Wild Agent Wife

C104 Precious video

C104 Precious video

0"If you don't send me home, I'll take a taxi back." As he spoke, he opened the door and got out of the car.    


Ling Chen quickly locked the car door. "You can't go back now."    


"Why?" Jian Fan looked at him with a bit of annoyance. Was he planning on playing some sort of rascal again? She shouldn't have been tricked into his car!    


"Didn't you tell Ye Han on the phone that you went straight home? A particular man like Ye Han will definitely send Zhou Tong home. When he sees you at home, how will you explain yourself? "    


What Ling Chen's subconscious wanted to say was: Don't be a light bulb, maybe they are waiting to do "business."    


Jane Fan was so angry that her cheeks turned red, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to be the same. If Tongtong invited him to sit at her house and have a nice chat, wouldn't she be exposing herself?    


Why don't we go straight home? He wanted to see if that little brat Yan Shaotian had been spanked by Uncle Yan.    


"Then let me down, I'll take a taxi to my home."    


"Then I'll go with you. My aunt said last time that she wanted me to go to her house for dinner." It's time for me to see my parents. " Ling Chen had a face of a scoundrel.    


Do you have any sense of shame?" Little Aunt, that's a kind word. Do you really mean it? What right do you have to meet my parents? What name do you use to meet my parents?     


"You're my fiancee. Who do you think I am?"    


"If you keep talking nonsense like that, I'm going to fall out with you." Who is your fiancée? I don't remember at all, and I wouldn't admit it. "    


Ling Chen's breath paused, his face turned back angrily, looking straight at the front of the windshield. He started up the throttle with his feet and without saying anything further, he rushed out with full speed.    


As a result of the inertia, Jane Fan suddenly unsteadily fell into the leather chair. He fell down so hard that his eyes turned gold and his entire body was in pain.    


"Why are you in such a hurry to get reincarnated?"    


"Don't keep angering me. It won't do you any good." With a warning, the car got on the highway that surrounded the city and headed to the mountain road.    


Jian Fan didn't want to waste any more energy questioning where he was taking her. This was obviously the way to Kingone's villa on the shallow mountain.    


The closer she got, the more panic-stricken she became. She could still remember how she fled from this place.    


On the winding mountain road, the car charged forward like a wild beast, heading straight to the front yard of the villa at the top.    


Jane Fan felt his stomach churn and he wanted to vomit.    




The car had just regained its stability, so Ling Chen immediately got off the car and carried Jian Fan out from the back seat.    


Jane Fan pushed him away, leaned on the fence of the flower bed, and spat a few mouthfuls of acid at the flower bed.    


She hadn't eaten lunch and was still hungry. His stomach was empty. How could he not vomit after this?    


Ling Chen's heart ached, but he still stood coolly by her side. He did not try to support her, nor did he show any expression.    


Jian Fan glared at him fiercely. He took the wet towel and wiped his mouth, "You're courting death. Don't bring me along."    


"Follow me." Ling Chen turned around and walked back into the house.    


Jane Fan completely ignored him and followed him in the opposite direction, walking out of the courtyard.    


He was stopped by A Jin and the other two bodyguards before he could reach the door.    


"Get out of the way." Jian Fan took a deep breath and went up. Did he have to fight?    


A Jin lowered his head in embarrassment. "Miss Jane, without young master's order, we wouldn't dare to let you out." If you keep on bickering with the young master like this, we will be the only ones out of luck. "    


A Jin's voice became weaker and weaker until Jian Fan's face slowly turned red. It was a kind of powerlessness and resentment against those at the peak of power!    


"Miss Jane, our young master is a good person. He really cares about you …"    


"Alright." Jian Fan stretched out his hand and interrupted him. Then, as if he had made up his mind, he turned around and walked back into the house.    


Ling Chen stood in the doorway and raised his eyebrows at A-Jin. A Jin was quick-witted enough and didn't train him for nothing.    


At the door of the living room, Puff put on his slippers again.    


Jian Fan sat down on the sofa and ignored him.    


Ling Chen sat down on the couch beside her, but Pffft looked at Jian Fan with her tail wagged, not bothering to reply.    


Ling Chen was frustrated for a moment. He cursed in his heart: Traitor!    


Puff's eyes were round and moist. He kept licking his mouth with his head, then pummeling her knees with his nose. He was like a child who had been disliked by his mother. He was extremely wronged.    


Jian Fan couldn't bear it any longer and shifted his gaze onto its face. This dog really knew how to act coquettishly. Seeing that Jane Fan had loosened up a little, he put his chin on her leg and stuck out his tongue to lick her.    


Jian Fan finally broke the spell and his expression softened. He stretched out his hand to touch its head.    


"Puff, come over here and let boss touch you." Ling Chen whistled and clapped his hands.    


Puff turned his head and looked at him, then turned back and continued to lick Jian Fan's hand ingratiatingly. She wanted to laugh, but she couldn't hold on for more than a few seconds, so she just started to giggle.    


"Wow, you traitor, I don't want you anymore." Ling Chen fell back and leaned back on the sofa, his arms wrapped around himself as he stared at the cute face of Lin Fan, who was trying to curry favor with Jane.    


This time, Puff completely ignored him. It was obvious that in front of Jian Fan, he was nothing.    


"You lecherous dog, if you don't listen, I'll eat you."    


"Woof, woof woof!"    


Puff turned around and yelled at Ling Chen, completely dismissing his existence.    


The unhappiness in Jian Fan's heart had been swept away by the jealousy of a man and a dog.    


It was as if she and Puff were fated to be together. It seemed to recognize her, and was always very attached to her, very close to her.    


In the end, what she didn't know was that her mother and her original master had been beaten to death by the evil people because they were protecting her.    


"Young Master, Miss Jane, it's time to eat dinner." The wall was set up with utensils, and they were called to dinner.    


As Jian Fan was feeling hungry, he thought that it was impossible to leave this place at this moment. Thus, he did not hesitate and followed Ling Chen to the restaurant.    


Only after eating a full meal would they have the strength to fight against him. If necessary, they would have to resort to force.    


Dinner was simple but delicious, with Chinese and Western dishes as well as dishes that she loved to eat.    


Jian Fan impolitely began to eat heartily. He didn't forget to give a thumbs up as he praised, "Ah, the food made by Yu Mu is so delicious."    


Lian Bo, who was eating at the side, shyly smiled as he heard Jane Fan's praise.    


She felt that this time, it was different for Jian Fan. He was bold, straightforward, and also liked to talk.    


He gave her a few more dishes and ate them all. She was rather flattered by this kind of star-serving meal.    


"Do you want another bowl?" Lian Bi asked.    


Jian Fan hastily waved his hand. She was already full from eating so much.    


"It's been so long. You're still used to it." Putting down the bowl, Ling Chen stared into her eyes.    


Tonight, he was going to eat her!    


After eating and drinking to his heart's content, Jane Fan finally proposed the idea of leaving.    


Ling Chen was not annoyed, he waved his hand at her and said: "I have the precious videos and photos of your father and mother, don't you want one?"    


Jian Fan immediately pricked up his ears. Was she hallucinating? He said he had pictures of her parents? Even she herself was pitifully few, how could he have one?    


"Where are you from? "Don't lie to me!" Jian Fan straightened his expression, unable to wait any longer.    


Ling Chen walked around to her seat, and bent down to pick her up. This caused Jian Fan, who was still thinking about his parents, to not be able to react in time.    


Feeling a wave of dizziness, Jian Fan did not resist and instead obediently wrapped his arms around his neck.    


If he was lying to her, she would immediately strangle him and strangle him to death.    


The corner of Ling Chen's lips curled up as he lowered his head to look at her. He then walked straight up the stairs towards the bedroom.    


When they reached the door, Jane let go of a hand and hooked it around the frame. "Why the bedroom?" she asked. She couldn't be fooled a second time.    


"Because the other rooms don't have any projector, plus the photos and videos are all precious, even Yan Qirui hasn't seen them before, so of course I have to hide them tight."    


"It's so precious, how did you get it?" Jian Fan was still suspicious, but his heart was filled with anticipation, and he was a bit conflicted.    


Ling Chen raised his eyebrows, and said indifferently: "Money makes the wind blow, I naturally have my own methods. Whether you look or not is up to you. "    


As Ling Chen spoke, he was about to let go of Jian Fan. Jian Fan didn't even need to think as he immediately let go of the door frame and tightly hugged his neck, afraid that he would go back on his words.    


If he really was her fiancé before, and if he really was a power that even Yan Qirui was helpless against, she would believe in him again this time.    


"Heh." A light chuckle came from the side of his nose. He had a smug look on his face, as if he was a hoodlum who had gotten away with something. His entire body was exuding a wicked and roguish aura.    


The bedroom door was tightly shut. Jian Fan was thrown onto the bed.    


Before she could lose her temper, Ling Chen had already circled around to the home theater and stuffed the disc in the cabinet into the projector.    


The curtains were drawn and the only thing left in the room was the dim light on the screen.    


Jane Fan climbed up to the head of the bed, a bit closer. He held his breath and focused, concentrating on the screen, not relaxing at all.    


"War Wolf Team, count!"    






A team wearing camouflage clothes appeared on the screen. A middle-aged man wearing military uniform was standing in front of the team, commanding the team to train in a domineering manner.    


The middle-aged man had a solemn expression. Jian Fan recognized the sharp contours of his face. It was her father, who had just passed away more than a year ago. However, the voice made her feel very distant and unfamiliar. It sounded like a voice from the last century. Did she miss them too much?    


Her eyes immediately became hot, and as she bit her lower lip, a faint trace of sadness appeared in the quiet air.    


Ling Chen also rolled onto the bed and reached out to pull her into his embrace. Her cheek was pressed against her soft hair, and her strong arm was leaning against her.    


"War Wolf is a special forces unit that he personally trained personally. The new training method and comprehensive quality training course that he invented is something that no one can surpass. Thus, these past training records became the material for the special forces training now, it's extremely precious. " Ling Chen slowly opened his mouth, his gentle male voice was pure and innocent, bringing with it the power to soothe people's emotions.    


Jian Fan did not say anything. He just quietly looked at the screen on the screen and listened to Ling Chen seriously.    


"The Battle Wolves are first-rate anti-drug brigades. They have important contributions and outstanding achievements, especially in the fight against the two levels of transnational drug trafficking groups or the cross-border terrorist crimes."    


"How do you know?" Jian Fan raised his head and looked at him blankly.    


Ling Chen was slightly surprised, then he pursed his lips and smiled: "Of course I did my homework before meeting my future father-in-law."    


"Where did you get these videos?" "Why can't Uncle Yan have one, but you have one?"    


"You don't need to worry about that. Just tell me if you like it or not. Are you surprised? " Ling Chen's bright, starry eyes looked into her own limpid eyes, reflecting his extremely gentle beauty.    


Ye Zichen nodded subconsciously. She was completely enchanted by his charming smile, so much so that she didn't even hear what he said clearly.    


"Can I have these tapes?" Jane pointed to the screen and the three disks stacked beneath it.    


"Of course." Ling Chen's sword-like eyebrows twitched, he was filled with Evil Qi.    


These were all burned, so it didn't matter if he gave them to her.    



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