Wild Agent Wife

C106 I want to have a try with him

C106 I want to have a try with him

0The next day, when Ling Chen finished washing up and went downstairs, Jane Fan was sitting in the dining room drinking milk.    


He couldn't help but smile. He liked this kind of scene.    


"Did you sleep well last night?" Ling Chen also entered the dining room and sat down opposite her.    


A sandwich and a cup of coffee.    


Jian Fan raised his beautiful eyes and looked at him. "The bed is too soft. I'm not used to sleeping on a bed."    


Ling Chen pursed his lips and did not comment.    


In the monitor last night, it was unknown who fell asleep the moment he fell down. The fragrance of it made him salivate like a little pig.    


"I'll send you to work later."    


"Oh." It was almost eight o'clock. If he did not take his car, it would be too late to run down the stairs. Since they were already living here, why would they care about sending them off?    


"Yes," Jane said, picking up her sandwich and taking a big bite.    


The weather in early summer was always so sunny. Eight o'clock in the morning, the sun had already risen into the sky. The air was filled with a hot and dry atmosphere, and even the light shining on the body felt hot.    


Gentleman Ling opened the door for her, one hand on the top of the door to protect her head from being hit.    


There was a little bit of cold air in the car, and the cool and comfortable air made Jian Fan's heart feel much more at ease.    


"Did you bring everything?" Ling Chen was in no hurry to get on the carriage.    


Jian Fan was slightly stunned, but just as he was about to speak, Ling Chen handed over a beautiful gift box. The box was opened, and inside was the four plates he had seen last night regarding Jian Guodong.    


After putting it into his bosom, Jian Fan looked at him deeply with gratitude. "Thank you."    


Ling Chen raised his eyebrows and smiled: Why are you thanking me? "Talking doesn't count as much."    


"Then forget it, I'll take it back." Jian Fan sat up straight in the front passenger seat. The feeling of gratitude he had just felt had been reduced by his mischievous look.    


"Then I'll take back my gift as well." Ling Chen actually acted like a scoundrel and tried to snatch the box from her hands.    


Jane Fan quickly covered his face and stared at him, "What exactly do you want? I'm going to be late. "    


"Give me a kiss, or nothing will be discussed." He had one hand on his waist, and the morning light was shining on the side of his face, reflecting a beautiful halo.    


With regards to his rogue request, Jian Fan simply ignored it.    


He angrily turned his face away and no longer spoke.    


Ling Chen then got into the driver's seat and started the car.    


Along the way, Jane Fan fondled this gift with great affection. Ye Zichen couldn't help but look at his handsome profile. The way he put his heart into it wasn't that annoying.    


From the time he had appeared in Phantom Shadow and saved her, he had spent all his energy preparing such a precious gift for her. Her heart was moved. She wanted to thank him for taking care of Zhou Tong and his family and for giving her these discs. But just as he had said, the word 'thank you' was too pale. In the end, she bit her lip and did not say it.    


Aston Martin slammed the throttle down on the front door of the Shallow Mountain Public Security Bureau. Jane Fan had been strongly demanding that she be put down at the intersection of the traffic lights, but Ling Chen simply ignored her.    


Bearing the risk of drowning in saliva, Jane Fan quickly got out of the car and rushed into the administration building.    


With a triumphant laugh, the roar of the engine gradually faded into the early morning streets.    


Jane Fan touched his chest, silently cursing: Madman!    




As soon as his feet touched the stairs, Jian Fan was unsteadily pulled down. When she finally reacted and prepared to punch him, she was met with Ye Han's face, which was green enough to freeze to death.    


"Where did you go last night?"    


When he had seen Ling Chen's car at the gate of the Xiang Ju Building yesterday and had received a call from Jane Van, who had been unable to attend the feast because of the rain, he had been suspicious, but he had not wanted to believe that they were together. However, how could he explain the fact that he had personally witnessed Jane Fan get out of his car this morning?    


His heart was in pain. Was his Little Fan really going to belong to that person? Even though he didn't want to believe it, he had to admit that they were together last night.    


Jian Fan's delicate face unconsciously turned red and his voice stuttered. He sounded especially guilty. "I was at Uncle Yan's house last night."    


"Then why did you get out of Ling Chen's car?" His heart ached. For him, she had been lying since last night.    


Jian Fan's eyes widened as he looked into his eyes that were filled with anger. "You saw it?" The lie was exposed, and looking at his wounded eyes, she started to panic.    


"You were with him last night, weren't you? Did you spend the night with him? " His fingers tightened around her arm until they turned white. One could imagine how much pain Jane's arm was in.    


His face was ashen, and his eyes were filled with anger. It was frighteningly cold.    


Jian Fan frowned slightly. "Big brother, you're hurting me."    


Ye Han was startled and lost his composure. He hurriedly let go, wanting to massage her with his hands, but he didn't dare to.    


"Have you decided to stay with him? "It's okay, just tell me the truth, I'm your brother after all. Besides protecting you, I'll also bless you."    


His tone was filled with desolation, causing Jian Fan's heart to tighten.    


She knew some of his thoughts, but she could not give him any response. In the law of their relationship, he had to be her brother.    


Even though she knew that he had misunderstood, Jane Fan still deliberately twisted the truth and admitted his guess. "Brother, thank you for your blessing. I want to try it."    


As she finished speaking, she could clearly see Ye Han's drooping shoulders and the long breath he had exhaled.    


He pulled at the corner of his lips, wanting to give her a comforting smile, but he remained extremely stiff. "Since you have your own choices, what else can I say? Ling Chen is not a normal man, if I follow him and suffer grievances, I will definitely stand up for you. "    


"Yes." Jian Fan comforted him with a sweet smile on his face, "Don't worry, I won't be easy to bully either." "I know you love me the most, but you have to find a wife for me."    


"Ha!" Ye Han turned his head away, not wanting to let her see the sparkling luster in his eyes, "Go to work, I still have a case."    


"Goodbye brother." "En." Jian Fan replied sweetly. He then walked to the top of the stairs and went upstairs as well.    



The moment he turned around, his smile collapsed. There was only fatigue on his face and embarrassment after his lie had been exposed.    


As he opened the office door, Zhou Tong was sitting in her seat, organizing the documents. Her expression was blank, as if she was in a bad mood.    


Jian Fan's heart skipped a beat. Could something have happened last night?    


"Mhmm." Jane Fan lightly coughed and walked to his seat.    


Zhou Tong raised her head, her face filled with grief, "Xiaofan, are you free?"    


"Hmm, with your appearance of a bullied wife, did you get bullied last night?" Jane Fan deliberately used a relaxed tone to tease her, but it couldn't get rid of the slight sadness in the air.    


"Sigh …" Zhou Tong let out a long sigh and looked at her with an incomparably sad and clear gaze. "Isn't it because of last night's confession? Just look at me and I can guess what the result was."    


"I want to hear the details. I want to know what kind of excuse my brother used." To be honest, Jane Fan could not help but feel a little disappointed. She had already declared her great expectations.    


Zhou Tong slumped down on the table. Recalling the scene from last night, his eyes became moist and his heart began to feel uncomfortable, "After dinner, he politely sent me home. The dinner didn't say anything, but the atmosphere was still quite harmonious. When we got to the front door, I didn't get out of the car in a hurry. Instead, I kept the car ready to talk to him. "    


Zhou Tong seemed to be lost in her memories, and Jane Fan urged: "And then? Have you guys talked yet? "    


"Yes." Zhou Tong nodded.    


The scene followed Zhou Tong's memory and returned to the incident last night — a white Hyundai SUV in front of the new era apartment in Hong Kong and Hui.    


The space in the car was small. On a hot early summer night, the two of them were breathing in the same scorching heat.    


Zhou Tong stealthily raised her head to glance at the absent-minded Ye Han. Her fingers continuously moved her skirt to ease her nervous mood.    


"Night …" I have something to say to you. " Zhou Tong was the first to speak. His face was blushing all the way down to his ears.    


Ye Han's mind was still preoccupied with the matter of whether or not Jian Fan was in Ling Chen's car. He was simply distracted, unable to concentrate at all.    


He turned his head to look at her, but it was as if his gaze had already traveled past her to a distant place. He casually replied, "Say it."    


Zhou Tong's head drooped even lower. Her red face was like fresh pomegranate juice, red enough to drip juice, "Actually, I … I've liked you for a long time. "    


After a short conversation, the conversation came to an abrupt end.    


Ye Han didn't hear her clearly, and he then shifted his gaze onto her red, unnatural face with an apologetic expression. Subconsciously, he asked, "What?"    


Zhou Tong mustered the courage to look up into his eyes. His eyebrows were sharp and pointed, like two sharp swords that pierced his temples. His eyes were deep and wide, and those dark eyes were filled with wit and wisdom. His nose was very straight, like the meticulous carving of a top craftsman. His lips were slightly thick, dry and white from the heat.    


It was obviously cold in the car, but Zhou Tong still felt warm.    


She was lost in her thoughts, and even her breathing became rapid: "Bureau Chief Ye, I like you."    


"Buzz!" This was the first time he had been confessed to in such a manner by a girl, so he didn't know what to do for a moment.    


The two of them just stared blankly at each other. He was at a loss and her heart was filled with anticipation.    


Only when Ye Han coughed awkwardly did his face turn red.    


From his awkwardness and silence, Zhou Tong's excited anticipation gradually turned into anxiety. In the end, the silence forced her to retreat into sadness and despair.    


The light in her eyes changed from clear and bright to dull gray. The flush on her face faded, and the corners of her lips that had been raised crumbled as well. Can't you try? "    


"Sorry, Tongtong." The atmosphere was really depressing. Ye Han knew that rejecting could be very cruel, but he wasn't the type of person who liked to procrastinate.    


The two words were enough. Zhou Tong didn't say anything more and just opened the car door and got out.    


Her heart was extremely sad. This was the first time ever since she had opened her heart, that she had so bravely confessed to a man. Her already fragile heart immediately shattered from the shame and anger she felt.    


She didn't know how she got home. All she knew was that the moment she entered the room, she couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground.    


The sound of water dripping came from the wooden floor. He touched his itchy cheek and realized that it was tears that had fallen from his eyes.    


What was wrong with her? Why would Ye Han not accept her?    


When she was in school, how many boys had surrounded her and she had refused them all? He had only just been moved, but he had already been mercilessly dealt a blow!    


Zhou Tong got up from the floor and rushed into the bathroom. She turned on the cold water and rushed into the bathroom from head to toe.    


She wanted to cool herself down and wash away her unrealistic fantasies. How could the dignified Director of Night look at an ordinary staff like her, who was outstanding in all aspects?    


This night was fated to be Zhou Tong's night of insomnia. That was why today, when Jane Fan saw her staring at the two panda eyes with a lifeless look.    


After she finished narrating, Zhou Tong's heart, which had been paralyzed with pain, couldn't help but twitch.    


Jian Fan's mood followed her mood and sank to the bottom. He pressed his face dejectedly against the iron box he had carried for the entire morning, feeling a myriad of melancholy.    


People who like it don't show up, people who don't like it. Did fate have to be a fortuitous absence at a particular point in time?    


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