


But she did not have time to think about how the fire came about. She just wanted to escape the house as soon as possible to ensure her own safety.    


She wanted to escape, but this was the second floor. If she wanted to escape, she had to pass through the first floor. However, the first floor had long been surrounded by raging flames. She couldn't get out at all!    


"Zhiyu?! Zhiyu?!"    


Xia Xingxuan shouted Soong Zhiyu's name loudly but there was no response. This meant that Soong Zhiyu was not at home and Soong Zhiyu was not back yet.    


She was hit between her nose and throat by the thick smoke and choked on her throat. In order to prevent her from fainting due to the smoke, she covered her mouth and nose with her hand and ran back to the room.    


She picked up her phone and wanted to call 120. At this critical moment, she did not know if God was joking with her. There was no signal when she dialled!    


Xia Xingxuan panicked and called Fu Jinchen again. There was still no signal.    


Xia Xingxuan pushed open the window of the room and saw the black smoke from downstairs surrounding the entire Xia family. The fire even spread to the fence surrounding the Xia family's front yard.    


Xia Xingxuan only felt uncomfortable. She choked on the smoke in her throat. It was as if she was in a furnace and was about to be burned to death.    


"Help! Help!"    


Xia Xingxuan shouted loudly for help. When the neighbors heard her, they all ran out. When they saw that the Xia family was on fire, they quickly called their neighbors over. Everyone carried water buckets to extinguish the fire, but because the fire was too big, there was no way to put out the fire, so someone called 119 to call the police. From afar, he told Xia Xingxuan to wait for a while longer. The fire department was about to arrive.    


When Soong Zhiyu drove her beloved white supercar back to the Xia family, she found that the Xia family was on fire. She hurriedly got off the car and flew into the crowd as if she had wings on her feet.    


Seeing that the house was on fire and the fire was still very big, Soong Zhiyu covered her mouth and shouted in disbelief, "How could it be... How could it be on fire!"    


"I don't know. It suddenly started on fire. It has already hit 119. I don't know when the firefighters will come."    


"There is still a girl in the house. I'm afraid that when the firefighters rush over, they will probably all be gone!"    


"Nonsense!" Soong Zhiyu shouted at that person. "My cousin will be fine!"    


Soong Zhiyu was worried about Xia Xingxuan and wanted to rush into Xia family but was stopped by someone.    


"Don't go in. Going in is suicide. Didn't you see that there was such a big fire?"    


"But my cousin is still inside!" Soong Zhiyu cried and cried.    


Why did she come back so late? Why did she only know that the house was on fire now?    


Xia Xingxuan was still in the house and could not come out. She was still carrying a child. If something happened, then it would not be a matter of life!    


Soong Zhiyu waited for the firefighters to put out the fire. As she cried, she took out her phone and called Fu Jinchen.    


Old Lady Fu was sleeping when she heard Fu Jinchen's phone ring. She originally did not want to answer it, but the ringtone was so loud that she could not sleep. There was no end to it. She touched the phone beside the bed. When she saw that the caller was Xia Xingxuan, she frowned.    


She was really capable. Why did she call Fu Jinchen in the middle of the night? Did she think that Fu Jinchen did not need to sleep?    


Old Lady Fu hung up the phone and even turned it off, so she went back to bed to sleep.    


Soong Zhiyu was stunned when she saw the phone was hung up. She made two more calls, but the phone was still turned off.    


Was there a mistake? How could cousin-in-law turn the phone off at this critical moment? This was a moment of life and death!    


Soong Zhiyu did not believe that Fu Jinchen could hang up on her at this time. He should understand. As long as she called him, it must have something to do with Xia Xingxuan, especially when she called him so late at night. It was even more important.    





Fu Jinchen was woken up by a nightmare that night.    


He dreamt that something had happened to Xia Xingxuan. He had been sleeping soundly, but he was disturbed by this nightmare.    


He went to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water. Ever since he woke up from the nightmare, his heart had been beating restlessly and never stopped.    


A bad feeling lingered in his heart.    


Why was the feeling of the nightmare so real? It was so real that something seemed to have really happened to Xia Xingxuan?    


He wanted to call Xia Xingxuan, but he remembered that his grandmother took his phone away.    


Soong Zhiyu drove to Fu residence to find Fu Jinchen. She knocked on the door of Fu residence and woke up the servant who was on night duty.    


Fu Jinchen, who had just returned to bed, also heard someone shouting at the door of Fu residence. He walked to the window and saw Soong Zhiyu arguing with the servant and wanted to break into Fu residence.    


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