Regret That Didn't Love You Earlier

C324 Are You Playing Cat-and-mouse with Me

C324 Are You Playing Cat-and-mouse with Me

0Fu Jinchen's hard chest was firmly pressed against her soft and boneless chest.    


The ambiguous atmosphere gradually lit up.    


Xia Xingxuan was stared at by his deep black eyes until her face heated up. She said with a red face, "Didn't you just..."    


He smiled faintly, his beautiful thin lips holding her delicate red lips, "It was morning, now is now."    


As he spoke, he had already stripped off her clothes and threw her under the bed. Under the warm blanket, their bodies intertwined with each other passionately...    


Fu Jinchen had Jiang Ye stir-fry Linda and Su Wei. The next day, the two women disappeared from Xia Xingxuan's sight.    


Seeing Chen Xi again, Xia Xingxuan's respect for Chen Xi increased a lot, because she knew that Chen Xi was Fu Jinchen's aunt, which was also her aunt.    


She didn't want others to know about her relationship with Chen Xi. When they were in the director's team room, her relationship with Chen Xi was very different from hers. She was just a director and an assistant. In private, when Chen Xi and Chen Xi were alone, she would call Chen Xi as her aunt.    


"Aunt, thank you for your help that day. If you didn't ask Su Yu to help me, I wouldn't know what to do next."    


Chen Xi looked down at the documents preparing for the new play. When she heard Xia Xingxuan call her aunt, she was a little surprised and there was a trace of delight in her eyes. "You know that I am Jinchen's aunt?"    


Xia Xingxuan said, "Yes, I know. He already told me."    


Chen Xi muttered, "This brat also doesn't know what he is up to. He came to find me a while ago. He said that you wanted to work in Jiahua and asked me to take you there. He also said that he was worried that you would be unhappy if he arranged for you to work by my side. Afraid that others would say something wrong, he asked me to keep it a secret that I'm his aunt. He still doesn't want me to tell you. "    


Xia Xingxuan smiled and said, "If you did not think that Su Yu was a bad person, Fu Jinchen would not have told me that Su Yu was his cousin and your son. I also did not know that you were his aunt."    


Chen Xi raised her eyebrows and asked Xia Xingxuan," You said that Su Yu was a bad person. Could it be that Su Yu, this little rascal, found trouble for you? "    


Xia Xingxuan waved her hand and said, "No, no."    


Actually, she really wanted to say that it was not just looking for trouble. Su Yu also wanted her to kiss him. She knew that Su Yu was joking. However, she still wanted to report to Chen Xi and let her teach Su Yu a good lesson. But she was also afraid that Su Yu would hold a grudge, so she did not know why he would come and find trouble with her.    


"Xingxuan, in the future, you will be by Aunt's side. Aunt will do her best to teach you everything she can."    


"You are a very smart child. Aunt can see that you are very interested in photography and also have talent in this area."    


"Aunt has high hopes for you. Don't disappoint me." Chen Xi patted Xia Xingxuan's shoulder earnestly.    


Xia Xingxuan was very excited to be confirmed by Chen Xi. She nodded and said, "Aunt thank you. I still have many things that I don't know that I need to learn from you. As long as you don't think that I am stupid."    


After saying that, Xia Xingxuan's phone rang.    


She apologized to Chen Xi and took out her phone from her pocket. When she saw that the caller was Fu Jinchen, the corner of her mouth couldn't help but raise.    


Seeing her smile so happily, Chen Xi knew who was calling Xia Xingxuan.    


"Is Jinchen looking for you?"    


Xia Xingxuan bit her lips and said, " Well, he came to pick me up for lunch."    


Chen Xi looked at the time. It was indeed time for lunch.    


"Then you guys go and eat. Don't let Jinchen wait too long."    


"Auntie, aren't you going with us?"    


"No, I have other things to do. You two can go together. When you come back, bring me a cup of coffee."    


Xia Xingxuan said, "Okay."    


After following Chen Xi in the director's studio to watch the filming preparation plan for the entire morning, Xia Xingxuan was indeed hungry.    


Fu Jinchen came to Jia Hua to find her. She did not want others to know, so she let Fu Jinchen wait for her at the other side of Jia Hua's door. There were fewer people there, so it was not easy to be seen.    


Her cautious manner made Fu Jinchen very helpless.    


He was her legal wife. He came to find his wife to have lunch, but he couldn't do it openly. He had to wait for her at the place she had told him to. She was afraid that others would see her. At that time, he would gossip about her in the company.    


He was very helpless about her actions, but he had no choice but to accommodate her.    


Xia Xingxuan had just walked out of the door when she saw Fu Jinchen's Maybach parked in the parking lot.    


Fu Jinchen drove over by himself today. It was only ten minutes from Glory World Group to Jiahua.    


Fu Jinchen saw Xia Xingxuan running towards him from afar. He got out of the car and closed the door. He walked around the front of the car with his long legs and walked to the front passenger's door.    


Xia Xingxuan jumped into his arms and wrapped her arms around his waist.    


He looked down at her and smiled. "I'll take you to lunch."    


She looked up because her body was a little hot when she ran over. Her face was slightly pink and her red lips were slightly open. Fu Jinchen couldn't help but want to kiss her because she didn't like it near the company. He was afraid that others would look at him.    


"Let's go. I have to bring a cup of coffee for my aunt later."    


Fu Jinchen opened the car door for Xia Xingxuan and carefully fasten her seatbelt.    


His profile was perfect. He had dark eyebrows, long and narrow eyes, a high nose bridge, and sexy thin lips. Every face was so beautiful that Xia Xingxuan could not find anything to be picky about.    


She took the opportunity when Fu Jinchen was not paying attention and secretly kissed his face. He was stunned, and his thin lips curled into a smile. "I don't want people to see us together, and I want to kiss me in front of the company. Are you playing cat-and-mouse with me? "    


Xia Xingxuan said sweetly, "Who asked you to look good? I couldn't help but kiss you."    


She pushed his shoulder and said, "Aiya, hurry up. I'm hungry and want to eat something."    


His magnetic laughter filled her ears, "Okay."    


Fu Jinchen thought about Xia Xingxuan going to a five-star western restaurant, but Xia Xingxuan said she did not want to eat western food. Seeing the weather was so cold, she wanted to eat hotpot.    


Fu Jinchen had never eaten hotpot outside. Seeing that Xia Xingxuan wanted to eat, he took her to a nearby hotpot restaurant.    


Fu Jinchen didn't like spicy food, so Xia Xingxuan specially ordered a mandarin duck pot. On one side was the underground Sichuan Spicy Soup, and on the other side was the soup made from bone soup. It was suitable for Fu Jinchen and her to eat.    



Xia Xingxuan did not order much. One serving of tripe, one serving of potato, one serving of flour, one serving of beef and two bowls of rice.    


She was a person who could eat spicy food. The soup was spicy enough. She also took a very spicy sauce, which made Fu Jinchen's scalp tingle.    


Fu Jinchen didn't eat much. He only cooked a piece of beef and felt that he wasn't very interested in the hotpot, so he drank a bowl of soup.    


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