Wild Agent Wife

C76 Chasing her back

C76 Chasing her back

0Shi Qian's face turned pale. That's right, in terms of levels, he and Song Chengyou were his subordinates, so they had to obey.    


But they were still good brothers that they grew up with, weren't they? He was in a temper, and he didn't want to confront him.    


"What you want to do, I can never stop. Since you have already determined that she is Jian Fan, then go chase after her. Why are you asking me? " He adjusted the clothes on his neck so that he could catch a breath.    


Ling Chen looked up and saw the marks on his neck. He felt that he was being a bit too impatient, so he said softly, "I didn't mean that, I just cared too much, I was afraid I would lose it again. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I just miss her, and I want to keep her forever imprisoned by my side. I don't know why I'm doing this."    


It's just a kind of infatuation. There are a lot of women who obey you, and if you happen to run into a rebellious one, you'll feel fresh." If you eat a lot of fast food in one go, you will get a aftertaste if you suddenly find someone who can make a regular dish. Maybe, you really did prove that she was Jian Fan, and took her back to your side.    


It was the first time that Shi Qian made up this set of twisted logic. Under his scholarly and refined skin, he spoke these words fluently. This made Ling Chen feel that it was rather believable.    


That's right, wasn't it because of her unyielding and untamed nature?    


Ever since he had taken advantage of her, he had lost interest in all the women who stuck to him, hadn't he? Perhaps this was what Shi-qian meant by conquest.    


However, he was a failed man, and even until the day when Jane Fan left, he had not been able to make her fall in love with him. Instead, it was his heart that was thinking of her special, beautiful appearance.    


"I …" Ling Chen was momentarily at a loss for words. However, if he did not personally prove himself, then it would definitely not be him, Ling Chen's, character. "I will decide whether or not that is the case. Even if it's trash, I'll have to personally throw it away. Just tell me, why did she lose her memory? "    


"She may have been brainwashed," he said. "This is the usual way of dealing with agents in MIS. Fortunately, all the retired agents had been thrown onto Zhongshan Island, isolated from the outside world. And Jane Fan had the good fortune to return to Drifting Water City and become a normal person. "    


Ling Chen suddenly understood. To him, who liked to use his life to decide his fate, brainwashing was something that he did not expect at the moment.    


"Then is there any way for her to regain her memories and think of me?"    


At that time, Qian Bai glanced at him. Why did he become an idiot when it came to matters of relationship?    


"You want her to remember how you used her to draw Lisa out, how you cheated her of her feelings?"    


Ling Chen's expression changed, and he said: "Of course not."    


"Since this is a new beginning, you should treat her as a new Jane Fan. Maybe you can really start over and become an ordinary couple. "    


Ling Chen thought again and again. Indeed, he should listen to modest suggestions.    


Once she recovered her memories, her life would be in danger.    


Maybe this really was a new beginning, a good starting point.    


They weren't a normal start, and the result was an abnormal end.    


Now, he was going to treat her as an ordinary man and pursue her again, becoming a pair of the most ordinary and ordinary lovers.    


Having thought this through, Ling Chen was suddenly enlightened. Even his breathing felt much smoother.    


"Thank you, brother. I'll go back first. The next time we meet, I'll definitely bring Jian Fan with me. "    


"I hope so!" Shi Qian spat out these two words indifferently. He really did not know where his optimism came from, he was just an idiot!    


The next morning, Jian Fan woke up and prepared to move to his new home with Zhou Tong.    


In fact, there was nothing much to pack, just a few uniforms and a few trophies from training.    


Yan Qirui drove downstairs to pick them up, and Zhou Tong was clearly flattered.    


"Director Yan, why are you here personally?"    


Yan Qili did not mind and smiled, "I was on vacation today, so don't mind it so much. Didn't you see that we are all wearing casual clothes? "Get in the car."    


"Alright." "En!" Jian Fan replied quickly. He then threw the small luggage into the trunk along with Zhou Tong.    


"Uncle Yan, which police district are we assigned to?" Jian Fan pulled Zhou Tong to the back seat and left work. In her mind, she was still a child that had just left school. It was just that with her shrewd and experienced personality, she definitely wasn't like an inexperienced little girl.    


"Shallow mountain, there is one of my properties there, you can stay in my apartment. The decorations were all new. They were originally meant for Shaotian to study in, but now that he's out of the country, the rooms are just right for you to stay in. "    


The car started slowly and headed towards a shallow hill on the outskirts of the city.    


Surprised by the warm conversation between the two, Zhou Tong whispered into her ear, "Xiaofan, what did you call him? "Uncle Yan?"    


Jane Fan nodded. "Uncle Yan is my father's comrade. After my parents passed away, I followed Uncle Yan for the rest of my life."    


"Oh!" Zhou Tong was suddenly enlightened. His eyes flashed as he looked at Jian Fan. No wonder she was able to follow Jian Fan and get promoted so quickly. What was the point of being an assistant police officer? It seemed like she was really relying on a big tree to enjoy the shade.    


Just as Zhou Tong was giggling, Jian Fan smacked her in the head. The pain made her grimace in pain.    


"What are you laughing about? When we arrive at the Shallow Mountain sub-bureau, the first one I will train is you."    


Zhou Tong stuck out her tongue. She was a year younger than Jian Fan. She was the little daisy who had just left the police academy.    


"Uncle Yan, we just need to stay in the dorm. It will be troublesome if we stay in your apartment."    


"What are you saying? Uncle wants you to stay, so you can stay in peace." Your aunt also bought some nice clothes for you. If there's anything else you want, come back for dinner on the weekends, then she'll take you to buy them. "    


"Thank you, Uncle Yan."    


While they were talking, the car had already arrived at the government office in the shallow mountain area. He brought Jane Fan and the others to report in, then headed to the apartment building.    


The apartment was next door to the district government, not far from the supermarket at the foot of the shallow hill. This was a well-known rich district. There were many villas, and the business community was complete. The construction here was extremely high-end and high-class.    


The apartment was located on the top floor of the eleventh floor. It was a two-storey building. Upstairs were two bedrooms. Downstairs were the living room, dining room and study. The environment was quiet and quiet, small and delicate.    


Looking down from the wide landing balcony, he could see the entire scenery of the shallow mountain area. Opposite the balcony was a shallow mountain. On the peak of the mountain sat a faintly discernible villa.    


Jian Fan called over Zhou Tong in surprise. He pointed at a row of eaves rising up from the shallows of a forest. He had a European style of court style, "Tongtong, look, there seems to be a house at the top of the mountain."    


Zhou Tong followed Jian Fan's finger and looked at it. Her face changed, but just as she was about to speak, she caught a glimpse of Yan Qirui's slightly cold eyes from the corner of her eyes. She changed the excuse and said, "That is a church. Do you believe in Jesus?"    


"No, I only believe in the Party." Jian Fan somewhat disinterestedly changed locations and went to visit the bedroom instead.    


"Little Fan, Zhou Tong, you two clean yourselves up first. I've also invited an old friend to discuss some matters. I'll give you the keys to this room. If you need anything, just call me."    



Yan Qirui handed the two keys to the two men, picked up his jacket and went downstairs.    


The key tone of the bedroom is pure white, the wardrobe is full of all kinds of bright new spring dress. Although it was not a top brand, one could still see the intention of the buyer.    


Jane Fan was not interested in any of this, but she would definitely not be hypocritical to her aunt's kind intentions. Taking off her military uniform, she had to wear some clothes. As long as she didn't reveal her true colors, she didn't care what style she wore.    


After the tour of his own bedroom, Jian Fan knocked on Zhou Tong's door.    


What entered his eyes was a layer of powder, causing Jian Fan to stare in shock. "Tsk tsk, does little brother Tian even like this taste?"    


Zhou Tong sneered, "How come your reactions are the same as when I first came in?" She reached behind the door and undid a corner, revealing a Transformer's foot. "Here, this is a new piece of wallpaper. It hasn't even dried yet."    


Jane Fan wrinkled his nose, went inside the bed, and began to help Zhou Tong hang the clothes.    


Zhou Tong suddenly stuck close to him in a mysterious manner, scaring her, "Xiaofan, how did you know Ling Qi Group's boss?"    


"What is it? I don't know him, so don't talk nonsense. " When he thought of that extremely evil face, Jane Fan felt a stab through his heart, and his entire body felt uncomfortable.    


"You don't know him. He calls you 'my woman'? Don't lie to me. " Zhou Tong's face was filled with disbelief.    


Jian Fan was speechless. As stubborn as she was, she started to worry, "I've only been in Drifting Water for three days and my first time coming out to work and I already met him fighting with a hooligan. How could I know him?" If you keep talking nonsense again, I'll really get angry. "    


"Fine, fine, fine. If you don't know him, then you won't know him. It's good if a tyrannical character like him doesn't know him. Let's not talk anymore. Let's go buy some food and fill up the fridge. "    


Zhou Tong shook his head and pulled Jian Fan out of the door.    


In the coffee shop on the second floor of Wanda Plaza, Yan Qirui came to the designated room as per the agreement. There was a refined looking middle-aged man waiting for him.    


Yan Qirui sat across from him and ordered a cup of coffee.    


The middle-aged man opened his mouth. Under the dim light, his clear face still showed his elegance and elegance. "Director Yan, has everything been arranged?"    


Yan Qirui nodded. He took the cigarette and sniffed it, but did not light it. "I don't really understand why you entrusted me with this arrangement."    


The man gently adjusted the glasses on his eyes and smiled warmly: "A man who has been floating for too long should have his heart tied by a woman. He's almost thirty years old, so there's nothing wrong with pursuing his own happiness right? "    


"But how do you know that Jane Fan is willing to accept him? Maybe they were fated to be together after all. " It wasn't that Yan Qirui wanted to go against him, but their personalities were too similar. They were somewhat arrogant and conceited.    


"Aren't the Red String of Fate always held by the elderly? Isn't Brother Yan just putting on an act? " The man laughed. It sounded like a joke.    


Yan Qirui snorted coldly and turned his head away, not wanting to see Yue Lao's pleased expression. "I don't want to be Yue Lao, that's all I can do. As for the rest, he better take care of himself."    


"Hahaha, the situation is indeed very strict." The scholarly man was still smiling. Yan Qirui drank a full cup of coffee in one gulp before turning around and leaving the coffee shop.    


The middle-aged man once again disappeared into the shadows. It seemed like his worries were unnecessary. Yan Qirui and so many other officials he had encountered were not the same. With this huge case that had been lurking in Drifting Water for almost eight years, the chances of it being solved were growing greater and greater.    


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