CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



0When Rong Heting saw that the silver bullets were gently removed by Mu Shen and placed in the tray, he finally felt relieved.    


Bai Ye worked with Mu Shen to sew the repaired blood vessels on Mu Qianqian's shoulder into her skin bit by bit. Looking at Mu Shen's rapt attention and surprise at Mu Shen's mastery of the surgical technique, Bai Ye looked at the time on the wall and felt a little more admiration for Mu Shen.    


Forty-eight minutes for such a complicated debridement and repair operation. The young man in front of him took forty-eight minutes!    


Even Bai Sheng had to admit that it would take him at least an hour to use the main knife. Mu Shen's speed was too fast and there was not a single error. He had limited Mu Qianqian's operation time to the shortest amount of time possible.    


After stitching the last muscle under the skin, there was only a red line on the outside of the skin, which made it hard to see if it was ugly or not. If Qianqian worked together with him to apply the Chinese medicine ointment, this thin scar would slowly disappear without a trace.    


Finally, everything was settled. Mu Shen's tensed nerves relaxed as he wrapped a sterile gauze around the wound. Mu Shen looked at Bai Sheng with a smile and thanked him for his help in explaining the situation to him.    


"My sister's blood type is special. If the operation is shortened, then the bleeding will be reduced. I don't need to send anyone to find the source of blood anymore. She's safe now."    


Mu Shen's tone became gentle after Mu Qianqian was safe. After taking off the mask, Rong Heting and Bai Sheng simultaneously noticed Mu Shen's pale face.    


Rong Heting felt his heart ache. Just as he wanted to ask the teenager in front of him if he was feeling uncomfortable, he saw Mu Shen smile lightly and directly fall onto the cold ground, unconscious.    


Bai Sheng's smile froze on his face as he hurriedly dragged Mu Shen up from the ground. Rong Heting didn't know why, but the moment Mu Shen fell, he couldn't control his footsteps and moved to Mu Shen's side. Together with Bai Sheng, they carried Mu Shen to the bed.    


The hospital staff who was waiting at the door became worried again. Ye Feng, who came to the hospital during the operation on Mu Shen, frowned when he saw Mu Shen's fall.    


In the 21st floor's advanced ward, more than ten world-class blood disease experts were overwhelmed with anxiety. Even with Mu Shen's blood sample, they couldn't figure out how to control Mu Shen's illness. Other than changing his bone marrow, there seemed to be no other way.    


The senior world-class professors shook their heads, feeling pity for the unconscious Mu Shen on the sickbed in front of them. The young medical genius had convinced them all after so many days of communication, and it would be a pity if he died because of his illness.    


The dean and the main doctor of the hospital stood beside them. Bai Sheng held Mu Shen's medical history and looked at it for a long time. Then, he frowned and asked the main doctor of Mu Shen, who was beside him.    


"How did you control Mu Shen's illness in the past?"    


Bai Sheng also couldn't understand Mu Shen's blood analysis. This seemingly simple theory had a reasonable cause under the layers of pathological analysis. Even he couldn't see the depth of Mu Shen's illness, so how did Mu Shen's attending physician usually deal with it?    


The attending physician did not feel embarrassed at all. Under Rong Heting's cold gaze, he uncomfortably shrunk his neck back and spoke the truth.    


"How can I cure Mu Shen's illness!?" Usually, Mu Shen would arrange the blood analysis himself, and all the extraction tests would be done by him.    


The dean was also busy explaining, "Mu Shen's medical skills have reached the pinnacle, but none of the doctors in our hospital can surpass him. Many major surgeries were done by him under the name of another doctor. We are really unable to do anything about his illness!"    


The dean and the attending physician calmly explained the situation to Rong Heting. They didn't think that it would harm the hospital at all. Even experts from all over the world gathered in Mu Shen's ward every day to ask questions about the hospital, not to mention treating Mu Shen's illness.    


Rong Heting looked at the young man who was sleeping beside Mu Qianqian on the bed. He was pale and had a deep expression on his face. He felt sad yet surprised at the same time.    


Ye Zichen was surprised that Mu Shen had such great medical skills at such a young age. However, when he thought about Mu Qianqian's high intelligence, he felt that everything was normal.    


As for that kind of pain, Rong Heting couldn't explain it himself. Maybe it was a pity that a young life was controlled by a disease.    


"How would he deal with such a situation in the past? When will he wake up?"    


Rong Heting only asked lightly, while the pressure in the room increased inexplicably.    


"This... This... This situation has never happened before! "    


"It can't be that his condition has worsened, right?"    


The dean and the attending physician made their guesses, causing Rong Heting's expression to turn darker and darker. The way he looked at the two of them also turned sharp!    


Nothing must happen to Mu Shen! This thought filled his mind in an instant. He definitely wouldn't let anything happen to Mu Shen!    


Thinking about the importance that Mu Qianqian attached to her brother, Rong Heting's usually calm attitude gradually changed. If anything happened to Wu Tie, his little thing wouldn't be restrained anymore. Mu Qianqian would definitely escape from his side without even looking back.    




The chief doctor suddenly shouted and reported excitedly to Rong Heting, "He seems to have developed his own injection, which is injected regularly every month, but I don't know where to put it."    


When Bai Sheng heard the main doctor's words, he immediately turned around and went to Mu Shen's previous ward. He wanted to personally find the medicine, and this might be Mu Shen's only hope.    


Although he and Mu Shen had only known each other for a short period of time, the two of them felt that they understood each other very well. He really didn't want a person with such medical attainments to die just like that, what a pity!    


Ye Feng, who hadn't left all this time, suddenly walked in. From the moment he saw Mu Shen collapsing to the ground, his heart was struggling. Especially hearing the conversations of the people in the room, the worry in his heart became heavier.    


Looking at Rong Heting's unfriendly eyes, Ye Feng didn't bother with it anymore. He just used his guesses and Mu Shen's years of habit to analyze it for them.    


"Mu Shen's medicine might be in Qianqian's hands. Qianqian is usually the most nervous of Mu Shen's medicine. If the hospital staff were to take it wrong, they would definitely put it away themselves."    


As Ye Feng finished his sentence, his expression turned grave. Qianqian had just had such a huge operation, and she was currently sleeping under the control of the drug. What should he do? If Qianqian couldn't wake up, then Mu Shen's illness would be in danger, and according to Qianqian's personality, she would definitely hate him.    


Bai Sheng hurried back and entered the ward. When he saw Rong Heting shaking his head anxiously, he couldn't find anything.    


"Bai Sheng, is there any way to wake Qianqian up?"    


Rong Heting weighed the pros and cons, looking at Bai Sheng, hoping Bai Sheng would give him an answer.    


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