Wild Agent Wife

C195 Paternity test

C195 Paternity test

0"Big brother, you …" Jian Fan felt a bit helpless. Right now, Ye Han's attitude towards Tongtong displeased her, but she didn't know what kind of identity she should use to make him treat her well. Tongtong was already married. As a friend, could she, Jane Fan, encourage her brother to destroy her wedding? Obviously, no.    


Sighing, Jian Fan gave Ye Han a brief summary of his experiences in the past few days. However, most of them were good, concealing the fact that he was forced to return after marrying Song Chengyou.    


"Xiaofan, are you at Ling Chen's place now? The villa on the mountain? I'll pick you up. " Ye Han was very worried about Jian Fan, and when he heard that Jian Fan was with Ling Chen, he wanted to bring him back. After not seeing her for such a long time, Ye Han had missed Jian Fan very much, but this kind of longing was different from the one he had for Tongtong.    


"I'm not there, and I'm fine. Big brother, you better watch Tongtong properly. I'm afraid something bad is going to happen to her recently. " Jane Fan refused. Now that Ah Bian was busy in the kitchen, every word she said would be passed down to Ling Chen indirectly. She didn't want the people around her to get hurt, so she chose to stay away from them and not let them worry about her.    


"Fine." Ye Han knew that she had rejected his offer, so he could only sigh and instruct her to take good care of him.    


"Alright, big brother, I'm fine now. You work hard, and when I'm rested, I'll go back. "Don't worry about me." After she hung up, there was a slight noise from the kitchen. She switched to the channel and found that Ah Bian had already come out with a bowl of steaming hot porridge.    


The fragrance filled the air, causing Jian Fan's appetite to rise.    


"Bo, your cooking skills are still the best."    


"Miss Jane Fan." Ah Bian placed the bowl of porridge in front of Jian Fan and handed her a spoon. Seeing how she wanted to say something, Jian Fan immediately understood what she wanted to say.    


"Bo, I'm fine." Jian Fan scooped up a spoonful of congee and blew on it to cool it before swallowing it.    


It was fragrant and smooth, and her tired body felt as if it had been injected with a new life. Everything felt so good.    


"Ah Bian, if you have nothing else to do, you can leave now." I'll wash the dishes myself after I finish eating the porridge. "    


"Yes, miss." Ah Bian knew that she was trying to reject him, so he could only obediently close the door and go downstairs to call Ling Chen.    


At that time, Ling Chen was in Song Chenyou's office. When he received the phone call, his face darkened, and he ordered Ma Wen to send people to protect Jian Fan. Then, he frowned as he looked at Song Chenyou, who was in the middle of a case and didn't dare to look at him.    


"What is it? Lawyer Song, you sure are busy today. " Ling Chen rarely spoke to his friends in such a teasing manner, and the moment his tone was heard, Song Chengyou thought about his miserable fate of the past few days. He had been imprisoned in a private prison for a week, and the sight of such a beautiful woman had made him sick to his stomach. Why isn't Ling Chen letting him go?    


"Hehe, not bad, not bad. "Young Master Torchen is blessed." Because he felt guilty, Song Chengyou did not dare to go against Ling Chen, so he could only pretend to be working while he gave a perfunctory reply to Ling Chen.    


If this was in normal times, Ling Chen would definitely let him pass. However, right now, Jian Fan was unwilling to forgive Ling Chen. Furthermore, this brat actually dared to marry Jian Fan without telling him about it. This made Ling Chen very angry, so he let out a cold snort. He immediately called Shi Qian over and told him to bring the tools to cut open his stomach.    


Young Master Chen, what are you doing? "Don't make such a joke." After being tied to the sofa by Ling Chen, he could see the cold look on Shi Qian's face as he fiddled with the apparatus. Even the extremely resilient Song Chengyou was so scared that his entire body trembled and cold sweat dripped from his body, "Shi Qian, this thing isn't fun. What do you mean 'it's not easy to put' in? Can you stop messing around? "    


"This?" Shi Qian raised the scalpel in her hand, glanced at Ling Chen, and then turned to Song Chengyou with an expression of helplessness, "Now, it's too late for medicine!" Even if you were born without an anus, we would still be able to install an artificial anus for you, not to mention this small operation of taking out your intestines and putting them into your anus. "    


"Shixiong, are you serious?" Song Chengye was tightly bound, and the more he struggled, the more painful it was.    


At this moment, looking at the scalpel in his hand, he could already see himself being cut open and stitched up, leaving a centipede-shaped scar. His face was pale, and he looked at Ling Chen with a pleading gaze, "Chen, why don't you think about why Jane Fan, who is extremely critical of her feelings, married me in such a hurry? You must have provoked her to make such a stupid decision!     


"You said she's stupid?" Ling Chen's voice was cold, laced with the anger of thunder.    


"No, no. I'm just saying that my quality is not good. " He was afraid that the scalpel would leave a wound on his chest the next moment.    


"Yes." Indeed, its quality is bad enough, and it doesn't have the guts. " "Chen, I know why Xiaofan married Song Chengyou. I'm afraid it has something to do with the false news that you and Su Rui are going to be engaged."    


"What does that have to do with?" Ling Chen frowned, "When Jian Fan was in Myanmar, could he have seen the news?"    


"Even if she couldn't have seen it, she might have seen it at Song Chengyou's place. Moreover, Myanmar is now very focused on China, so when did you ever not have to make international headlines? " He raised his eyebrows and stated the facts. "One more thing, the child was born yesterday. If you have time, you can come and do a paternity test. Because, I don't think he looks like you at all! "    


"It's really not like me?" Ling Chen frowned. He felt a little relaxed, but at the same time, he felt a little angry.    


"It's definitely not yours. However, if you don't do the paternity test, Xiaofan will definitely think it's yours. " When he saw that Ling Chen was looking at him with an unfriendly gaze, he covered his mouth, but there was no doubt in his eyes that he was trying to convey the importance of the paternity test.    


"Shi-qian, what do you think?" Ling Chen looked at Shi Qian, who was his most reliable friend.    


"I think so too. Chen, Jane Fan will only believe you if you find out the truth. " Shi Qian nodded in agreement.    


"Alright. I'll go back with you right now. " When they reached the door, he turned around and saw Song Chengye's expectant gaze. The corners of his lips curled up into a malicious smile as he slammed the door shut. He then called the front desk and Song Chengyou's secretaries, informing them that Song Chengyou had gone out to do his work.    


Poor Song Chengyou was tied to the sofa until his secretary came to work the next morning.    


"Ling Chen, you are really vicious." Song Chengyou touched his purple wrist, wondering if the price of offending Ling Chen was enough to urge him to forget about Jian Fan, the person he missed so much.    


Ling Chen and Shi Qian went to the hospital. Ling Chen wanted to go straight to the nursery to see the baby, but he was stopped by Shi Qian.    


"Chen, Su Rui has just finished giving birth and she is very weak. You should see her. " Su Li was a woman they had known for many years. She was the most sensitive to both of them. If Ling Chen had come to the hospital and chosen not to look at Su Rui, Su Rui would have discovered that there was something fishy, and the possibility of the child being moved would have greatly increased.    


Even, in a way, she would kill the child at all costs.    


When the time comes, let someone else deal with it. Ling Chen could only think of one way to test his DNA.    


"Yes." I should have gone to see her. "But who told you she's my fiancee?" Ling Chen bit on the word 'fiancee' very hard. Recalling the report that pulled his relationship with Jian Fan apart, his mood became sour. But no matter how unhappy he was, he would not let it show on the surface.    


So, when Su Rui saw Ling Chen, he didn't put on the expression of someone who owed him a lot, but was instead extremely gentle. "Yesterday, I was busy, so I didn't have the time to accompany you to the delivery room. Baby, is it beautiful? Like you a little bit more or like me a little bit more? "    


Su Rui's body became weak after giving birth, and the child only glanced at her. She only felt that the child didn't seem to be Ling Chen, so she could only give a faint smile. "The child hasn't grown up yet, so how do I know who he looks like? However, the nurse always says that the child's eyes are like yours, very beautiful, very cute! "    


"Are my eyes cute?" Ling Chen sat beside Su Rui and helped her up. "I've never said I was cute when I was with you for so long."    


"I, how could I dare to say that?" Su Rui pursed her lips, looking like a blissful little woman. Even if she was a little nervous in her heart, as long as she could keep Ling Chen by her side, she would do her best.    


Sighing, Su Rui's dark eyes looked at Ling Chen, "Chen, you have always been the perfect husband for me. But your love and your career let me know that I cannot monopolize you alone, so I have always made myself very magnanimous and generous by arranging and bearing everything for you. "    


"Yes, I understand. I have wronged you." Ling Chen held Su Rui's hand. Looking at her teary eyes, he felt a pang in his heart. "Su Rui, is there something you haven't told me recently?"    


"What is it?" Su Rui's heart tightened, thinking of the message Ma Wen had just given her, she bitterly smiled. "Chen, the truth that I can hide has been revealed to you. I'm sorry. I didn't know that Xiaofan would misunderstand so much about me and my child. The child is yours and mine. If she doesn't want to raise it, I can raise it myself. "    


"And you …" Suri squeezed Ling Chen's hand. "I want you to be happy. If you like Xiaofan, I'll try to convince her. Chen, but please, no matter what Xiaofan asks, just give me and the baby some time now and then, okay? We don't need you to admit anything, we just need you to be by our side occasionally. "    


Su Rui's eyes reddened as she spoke. After so many years of hard work, she had finally understood Ling Chen's current state of mind.    


As she was about to give birth, Ling Chen went to pick up Jane Fan and arranged for her to stay in his apartment. Such an obvious attitude made her feel uncomfortable, but it couldn't make her lose her mind. For she knew that if she lost her reason, she would be defeated and there would be no turning back.    


Anyways, she had already given birth to a child, and she had already created a barrier between Ling Chen and Jian Fan, that was enough.    


As long as tomorrow, she would get someone to replace the doctor here with one of her own. When Ling Chen was doing the paternity test, she would give him a fake report and stab him in his heart. No matter how much Jane loved Ling Chen, she would never be a stepmother or a bad woman.    


Because she believed in this, Su Rui was willing to let herself suffer a little now. Her misty eyes looked at Ling Chen, and Su Li picked up a tissue by her side to wipe her nose, "Chen, actually, if you don't accompany me, I won't force you. But baby, he is our baby, seeing we have so many years together with my high - necked parturient, more love for him okay? I don't have many requests. As long as you can give him a little, I'll be willing to leave right now and never see him again! "    



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