CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



0Rong Jian looked at Bai Li's expression. She covered her mouth with her hand. Tears of heartache rolled down the back of Bai Li's hand.    


Bai Li's smile froze as he felt the wetness on the back of his hand, but it quickly returned to being a warm smile.    


"Jane, don't cry. I'm fine. I just can't see. Am I not still alive?"    


Bai Li was a doctor. Perhaps he had seen too much life and death before, so he understood that in the face of death, everything else was no longer important.    


He had been trying to comfort others before, but now he could only comfort himself. Without his eyes, his medical career had come to an end and he would never be able to pick up the scalpel again.    


Actually, he would also be at a loss, but Bai Li didn't say it out loud. Facing the fear of the dark, no one else could feel it.    


In this world, the scariest thing was not knowing, not knowing what would happen in the future, not knowing whether surprises or surprises would come first. Eyes were people's most direct sensory organs.    


However, Bai Li lost his light forever. He knew that the effect of the medicine caused the damage to his cornea, so there was no need for treatment. He would spend the rest of his life in darkness.    


"Bai Li, don't worry. I will definitely find someone to cure your eyes. Even if I have to look everywhere in this world, I will find a way to cure your eyes."    


His life could not be destroyed just like that. Even though Bai Li said it calmly, he still easily knew that Bai Li was just stabilizing them.    


The person who needed comfort the most was Bai Li, but he insisted on trying to be strong to comfort them.    


This made the guilt in Easy Life even deeper.    


Even though Bai Li knew there was no hope of cure, he didn't want to make it easy to feel guilty, so he could only nod and silently leave.    


"Sure, did you find Zhixia?"    


At that time, Bai Li thought that there was still a slim chance of survival if he jumped into the sea, so he had to leave Wen Zhixia behind. In that situation, he didn't have the ability to protect Wen Zhixia at all.    


"She's fine now. Bai Li, do you know who took you guys away?"    


Bai Li didn't get any valuable information from Wen Zhixia, so he could only place his hopes on Bai Li.    


"I'm not sure, but they are familiar with us. They know our special watches can send location information, so when I caught up to Wen Zhixia, they told me to take off my watch immediately."    


Bai Li carefully recalled the scene, but he didn't have any useful information. Before he could see the other party's face, he was already confused. When he woke up, Bai Li was already blind.    


"I got it, you don't need to think about these things anymore. Take good care of yourself, I will get Leng Chen to arrange the best doctor for you."    


Easily, he didn't want to make things difficult for Bai Li anymore. Right now, the most important thing for Bai Li is to take care of his own health. He didn't want to give Bai Li any more pressure.    


If Bai Li was really blind because of this, then it would be easy for him to not be cold to himself for the rest of his life.    


Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he heard Bai Li's voice.    


"Yi, based on my intuition, they didn't want to hurt Wen Zhixia this time. If Wen Zhixia is unharmed, then it means they have some other purpose."    


Although Bai Li suspected all of this, it was still the truth. He didn't understand why they went through so much trouble to kidnap them. Although they were locked up, they didn't go and hurt Wen Zhixia.    


"I got it, I'll go investigate."    


Seeing that it was easy to leave, Rong Jian raised his hand to wipe away the tears on his face. She never knew that Bai Li was so strong that it made people's heart ache.    


"Bai Li, do you want some water?"    


However, only now did Rong Jian realize that she didn't care at all, which made her a little depressed. As Rong Jian grew up, she became more and more similar to her mother. Her high IQ inherited from her mother.    


Similarly, she inherited her mother's low EQ.    


"Jane, sit down. I'm fine. I'll tell you when I need to."    


How could Bai Li not notice the confusion in Rong Jian's tone?    


"That's what you said. Tell me what you want. I'll be here with you, not even leaving for a moment."    


After returning home, Rong Jian would worry about Bai Li, so he might as well stay here and stay by Bai Li's side. Rong Jian's heart could be considered a bit more at ease.    


"Jane, I'm really fine. You don't have to be so nervous. Such a small matter isn't enough to defeat me. You should go home early. It's enough for the doctors and nurses to be here."    


Although Bai Li would also be reluctant, he didn't want Rong Jian to stay by his side anymore because he no longer had the ability to protect Rong Jian. Thus, sending her back to Rong Family was the safest option for Rong Jian.    


"No, Brother Bai Li, you have to kick me out. Although it was you guys who took care of me before, I've also grown up. I'm no longer a child, I can take care of you now."    


Hearing Rong Jian's stubborn tone, Bai Li could only let her go.    


Not long after the easy departure, Leng Chen's best ophthalmologist gave Bai Li a detailed examination. He even made a special consultation, but the conclusion was the same as Bai Li's prediction.    


The corneal injury was irreversible, even if the cornea was replaced, it would still take a while. Bai Li's injuries had not fully healed yet, so it was not suitable for him to undergo surgery at the moment.    


From the moment Wen Zhixia was sent back to the Rong Manor, she hadn't spoken a single word. She only curled herself up in a corner, not paying any attention to anyone's approach.    


When he returned, he saw Wen Zhixia acting like this. He walked up to her and pulled her up from the ground. Wen Zhixia had suffered from aphasia before this.    


He was worried that Wen Zhixia's mind would collapse if she didn't let out her grievances.    


Even though he was easily angered, he still didn't forget Wen Zhixia's previous mental state.    


"Don't touch me!"    


Feeling that it was easy to do, Wen Zhixia waved her arms and struggled desperately. However, an intense pain came from her head, as if this scene had happened before.    




She raised her arms and hugged her head before squatting down on the ground.    


"Zhixia? What's the matter with you? "    


Now that Bai Li was recuperating in the hospital, he was not at ease in handing Wen Zhixia over to other psychiatrists. He could only try his most clumsy method to awaken Wen Zhixia's consciousness.    


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