Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C376 Favorite Marriage 308

C376 Favorite Marriage 308

0Hai Zhixuan still doesn't know Ye Zimo?    


He still didn't know that he did it on purpose. He clearly knew that he had an affair with Lin Ling, so it was fine that he didn't help him look after her. He must have colluded with Lin Ling and hidden her away.    


"Just where is she? I'm too lazy to waste my breath on you." Hai Zhixuan frowned.    


He couldn't get through to Lin Ling's cell phone as soon as he got back to the East River today. When he went to her place, there was no one there. He arranged to observe the people outside her house and said that she had not returned since the morning after he left.    


He had been very busy these past few days working at Riverside and had not paid attention to this matter.    


Anyway, he thought Ye Zimo was watching over him, and that woman wouldn't be able to run away.    


He also went to the Fu Group but was unable to find Lin Ling's whereabouts. Thus, he hurried over to find Ye Zimo.    


"What are you looking for her for?" Hai Zhixuan, you can't have fallen in love with her, right? " Ye Zimo asked with a serious expression.    


These words really stumped Hai Zhixuan. He wholeheartedly wanted to conquer her, so he didn't even think about whether he loved her or not.    


It was Xia Yihan he loved in his heart. She was so gentle and beautiful that all men should love her.    


He would not fall in love with Lin Ling, who could marry anyone. Most likely, he had come to her because of physical contact.    


He had to admit that he was very interested in her. Even after spending one day and two nights at her home, he still wanted her more than once.    


Perhaps it was because she hadn't completely conquered him yet, but she was still hiding from him.    


Men could lose anything, but not their dignity.    


Any woman he fancied, even if it was only her body, would obediently surrender to him.    


After Ye Zimo asked this question, she had been carefully observing her facial expressions. He understood Hai Zhixuan, so Hai Zhixuan's feelings for Xia Yihan weren't fake.    


The feelings he had for Lin Ling were also real. However, at this point in time, they were still mostly at the level where he was infatuated with her.    


Women love because they love, men love because they love because they love. Most of the time, this saying made sense.    


This was also why he had to put more obstacles in their way. If a woman became obedient after she became with a man, it was very likely that the man would lose interest in her and there would be no follow-up.    


If Hai Zhixuan had known from Hainan that the person he slept with was Lin Ling, he would have been responsible for Lin Ling, but he would have felt a sense of annoyance and rejection.    


There wasn't much difference between the current situation and the one at the time.    


"What love, everyone is like you? Two times and you can love? " Hai Zhixuan deliberately said indifferently.    


"Haha, it's best if I don't have any love." Ye Zimo laughed loudly, then looked at Hai Zhixuan and slowly stopped smiling. She seriously advised him, "Hai, sit down. I will have a good talk with you."    


Hai Zhixuan sat on the sofa in his study. Ye Zimo threw a cigarette to him and lit one herself.    


After a long while, he said, "After this period of contact, I guess you already know that Lin Ling has two sides. She went on vacation, and before she left, she told me that she was always looking for her if you really didn't like her. There's nothing she can do about it. She purposefully hid away. "    


When Hai Zhixuan heard that, his brows tightened even more. He thought to himself: Damn woman, didn't I leave a note to warn her? Seems like he really wasn't being honest with her, and she still had to avoid him.    


To hide from him and not say anything even to Ye Zimo, how could he lose face?    


"Hai, it's not that I'm talking about you, but look at how girls treat this kind of thing so casually. Do you really have to hold on to this matter? I think it's better if you go back to Lin Jiang to work in peace, and forget about it after a while. Isn't it easy to get women? You hook your fingers, isn't it supposed to be a bunch of them?    


Hai Zhixuan smoked without saying a word.    


Ye Zimo was also silent for a moment, before she said, "Of course, if you fall in love with her, it's different. I'll help you do her work, making her accept your admiration."    


He could say the word 'adoration'. He knew that Hai Zhixuan was extremely self-confident and wouldn't admit that he loved Lin Ling.    


"Love? You really like your assistant. Why should I love her? Such a casual woman! " A hint of ridicule appeared on Hai Zhixuan's face. He didn't say that she was a woman who could marry anyone, he only said that she was casual. That was for Ye Zimo's sake.    


Lin Ling was special. At least she had easily provoked Hai Zhixuan's feelings.    


Hai Zhixuan was usually very calm. He wouldn't casually comment on someone, nor would he say such harsh words to a woman.    


"I knew it. Don't I know you? Alright, stop bothering her. She can't work properly. I am already used to her presence. If she isn't here, I would be dead busy. " Ye Zimo said.    


"No!" Not yet. After a while, I'll get tired of it and won't bother her anymore. " Hai Zhixuan's tone was very overbearing, as if he was his personal belongings.    


"Aren't you just unreconciled? Do you want to conquer it? "Why, do you want to disturb someone's normal working life because of your own selfish desires?" Ye Zimo knew Hai Zhixuan's mentality too well.    


He also had this kind of time with Xia Yihan. He just wanted to lock her up in her bed and not go anywhere. It would be best if other men didn't even look at her.    


At that time, he wouldn't consider the other party's feelings, he would only think of taking them, only trying to force them to submit. It was as if only by giving in to the other party could he prove that he, as a male, was attractive.    


Hai Zhixuan was silent. At this moment, Xia Yihan knocked on the door. She did not know that Hai Zhixuan had come when she had just finished cooking.    


Ye Zimo knew that this was Xia Yihan knocking on the door. She even knocked on the door was different from the others.    


He pursed his lips and said, "Come in!"    


Hai Zhixuan noticed that Ye Zimo's expression was very coquettish. He didn't need to guess to know who it was.    


"Now you can also say that you've made it in. Not bad, not bad at all. You've improved a lot." Xia Yihan looked at him jokingly as she entered the room. When she saw Hai Zhixuan sitting on the sofa, she felt very embarrassed that her tone of voice towards Ye Zimo had been heard by others.    


Ye Zimo's face also looked a little awkward. She thought to herself that it was normal for this girl to treat him like this at home, but now Hai Zhixuan found out. This time, the two of them were really on par with each other, don't even think about having face anymore.    


"It's Teacher Yihan." Hai Zhixuan purposely said so and imitated her tone of voice as he winked at Ye Zimo, "Not bad, not bad at all. There's progress."    


Xia Yihan's face became even redder. She didn't know how to respond to Hai Zhixuan.    


"You're asking for a beating!" Ye Zimo was a little angry from embarrassment, so her tone was cold.    


Xia Yihan also felt it was quite interesting seeing the two of them bickering.    


"Time to eat!" "The dishes I made, Zhixuan, you stay and eat too."    


"Alright!" Hai Zhixuan replied quickly.    


"Eat where you want without him." Ye Zimo said in a cold voice before extinguishing the cigarette. She stood up and put her arm around Xia Yihan's waist.    


"How can we do that? It's already time for lunch. It will take more than 40 minutes to drive from here to the city center."    


"Haha, you're right. Can't you have some sympathy, Mr Ye?" When Hai Zhixuan saw Xia Yihan, he had forgotten most of what had just been discussed.    


His mood suddenly turned cheerful. He felt that maybe he had overestimated the influence of that woman called Lin Ling, or Xia Yihan had more of an impact on him.    


Ye Zimo was only joking, how could he not keep Hai Zhixuan for a meal?    


"Director-General Hai's skin really gets thicker and thicker with each passing year. Now he even dares to dilly-dally with me."    


Xia Yihan shot Ye Zimo a look of displeasure, afraid that what he said would cause Hai Zhixuan to lose face and make him unhappy.    


But looking at it, Hai Zhixuan was still smiling and said: "This is nothing, no matter how gentle and dissolute the matter is, I still did it. I just want to eat the dishes made by Xia Yihan, I just like it! "    


"Unfortunately, you can only eat the food she cooks." Ye Zimo said proudly. What she meant was that he was the only one who could eat her.    


Ye Zimo and Hai Zhixuan kept bickering, so the three of them went to the restaurant. The butler also informed Mo Xiaonong to go for dinner.    


After everyone had taken their seats, the dishes were served. Xia Yihan introduced which dish was cooked by her and asked them to have a taste.    


Hai Zhixuan was so impressed with Xia Yihan's cooking skills that he said, "Look, Yihan really did get out of the hall and into the kitchen. "Brat, you must cherish her well, or else I will snatch her away."    


Xia Yihan's face turned red again, but Mo Xiaonong was envious and jealous. She thought to herself, Isn't it just a few dishes? What's so great about that? If she had learned it, she would have cooked it even better than she did.    


Hai Zhixuan also sighed in his heart. He loved Xia Yihan. This was a decision he could never make wrong.    


She didn't cook specifically to make Ye Zimo love her. He could tell that she just wanted Ye Zimo to eat happily, so she put in all her effort to learn how to cook.    


That Lin Ling, like an ice cube, had probably never had a man eat a dish she cooked in her entire life.    


"You will never have a chance." Ye Zimo glanced at his woman possessively, her tone sounding extremely serious.    


"Also, I cooked this dish too. Zhixuan, try this again, I don't think it's good." When Xia Yihan saw that the two of them were at loggerheads and in front of so many servants, she hurriedly changed the subject.    


Mo Xiaonong thought Xia Yihan wanted Hai Zhixuan to praise her more, so she put in so much effort to push out another dish.    


Xia Yihan didn't know what she was thinking, but she said softly, "Xiaonong, don't you like to eat pig feet too? Pig foot beauty, you should eat more too. "    


These words made Mo Xiaonong even more nervous. What did she mean? Eating pig's feet to improve her looks? How could she say such a crude thing in front of two handsome men? Was it possible to make others look down on her?    


She said that she was often disingenuous and seemed to care about her. What a sinister intention!    


Mo Xiaonong smiled as she looked at her elder sister, and said without leaving a trace, "That's right elder sister, you should eat more too. Don't you like it too? You have to eat your skin white and tender, and guarantee that Brother-in-law will love you even more. "    


Xia Yihan didn't think that there was anything in Mo Xiaonong's words. However, Ye Zimo only smiled faintly in response.    


"I like your sister no matter what. What attracts people the most is her kind heart. Kindness cannot be made up for by eating a lot of pig feet."    


"Mo, I heard Xiao Xiaolee came. Has she left?" "The person who came was a guest. If she didn't leave, then let's have a meal together."    


Xia Yihan could tell that the latter half of Ye Zimo's words were meant to embarrass Mo Xiaonong. Afraid that Mo Xiaonong would be embarrassed, she quickly changed the topic.    


"She's gone." Ye Zimo said.    


He had always been kind to Mo Xiaonong and didn't want to say much about her. No matter what, she was Xia Yihan's little sister. If he said too much, the one who would be sad would be Xia Yihan. Of course he knew that.    


Hai Zhixuan also saw what was going on. The anxiety on Xia Yihan's face moved his heart, and he naturally wanted to help her.    


"Xiao Xiaolee was released again?" Hai Zhixuan asked.    


"Yes." Ye Zimo didn't want to say more.    


"Let go of the tiger and return to the mountain." Hai Zhixuan was not afraid of getting angry, so he said it straightforwardly.    


When Xiao Xiaolee was released, it was definitely because Ye Zimo was giving Soong Wanting face.    


Now that things had progressed to this point, he wouldn't give Xia Yihan any face at all if he still gave Soong Wanting any face.    


Of course, he did not know about Ye Zhengheng's body, so it was hard for him to understand Ye Zimo's actions.    


Ye Zimo didn't explain or say anything. She just continued to eat in silence.    


The table was a bit awkward for a moment. Xia Yihan knew that Hai Zhixuan was feeling sorry for her. She understood Ye Zimo, though she kept her own thoughts to herself about the way he valued his children. But the child was his, he valued it, and she felt it was natural.    


"Zhixuan, I heard that ever since you went to Lin Jiang, Lin Jiang has changed a lot." "I am also from Lin Jiang. Let me toast you and thank you for your contributions to Lin Jiang." Xia Yihan raised her glass and said.    


"What do you want to drink? If you want to toast, I'll toast it for you." Ye Zimo snatched over Xia Yihan's cup and clinked it with Hai Zhixuan's.    


The two of them didn't like drinking much when they were at Ye Zimo's place, so the atmosphere in the bar wasn't as good.    


However, both of them knew that Xia Yihan wanted to make the atmosphere of the meal better and not so depressing. It was like they had a tacit agreement to drink one cup after another.    


Xia Yihan didn't like to drink either. If Ye Zimo didn't let her drink, she wouldn't insist.    


Mo Xiaonong was the first to leave. Xia Yihan was afraid that she might be unhappy, so she said goodbye to Ye Zimo and Hai Zhixuan before leaving with Mo Xiaonong.    


"Xiaonong, are you full tonight?" Xia Yihan couldn't say exactly how much Ye Zimo had mocked Sofia, so she could only say so.    


"What do you think? Sis, I think Brother-in-law still has a problem with me. Sigh, if you guys really don't like seeing me, I think I'll just leave. "    


"Silly Girl, why are you thinking so much?" Your brother-in-law isn't against you. He probably thinks you're against me. Don't bother with him, he sometimes has strange thoughts. Men have different thoughts from us. "    


"Really?" Mo Xiaonong sighed and whispered, "Sis, maybe I'm being too sensitive. Shouldn't I guess you and brother-in-law?"    


How could Xia Yihan not be moved when she looked so pitiful?    


She hugged Mo Xiaonong and said, "It's fine. We'll get along better and better if we spend more time together in the future."    



After they left, Ye Zimo and Hai Zhixuan also stopped drinking.    


During the meal, while outsiders might not be able to see Hai Zhixuan defending Xia Yihan, Ye Zimo could see it clearly.    


This showed that Hai Zhixuan's feelings for Xia Yihan didn't change much. At the same time, it also showed that his feelings for Lin Ling were shallow.    


Returning to the study room, Ye Zimo said to Hai Zhixuan, "Hai, you should go back to Lin Jiang to work in peace. How is Lin Ling's private life? That's her freedom. Don't interfere."    


Hai Zhixuan didn't reply. Ye Zimo felt that he had already taken his words to heart, so she didn't say anything more.    


"Has Old Fox Zhong made things difficult for you all during this period of time?" Hai Zhixuan asked.    


At the mention of him, Ye Zimo's face turned serious as well.    


"No, I'm afraid he's busy trying to curry favor with Chief of staff, Lee."    


"I think that's what Lee Heetai and Yunchang meant when they danced last time. If the two of them could get together, then you and Yihan would have a much smoother time."    


"Whether they're together or not, we'll have no more problems." Ye Zimo said firmly.    


"I know, but don't let your guard down. I see that the more unmoving the old fox is, the more danger he will face. I will also help you pay attention."    


Ye Zimo patted Hai Zhixuan on the shoulder and didn't say anything else.    


The two chatted for a while longer before Hai Zhixuan left, saying that he had to go back to accompany his parents.    


Ye Zimo asked the butler to send her off. Not long after Hai Zhixuan left, Ye Zimo heard the butler's respectful voice from the hall, "Mr. Ye, Madam!"    


Xia Yihan also heard this and quickly tidied up her attire. She came to the study room to find Ye Zimo to greet them.    


"Dad, mom!" Seeing them, Xia Yihan called out to Director-General Ye and Fu Fengyi affectionately.    


"How is Yihan recently?" Is your life affected by the birth of your child? " Fu Fengyi asked.    


"Mom, no." Xia Yihan replied with a smile.    


"How else would you do? Your question is equivalent to nothing, so how are you going to get an answer from him?" Ye Haorann said coldly. His expression was serious, but his concern was obvious.    


"No, Dad. Zimo's been better to me than he used to be, isn't he, Zimo?" Xia Yihan looked up at Ye Zimo and smiled.    


"Alright, where is the child? Let's go take a look." Ye Haorann said.    


"Let's go, the child is upstairs." Ye Zimo had originally wanted to keep on dragging on and not let her parents come, but in the end they still came.    


He guessed that they weren't just here to take a look, otherwise, Yan Qingyan and Jiu Jiu wouldn't be behind them.    


Jiu Jiu and Yan Qingyan said their goodbyes to Xia Yihan as they followed her upstairs.    


Ye Haorann had always been against Ye Zimo messing around, so he put the two women in the villa.    


He got even angrier when he saw with his own eyes Soong Wanting sitting openly in the villa.    


"Uncle Ye, Aunt Ye, you are here?" "Quick, come in!" When Soong Wanting heard their voices, she hurriedly came out to welcome them.    


Ye Haorann didn't even look at Soong Wanting as he walked into the room and headed straight for the children's bed.    


He didn't want Xia Yihan to think that he welcomed this grandson of his. He had a special reason for going to see him.    


The child was still sleeping soundly. Fu Fengyi also followed Ye Haorann's footsteps and stood beside the bed, staring at the grandson's face.    


After all, they were related by blood, and she liked it a lot when she saw it.    


Ye Haorann wasn't really that hateful, but the child was unpopular, so he couldn't really say that he liked her.    


"Ye Zhengheng, look, grandpa and grandma are here to see you!" Soong Wanting said softly as she followed him.    


Ye Haorann glanced at Soong Wanting coldly, then ordered in a deep voice, "Jiu Jiu, come here and carry the child away."    




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