Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C670 Wealthy Marriage 600

C670 Wealthy Marriage 600

0Fu Fengyi closed her door to Xia Yihan's place and returned with the contract.    


Si Si didn't feel angry at all when she heard that Fu Fengyi had been denied the door to her home. She already knew that Xia Yihan wouldn't give up her custody rights for the sake of money because she wanted to use Fu Fengyi's beloved grandson's anxious heart to distance herself from the trust between Fu Fengyi and Xia Yihan.    


Xia Yihan's failure to sign the contract made Fu Fengyi even more suspicious. Xia Yihan was willing to give up everything for the sake of Nianmo's custody rights, and this kind of disturbance wouldn't cause Nianmo to have any connections with Ye Family.    


Si Si called Fu Fengyi to comfort her, saying that this matter could not be rushed, and that she needed to slowly consider it over a long period of time.    


Hearing Si Si's words, Fu Fengyi said, "Isn't that a little inappropriate? However, she did not ban Zimo's right of access! "    


It turned out that Si Si wanted Fu Fengyi to say that Xia Yihan, in order to protect Nianmo's custody rights, prohibited Ye Family users from visiting Nianmo, allowing Xia Yihan to break the law herself.    


"Auntie, if you are so soft-hearted, when can you completely let Nianmo be a person with Ye Family?" Si Si grabbed onto the thing that frightened Fu Fengyi the most.    


Every time when Fu Fengyi heard that she would never see Nianmo again, it was as if she could not control her anger and confusion. She gritted her teeth and listened to Si Si's idea.    


At this moment, Si Si was living in a small villa on the outskirts of the city. The villa was behind a big mountain, and the entire villa seemed to be in darkness.    


The interior decorations of the villa were very simple. She only stayed here temporarily, and this villa was not purchased in her name. Instead, she bought the villa in the name of her current husband.    


The reason for her return was very clear. It was to destroy the relationship between Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo. If Fu Fengyi knew that she was her good daughter-in-law in the future, how would she feel?    


Thinking up to here, she smiled contemptuously.    


That night, Xia Yihan wanted to find Ye Zimo and ask her about it. He would always pour cold water on her when she was full of joy.    


After not seeing Ye Zimo for the whole night, Xia Yihan hugged Nianmo and fell asleep.    


In the morning, when the sun had just risen, he opened his sleepy eyes and looked at Nianmo, who was still sleeping in his arms.    


"Miss Xia, Miss Xia, someone is looking for us!" The nanny shouted anxiously from outside the door.    


"Who?" Xia Yihan originally thought that it would be Ye Zimo, but since when did Ye Zimo become so polite? Every time, it would come out of the blue. He shook his head in self-mockery.    


He pulled up the wide sweater, climbed onto his panties, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and opened the bedroom door.    


"Miss Xia, someone is looking for you!" The nanny's flustered look made Xia Yihan sense that something bad was going to happen. From the look on Fu Fengyi's face when she left yesterday, she already knew that something bad was going to happen next.    


When he walked to the living room, he saw a gentle looking man sitting on the sofa, staring at the documents in his hands.    


Seeing Xia Yihan, the man stood up, extended his hand, and smiled at her. "Hello, you must be Miss Xia!" "I'm from a law firm, there's something I need to talk to you about!"    


This person spoke cleanly and had a clear purpose. When he heard that it was someone from the law firm, although he didn't know what exactly happened, he could roughly guess that this matter was definitely related to Nianmo's custody rights.    


"Is it about the child's custody!" Xia Yihan knew that Fu Fengyi loved her grandson dearly, but she had never considered her feelings. Nianmo was her only pillar. Without Nianmo, what would she have left?    


Yes, Miss Xia, Madame Ye came to me to tell me that you forbidding Mr. Ye Zimo to visit his flesh and blood, Nianmo, is legally illegal. Also, the Fashion Jewelry that you were at previously has a tax evasion and evasion effect on the child. The man who called himself a lawyer said while shaking the papers in his hands.    


"What?" Xia Yihan's body trembled slightly after hearing the lawyer's words. She clearly knew that Fu Fengyi had put a lot of thought into Nianmo's custody. This was too much for her!    


Xia Yihan didn't want to hear what the lawyer said next. He only knew that Nianmo couldn't leave her. Without Nianmo, what else could there be in her world?    


Ye Zimo! He could only blame himself for being too soft-hearted. He should not have believed Ye Zimo in the first place. He had clearly promised himself that he wouldn't strip away Nianmo's power to support him, but now …    


When the lawyer left, Xia Yihan staggered and sat down on the sofa.    


"Mom, what's wrong?" Nianmo rubbed his sleepy eyes and pulled at Xia Yihan, who was still in a daze.    


"Nianmo!" "Why are you awake?" Xia Yihan looked at Nianmo and touched his chubby cheeks. She said sadly, "Nianmo, do you like Grandma?"    


"I like it!" Nianmo looked at Xia Yihan resolutely and decisively. However, he found that when Xia Yihan heard this, her face was filled with an almost imperceptible sadness. She immediately changed the topic, "But I still love mother the most. I love mother the most."    


"What if you don't see your mother in the future?" Xia Yihan thought about how she couldn't stop Fu Fengyi from taking back Nianmo's custody. She didn't know what would happen if she lost Nianmo, but she wanted Nianmo to be happy.    


"Mom, are you leaving? You don't want Nianmo anymore? Where are you going? " Nianmo panicked and held Xia Yihan's hand tightly.    


"Idiot, isn't mother here with you? How could I not want you? " Xia Yihan stretched out her hand and wiped away the tears that were hanging on Nianmo's face.    


No, she couldn't just hand over Nianmo's custody right like that. Ye Zimo had promised her before, so how could she go back on her word?    


Xia Yihan decided to pay Ye Zimo a visit personally.    


The Ye Group Group was located in the most prosperous part of the city. It had thirty floors while Ye Zimo set her own office on the eighth floor.    


The whole floor was made of a golden yellow colour, with a sense of majesty to it.    


When Xia Yihan approached the Ye Group, she attracted the gaze of many people. Her loose knitted clothes wrapped around her thin body, and her lazy long hair was naturally draped over her shoulders. There wasn't any jewelry or decoration on her body, but she had a natural and pure beauty.    


"Hello, may I ask who you are looking for?" The front desk looked Xia Yihan up and down.    


"I'm looking for Ye Zimo!" Xia Yihan looked at the woman who was talking to her. The first thing she saw was her huge chest. As she got closer, she could smell a strong perfume.    


The front desk was surprised. This woman in front of him actually dared to call Director Ye by his full name? He couldn't help but look up and down Xia Yihan again. Xia Yihan in front of him wasn't anything special. She looked pretty good. Did Director Ye like this pure type? No wonder Ye Zimo had never looked at her directly.    


"You need an appointment!" The more she thought about it, the angrier the woman became. She then cast a disdainful glance at Xia Yihan, who was standing in front of her.    


"Could you tell me which floor he works on?" Xia Yihan felt that this woman's behavior was only normal. She could understand how deeply these women loved Ye Zimo.    


"Eighth floor!" The front desk glared at Xia Yihan.    


"Thank you! After saying that, Xia Yihan walked towards the elevator. She just wanted to ask Ye Zimo why she went back on her word.    


"You …" The tearing sound from the front desk disappeared like smoke behind Xia Yihan's back.    


Eighth floor    


When the elevator reached the eighth floor, Xia Yihan was stunned by the scene in front of her. She had never been inside Ye Group Group before, and could not see that his place was not only shiny on the outside, but also luxurious on the inside.    


Xia Yihan stood in the empty office building, stunned by the luxurious scene in front of her. The walls of the entire building were inlaid with colorful lights that flickered and sparkled.    


He looked around but didn't know where Ye Zimo's office was. He couldn't see any employees here.    



At this time, Ye Zimo was in her office looking through the documents. Through the camera, she saw Xia Yihan standing in the corridor of her office and couldn't help but frown.    


Seeing the unease and panic on Xia Yihan's face, Ye Zimo couldn't help but shake her head and laugh. She got up from her seat and walked towards the door.    


The sound of leather shoes scraping on the ground reached Xia Yihan's ears. She turned around and saw Ye Zimo wearing a black Armani suit. She was standing behind her with a peculiar cold expression on her face.    


Ye Zimo placed her hands in her pockets and leaned lazily against the wall. Her lips curled up into a frown as she asked, "Why are you here?"    


"I have something to talk to you about!" Xia Yihan looked at Ye Zimo and said with an ice-cold voice.    


Ye Zimo's gaze focused on Ye Zimo, and he once again saw that familiar yet strange coldness in her eyes, filled with stubbornness that caused one's heart to ache. He took a step forward with his slender legs and placed his chest right in front of Xia Yihan's forehead.    


Xia Yihan also smelled the unique scent on his body, and the perfect mermaid line instantly appeared in her mind. Oh, why would he think of such things at such a time?    


"Hmm? What? "What about that coldness just now?" Ye Zimo stretched out her hand and lowered her sharp chin.    


How could she be so charming like this? Xia Yihan shook her head, trying hard to regain consciousness.    


"Follow me to the office!" Ye Zimo put her ear close to Xia Yihan's ear, her gentle voice had a bewitching charm to it.    


"What?" When she heard Ye Zimo's words, she didn't feel her entire body tremble. This man, he actually … he couldn't be thinking of circles and forks even in the daytime, right?    


Seeing the panic on Xia Yihan's face, Ye Zimo's lips curved up in a perfect smile. He pulled Xia Yihan closer to the corner of the wall and placed both of his hands on either side of his face.    


"What is it? You want it? "    


Xia Yihan's face was flushed red after he revealed her thoughts.    


The corner of Ye Zimo's mouth slowly raised into a smile. In an instant, she returned to her usual calm and tranquil self, "You overestimated your charm. Didn't you say you had something to talk to me about? Let me hear what it is. "    


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