Wild Agent Wife

C145 To make enemies for the ceo's wife

C145 To make enemies for the ceo's wife

0Everyone's face changed. Their originally contented expressions had now turned into that of fear and trepidation.    


Although Ling Chen was just a young man, he hadn't been here as long as they had. But his ruthlessness, and his wrists, they had all seen. No one wanted to offend such a person!    


The atmosphere became quiet, and no one paid any more attention to either Jane Fan or Suri.    


Jian Fan took the time to observe everyone's expressions before his gaze finally fell onto a scarred man with a thin and always stiff face. "Just now, he was the only man who hadn't made a move. He didn't do anything when he saw a beautiful woman. This man knows his limits and does his job perfectly."     


"Director Ling, we are not involved in this matter." Everyone voiced out their opinions. Only the knife-scarred man sneered coldly.    


Indeed, he also had the qualifications to sneer at them. After all, to him, Ling Chen's questioning was just a formality, not like those people trying to intimidate him.    


Thus, his gaze was indifferent. The knife-scarred man's gaze swept across Jian Fan and then curled into a smile.    


"Director Ling, I'm very busy. I'll leave this reunion! "    


He stood up, a big man about 1.8 meters tall, which made him look even more scrawny and tall.    


Jian Fan stared at the man. The man always had a hunched neck and a stooped back, but the coldness in his eyes showed that he was a man who dared to risk his life.    


Sensing Jane Fan's gaze, the man grinned at her and walked out of the room with an indifferent expression.    


The crowd looked at each other as they looked at his figure. They all thought that this person would be the one Ling Chen would take care of next.    


"Alright, since everyone has expressed their stance today," he said. Then I won't make things difficult for everyone. " Ling Chen smiled faintly as he looked at the relaxed expressions of the crowd. Then, he suddenly spoke, "However, I do not wish for you to get involved in any way with that thing. "The police department has been really short on funds recently. If they accidentally catch a few, I'm afraid they won't let them out easily!"    


Isn't this all your idea?    


The crowd looked at Ling Chen with anger, but none of them dared to say anything.    


After saying yes in succession, everyone left the private room after exchanging a few words of greeting.    


The only ones left in the room were Jian Fan, Su Rui, and Ling Chen.    


Ling Chen hugged the beauty to his left and right, his calm and collected expression making people unhappy.    


Jian Fan pushed him away and stood up. He straightened his clothes and chased after the tall man.    


"Chen, where are you going?" Amidst Su Rui's exclamations, Ling Chen also quickly walked out.    


In such a large space, only Su Rui was left. Even with the jewelry she had longed for, Su Rui's mood couldn't return to its previous state. She had completely fallen to the bottom of the valley.    


"Marvin." Suri called. "I'm so tired, alone."    


"Sister Rui." When Ma Wen heard this, he could not help but feel pain in his heart. However, thinking about Su Rui's attitude last time, he could only suppress his emotions and said, "Sister Rui, many young and beautiful women have come to the PR Department recently. "They each have their own ambitions, of which Gu Qi and Ling are the most threatening."    


"Yes." "I understand." Su Rui nodded and lowered her head to look at the necklace Ling Chen had personally placed on her. Her weakened fighting spirit was ignited once more.    


No matter how entangled and in love Jane was with Ling Chen. They were destined to be people on both sides of the road. It was impossible for Jian Fan to turn black for Ling Chen, and Ling Chen would not wash the white for Jian Fan.    


This state of love and killing would continue until they lost faith in each other.    


With a smile on her face, Su Rui arrogantly walked out of the clubhouse. When someone came up to her, she smiled and took that person's car directly to the company.    


The PR company had just recruited a new batch of people. Every new person's potential was not bad, and a few of them even had high levels of alcohol consumption from their mouths. They would be important figures that Ling Chen would bring out in the future. However, in the future, and for now, with Su Rui, the head of the PR Department, sitting there, no one dared to act rashly.    


Suri walked into the company and, with one glance, identified the two most threatening people Marvin had ever mentioned.    


With a faint smile on her lips, Su Rui politely said a few words to the newbies, then left Gu Qi and Ling in there.    


Gu Qi and Ling were both first-rate beauties with the highest IQ among them. Seeing Su Rui's actions, they immediately understood her thoughts.    


"Sister Rui, we are your descendants. We need you to take care of us in the future."    


"Right." Suri smiled, as if enjoying their flattery.    


"Sister Rui, we are still very young. Please forgive us if we offend you in any way." Gu Qi and Ling looked at each other, and Ling automatically walked in front of Su Rui and handed a small bag to her. The bag was very exquisite. One didn't even need to look to know that the contents inside were worth a lot of money.    


Just like their scheming, it was not too shallow.    


"Perform well. Your future mistress may not be as easy to talk to as I am. " Su Rui said, seeing the two of them stunned, she covered her mouth and laughed, "You guys didn't even read the newspapers? The identity of this Ling Qi Group's hostess is not ordinary. "    


With a single sentence, Su Rui had successfully turned her enemy into an enemy of Ling and Gucci.    


Jian Fan followed the knife-scarred man out of the clubhouse. Just as he found out where the knife-scarred man was, Ling Chen grabbed his arm.    


"Let go!" Jian Fan turned around and did not hesitate to break free from Ling Chen's imprisonment.    


She continued to stubbornly chase in the direction she had decided on. Ling Chen stood not far behind her with a faint smile on his face.    


"Jane Fan, don't forget your identity." He spoke softly, causing Jian Fan to stand in place.    


Thinking back to his impulsive actions just now, Jian Fan felt a pang in his heart. However, he still held onto his neck, unwilling to look back.    


Ling Chen walked to her side, and embraced her waist with a faint smile on his lips. "I know you're in a bad mood today. I have a good place where I can take you to relax. "    


"Director Ling, I'm not in the mood. Also, I don't like a man who is so frivolous. " Jane Fan curled his lips, his rosy earlobes tantalizing under the sunlight. Ling Chen hugged her as he got into the car, and uncontrollably kissed her earlobe, gently biting, gnawing, and with a hint of infatuation.    


Jane Fan sat in the passenger seat. The man's actions made her feel uncomfortable.    


He intentionally increased the distance between him and her, and stopped the man half a meter away from him.    


Ling Chen knew that he could not force her. He smiled lovingly and let her go, but the smile on his face was very obvious.    


The car slowly started moving. Along the way, Jian Fan's mind was filled with that knife-scarred man. Just who was he? Why did it give her such a unique feeling?    


Ling Chen's gaze never left Jane Fan. Even while driving, he could still see her small expression.    


The summer sun was very bright, and as Jane Fan looked out the window, her slightly wrinkled brow was reflected in the glass. She was clearly not in a good mood. She was still lost in the image of the knife-scarred man, and she still seemed annoyed that she hadn't asked her to follow him.    


Ling Chen smiled, she understood Jian Fan's feelings. He knew how desperately she wanted to bring to justice the group she had seen today.    



However, those people were just small fries. When they couldn't find the big fish behind them, no one was allowed to alert them, even Jane Fan was no exception.    


Ling Chen drove Jian Fan to their destination, and before he even got off the car, Jian Fan's mood was much better.    


The laughter of the children came from outside, and the melancholy at the corners of her mouth was gradually replaced by happiness.    


Yushu had once said that the best way to forget trouble was to replace love with love. Although Ling Chen had never read her novels, his actions clearly told Jane Fan that he understood this.    


The sun shone brightly as they got off the carriage. The enthusiastic teacher gave Jian Fan an umbrella, but it was gently pushed away by Jian Fan.    


"I don't like umbrellas." Looking at his teacher's surprised gaze, Jian Fan bent down and picked up a little girl in a red dress.    


Her face was dark from the prolonged exposure, but her eyes were full of happiness, without a hint of sadness.    


The purity in her eyes was something that the children in the city did not have. In the moment that Jane Fan hugged her, she almost completely hugged her neck, calling out for her mother.    


"This child was abandoned by his mother." Jian Fan's body froze for a moment before he heard his teacher's apologetic voice.    


She smiled and gently stroked the girl's hair. Her hair was very soft, and it was very easy to break due to her chronic malnutrition.    


Jian Fan's touch was very gentle, but the little girl still felt pain. She gently moaned, but her smiling face did not change at all.    


"Ling Chen …" Jian Fan turned to look at Ling Chen, but before she could say anything, Ling Chen already knew what she wanted to say.    


Nodding his head, Ling Chen instructed his teacher to prepare two hot water jugs. Ling Chen then placed a basin on a small stool, and had Jian Fan wash the little girl's hair.    


"What's her name?" Seeing how Jian Fan was washing the little girl's hair while talking to her, Ling Chen felt that he had guessed correctly what Jian Fan was thinking this time.    


"Niuniu." The teacher mumbled. Weren't these people from the city here trying to do something to her child?    


"Niuniu?" How could it be a little girl without a name?    


"She was abandoned by her parents. We are uncultured again. I just named her Niu Niu. " The teacher was obviously a little fearful of Ling Chen. When he spoke to Ling Chen, his head was lowered, and even his voice was very quiet.    


"Does she like that name?" Ling Chen asked again. Looking at the little girl's smiling face, he suddenly felt that they seemed like a family. Mom, daughter and dad.    


With a satisfied smile on his face, Ling Chen turned to look at the dumbstruck teacher, "If she doesn't like this name, I can give her a few names. Let her choose her own. "    


"This, this is definitely good …" The teacher was so excited that his eyes began to tear up, "Sir, I can see that you are a cultured person. Many of my children are very cute. Can you give them all names? When the children grow up, they always feel inferior because of their names, and that makes me sad. "    


The teacher wiped his eyes as he spoke, and Ling Chen nodded slightly. She wanted to kneel down and express her gratitude.    


When Jane Fan had just finished washing Niuniu's hair, he took a towel and gently wiped it for her. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his teacher kneeling to Ling Chen, and subconsciously thought that Ling Chen was bullying him again.    


With her small mouth full, Jian Fan glared at Ling Chen, "Ling Chen, get over here!"    


"Did, did I make my wife angry?" Seeing how Jian Fan was acting, the teacher subconsciously apologized to Ling Chen.    


Ling Chen smiled and shook his head, then slowly walked in front of Jian Fan, "What's wrong? What do you need me to do for you? "    


His voice was very gentle and his attitude was very gentle. When he spoke to Jane Fan, there was a warm smile on his face. As soon as Jian Fan saw it, his heart began to thump loudly with an indescribable warmth.    


Ling Chen, did you bully someone just now? If you don't bully people, you will die, right? " Jane Fan stared at him. Seeing Niuniu looking up at her, she smiled gently and pinched Ling Chen. "Niuniu isn't afraid. This uncle is very good, he's not a bad uncle, we have to be good friends with him, okay? "    


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