Wild Agent Wife

C111 Yin difference and yang error

C111 Yin difference and yang error

0Ye Han's face became even darker, and Jane Fan poked him with her elbow, "You still don't know this big brother, right? Let me introduce you. "    


"Director Ye, I know. My father is at home all the time, almost to the point of praising the heaven and earth. "Since there are orders from above, I must follow this big bro and learn from him." Yan Shaotian leaned forward, his tone sour.    


Jian Fan couldn't hold it in and burst out laughing. Ye Han was shot while lying down, and he became the sacrifice of their conflict. Yan Qirui had taught his son to find a role model. Since Ye Han was outstanding in every aspect, he naturally became the best candidate.    


Even if it wasn't a night, he should still have been treated. Who asked him to reject Zhou Tong? This hurt her feelings towards this young girl.    


As he thought about it, he continued, "I feel that this big brother should drink this cup. Now, I have to act as an example to others. We've all drunk half, and all three pairs of eyes are staring at you. "    


Ye Han stared at her accusingly.    


After a long while, Ye Han finally opened his mouth.    


"I drove."    


"No problem, I'll find a substitute." Yan Shaotian had to make fun of him.    


Only Zhou Tong's body was stiff as she sat at the corner of the long swinging rattan chair, not moving at all.    


Jian Fan picked up the cup in front of him and forced it into his hand. "Drink quickly, why are you being so long-winded?"    


Ye Han had no choice but to drink a full glass of beer in one gulp.    


That was one liter, two bottles of mineral water were no bigger than a beer.    


Zhou Tong looked to the side, swallowing a mouthful of saliva with a hint of fear.    


Seeing Zhou Tong's pained expression, Jian Fan covered his mouth and laughed, "Boss, give me another cup."    


"Sister, eat something first. It's easy to get drunk if you drink from an empty stomach." Yan Shaotian pushed the disposable gloves into her hands and began to peel the crayfish.    


Ye Han was expressionless, and it was hard to tell whether he was happy or angry. He was just sitting next to Zhou Tong, and he was a bit embarrassed. Even now, he didn't even glance at her.    


Ye Han also donned a pair of disposable gloves and began to peel the small lobster. The moment he placed the first prawn into Jane Fan's bowl, Yan Shaotian swiftly blocked it.    


In the end, the lobster dropped into Jane Fan's bowl was peeled by Yan Shaotian.    


"Bro, I can take care of my sister myself, so you can take care of Sister Tongtong." I think the little lobster that you peeled is the most suitable for Sister Tongtong. " Yan Shaotian grabbed Ye Han's wrist and moved it into Zhou Tong's bowl.    


Jian Fan pursed his lips into a smile as he exchanged glances with Yan Shaotian, giving him an approving look.    


The boy was indeed a Fiery Eyes of Truth. He could read words.    


Only then did Ye Han turn around to look at the shy Zhou Tong, feeling that he had been too obvious. Therefore, he didn't blame Yan Shaotian for being so unreasonable, and passed the peeled lobsters to Zhou Tong. As a man who had no distractions, he had a gentleman's demeanor.    


"Hey, I heard Professor Du is going to appear in 'The Strongest Brain', Tongtong. Don't you want to go and take a look?" As she ate and drank, Jane Fan found a relaxed topic to talk about, allowing Zhou Tong to relax.    


Zhou Tong naturally knew what Jian Fan meant, so she tried to cover her awkwardness and pretended to be very casual. She smiled and said, "I actually wanted to come, but the tickets aren't that easy to get. I'd better watch TV at home."    


"That's right. The stage and the audience stands are so far away that they definitely won't be able to see it. At home watching TV, I met a close-up. " Yan Shaotian cooperated with him.    


The few of them kept talking, and the atmosphere immediately became lively.    


He raised his glass and finished the wine. All the awkwardness and worry had disappeared, leaving behind only the occasional laugh and the occasional high-pitched drink, which blended lightly with the laughter into the increasingly boisterous north of the river.    


"The wine is gone, I'll get the boss to bring it up again." Yan Shaotian kept the four cups and sent them to the bar by himself.    


There were only three people left on the table: Jian Fan, Zhou Tong, and Ye Han. Zhou Tong and Ye Han had occasionally interacted, and their initial awkwardness was gone.    


It was a good time to get a little drunk.    


Jian Fan leaned his elbows on the table and leaned forward slightly. He stared at the two people opposite him with a smile on his face. "Are you two still uncomfortable?"    


Zhou Tong's face reddened again. Ye Han's hand curled up and pressed against the tip of his nose, making her choke until she turned white.    


On the bar counter, Yan Shaotian put down his glass and handed it to the boss before heading to the bathroom.    


The latrines of the stall were relatively remote, so he had to walk a short distance back. The moment Yan Shaotian came out of the bathroom, he caught sight of a figure from the corner of his eye.    


It's her!    


After Yan Shaotian entered the bar, he saw her pass a bottle of medicine to his underlings, along with a stack of bills.    


Without saying anything further, he took out his phone and pressed the shutter button. Even with her black glasses, it was not hard to tell from the clear picture that this was Su Rui, the public relations manager of the Ling Qi Group who had been involved in a scandal with Ling Chen. Ling Chen definitely recognized the jewel bracelet on the hand that was giving the money.    


Ye Zichen smiled and put his phone away.    


Seeing that Su Rui had disappeared, Yan Shaotian came out from behind the door and quietly followed behind the waiter.    


He poured the medicine into two cups, marked them, turned around and threw the bottle into the trash can outside the window.    


Yan Shaotian picked it up. The word "climax water" was written very clearly, and the description below the name of the product also stated in detail, "This product is a highly effective aphrodisiac for both men and women. It can be used anywhere from ten to fifteen minutes!"    


Ha, this Suri, what is she trying to do?    


He put the bottle in his pocket, and when he stuck his head out again, the waiter was already carrying a tray towards their seats.    


Yan Shaotian hurried to catch up. He had already memorized the place where the waiter had placed earlier. A black dot was drawn on each of the drugged cups. It was inconspicuous, but it was enough for the waiter and Yan Shaotian to recognize.    


At the dining table, Jane Fan thought about how to open her mouth. After thinking about all sorts of speech techniques, she decided to use a more straightforward sentence.    


"As for the two of you, even as a bystander, I can't say too much. Tongtong, I can't force myself to do anything, but big brother. " She fixed her gaze on Ye Han's face, "After seeing the human heart for so long, feelings can also be cultivated. You don't know about Tongtong yet, but after a while you might find that she has a lot of beauty that you've never seen before. "    


Ye Han opened his mouth wanting to say something, but was interrupted by Jian Fan, "Don't say anything. Do you really only want to try?" Why don't you both let go of your obsession, forget everything that happened that night, and try to start from being friends, okay? "    


Ye Han remained silent and lowered his head, as if he was deep in thought.    


Zhou Tong bit her lower lip and faintly nodded.    


"Miss, here's your wine." Yan Shaotian watched as the waiter brought the marked wine to Jian Fan and Ye Han, and then the unmarked wine to him and Zhou Tong.    



The instant the waiter turned around, Yan Shaotian changed the position of Zhou Tong's cup and Jane Fan's cup. "This cup was just used by big sister. This waiter is too careless."    


"It doesn't matter." Jian Fan smiled in a nonchalant manner.    


Yan Shaotian took the opportunity to stuff the cup into her hand, and picked up his own cup with one hand as he shouted excitedly, "Come, let's all be good friends and have a drink!"    


"Yes, a toast to our friendship." Jane Van raised her glass and was about to clink it.    


"Cheers!" "I'll stay here until I'm drunk tonight!" Yan Shaotian was the first to raise his wine cup and clink it against Jian Fan's.    


Zhou Tong raised his head, and with a desperate stance, he picked up the beer in front of him and drank it to his heart's content.    


Jian Fan laughed as he clinked cups with Ye Han, and the four of them had a hearty drink.    


Yan Shaotian opened his eyes wide and looked through the glass at the two of them. The wine in their glasses was slowly disappearing from their throats.    


A hint of an almost imperceptible smile leaked out of his lips. Since they were so ungrateful, then he might as well be a good person and give them a hand.    


However, this Su Rui had evil intentions and wanted to drug Jian Fan and Ye Han. She must want to tarnish Jian Fan's reputation and ruin their relationship.    


Ha, he didn't know why, but he helped her. Perhaps he didn't want to see her so heartbroken after losing her body, or maybe he just wanted to tease Ye Han. In short, while he was doing this, his mind was in a mess. It was unknown what he was thinking. He didn't know whether he was right or wrong. What was the purpose of his return? The gentle and warm river breeze made him a little drunk.    


"Oh, sister, my stomach hurts." Putting down the cup, Yan Shaotian clutched his stomach and started groaning. He had a very pained look on his face.    


Jane Fan quickly pulled him into her embrace and placed his head on her shoulder. "What's wrong? "It was fine just now?"    


"Maybe he drank too much beer. His stomach hurt." Yan Shaotian's expression was painful as cold sweat broke out on his forehead.    


Jian Fan hastily patted his stomach. "I'll take you to the hospital."    


"I'll go too." Ye Han picked up the car keys and stood up, going to help him.    


However, Yan Shaotian refused to let him help him. "I don't want him to touch me, I only want my sister."    


"Okay, okay, we won't let him drive us there. We'll take a taxi." As Jian Fan spoke, he helped Yan Shaotian up and walked out.    


She knew that Yan Shaotian had a grudge against Ye Han, so she had to rely on him if he wasn't feeling well.    


"Then I'll go with you." With only Zhou Tong and Ye Han here, she felt very uncomfortable.    


Jian Fan stopped her for a moment. "I alone will suffice. Stomach disease is not a serious problem. Alright, it's not safe for a girl like you to go home at night. Big brother, don't drive anymore. It's not safe for you to take a taxi back. Do you hear me, brother? "    


Ye Han didn't say anything, but his dark mood and action had already tacitly agreed to Jian Fan's words.    


Divided on both sides, the new era apartment in Hong Kong and the provincial hospital are in the opposite direction.    


After seeing Jian Fan and Yan Shaotian get on the cab and leave, Ye Han helped Zhou Tong into another taxi.    


In the taxi, Yan Shaotian was still groaning. Jian Fan gently rubbed his stomach and asked, "Are you really in pain or are you just faking it?"    


"Pfft!" Yan Shaotian burst out in laughter. How could she be so smart?    


"Sis, did you discover everything?"    


"What did you say?" Your humming sound isn't right, every time I have a stomach attack, this is never the right tone. You are very fake. " Jian Fan poked him on the forehead and laughed, "But you're quite smart, and you even know to create a chance for them to be together. Didn't I just play along with your tricks and act out a whole series?"    


"That's for sure, I can tell with a glance that Sister Tongtong likes the night cold. If I didn't want to get them together, I wouldn't have secretly called Ye Han over without telling him beforehand." Since his cover had been blown, Yan Shaotian decided to just sit up, no longer putting on an act.    


"Master, save your home." "I'll take you home so you won't run around."    


"I don't want to go back. Am I still a child?" Yan Shaotian pouted, unwilling to do so.    


Jane Fan said in annoyance, "If you want to go out and play, why don't you do well at home? How's your work schedule?"    


Mentioning the work he did not like, Yan Shaotian lost all spirit, "It's about time, my dad said that he will be back from his grandma's house this time. It's the Criminal Psychology Department under the jurisdiction of the Serious Crimes Unit, which specializes in negotiations. "    


"Negotiating expert? "Awesome, little brother." This was truly a technical work.    


"Elder sister …" Yan Shaotian dragged his words with a long tone. It was unknown whether he was acting coquettishly or feeling helpless. His vision drifted out of the window, gradually becoming blurred. Who knew where Ye Han and Zhou Tong were.    


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