CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



0Lee Lei rolled his eyes. Wasn't it too easy on her to let Wen Zhixia go?    


Besides, if Brother Shuo is asked to come out, even if he doesn't do anything to that girl, he will have to pay the "appearance fees" for these brothers.    


He wasn't stupid. Why should he spend such a waste of money?    


So no matter what, he had to let things develop according to his plan.    


Unaware of the danger, Wen Zhixia had finally cooked the skewers she had been waiting for a long time ago. Wen Zhixia reluctantly gave Lee Weixi one of the skewers that she had roasted.    


"Weixi, eat some meat!"    


With two small hands and a skewer in each hand, he handed one to Lee Weixi and popped the other into his mouth.    


The sweet and spicy sauce first touched the tip of the tongue, followed by the rich fragrance of the gravy and a strong taste. With a mouthful of the meat, it left a fragrant taste in the mouth, completely engrossed in the charisma of the kebabs.    


Those who could not eat the delicacies of such small shops would never be able to taste the original flavor of the kebabs on the street, and the taste of the city had truly blended into the city.    


Thinking of this, Wen Zhixia used her hand to pat her head. "Why are you thinking about that ice cube? It's none of my business if I can't eat it. What does it have to do with me?"    


Since Lee Lei and the rest knew Wen Zhixia had the tree behind her back, they were reluctant to make a move.    


"She should have already been dumped because the boy who saved her on campus today is her new lover!"    


Lee Lei, who suddenly remembered what happened on campus this morning, suddenly felt enlightened and felt that his idea was completely reasonable.    


"Why do you say that?"    


Hearing Lee Lei's words, Zhang Shuo's face showed an expression of interest. Even the two lackeys on the ground also raised their heads, waiting for Lee Lei's next words.    


"I'm her brother, of course I know, and before, when she was with Young Master Rong, I bullied her, and the ones who helped were all Young Master Rong, but today, when I bullied her, the one who came out to save her was a junior holding a skateboard!"    


The expression on Lee Lei's face was sincere, while his face was filled with certainty.    


"Also, think about it, even if this sister of mine is a bit pretty, the dignified Young Master Rong, changing women isn't as frequent as returning clothes!"    


The dubious Zhang Shuo and the other two brothers nodded their heads after hearing his words.    


Indeed, Wen Zhixia was a pretty girl, but with this thin and underdeveloped body, who would be in the mood to touch her after the freshness had passed?    


Which man doesn't like the kyphosis, kyphosis type!    


"Your sister, you really can do it!"    


After Zhang Shuo thought it through, he looked at Lee Lei at the side with a contemptuous light in his eyes.    


"A stepmother, and it was her boyfriend who hit me first!"    


Lee Lei pointed at his own nose. Because of the blood, although it was no longer bleeding, it could still be seen.    


"As long as you don't want to play yourself to death, then do your best!"    


Before he finished explaining the reason, Zhang Shuo had already signaled the other two brothers to capture him.    


Although Zhang Shuo could barely walk now, he still couldn't control his balance, so his walking speed was comparable to a tortoise.    


After receiving Zhang Shuo's order, the two lackeys took a deep breath of the remaining cigarette. Then, they threw the cigarette butt heavily onto the ground, as if they wouldn't get Wen Zhixia back until they caught her. Then, they walked out of the dark wall.    


Wen Zhixia, who was immersed in the world of beef, did not notice the approach of the two strange men.    


"It's delicious, his kebabs are the most delicious!"    


Wen Zhixia's mouth was stuffed with roasted meat. Her mouth was oily, as if she had applied it specifically to prevent it from drying up. With one hand, she gave a thumbs up, praising the taste of the kebab shop.    


"Delicious? "You taste the best!"    


Zhang Shuo's two lackeys didn't walk with a swagger as they knocked over the tables along the way. Instead, they walked through the small tables and arrived in front of Wen Zhixia.    


One of them, who was wearing black, grabbed the kebabs from Wen Zhixia's hands and threw them on the ground.    


The other subordinate in red pulled Wen Zhixia's small hand and viciously said.    


Although they had only met a few times in the shop, Wen Zhixia still remembered their appearances and recognized them instantly.    


Lee Weixi, who was standing at the side, raised her skewer in shock when she saw the sudden appearance of the two men.    


"You guys want to take revenge for Brother Zhang Shuo, right? Then I hope it doesn't hurt the innocent! "    


Seeing Lee Weixi on the other side, Wen Zhixia knew that she must not blow up the matter. It would be bad if she hurt Lee Weixi. Being her best friend, without money, she couldn't change anything, no matter what, she wouldn't be harmed.    


"So self-aware! "Little girl!"    


After the red-clothed lackey saw Wen Zhixia's face clearly, his eyes could no longer move away from her face. No wonder this woman made his Zhang Shuo-ge lose both of his arms.    


If he could sleep with such a woman, then even if he had two arms, it would be worth it!    


Wen Zhixia, who was holding hands, tried her best to calm down. Her eyes met Lee Weixi's, then she looked at her schoolbag.    


Her experience of being abducted this time was better than last time, because there was the smart Lee Weixi present this time. Actually, Wen Zhixia felt that even if she didn't give her a wink, she would still call for reinforcements.    


"Let's go, little girl. You should properly greet our big brother, do you hear me?"    


Wen Zhixia didn't struggle or make any noise. Instead, she obediently followed the two men out of the barbeque store after their conversation.    


Wen Zhixia's heart ached as she looked at the skewers on the ground. She hadn't even eaten her fill, yet these fellows had already thrown her onto the ground. What a pity!    


She didn't know that her heart was so calm. She wasn't frightened like last time. Instead, she shifted her attention to the skewers on the ground.    


Lee Lei, who was in the dark corner by the wall, saw the two of them effortlessly grab Wen Zhixia and quickly opened his mouth.    


"Brother Shuo, I'm leaving first. Enjoy your meal!"    



A lewd smile covered his face and the tone of his voice made Brother Shuang smile in satisfaction. At this moment, Big Yellow's teeth were all exposed and a foul stench wafted over.    


Lee Lei wanted to cover his nose, but when he thought of how the stinky mouth was going to wander on Wen Zhixia's body, he felt incredibly comfortable. He endured the pungent smell and left with a smile.    


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