Wild Agent Wife

C77 Shop thief capture

C77 Shop thief capture

0The supermarket was located in the center of the villa area. Upstairs of the supermarket was Hong Kong Square. There was food, drinks, and everything else that could be used.    


Zhou Tong was the child of an ordinary family. From Border Town, she had been admitted to the police academy. Ann. At the station. His father set up a small pharmacy, and his mother was a teacher at the central primary school. Since she was born into the school, she could count the number of shopping malls she had visited with her fingers. She was so excited that she moved to such a place after receiving her first month's salary.    


Jian Fan was not interested in shopping. He was pulled around by Zhou Tong as if he was a stimulant, and was in a somewhat passive position.    


"Tongtong, let's be a bit slower. How could you be shopping at such a fast speed? You're clearly just here to buy something."    


"The clothes here are so beautiful, I'm seeing a blur. Xiaofan, quickly help me pick them out." Zhou Tong's Qi Liuhai had taken off her police uniform, but she was still a young girl that had just grown up next door.    


"Alright, I'll pick it out for you. Try it on first." Jane Fan fart. She sat down on the sofa and pointed to a dress, then told Zhou Tong to go to the fitting room to try it out.    


Zhou Tong excitedly took the trumpet and entered the locker room.    


Jane Fan looked around the mall in boredom. In her professional habits, her first involuntary glance was not at people's faces, but at their hands.    


Just as Zhou Tong was about to try on his clothes, a shout suddenly came from the elevator.    


"Someone, come quickly, someone stole my wallet." It was a woman who was on her way down the elevator after a young man with a shirt wrapped around his wrist.    


This man with the clothes around his wrists must be a thief.    


The little girl was on the verge of tumbling down unsteadily due to the speed of the elevator. Jian Fan made a prompt decision. He took a big stride forward and rushed to the front of the woman, firmly supporting her.    


"Don't worry, I'll go chase them." Jian Fan's gaze met with the woman's.    


The woman stared blankly for a moment, then abruptly grabbed her arm and was flung away by Jian Fan, who had anxiously caught up to the thief.    


"Miss Jane …" How could Lian Bi recognize the wrong person? This woman had an exquisite face and a refined temperament. She was the person who escaped back then, Jian Fan.    


Jian Fan's speed was too fast. Before he even made a sound, he had already caught up to the entrance of the shopping mall.    


With a leap, Jian Fan knocked the thief to the ground with a kick. Then, he skillfully grabbed the thief by the back of his shirt and spun it around a few times. Then, he tied the thief up tightly with his own clothes.    


"Return it."    


The thief still wanted to quibble, but after being kicked by Jian Fan onto the tailbone, he begged for mercy in pain and quickly handed over a lady's purse.    


Lian Bi and the security guards rushed over. Jian Fan handed the thief over to the security guard. He wiped the sweat off his hands and returned the wallet to Lian Bi.    


"Here, be careful when you go out next time."    


"Miss Jane …" Just as Jian Fan was about to turn around and leave, he was grabbed by the wall by the sleeve.    


Jian Fan looked at her doubtfully. "You know me?"    


Lian Yuan was slightly taken aback. His eyes widened in disbelief as he asked, "Miss Jane, you don't recognize me?"    


Jian Fan felt a little baffled. Why was it that the people she had met these past two days were all lunatics?    


"I don't know you, maybe you've also mistaken me for someone else. See you!"    


Lian Bi wanted to say something, but Jian Fan had already left and disappeared without a trace. Everything was like a martial arts play on TV, magical and strange.    


Zhou Tong changed into a new set of clothes and came out of the locker room. She saw Jane Fan sitting on the sofa, breathing lightly.    


"Xiaofan, is this good?"    


"It's nice, there's a small cardigan on the outside, it's so beautiful." Jian Fan only took a glance before coming to a conclusion.    


"Really? "Then I'll buy it." Zhou Tong happily changed back into her clothes and paid for the new dress.    


Zhou Tong was still unconscious of the bandit incident.    


They would go to the supermarket after visiting the shopping mall. Each of them had two big bags full of loot, so they walked towards home.    


When he entered the corridor, he felt as if a pair of eyes were staring at them.    


"Xiaofan, what's wrong with you?" Zhou Tong's physical strength was clearly much weaker. Jian Fan's face was not red at all, but she was already on the verge of falling to the ground and walking away.    


"It's fine. Hurry up and go home. I'm hungry and want to taste your cooking skills." As soon as he passed by, the elevator went up to the eleventh floor.    


In the early spring evening, the setting sun was exceptionally red, and the beauty was like a painting of cinnabar, causing people's mood to be joyful.    


Ling Chen left the office and returned to Kingone. He went to the Jingan sub-bureau, but didn't see Jane Fan. He was afraid that the old fox Yan Qirui had moved her to another place.    


He had just told Ma Wen about the carpet search and was waiting for news when he returned home.    


When the living room door of the villa opened, a snow-white, fluffy, adorable pet that was half the height of a man pounced on him with warmth. Ye Zichen smartly put on the slippers for him, then continuously wagged his tail to show that he was a good boy.    


Ling Chen squatted down and gently rubbed his forehead. He rubbed its forehead and asked, "Puff, are you missing your boss?"    


The pure white Samoya was now his subordinate.    


Puff wagged his tail and stuck out his tongue. Ye Zichen licked his hand affectionately.    


Ling Chen put on his shoes and entered the living room. The moment he sat on the sofa, Lian Lang came running out from the kitchen.    


"Young master, I just saw Miss Jane at the supermarket."    


"What did you say?" Ling Chen stood up abruptly, and stared at Lian Luo's mouth without moving from fright.    


"I said that when I was shopping in the supermarket, I saw Miss Jane. My purse was stolen, and she even helped me catch a thief." Lian Bo was shocked by Ling Chen's intense emotions and a trace of fear appeared in his eyes.    


"Why is she there? Is she still there? " Without saying anything, Ling Chen grabbed the coat that he had just taken off, put it back on and prepared to leave.    


"I waited at the entrance to the mall for a long time. I saw her and a girl enter the apartment together. From the way she went and the floor where the elevator stopped, she probably lives on the eleventh floor of Building 16."    


Ling Chen's eyelids twitched. As expected of someone he trained himself, he was still alert about this.    


Awoo …" He seemed to understand what they were saying.    



"Young master, are you going to look for Miss Jane?" But she doesn't seem to know me at all, and I don't know if I'm mistaken. " The moment Lian Luo's words fell, Ling Chen immediately stopped changing his shoes.    


Last night, he had spoken with Shi Qiuqian. They had to start over, starting from a normal date. Looking for her in such a rash manner would only scare her away, right?    


What was he worried about now that he knew she was in an apartment not far from his own?    


What exactly did this Yan Qirui mean?    


Ling Chen retreated back, and sat down on the sofa with her. The corners of his mouth curled up to show that he was in a good mood at the moment. "Let's start the meal."    


"Understood, Young Master." With a sigh of relief, Lian Bi grabbed the shovel and returned to the kitchen to prepare dinner.    


Right now, she was the only servant left in the villa. The matter of Lian Xi poisoning Jane Fan with poison had long since been clearly captured by the needle in the bedroom. Marvin had taken her to Africa as a military courtesan overnight, tormented her until she died of humiliation. However, even at the moment of her death, she didn't know what charm was inside the blue bottle she had obtained. The medicine was a drop of the throat sealing poison.    


Of course, in Marvin's confession, Su Rui was the mastermind. But when he put the facts in front of her, Suri's heart-wrenching cry convinced him later that Lisa had forced her to do it, because the blood spirit, a colorless, tasteless, highly purified, deadly poison for one second, was something that ordinary people could never have access to except at the top of the army.    


It wasn't that he had any thoughts about Su Rui, but that she had contributed so much to the Boss without any merits or hardships. Since she was being used on her own, he decided to give her a chance. When reporting to Ling Chen, he automatically skipped over Su Rui and grafted the plot onto Lian Xi and Lisa.    


It was night. Ling Chen had just turned on his computer when a piece of information was sent to his mailbox.    


Jane Fan, the daughter of the late Major General Jane Guodong, had been in the army since he was a child. The Jane Guodong couple had died in drug enforcement in 2002, and since then Jane Fan had been adopted by Yan Qirui and sent to the United States at the end of the year 2012. The country participated in the military training. At the beginning of 2004, it had just returned a few days ago to serve as a police instructor.    


Ling Chen's thin lips slightly curled up as he laughed in a sinister and terrifying manner.    


They really knew how to make things up. Although Ji Yu was the daughter of Ji Guodong, she was not adopted by Yan Qirui and sent to the United States in 2002. The collective training of the country was carried out in the midst of a drug trafficking case. The head drug dealer kidnapped him and tore his family apart.    


However, this was good too. She had been given a new identity. She had truly been reborn this time.    


When he continued to read, he saw a list of Jane Fan's habits and hobbies.    


Heh, he really didn't know much about her hobbies, but he was afraid that there wasn't much information that was useful.    


Turning off the computer, Ling Chen returned to his bedroom. In such a vast space, he was the only one who did not laugh or say anything. It seemed somewhat cold and cheerless.    


Nothing here had changed, not even once a day, once a week, and he didn't like it when people often entered the space that belonged to them. He was afraid that if he cleaned too hard, he would erase the smell that belonged to her.    


Was this feeling of worry love? He didn't understand. He didn't understand love. All he knew was that he wanted her. He hadn't had enough fun with her, and he wouldn't let her leave.    


Ling Chen lay quietly on the Kingsize bed. Above, the soft touch is never equal. Her milky skin.    


This was the place where she put down her youth and used her seductive movements to pick at the air. It was an unforgettable experience to tease him.    


It was also here that he had ignored her resistance and even … They even made her bleed.    


It was still here, they would pester him every night. En, it made him unable to make sense of it, unable to forget it, unable to forget it …    


She wasn't far away from him now, but he was gone from her memories.    


What does it matter? As long as she was alive, as long as she was in this world, he would be able to catch her and lock her in his arms forever.    


It was unknown when Ling Chen fell asleep, but the heart that was hanging in the air was finally at ease. He could finally sleep peacefully.    


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