Wild Agent Wife

C25 Shocking intelligence

C25 Shocking intelligence

0As the car slowly moved forward on the road, Ling Chen occasionally lifted his wristwatch to look at the time, and his heart also became more and more anxious.    


Jian Fan opened his mouth, wanting to break the anxious silence, but he bit his lower lip and didn't say anything.    


"Is your stomach hurting even more? "Hold on a little longer." Ling Chen turned around, and used his free hand to caress her lower abdomen, gently rubbing it.    


"I'm much better now," Jane said as she wanted to resist, but she managed to hold herself back, "I just want to say that since I've agreed to be your woman and also seen your methods, I definitely won't think about running away anymore. You don't have to stare every step of the way to keep an eye on me. It's also a lack of confidence in yourself, isn't it? "    


"Hmph." Ling Chen unhappily retracted his hand after he had been poked in the soft spot. "Without my protection, you will be dead if you go out. I don't need to keep an eye on you."    


"You're right." Jian Fan gave a bright smile as his eyes curved into a curve.    


She summed up another reason for her victory: his arrogance. He was like a tyrannical tiger that could pluck out a tiger's whiskers if it followed his fur. If it moved against his fur, it would be torn to shreds.    


"Tomorrow I'll ask Marvin to give you a cell phone that only has my number in it. "No matter where I am, you have to be available at will. Otherwise, you won't have any freedom at all." Ling Chen glared at her, his deep eyes filled with unconcealable arrogance.    


"Can I save time?"    


"No way!"    


"Arrogant." Jian Fan closed his eyes. He had already achieved his goal and was too lazy to waste his breath on him.    


"Ring, ring, ring." A bell rang, and Ling Chen took out his cell phone. The caller ID showed that it was Marvin.    


He turned his head to look at Jane Fan. Seeing that she was asleep, he picked up the phone.    


"What is it?" He lowered his voice.    


"Boss, there's still 10 minutes. I've already arrived, but I haven't seen Chen Da and the sample yet." Ma Wen and seven or eight of his men were in an abandoned chemical factory warehouse, waiting for Chen Da.    


Ling Chen frowned and thought for a few seconds. "I'll leave today's matter in your hands. Watch the goods carefully and give me a call." It was impossible for him to catch up to the time and condition of the car.    


"Yes, Boss."    


Ling Chen did not relax even after hanging up the phone. The car moved slowly along the road, comparable to a tortoise.    


Jane Fan closed his eyes, not knowing his current expression. However, from the ending tone that came out of the phone, she could clearly hear the words "Chen Da" and "Examine the goods".    


It seemed like she had made the right bet. Three o'clock this afternoon was indeed an important date.    


It wasn't until half past two that the car came into Mercy Hospital.    


Ling Chen carried Jian Fan up to the VIP ward on the fourth floor and kicked open the door to Chief Yao's office.    


"Chief Yao, quickly give her a check up. She suddenly has a stomachache in the afternoon." Ling Chen had always been this domineering.    


Yao showed his displeasure on the surface, but he still allowed Jian Fan to be placed on the bed and swiftly took out his stethoscope. "Where's the pain?"    


"Here." Jian Fan clutched his stomach, feeling a little flustered. She met Yao Zheng's eyes, which were filled with pleading messages.    


Yao Zheng raised his head and said to Ling Chen, "You go out first. There are too many people and your breathing is noisy, which affects my judgement."    


Ling Chen's face tightened, clenched his fist, and followed the order.    


Jian Fan finally let out a breath of relief and gratefully said, "Thank you for helping me out."    


"Why are you pretending to be sick? Have you recovered better? " Yao Zheng put away his stethoscope. He looked to be in his fifties, but there was a sense of majesty to him.    


Jian Fan lowered his head. His ears were completely red as he stuttered, "He wants to … About that, I can only pretend to be sick. "    


"Young people these days." Yao Zheng let out an angry snort, opened the door and called in Ling Chen, "She's angry and has shocked the old. "Stay in the courtyard and observe for a day, don't make her angry again. Remember, you're not allowed to enter houses for a month."    


Yao Zheng went to the inner room to open some consolidation medicine, Ling Chen came forward with a dark face, "What did you tell him? How did I make you angry? It seems like you always make me angry. "    


"I didn't say anything …"    


"Ring, ring, ring." Another ringing sound interrupted Jian Fan's words. Ling Chen looked at the caller ID and his expression became serious.    


He glanced at Jian Fan, picked up the phone, and walked out of the office.    


"Hey …" When he could no longer hear what he was saying, Jane Fan quietly got out of bed and pressed herself against the door that had just been closed.    


Ling Chen looked around to make sure that there was no one around, then began to speak: "What's the situation?"    


"Boss, I've already tested the sample." In the abandoned warehouse filled with containers, Ma Wen and Chen Da's group were carefully doing undisclosed trades.    


"How's the performance?"    


"It's imported from the original, the sound is soft, the penetrating power is strong, this batch's quality is very high." Ma Wen slightly lowered his voice and stepped aside to prevent Chen Da's men from hearing him.    


"Very well, determine the time and place of the transaction." Ling Chen's phoenix eyes slightly narrowed, revealing a bloodthirsty and ruthless intent.    


"Yes …" Before Marvin could finish his words, a discordant voice came from behind him, interrupting his conversation.    


"Marvin, is it that your family name is Ma, or something?" Your boss didn't say anything, is he trying to cooperate with me? " Chen Da, who was as fat as a sausage, had a cigar in his mouth.    


"You …" Before Marvin could lose his temper, Ling Chen's voice came over the phone.    


"Marvin, give him the phone. I'll talk to him." Ling Chen walked towards the safety exit, closing the door behind him and disappearing into the darkness.    


Jian Fan followed her barefoot, sticking his ear close to the door.    


Chen Da took the phone and shot a disdainful glance at Ma Wen. "I say young master Chen, we agreed to personally inspect the goods. What's the meaning of you sending someone you can't even talk to?"    


Ling Chen's aura became cold, and a sharp killing intent shot out from his eyes, "I have something to take care of, so I didn't leave. Marvin is my trusted aide, he can represent me and talk to you. "Business is just business. If you want to sell it, I'll buy it. Since both the money and the goods are sold, you don't necessarily have to meet me, right?"    


"If you didn't do it yourself, how would I know if you were doing it in the dark? "No matter what, I must see you on the day of the transaction. Otherwise, there's no need to talk about this business anymore." Chen Da angrily pinched off his cigar, as if what he pinched was not a cigar, but Ling Chen's face.    


"Of course, this shipment is extraordinary. Both parties must be present at the same time. "As usual, this is my territory. You decide when and where." Ling Chen's voice was not loud, but it echoed in the empty corridor.    


Jian Fan's face grew more and more tense, his heart in his throat. They were finally going to trade. She didn't dare move. She even breathed carefully, afraid that she would miss a byte.    



"At least you know how to behave," Chen Da snorted coldly. "The day after tomorrow, at 11: 30 PM, in the underground engine room of the shallow river quarry, we'll hand over the money and ask for US dollars."    


"There are so many fields along this river, how would I know which one?"    


"I'll call you when you arrive." Chen Da's crafty smile was somewhat terrifying.    


"Sure, you'd better not play any tricks on me." Ling Chen's cold expression caused the temperature around him to drop by several degrees. With a dangerous glint in his eyes, he said, "Give the phone to Marvin, I have something else to ask of him."    


Jian Fan stopped after seeing this and quietly retreated on his tiptoes. He lay back on the bed, his heart thumping fiercely. She had heard a shocking secret. A major smuggling incident was about to happen the day after tomorrow, in the early hours of the night.    


She had plotted for so long, and now she was finally going to get the evidence. She had to be very careful, very careful.    


Yao Zheng took out the prescription but didn't see Ling Chen. "Where's Young Master Chen?"    


"I went to answer the phone. Can I get a nurse to help me?" Jane Fan sat on the edge of the bed, his feet pulled back in embarrassment. When Ling Chen carried her out, he didn't put any shoes on her.    


"Let him do it. Since the young man has done something wrong, we should let him do something to make up for it." Yao Zheng gave her a rare smile, carrying a bit of the joy of an old urchin.    


"You're looking for me?" Ling Chen ended the call and pushed open the door.    


"Carry your girlfriend to the VIP ward and prepare to give her a shot."    


Ling Jun's face darkened, he did not want to argue with him, so he carried Jian Fan into the ward.    


After a day's rest at the hospital, Ling Chen came to pick her up early the next morning.    


"This is for you." Ling Chen gave her a white box and a gold card.    


"What is it?" Jian Fan received it doubtfully.    


"Mobile phone, you need to turn it on 24 hours from now on. It's convenient for me to find you anytime." Ling Chen crossed his arms and tyrannically ordered.    


"Oh," Jane Fan covered up his happiness and opened the box. Inside the box was a white phone and an instruction book. The phone was open and only Ling Chen's number was in the contact list.    


Jian Fan curled his lips and stuffed the phone into his pocket. "What is the meaning of this golden card?"    


"Leave it for me to buy what you like. I naturally will not owe my woman anything." Ling Chen smirked, and put a card to indicate his position.    


Jian Fan smiled mockingly. He was merely confirming her lover's identity, saying that she would forever be a subordinate and would never be able to escape his control.    


"Don't worry, the card isn't online. It can't be swiped away."    


Although Jane Fan disdained his boastful face, he still kept the card. She needed it.    


In order to verify that she really could go in and out freely, Ling Chen brought her back to Kingone. While he was out on business, Jane Fan said that he would go to a nearby supermarket and familiarize himself with the environment of his new residence.    


Lian Xi readily agreed, but the condition was that she had to follow and let A Jin out of the car.    


Jane Fan frowned. He had clearly sent two people to monitor her. No, she had to find a way to get rid of it.    


An idea suddenly popped up in her mind. She patted A-Jin on the shoulder and said, "Take me to the garage. I want to see what kind of luxury cars Young Master Chen has."    


A Jin still had some lingering fear from last time's matter. After being patted by Jian Fan, he hastily agreed. "Ai ai, Miss Jian, please come in."    


Jian Fan couldn't help but size him up. Someone who was able to serve as a servant to Ling Chen was definitely not a coward. Was he trying to amuse her, or was he just trying to put on a show?    


Jane Fan did not comment, but followed his footsteps, his thoughts converging.    


The garage, or rather, the underground parking lot, was located in the backyard of the villa. There were all sorts of fancy cars, but most of them didn't have any black Mercedes-Benz. These, Jane remembered, were the cars that had surrounded her at the airport, their cards never seeming to expire.    


Jane Fan looked around, his gaze falling on the nearest white Porsche, Panamera, and dialed Ling Chen's number.    


Ling Chen, who was in a meeting, hesitated for a few seconds before answering.    


"What is it?"    


"Give me a car. I like your Porsche in the garage." Jane Fan was very adept at taking things, as if she had become a professional mistress.    


"If you are going out, A Jin will give you a ride. Why do you have to work so hard yourself?" Ling Chen's voice was calm, no emotions could be discerned.    


"I like the feeling of the car speeding along the road. Don't you drive by yourself every day?"    


Ling Chen did not answer, and Jian Fan pretended to be angry: "Ling Chen, this morning you personally said that you would not mistreat your woman. Now that I asked for a car, you couldn't bear to part with it? "    


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