Regret That Didn't Love You Earlier

C297 Housewife

C297 Housewife

0After a beautiful night, when Xia Xingxuan opened her eyes to face the reality that she was about to face, she felt extremely irritated.    


She was afraid that when Shen Baixin's phone call woke her up, it would also wake Fu Jinchen up, so she covered her phone.    


Xia Xingxuan saw that Fu Jinchen was still sleeping. She quietly got up from the bed, picked up the clothes that had fallen on the carpet beside the bed, put them on one by one, and took her phone to the French window to have a short chat with Shen Baixin.    


After she washed up briefly, she went downstairs to make breakfast.    


When Fu Jinchen woke up, he found that what he saw today was much clearer than the day before. He was very happy. When he woke up, he saw that the pillow was empty. For some reason, his heart felt empty again.    


He got up and went to the bathroom to wash up. After changing his clothes, he went downstairs.    


As soon as he walked into the living room, he saw Xia Xingxuan's blurry shadow busy in the kitchen.    


Jiang Ye came early today. He was surprised to see Fu Jinchen coming down alone. He seemed to have understood something and went up to greet him happily.    


"Director Fu, Madam is making breakfast for you."    


It was not the first time Fu Jinchen had breakfast prepared by Xia Xingxuan, but every time he ate breakfast made by Xia Xingxuan, Fu Jinchen would always be very happy.    


Xia Xingxuan carried the fried egg and came out of the kitchen. When she saw that Fu Jinchen was already sitting at the dining table, she said, "You are up?"    


"Just in time. I have made breakfast. Wait for a while. I also made millet porridge."    


Xia Xingxuan carried the breakfast onto the table and quickly ran into the kitchen to bring a pot of freshly cooked millet congee.    


She poured a bowl for Fu Jinchen and another bowl for herself.    


"Do you want to try it? Oh right, it's very hot. I'll cool it for you first. You can eat it later."    


Xia Xingxuan picked up the bowl of millet porridge and stirred it. After blowing it a few times, she carried the porridge back to Fu Jinchen.    


Fu Jinchen took a small bite and carefully tasted it before saying, "The taste is very good."    


"It's good that you like it. Oh right, I will peel another egg for you. It is good for your health to eat more eggs."    


"I can do it myself."    


Xia Xingxuan said, "Let me do it. Don't move."    


She used her hand to peel an egg for Fu Jinchen and put it by his mouth. He took a small bite. He did not taste anything when he ate it because his mind was on Xia Xingxuan.    


"What happened to you today?"    


"I... Nothing. Is there anything different about me?"    


Fu Jinchen said, "Very different."    


"I suddenly became a housewife."    


"As a wife, who isn't a housewife?"    


She ate half of her breakfast and saw that Fu Jinchen was almost done eating. She hesitated and said to Fu Jinchen, "I... I want to tell you something."    


"What is it?"    


" I want to go to America tomorrow. "    




"I haven't seen my adoptive parents for a while. I miss them. I want to see them," Wang Yao said.    


Fu Jinchen was stunned for a while and said, "I miss them. Can't I just video call them?"    


"But I want to see them with my own eyes. I have already bought the plane ticket."    


She bought the plane ticket in advance because she was worried that he would not agree to her, so she had to make a decision first and report later.    


Fu Jinchen did not say that he would not let her go, but she bought the plane ticket first and did not tell him. He was very angry. "It's up to you. You can go wherever you want in the future. You don't have to ask me again."    


Seeing that he was angry, Xia Xingxuan also felt very uncomfortable in her heart.    


After he finished breakfast, he went back to his room. She followed him back to the bedroom and took the initiative to sit on him. She kissed and coaxed him for a while before she made him happy.    


"I promise you, I will only go for three days before coming back."    


Three days was not a long time, but in the blink of an eye.    


But when Fu Jinchen thought about how he could not see her in these three days, he was very reluctant.    


"I have to spend another day alone in an empty room."    


"Remember to come back early. I'll go to the airport to pick you up."    


Xia Xingxuan saw that he agreed and said with a smile, "Okay."    


"I will ask Jiang Ye to check the weather situation in America. Remember to bring your clothes to meet the season. If it is too cold over there, remember to wear more clothes. If you get sick when you come back, then don't think about meeting your adoptive parents again in the future. "    


These words were both a joke and a warning. Xia Xingxuan pretended to be serious, "Got it."    


From this moment until the morning of the next day, Xia Xingxuan pestered Fu Jinchen and followed him closely. She did not want him to leave her sight for a moment.    


She knew that there was not much time left for her to be able to see him. She wanted to cherish the remaining time and look at him a few more times. She wanted to keep his appearance in her mind forever.    


She said that she wanted to go to America, and she had already bought the plane tickets. This was indeed true.    


She divided the week's time into two parts. She gave Fu Jinchen four days, and left the rest to Xu Huizhen and Xia Yuanhang. She wanted to see Xu Huizhen and Xia Yuanhang before she couldn't see them. Then she wanted to see their appearances.    


When the time was up, she had to find Shen Baixin. She took out her cornea and temporarily stored it at Shen Baixin's place. When everything was arranged, Shen Baixin would tell Fu Jinchen. He found a suitable cornea and asked Fu Jinchen to go to the hospital for an eye transplant.    


After Fu Jinchen saw it with his eyes, he knew that the eye that was transplanted to his eyes was hers. He was afraid that even if Fu Jinchen wanted to refuse at that time, he would not be able to. He could only silently accept what she did.    



She thought that he would definitely be angry at her selfish behavior, but she still had to forgive him. She was just returning what she owed him.    


Fu Jinchen accompanied Xia Xingxuan to the airport the next morning.    


Before Xia Xingxuan left, she stared at Fu Jinchen for a long time.    


The plane was about to take off in half an hour. Xia Xingxuan should be on the plane at this time, but she did not leave. She was like a child who was unwilling to leave the adults' side.    


"Didn't you want to go to America to see your parents? The plane is about to take off, but you are still unwilling to get on the plane?"    


Xia Xingxuan said, "I want to wait a little longer, even if I have to stay by your side for another two minutes."    


" Are you unwilling to leave? Or are you unwilling to leave me?"    


Fu Jinchen smiled and said, "It's better not to leave. It's not too late to go again after a while."    


Xia Xingxuan bit her lips and pulled away the hands around his waist. She pretended to be cool and said," I'm leaving. Don't miss me too much. "    


She wore a pair of sunglasses today because she knew that when she was about to leave, she might not be able to resist the urge to cry. She put on the sunglasses to prevent Jiang Ye from seeing her bloodshot eyes. She did not want to arouse Jiang Ye's suspicion and make Fu Jinchen suspicious again.    


Xia Xingxuan walked to the front of the security check and saw Fu Jinchen, who was also wearing sunglasses, standing in the distance. Before she left, she looked at him reluctantly. She only looked away when the security guard reminded Xia Xingxuan that it was time to go in. She turned around and left.    


Fu Jinchen, accompanied by Jiang Ye, walked out of the airport.    


The private car of Fu residence was parked not far away. Fu Jinchen was surprised to find that he had just walked out of the airport when he saw his own car.    


He stretched out his hand and looked at his palm. It seemed like the difference this time was that he saw the pattern on his palm.    


Could this mean that his vision was recovering better and better? The blood clot in his brain was also gradually disappearing as time passed?    


A few days ago, he still could not see anything. But now, he could see things clearly with his eyes, day by day.    


If this kind of thing did not happen to him, he would not dare to believe that it was actually so magical.    


Jiang Ye could not believe that Fu Jinchen could find where the car was parked without directions. He asked happily, "Director Fu, can you see more clearly?"    


"Yes." Although it was not completely clear, it was still a little blurry.    


This was clearly something that should be happy, but he was somewhat vexed.    


If Xia Xingxuan left a little later, would he be able to see her charming little face more clearly?    


She had just left for a few minutes and he started to miss her. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to see her immediately.    


Xia Xingxuan went to America and took a taxi to the hospital to see Xu Huizhen.    


She came suddenly and did not greet Xu Huizhen. Xu Huizhen was surprised but also very surprised.    


She was happy to see her daughter and told her about Xia Yuanhang's condition during this period of time. He also showed signs of getting better.    


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