Wild Agent Wife

C94 Girl you're really vicious

C94 Girl you're really vicious

0"I …" Jian Fan's eyes flickered. She really couldn't digest such a story that didn't seem to fit her at all. From a girl who had just left school, she had suddenly turned into someone who was about to become a human. Wife's woman, she didn't know what to think or do.    


Why did he … By him …    


Jane couldn't think about it anymore, but the images always seemed to haunt her. The winding vines crawled all over her brain and her memories, but she was unable to pry even the tiniest bit open and was unable to break free.    


The people who yearned for him were right in front of him, right in the middle of his life. The bed was so big that Ling Chen could not bear it any longer. She immediately lowered her head and caught her lips, which had turned bright red from crying.    


Her taste was too sweet and full of aftertaste. Even though he hadn't tasted it for a year, he still remembered that it was her taste, the taste he loved so much.    


Jian Fan looked at him dumbly, but his gaze seemed to be looking past him to an even further place. There was no resistance, or to be more accurate, she had long since forgotten about resistance due to shock.    


As if he had accepted her request, Ling Chen became even more excited and excited, and impatiently pressed down on her.    


Jian Fan's heart skipped a beat and he instantly snapped out of his thoughts.    


Realizing that he was being violated, Jane Fan suppressed the rage in his heart. Move. Try to close your eyes and pretend to welcome them. It fit.    


Just as Ling Chen was feeling overjoyed and fully relaxed, preparing to take another step forward, he was suddenly hit by a heavy blow between his legs!    


In an instant, the pain caused his nerves to go numb. Ling Chen carried his injured brother and rolled down from the bed, lying on his back. Cold sweat broke out all over his body.    


"You, he … "Mom is really ruthless …"    


Ah!" When Jian Fan realized that his attack had been too ruthless, he could only get up and put on his clothes in a panic. He then opened the bedroom door and ran out without looking back.    


When A-Jin, who was maintaining his car in the yard, saw how Jian Fan was fleeing, he felt bad. When he rushed to the bedroom to look at Ling Chen, his face was completely red, and he was speechless.    


"Young Master, what's wrong?" A Jin was so anxious that he didn't know where to place his hands.    


"He's called Shi Qian." Ling Chen squeezed out a few words through his teeth, and didn't have the strength to say another word.    


A Jin rushed downstairs and dialed the number he needed. When he looked back into the yard, there was no trace of Jian Fan.    


She did not want to be this heavy. She had only been unable to grasp the strength in that short period of time, and had not expected that he would be caught off guard.    


Jian Fan followed the forest trail and ran all the way down the mountain. The gate guard did not stop her until they reached the edge of the ring road. Then they slumped down on the ground with their arms around each other, buried their head in the ring road and sobbed.    


Shi Qian brought the medicine and inspection equipment with him and hurried over as fast as he could.    


Seeing Ling Chen's face red and drenched in cold sweat, he was also shocked.    


He quickly turned the light on to its brightest and took out the apparatus to examine his injured areas.    


Ling Chen endured the shame and felt embarrassed to meet her humble eyes.    


After a long while, Shi Qian packed up his things and started prescribing some medicine.    


"I'm fine, right?" This period of rest made Ling Chen feel much better. There was still a throbbing pain, but it wasn't as intense as it had been before.    


Shi Qian squatted down by the bed and smiled, "It's nothing serious, just rest for a while."    


"You can still laugh? Your father almost lost his heir?" Ling Chen was impressed that he still had the strength to roar at him.    


"Your method of chasing a girl is too fierce. People say that rabbits bite when they are anxious." This time, you don't feel wronged. "    


Ling Chen stared at him angrily: "When will you be fine for a while?"    


"Don't be in such a rush. You'll have to take care of it for at least a month." "If you are in a hurry to break through, it will definitely affect your renal function in the future." Shi Qian took the medicine box and said slowly.    


Ling Chen's face alternated between shades of green and white. He was able to see through such thoughts.    


In the past, when Jane Fan was not around, he was fine, but after enduring for over a year, he did not think about it at all. However, Jian Fan was almost right in front of him. After holding back for so long, he finally had a chance to release himself. He wanted to hold it in a bit longer, but his body suddenly trembled. Do you agree? How could he bear to see her again?    


Ling Chen was so angry that he wanted to curse. This Jian Fan was really ruthless!    


He thought of her for a year, and when she saw him again she was still hostile and cruel.    


Today's matter was completely made clear to her. During this period of time, she would properly digest and cool down for a period of time.    


When Qian was right, chasing them too closely would backfire.    


At the foot of the shallow mountain, the sky was getting darker on the city road.    


Jane Fan was so tired from crying that she took a taxi to her hometown.    


Yan Qirui and Pan Wenfang had already finished their dinner. They were both surprised to see Xiaofan.    


Pan Wenfang looked at her red, crying eyes and pulled her into the room to sit down.    


"Xiaofan, what's wrong with you? Who made you angry? Why are you crying? " Pan Wenfang took a few tissues and carefully wiped her tears.    


Jian Fan leaned against her chest and calmed himself down. After a while, he sat up straight and looked at Yan Qirui, whose eyes were flickering.    


"Uncle Yan, I want to ask you something about me and Ling Chen."    


Sigh, it's better to put up with it and chase them home. Yan Qirui sighed and put the newspaper on the tea table.    


"Xiaofan, you know everything?"    


Pan Wenfang was a very smart person, and after hearing what they said, she instantly understood everything. Her already loving heart was immediately infected with a few feelings of heartache. She was a child who had suffered many hardships.    


Jane Fan nodded and felt reassured. It seemed like what Ling Chen said was true, and most of what he said was true.    


The more he lied, the easier it became for him to tell her the truth. When he told her the fourth time, he could actually look into her eyes as if he was telling her the truth.    


"Xiaofan, Uncle Yan doesn't want to lie to you, everything that happened between you and Ling Chen is real. You were just engaged to be married, and your parents died bravely. At that time, you couldn't stand the shock. All day long, you would only get into a car accident when you were in a daze while crying. Perhaps the person you most hate to part with is your parents, so you leave behind memories about them and forget about Ling Chen. I was also afraid that Ling Chen would be unable to accept it, so I sent you to the United States to train, hoping that you could learn how to live up to your parents' expectations. "    


When she thought of her parents, who had lost their lives in the line of duty, her heart ached even more.    


Why did she seem like an outsider? It was clearly something that happened to her, but she was completely clueless. Why did she need someone else to tell her? Why did her own childhood seem so fleeting, so illusory? Was it the accident? Not only had she become unfamiliar with Ling Chen, but she had also become unfamiliar with her past!    



Pan Wenfang gently placed Jian Fan's head on her shoulder and leaned on her, "Your daughter won't cry anymore. In the future, when my aunt takes care of you, I will treat you like my own daughter. You are not a child without family."    


Jian Fan cried even harder. She hugged Pan Wenfang's neck, her whole body trembling in grief.    


Yan Qirui didn't know how to comfort her, so he could only sigh lightly. "Ling Chen is indeed a little overbearing, but besides this man, he can still be considered a true man to you. Just pretend you don't know him. He's chasing you again now. the choice is you, don't put yourself under too much of a hat, give yourself too much pressure. "    


Yan Qirui propped himself up on his knees and slowly went upstairs to his study room to work.    


Pan Wenfang coaxed her for a while longer before Jian Fan gradually stopped crying and sat up, drying his tears.    


After handing over a cup of tea, she gulped it down in a few gulps, her mouth sticky.    


"Have you eaten yet?"    


Jane Fan nodded.    


"I'll go cook some noodles for you. It'll be ready in a moment." Pan Wenfang poured another glass of water for her, then turned around and walked towards the kitchen.    


By the time Jane Fan finished eating the noodles, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. In the late spring and early summer, the moonlight was especially bright at night.    


"Little Aunt, I don't want to go back tonight."    


"Sigh!" On the other hand, Pan Wenfang was very happy: "There are a lot of rooms at home, so we sleep at home. This place is your parents home anyways, it's time to come back. I'll make you a new sheet. "    


Seeing how busy Pan Wenfang was, Jian Fan felt a warm feeling in his heart.    


The items on the bed were all new. There was a small flower shop with four leaves on top of the light green grass. It was fresh, tender, but not flashy. It was the style that Jane Fan liked.    


Pan Wenfang tidied up the bedroom and filled the bathtub with hot water.    


"Xiaofan, have a good bath. Your uncle said he'll let you rest at home for a few days. Have a good night's sleep tomorrow."    


"Thank you, Aunt." Jian Fan finally chuckled. He didn't want her to worry about him.    


Warm water caressed every inch of her skin, and a soft sensation rippled back and forth on her chest.    


His breathing stagnated, and he felt an unbearable pain in his chest. He quickly stood up and washed himself with the shower gel again and again before finally falling asleep. The clothes came out of the bathroom.    


The bedroom was a little pink, and the decorations looked new. It should be something that his aunt had placed for her. Jane Fan's nose started to ache, and he wanted to cry again. In her memory, she seemed to cry very little, but today, her tears were like a dam that had opened, surging violently.    


It was unknown when she fell asleep, or perhaps it was because she was too tired from crying in the day, but this night she slept exceptionally soundly. Without the sound of the alarm clock, when he woke up in the morning, the sun was already high in the sky.    


Jian Fan stretched his long, fluffy hair and slept directly with the clanging cat in long sleeves. Then she went out of the bedroom. Yan Qirui had left for work early in the morning. Pan Wenfang had just come back from class and even bought some dishes.    


Jane Fan quickly looked at the clock in the living room. It was already 10: 30 PM.    


"Little Fan is awake?" "It seems like you slept pretty well." Pan Wenfang changed into a pair of shoes and walked in. Jian Fan quickly took the dishes from her hands and helped her put them into the kitchen.    


Jane Fan scratched his messy hair in embarrassment and laughed, "I've slept over there before. Little Aunt, why did you come back so early? "    


"There are no classes in the afternoon, just two days in the morning, so I came back earlier. Hungry? I'll get you some breakfast. "    


"No, Aunt, I'm not hungry. Isn't it almost noon? Just go ahead and eat lunch. "    


When Jane Fan went into the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face, Pan Wenfang gave her some simple milk and sandwiches.    


Jian Fan helped Pan Wenfang set up the lunch. When they were eating, Pan Wenfang answered the phone, saying that Yan Shaotian's plane was early and would arrive on the weekend.    


Today was Wednesday, and he would be back in two days.    


Seeing Pan Wenfang happy, Jian Fan was also very happy.    


She had never seen Yan Shaotian before, she had only seen a few photos from Pan Wenfang's phone. At the age of twenty-two, he was a handsome, sunny boy with an ear hole drilled into his ear by the current, the diamond studs glinting in the reflection of the angled lights. The picture was stolen in the absence of Yan Qirui. F * ck, he didn't dare to be so polite in front of his father.    


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