Wild Agent Wife

C86 I am so overbearing

C86 I am so overbearing

0The familiar smell of tobacco mixed with the faint fragrance of mint made Jane Fan realize what was going on the instant she was pulled away.    


If she couldn't avoid it, she would just face it. Since he liked to scold, she didn't mind practicing her eloquence.    


Facing his angry black eyes, Jian Fan's back turned cold. However, he still straightened his back and said, "Aren't you being a little too overbearing like this?"    


"Darling, you probably don't know me all that well. If you and that little man jump down again, I'll tear him to pieces. "    


Ling Chen's fake smile was extremely evil.    


Since the country ruled by the law in broad daylight, how could he not have restrictions?    


"Don't be so arrogant. If you dare to do anything illegal, I will bring you to justice no matter what." Jian Fan gritted his teeth, not looking like he was joking at all.    


Ling Chen's breath hurt, fight to the death? Did she think he was that kind of person?    


The key tone had turned cold, and the air in the hall seemed to have frozen. "Why would I break the law? I have plenty of ways to deal with him. "    


"Did you forget to take your medicine?" Jian Fan raised his eyes and glared at him. His eyes were filled with disgust.    


Ling Chen angrily nodded his head: "You are ruthless enough." He missed her day and night, but she never forgave him.    


The music suddenly changed to a fast-paced Latin. The older generation all left the stage, and a group of young people with beautiful postures came up.    


Ling Chen waved his hand and threw Jian Fan out. Before he could do anything, he pulled her back. He twisted his body and fell into the crook of his arm. Their eyes met, and a burst of admiration swept through the hall.    


Jane Fan thought it was strange that her movements were so fluid that even she could not believe it. In her impression, she had never learned to dance before.    


In fact, what she couldn't remember was that she had already mastered the common dances at dances during the secret service. There was nothing she couldn't remember. Perhaps she had forgotten the dance steps long ago, but she still remembered the feeling after the dance.    


Before Jane Fan could say anything, Ling Chen gently raised his wrist and helped her up. His left hand grabbed onto her white, sharp, and delicate fingers, and tightly clasped them together. His right hand was still on her slim waist as he led her towards the red carpet in the middle of the dance floor.    


"I don't know how to jump. What are you going to do?" Jane Fan frowned and stared at him, feeling somewhat anxious. Everyone was watching them. She didn't want to be a clown.    


"Trust me, you will." Ling Chen opened his lips and spat out a few words that were neither painful nor itchy.    


The music became more lively, and Ling Chen's steps in the dance became bigger and bigger. The dancing crowd consciously gave way to the dancing crowd and gradually retreated from the dance floor, leaving behind only the two people on the stage who were lost in their joy.    


The circular red carpet slowly rose into the air. Jane Fan's high heels were light and hurried at times. Each time he pulled them back, they would embrace even more intimately. Jane Fan only felt that his head was floating, and his eyes were filled with the spinning crystal lamp above him. She was not herself anymore, and she did not know how she could keep up with his pace, his rhythm.    


"Darling, if you put on the dress I gave you and danced this dance, it would look even better." Ling Chen sighed with regret and admiration.    


Under Jian Fan's angry glare, Ling Chen forcefully pulled. Just like that, Jian Fan's slender waist was propped up on his powerful arm, and with a perfect lower back, the wonderful dance came to an end.    


The music stopped and there was a moment of silence, so quiet that you could only hear each other's breathing and the snap of flashlights. On the stage, which was half the height of a person, Ling Chen and Jian Fan were like two extremely beautiful statues, symbolizing the work of the God of Love.    


"Pa, pa pa pa …"    


Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa …    


Pan Wenfang was the first to react from her shock, clapping her hands one by one. Following that, the earth shook and the mountains shook. An intense and deafening sound of clapping could be heard, as if the two people were going to be drowned out by the clapping of palms.    


Ling Chen smirked in satisfaction as he helped Jian Chen up. However, his large hand still did not loosen its grip. It continued to press down on her slender waist, preventing her from moving.    


"Let me go." Jane Fan's red lips moved slightly, using a voice that only the two of them could hear.    


"If you want to fall, I can help you." Ling Chen smiled brightly. His mood seemed to have turned from cloudy to clear.    


Jian Fan glared at him and stopped struggling.    


The stage gradually descended as the reporters swarmed forward, surrounding the two of them so tightly that not even a drop of water could leak out.    


Ling Tian protected Jian Fan, holding her tightly in his embrace and using one hand to block the reporter's path.    


"Excuse me, I'm not accepting interviews right now." Just that sentence alone was more intimidating than any other security guard.    


Ling Chen had a cool smile on his cold face. The reporters only dared to take photos and not speak. After they finished, they left by themselves.    


They didn't want to offend this mogul. Their newspaper was still thinking too much. Besides, they had already recorded this century's scene, so their trip here would not have been in vain.    


Ling Yun escorted Jian Fan to the resting area, and just as he sat down, a new round of charity auctions started.    


Jian Fan's nervousness was finally relieved, and he felt even more thirsty. He grabbed the champagne from the buffet and drank it.    


Ling Chen frowned and reminded him: "You'll get drunk if you drink too much champagne."    


"Who said that? This is clearly a beverage with an apple juice flavor. Have you ever seen one that can get drunk by drinking fruit juice? I don't want to talk to you anymore, little aunt is looking for me. "    


Jane Fan put down his fourth cup and turned to leave.    


It was obvious that Ling Chen had finally gotten the chance to communicate with her, so how could he let her go?    


He squeezed her hand, forcing her to sit on the inside of the rattan chair, while he sat on the outside to block her path.    


"The dress I'm wearing today, I don't want it to get any thicker. I'll give you face with so many reporters, but you better not. "    


One sentence, it was enough to make Ling Chen's chest hurt. Her sharp-tongued rank had risen again.    


"Can't you be more gentle?" Ling Chen leisurely sipped a mouthful of champagne.    


The waiter came over, and Ling Chen waved for many small ones.    


"Your stomach is growling. Eat something."    


Jian Fan wrinkled his nose and rolled his eyes. She hadn't eaten enough for dinner, so she hadn't had enough to eat. Now that she felt nervous, she felt hungry to the point of sticking her heart to her back. At least he had a hint of an eye.    


"You're here to donate money today?" After stuffing a piece of cake into his mouth, Jane Fan found a topic to talk about. His scalp went numb as he stared at her naked gaze.    


"It's just a business need."    


Tch... Bullshit!    


He knew he wasn't that kind, that he was a merciful person!    


The host placed the first auction item on the stage. It was a set of the first set of Journey to the West, printed in black and white during the Republic of China period, donated by the University of Hance which Pan Wenfang belonged to.    


Everyone started to raise their prices, and the price shot up all the way to 120,000.    


The venue turned silent after the high price of one hundred and twenty thousand gold coins.    


"One hundred and twenty thousand going once, one hundred and twenty thousand going twice …"    


"One million!" Ling Chen lazily raised his hand and spat out two words. However, the weight of these three words were like a bomb, exploding the entire venue.    


Discussions broke out in the venue. It was all for CEO Ling's generosity, but it was also for the good fortune of Mountain children.    


The host was stunned for a moment before reacting. He thought that no one would be able to offer a higher price and immediately decided to bid.    


This book belongs to Ling Chen.    


After a short period of commotion, the auction of the second item began.    


Even though he knew that his intentions were impure, Jian Fan still overestimated him, and his attitude became slightly better.    


"You like to watch Journey to the West?"    


"Because you like it." Ling Chen's words confused Jian Fan.    


The second was a piece of blue-and-white porcelain unearthed in the Song Dynasty. It had a hole and was donated by a museum.    


"What do you think of that thing?" Ling Chen turned his face to ask for her opinion.    


Jian Fan glanced at it, "It's not bad." If it was really a good item, would the museum be willing to donate it for sale?    


Without another word, Ling Chen raised the starting bid of 100,000 to a million.    


Third, Ling Chen held up the card as usual: 1 million;    


The fourth item, one million;    


Fifth item …    


Jane Fan just looked at him. Since he wanted to show off, she would beat him up with all her might. In any case, it didn't matter if he was poor or not.    


Up to the eighth item, Ling Chen had sold it for one million gold. In just that short period of time, he had spent nine million. The speed at which the tycoons spent money, and the width of their spending money, it was really fun to watch.    


Ling Chen did not continue to bid on the rest of the items. Even if the people in the audience had their own guesses, the temper of the rich people was just that weird. How could ordinary people be able to guess it so easily?    


"Alright, now it's the last item to be auctioned. This item was donated by a guest at the scene on a temporary basis, and I thank her on behalf of the organizers. " After the host's introduction, the emcee carried over a Chanel gift box. When the box was opened, she saw that a bright red dress was lying inside.    


Ling Chen suddenly turned his head, and stared at Jian Fan. His deep black eyes were filled with anger as he asked, "You donated the dress I gave you?"    


"I'm doing a good deed for you." Jian Fan ignored him and locked his gaze onto the auction stage.    


The host continued with the introduction, "This is the new Chanel from the early spring. This is the only outdated design. The starting price will be one yuan."    


"Hiss!" Gasps sounded in the auction hall. Starting from one yuan, what was this tempo?    


The people below didn't know what was going on, so no one bid first.    


Ling Chen looked around before glaring at Jian Fan. She definitely did it on purpose. Was his intentions only worth a single yuan in her eyes?    


After adjusting the Armani business suit on his body, Ling Chen slowly stood up.    


"One hundred and eighty thousand!"    


Ling Chen's cold voice caused the entire hall to become quiet. No one dared to bid against him, and no one could understand why he didn't bid a million this time.    


The host slammed the table and his clothes fell into Ling Chen's hands.    


He took the gift box and stuffed the clothes into Jane Fan's arms.    


"For you."    


Jian Fan did not raise his hand to receive it. It was a stalemate.    


The spotlight shone on the two people's faces, who were in a stalemate. Jane Fan did not like the feeling of being the center of attention, as if she was a clown in a circus. Every move of hers was a joke.    


Ling Chen tilted his head and whispered into her ear, "If you want me to change your clothes right now, you can leave."    


"You …" Jian Fan raised his eyelashes, and his fair face was already burning up.    


Not to mention his abilities, just his presence alone was enough to convince Jian Fan that there was nothing a scoundrel like him couldn't do. If she really gets ripped off, she would be the one to suffer the loss.    


Annoyed, she pulled the clothes box over, a bit of a gritting smile appearing on her face: "Thank you, Boss Ling, for your love, I thank you on behalf of the children in the mountain area."    


"You're welcome." He smirked. He really enjoyed her cute look of being unable to vent out his anger.    


On the stage, Dao was doing a thank-you speech for the end of the dinner. The media and reporters quickly focused their attention on the stage.    


Ling Chen pulled Jian Fan with him and was about to leave. Jian Fan quickly lifted his foot and stepped on his foot with his sharp heel.    


Ling Chen frowned, but did not utter a sound. However, he clenched his fists even tighter.    


"How vicious!"    


"Thank you. This is not the first time you've praised me like this." As he spoke, Jian Fan wiggled his heels a few times.    


Ling Chen's face turned green and black. Just as he was about to get angry, Pan Wenfang came over.    


"Xiaofan, you know Director Ling?" Pan Wenfang took the clothes box from Jian Fan's hand, and wrapped her arms around his arm, pulling her over.    



"Auntie, I don't know him." Jane Fan cleverly moved closer to her.    


Ling Chen let go of her hand, and stared at her with an unfathomable expression. He smiled, and said lightly: "Hello little aunt, I am Ling Chen, Jian Fan's boyfriend."    


"What are you talking about?" Jian Fan immediately objected.    


"Oh." Pan Wenfang let out an awkward laugh. For a moment, she didn't know how to respond, so she could only be polite and say: "Director Ling is kind. If you have time, let's go home and have a meal together."    


"Thank you, little aunt. I will definitely go. Just call me Ling Chen." Ling Chen's smile became wider and wider. He put both his hands into his pockets, revealing his evil and ostentatious appearance.    


"Alright, we still have things to do, so we'll be leaving first." Pan Wenfang pulled Jian Fan towards the exit of the hall. Ling Chen did not chase after them. He only smiled as he watched the two of them walk away.    


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