Wild Agent Wife

C90 Video from a year ago

C90 Video from a year ago

0When Jian Fan arrived at the entrance of the Sha and Tang District's Public Security Bureau, Ye Han was just carrying Zhou Tong to the entrance when the three of them bumped into each other.    


How did they develop so quickly? Jian Fan looked at Zhou Tong with a mischievous smile, causing Zhou Tong to blush.    


Ye Han, on the other hand, had a gloomy expression on his face. It was obvious that he was not in a beautiful mood. He walked in front of Jian Fan. The advantage of having one head higher forced Jian Fan to raise his head to meet Jian Fan's eyes.    


"Where did you go last night? Why did you hang up my phone in the morning and turn it off? "    


Scared by his expression, Jian Fan swallowed his saliva and stuttered, "I …" My phone ran out of battery. "    


Ye Han pulled her into his embrace, his tone full of reproach, "You scared me to death, don't you know? No place to go. Why not come to my house? "I even turned off my phone in the morning, I thought you …" I thought you and Ling Chen were together and didn't belong to me anymore.    


He could only swallow the latter part of the sentence.    


Jian Fan was strangled by him to the point of having difficulty breathing. Moreover, Zhou Tong was still here, so she would misunderstand.    


After struggling for a while, Ye Han suddenly felt that he had lost control of himself and hurriedly let go.    


Even so, standing at the back of the car, Zhou Tong's heart couldn't help but ache. He really loved her, even if it was his little sister. This love felt too intense.    


"Big brother, I had a stomach attack yesterday, so I took an IV drip at the hospital for the whole night. There was no charger, which was why the phone was out of battery. Didn't I come back to work just fine? " To prove his innocence, Jane even took out her phone.    


"As long as it's safe." Ye Han took out a tablet from the inside pocket of his suit, "Quickly take your medicine. You should have called me. "    


Jian Fan took it, but did not eat. "Let's not talk about that anymore. We need to go to work first."    


"Tongtong, you go with my brother to the multimedia classroom first. I'm going to change into my uniform." Jian Fan pulled Zhou Tong forward and pushed both of them together.    


Zhou Tong looked back at her with some embarrassment. She felt a bit guilty. Was she overthinking it?    


It was a happy thing to have such a big brother.    


However, when he went to pick up Jian Fan for work in the morning, he did not see him. He had picked her up, and her parents had seen it, and even though they knew it must be a mistake, she wasn't going to explain. Let them misunderstand. She would have dreamed of having such an outstanding man as her boyfriend.    


When they arrived at the multimedia classroom, the officers of Squad Four were already seated neatly in the classroom.    


Zhou Tong's teaching PPT was also prepared. It was now on the first page, and the topic of today's class, "Meaning."    


Zhou Tong made an 'OK' gesture, and the students below began to stir as soon as Jane Fan cleared his throat. There was no intention to stop.    


"Mhmm." Jane Fan loudly coughed.    


The people in the crowd were whispering to each other, and the voices of more than twenty people were quite loud.    


Although Jane Fan couldn't hear what they were saying, they were obviously gossiping about her while pointing at her and laughing from time to time.    


A light flashed in her head, and she suddenly remembered the charity dinner that had been rolled out yesterday, and how he had kissed her in the TV studio at noon yesterday.    


His face turned green, then white, then red, like a rainbow after rain.    


Jian Fan knocked on the table and raised his voice. "What interesting topic are you guys discussing? Why not say it out and discuss it with the instructor, making me smile as well."    


Zhou Tong's face also twisted. She really did know how to be self-deprecating.    


The voices from below were much quieter, and there weren't many people left to talk. But no one answered her.    


Jane Fan picked up the namelist and randomly counted a name.    


"Chen Zhonghua."    




A short, dark skinned man in his early twenties stood up. He looked simple and honest.    


Jane Fan raised his eyes slightly and shot a sharp gaze straight into his eyes. His body trembled and a layer of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.    


"What are you talking about?"    


"Teach... Instructor, I didn't say anything. "    


"Then who said it was?"    


The person called Chen Zhonghua held it in until his face turned red. After a long while, he still could not say who it was.    


Jian Fan waved for him to sit down, then pointed at the long, oily face of the police officer next to him.    


"What do you think you're talking about?"    


"Instructor, I didn't say anything."    


Jian Fan was so infuriated that he started to laugh. He had been in class for a week and had been training well. Now that the gossip was out, he became restless. The scandal between her and Ling Chen was so great that she lost her prestige in their hearts.    


"It's fine if you didn't say it, but you did report someone as well. I'll ask him."    


"Instructor, I don't know who said that."    


"Well, today I asked them one by one. If no one said anything, then all of them would run a hundred laps around the training field. If you can't report who said it, the penalty will be the same until someone admits that he said it. "    


Every syllable was loud and clear, and even though Jane Fan's expression was not cold, it caused the entire classroom to quiet down.    


The policeman she had raised to answer the questions had no choice but to grit his teeth and go all out under the threatening glares of the other students.    


"I remember now. I just heard from Lu Da Hu that you are the little lover of Ling Qi Group's CEO. He even betted with the other policemen that you would definitely not come to class today."    


"Hahahaha." A burst of laughter immediately erupted from the audience as soon as the thug male officer finished his sentence.    


Jian Fan felt his head hurt. He pointed at the policeman and called Lu Da Hu to come together. He ordered, "The two of you, run ten laps around the sports field."    


"Why?" The yuppie was clearly unwilling to accept this outcome.    


"You read out today's topic aloud. What is it?" Jane Fan pointed to the large "righteousness" on the wall of the projection screen with his teaching stick.    



The yuppie was quite smart. He suddenly understood the meaning in his heart, "Righteous."    


His voice was too weak, and it was obvious that Jian Fan was not satisfied. "Louder."    




"Very well, then do you understand why I'm punishing you?" Jian Fan raised his eyebrows, looking extremely domineering.    


The yuppie lowered his head and obediently left the room, running towards the sports field.    


Lu Da Hu argued back, "Instructor, I wasn't the one who betrayed our friend. Why should I be punished?"    


"Let me ask you, is what he said about you true? Did you say that? Lying to oneself. "    


Lu Da Hu was a tall and sturdy man. After some thought, he opened his mouth, but his expression remained unconvinced. "So what if it's what I said? So what if everyone in the city is saying it? How many people can you block?"    


Jane said, "The rumors stop with the wise. I don't need to waste my time trying to stop them. You are a representative of justice and justice as a national police officer. If you don't find evidence and find out the truth, people will just keep making rumors. Don't you have the same attitude when you solve a crime? Do you think you're a good cop? What is the third rule of our police code? "    


Lu Dahu had lost his bearing. Although he did not show it on his face, she had no choice but to admit in her heart that she had pinched his crotch.    


"The third rule of the police is that every case must have evidence …"    


"Do you have evidence? In all of the videos and newspaper accounts, he, Ling Chen, is acting by himself. Did I ever admit that I have anything to do with him? "    


Lu Dahu lowered his head, turned around, and walked out of the classroom to the field to receive his punishment.    


The storm had finally come to an end. Jian Fan let out a breath of relief and signaled Zhou Tong to continue playing the PPT.    


Just as she turned to the first page of the teaching plan and was about to begin, she suddenly heard Zhou Tong scream and gasp. All of the twenty or so police officers in the classroom were staring at the scene on the wall, their mouths agape in shock.    


As soon as he turned his head, the PPT turned into a video. Although the video was silent, the woman in the revised qipao dress, with her long hair tied up and a shining diamond necklace around her neck, looked exactly like her. The woman in the picture was snuggling into Ling Chen's embrace, a blissful smile on her face.    


If she didn't have this memory, she even felt that this woman was herself.    


"Tongtong, what's going on?" Jane Fan frowned, maintaining her calm at the end.    


Zhou Tong was frightened. Her face paled and her hands that were pointing at the computer screen trembled. "The computer system has been attacked. I can't stop it."    


After a short period of shock, the students below began to discuss among themselves.    


Their eyes were filled with suspicion, envy, and disdain. This made Jian Fan feel a bit dizzy.    


"Instructor, were you lying just now?" It was unknown who shouted from below, but a wave of boos and boos followed.    


Jian Fan pretended to be calm and said in a deep voice, "This isn't me, it's just that the people here are similar."    


It was unknown who let out another cry, "I remember now. This banquet, I remember it was just established a year ago by Ling Qi Group. It was the opening ceremony of the new company, Director Ling. I was the one in charge of security at the time. At that time, he even announced the engagement, and that fiancée was called Jian Fan! "    


"Buzz!" Jian Fan was stupefied as he abruptly retreated a few steps. His fiancee was also called Jian Fan? And she looked exactly like her? Why didn't she know anything about it?    


What was she doing a year ago? A year ago, her parents had just passed away on a mission. At that time, she was extremely heartbroken. It was impossible for her to be in love with such a sweet smile.    


"Bam!" With a sound, the door to the multimedia classroom was kicked open.    


Ye Han rushed in with a dark aura, pulled the switch, and pulled Jian Fan into his embrace.    


"Class is over!" Whoever spouts nonsense in the police station will be expelled immediately. "    


The moment the cold voice of the night came out, the police officers scattered like they were fleeing.    


Silence returned to the classroom, the only sound that could be heard was the clear and heavy heartbeat of Jian Fan.    


"It's fine, Xiaofan. I'll send you to rest first. " This was the first time Ye Han emitted such an ice-cold killing intent from his body.    


He turned to Zhou Tong and said, "Help her get a few days of leave. She'll stay with me for a few days and let your parents play for two more days."    


Zhou Tong nodded in a daze. She was already scared silly. "Oh, okay."    


With a big hand, Jian Fan stumbled onto his shoulder and followed him to the lounge.    


Ye Han placed Jian Fan in his office's resting room.    


"Xiaofan, go to sleep first. You're too tired."    


Jian Fan suddenly woke up from his stupor and looked up at Ye Han, "I can't sleep, I need to ask Ling Chen about this. What the hell was that business celebration and engagement ball? Why don't I have any memories? I want him to personally tell me who the woman who looks exactly like me is! "    


Ye Han grabbed her shoulders with both hands and pushed her down on the edge of the bed, "Calm down a little, you going to find him would be perfect for his trick. He hacked into the computers of the public security system in the whole of the Sha'lao district, blocking the case. I was going to arrest him. I will help you get to the bottom of this. "    


Ye Han's gaze drifted out of the window, filled with hostility. Ling Chen is so audacious that he must pay the price.    


Thinking about Ling Chen's attitude towards the cold night, Jian Fan could not help but be worried, "Brother, do you have evidence? Would he bite you back? "    


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