Wild Agent Wife

C79 Handsome guy come to invite

C79 Handsome guy come to invite

0After being teased by Ling Chen in the morning, Jane Fan was in a trance all morning.    


He looks so handsome, and he's also a freak!    


Although she wasn't part of the Appearance Association, her heart, which had been quiet for more than 20 years, couldn't help but shudder when she was pestered by a man who was so handsome that he looked like scum.    


Ye Han once said that men who were more handsome than him weren't good people. He's handsome, too, but he says his looks are the boundary between good and bad men, and he belongs to the good kind.    


No, from now on she had to work hard, she didn't believe she couldn't beat him.    


If she saw him again, she would beat his teeth out of him.    


Jane Van spent the morning sorting out the information sheets of all the officers under the command of the Shallow Mountain sub-bureau.    


She classified which ones had graduated from the police academy and which ones had come from the official examinations. With or without a foundation, she developed two separate programs to train separately.    


In the office, Zhou Tong was doing the PPT for patriotism education as Jane Fan had requested.    


The phone suddenly rang. Jane Fan looked at the caller and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.    


"Hello, who is this?"    


"It's me, baby. Let's have lunch together, shall we?"    


Jian Fan's scalp tingled. He immediately recognized that it was Ling Chen's voice.    


He'd just played with her in the morning, and now he still dared to provoke her.    


"Do you have nothing to do all day?" I don't have time to waste on you, don't look for trouble here. "    


Pow! As soon as the call ended, it cut off all of Ling Chen's words before he could say it.    


He flung the phone aside and was immediately filled with anger.    


"Who is it? I made you so angry. " Zhou Tong looked at her, gossiping.    


"A debt collector. Wrong person." Jane Fan said perfunctorily as he organized the documents.    


"Xiaofan, where are we going for lunch?" It was almost 12 o'clock, Zhou Tong's stomach was already growling with hunger.    


Jian Fan had just finished arranging the files, but was once again displeased by Ling Chen. "The canteen."    


"No, I came to work on the first day, let's go out and have a meal." I saw a Japanese restaurant when I was shopping yesterday.    


"Not good. If you want to go, go by yourself. I still have to prepare for class in the afternoon." "Commissioner Liu, who's in charge of the sub-bureau tomorrow, specially organized all the policemen to take education classes. I can't afford to be careless and make any mistakes." Jane Fan was in a bad mood.    


"Don't be so cruel." Zhou Tong was looking at her with an aggrieved expression. Someone was knocking on the door.    


"Open the door!" Jian Fan pursed his lips. Zhou Tong, who was sitting by the door, had no choice but to put away her pitiful appearance and open the door.    


When the door opened, the handsome guy that appeared stunned Zhou Tong for a while.    


"Is Jane here?" The man's voice was a little hoarse and cold, but it was pleasant to hear.    


Zhou Tong quickly nodded, and her eyes lit up. This man with cold features and a steady temperament was her food.    


She also came to find Jian Fan. She was really lucky. Why were all the handsome guys surrounding her?    


"The saliva is coming down." The man's cool voice was heard. Before Zhou Tong could awkwardly wipe it away, he had already walked around her and entered the room.    


"Jane." Although he had been brainwashed, his habit of calling her still hadn't changed.    


"Ye Han, it's you." Jian Fan excitedly jumped up and rushed in front of him.    


They hadn't seen each other since returning home. He had taken care of her during the collective training, and now they were both very happy to be assigned to the same city.    


Ye Han had a gentle expression on his face as he lovingly scratched the tip of her nose, "I heard that you were transferred to my jurisdiction to be a teacher. I came to see you the first thing I did."    


"I'm so touched, then I must treat you to a meal." Ye Han was seven years older than her, and she had always treated him like her own brother.    


"Sure, where do you want to go?" Ye Han could only show such a gentle and doting expression towards her.    


He didn't mind how dependent she was on him as her older brother. His feelings were always hidden so deeply, so deeply.    


"I want to go too." After swallowing her saliva, Zhou Tong followed up, interjecting a few words to improve the feeling of existence.    


Without thinking, Jane Fan blurted out, "To the cafeteria."    


Zhou Tong's pretty face darkened as she silently returned to her seat without saying anything.    


Jian Fan covered his mouth and snickered as he pulled Ye Han away.    


"They're really going to the cafeteria?" Forget it, let me treat you to Sichuan food, okay? " After getting on Ye Han's car, Jane Fan did not really want to treat him to a dining hall. The mention of Sichuan Cuisine made her swallow.    


In the United States, except raw beef and vegetables, they were raised as primitive savages. Her only thought was the sour and spicy taste of Sichuan food. She was dying of desire.    


"I'm just going to eat Sichuan Cuisine. Big brother loves me the most."    


As the car drove towards the plaza, the Shuxiang String of the King's business was still as flourishing as ever.    


The room was full except for the only two seats in the hall. The environment was rather quiet, but the boiling hot air carried a pungent smell, causing Jian Fan's stomach to feel even hungrier.    


After finding a seat, the waiter handed over the menu.    


Ye Han pushed the menu in front of Jian Fan, who pushed it back.    


"You know what I like to eat. You order, I'll go to the bathroom."    


He couldn't wear a police uniform during breaks, so he wore a cardigan on the way out. The uncomfortable feeling of twisting his shirt inside must have been due to the clothes not having been tidied properly.    


Inside the ladies' room, Jane Fan was arranging her clothes in front of the mirror.    



When the door was opened, Jian Fan didn't mind at all. He only took his police uniform seriously. It wasn't until a ghost-like man's face appeared behind her in the mirror that Jane Fan suddenly turned around in alarm.    


Ah!" It was a young woman who had just came out of the bathroom. When she saw a man, she shrieked and ran out of the bathroom.    


Jian Fan immediately turned around and left without saying anything. The bathroom door was locked by Ling Chen with a "pa" sound. Ling Chen then reached out his hand, pressing her down on the sink.    


Like a spy, Marvin stood at the door of the ladies' room, looking left and right, keeping an eye on him. This was the first time he had shamed himself by following a Boss for so long.    


How could Jian Fan be so easily convinced? Even if he had to fight to the death, she would definitely resist.    


He had to admit, his muscles were as hard as steel, and his strength was terrifyingly strong. His hands and legs were bound, so he had to use his mouth.    


There was no prelude. It had only been two seconds since she had been pinned to his collarbone with her fangs.    


"Hiss!" Ling Chen took a deep breath, it's so damn painful, "Have you bitten enough? Are you a dog? " He did not move, allowing her to bite him without restraint.    


It wasn't until he tasted the blood that Jian Fan finally let out a sigh of relief. Seeing the blood stain grow larger and larger under his collar, her heart slightly trembled. He actually didn't make a sound.    


Serves him right, he asked for it.    


Jane Fan glanced at him. "Are you a ghost? He had to hold on to me like a ghost. Did I dig up your family's ancestral grave in my previous life or did I carry your family's child? "    


Ling Chen's face darkened, and his breath instantly turned cold: "If I call you to invite you for lunch but you're not willing, then what does it mean to be together with a man?"    


"What does it matter to you? As a dignified CEO of Ling, you like to act like a scoundrel, right? " Jian Fan glared at him with a look of disgust.    


"You …" Ling Chen's breathing stagnated. He was quite angered by her, and the veins on his forehead bulged, hurting the wound on his collarbone: "You, a national police officer sent abroad to learn this wild dog skill?"    


"You're the dog, the rutting male dog." Every word she said was like a pin, she didn't back down in the slightest.    


Ling Chen's pupils contracted as he stared at her with a cold glint in his eyes. In the past, she had only pretended to be obedient. This was most likely her true personality.    


Being stared at by him, Jian Fan looked down and said coldly: "Let go of me, I'm going to call for reinforcements." "You know that my big brother is outside. If he comes, he'll beat you until your teeth are all over the floor …"    


Ling Chen stared at her in anger, and only two pieces of red remained in his eyes.    


"Howl …" Ling Chen decisively bent over and sealed her chattering lips.    


Jian Fan's eyes were wide open as he stuck close to her. She could even see his long eyelashes brushing against her rosy cheeks.    


F * ck! He actually forcefully kissed her!    


He … He had stolen her first kiss for twenty-three years.    


Who was he? Why was he treating her like this?    


The more he thought about it, the more confused he became. The more he thought about it, the angrier he got.    


What on earth was his tongue doing to pry open her teeth?    


His free hand was on the back of her head, and his kiss, punitive, took away her breath and made her head spin.    


"Woo woo …" Jian Fan tried his best to resist, but he was still defeated by him. His lips were filled with the faint smell of tobacco and mint fragrance. His tongue could not wait to wrap around her soft tongue.    


Feeling anxious, Jian Fan could not care less as he opened his mouth to bite. The two rows of teeth bit down ferociously.    


Ling Chen seemed to have already seen through her intentions, and he moved away the moment she closed her eyes. Fast as this was just a figment of her imagination.    


"Crack!" A crisp sound rang out. It was the sound of Jian Fan clenching his teeth. She only bit the air, causing her temples to ache from the shock.    


"Oh!" "Bastard!" Jane felt so much pain that she wanted to curse.    


Ling Chen smirked, his expression was a little gloomy, "You'd better not have any thoughts towards other men, otherwise, I'll make them die an ugly death." He gave her a gloomy warning and then stared at her for a moment. He then let her go and left the bathroom without looking back.    


"What do you mean?" What right did he have to act so arrogantly in front of her!?    


He snatched her first kiss and wanted to run away?    


Jian Fan jumped down from the washstand in a hurry. When he reached the door, he had already disappeared without a trace.    


Ye Han and Jian Fan collided head-on.    


"What's the matter, Jane?" Her long hair was in disarray, and her breathing was unstable. This caused him to be extremely worried.    


Jian Fan stood up from his embrace. His big watery eyes darted around as he tried to control his emotions. "I'm fine. I just saw a mouse in the washroom. It's so disgusting."    


"I'll have the health department check it out later. The dishes have all been served. Let's eat first." Ye Han pushed away the messy hair on her forehead and led her to the seating area.    


It felt as if someone was staring at her, and thinking of Ling Chen's cold warning before he left, Jian Fan felt his neck go cold, and goosebumps rose all over his body.    




Mad dog!    




She couldn't think of anything more appropriate to say to curse him.    


Does everyone in the city know that he is such an incredible person?    


She would not be scared by some nonsense from him. Her matters were always her own responsibility. Moreover, she was only siblings with Ye Han, so she didn't want to listen to his nonsense.    


As he thought about it, his heart became firmer, and the hand holding Ye Han tightened and tightened.    


Ye Han was happy to enjoy himself. He slightly raised his head in an attempt to cover his smile, but the curve of his lips only grew wider and wider.    


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